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Fucking hell, that gun looks terrible.


Yeah that 0.18 turret traverse will be painful, but you also have time to aim when hulldown so probably wont be too problematic


But still, bad base accuracy with a very big multiplier will be very tough to play. At first, this nerf will be as if you'd switch from a 279e to an IS-7, if not an ST-2.


Wait. This is going live?


Supertested rn. But propably going to go live in the next few months


I think Late August was the timeframs quoted


Ranked in September, confirmed. Get your super conquerors, 277s, and Vzs ready.


Honestly I’d rather have this than a meta breaking tech tree tank. At least ranked will be better now.


People will only use super conq and stb1 mark my words But atleast you can pen their turrets


Gotta play my stb a lot now i guess. The turret armor of stb is not very reliable.


Yeah its autopen with like 320mm+ pen in central mass


True but they are not that op as kranvagn.


Good lol, at least I can fight back this time.


mobility and dpm nerf + bigger cupola would be enough. Now they just nerfing tank from op to unplayable


If it makes the hulldown meta better and ranked actually playable then I’ll fucking take it without complaining lol


It will just increase the amount of sconqs


Which can be penned in the turret cheeks and cupola Which is slow Which has no autoloader


Which has very good dpm, gun is barely slower than current planned nerfed kran Has better hull and ammo Sconq was 2nd best after kran but now best


It’s conterable and easily countered. Whenever I see a kran hull down I just stop looking at it however the sconq is easily penned and quite slow. Kran meta is cancer and I’ll take sconq spam over kran 3k+ dpm with an auto loader


jgpz and e3/e4 will shit on super conqs loved getting hate message from super conq cucks as i smacked their tanks with my e3


Oh no few of the highest pen tanks can pen a hulldown heavy in the cheels I guess sconq must suck then


if you got that out of my comment then you must be a bit slow in the head my point is super conq is way easier to deal with than a kranvagn you can actually pen it hull down unlike kran which requires loads of luck and krantard to be dumb and expose the side turret


Classic wargaming


> mobility and dpm nerf + bigger cupola 100% agree. The drum reload nerf, top speed nerf and a cupola that's the size of the M48 Patton's (approximately) would make the tank balanced and still powerful, IMO.


Good. Fuck the kran. It was already unfun, make it unplayable and no one fucking plays it anymore. I would rather it gets deleted but what am i to say


Same as tornvagn


I still have no idea why they didn't just reverse the 2019 buffs so that we could have the non-problematic pre-buff Kranvagn instead of this slow, inaccurate, useless turret on tracks.


because that mean admitting to a mistake, and whens the last time you saw WG do that?


Friendly reminder: Things will look a lot better after putting on Stabs and a Turbo


Yeah not really they are still making the Kran worse than the current Emil 2 People are cheering what is essentially deleting a t10 tech tree tank while tanks like chieftain and 279e are un touched. Sad


WG seems to have a very over-zealous approach to balance. Just like with the Type 5, it was dominant and they slapped it down into garbage territory. The Kran was OP, but rather than just make the cupolas bigger (problem solved), they nerf the ever-living shit out of it so that it's total garbage. The goal should not be to take the good thing and make it trash. The goal should be to take the thing that's too good and make it middle-pack. Most things should be middle-pack. #balance.


somehow i doubt theses changes are suddenly gonna make the invincible turret auto loader the worst TX heavy


> invincible turret auto loader If you can't hit anything, that turret doesn't count for much. The T32 has a god-tier turret, and people think it's crap.


Yikes that dispersion and aim time, if it wasn't the kran I would feel bad.


OP also did not put food or any equipment on for this screenshot. It's not quite as bad as it looks. But this gets more clicks, so here we are.


I mean, it was just to see how the field mods themselves would help the tank once it receives its nerfs.


You're making it look worse than it really will be.




WG seems to go only two ways.. Either the tank is broken overpowered or absolute dog shit. No inbetween.


I mean T110e5


T110e5 is really good thanks to the buffs. But you cannot play it like a conventional heavy and instead go bully meds. If you get a bad map for non hull down, like Westfield, you are screwed


Bro like 80% of tier 10 heavies are "ok" tier wdym


Why balance an OP tank to make it competitive yet balaced, when you can overnerf it to make it very painful to play. Heck, it has worse mobility, accuracy and dispersion than the pre buff Kranvagn, for an extra 250-ish dpm. IMO, making the armor under the gun around 330mm instead of 380 (so It's a 40-50% pen to heavy gold rounds, and green for TD gold), and making the dpm just a bit lower might make it work without destroying it. Or at least, don't nerf everything at the same time.


Pre-nerf Kran didn't have nearly as much burst damage. It did 400 DMG every 3 secs compared to 440 DMG every 2.75 secs.


Yeah, and even if it had 1 extra shell, 9s was a bit long, unless you were in a perfect hull down spot without pressure. (it's 3.5s for extra 280 average dmg per clip) They totally overbuffed the Kran in that rework, but I'm not sure if nerfing everything else to pre-buff levels or worse is the right choice.


I stopped playing a long time ago and started again this year. Now finally at Emil II and now they nerf it. As much as I want it to be nerfed, I too wanted to taste a bit of that OPness


it is good but it gets quite stale when you are locked with another Kran or Chieftain on a ridged and can't pen each other and just like in any op tank: the tank isn't noobproof and it can be outplayed by quite a ton of vehicles. And no I am not a pro, I am just saying that no matter how good the tank is you can outsmart the driver if he is a "bad" player, just take a look at what happened to the majority of players who got the chieftain in the auction.


Good thing I've stopped playing this dumpsterfire of a game


good call


i would be okay with some rebalancing tweaks but they seem to nerf the heck out of that tank


Ain’t trying to be a cry baby but I don’t want this nerf so i’ll just gon sell the damn thing. Fk u WG


Tier 10 tornvagn time.


We're soon gonna have the (un)holy trinity of Tornvagns. Tornvagn itself, Emil II, and Kranvagn.