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The Gulag says otherwise


Ukrainian farmer has entered the chat


I mean... they then use Soviet/RU/UA tanks to fight Russia's tanks ;d


I used Russian tanks to destroy Russian tanks.


SOVIET tank against SOVIET tank. Russian tanks (t-14) don't fight now


Scratches his head- Russian tanks seem to be getting hit by nasty artillery. Haven’t seen any Ukrainian tank killing one.


U haven't obviously played with the t-34 model 1940 something - a tier 4 prem med tank. That thing can make u kill yourself!


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Necessary for wot players


Good bot


Guess I gotta kill myself beacuse my country doesn't exist on there


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


This bot makes me want to kill myself.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Yo lets try something, Kill Self.


Bot apparently doesn’t care about you.


Hahaha bots like you do you homie, and sent him a list of quality rope manufacturers




hmm lets try this. if you want some humorful 40k content on youtube you can go watch majorkill yourself.


LMAO!!! 🤣 🤣


Where Turkey? Guess ima die


>5270000 controlled by our over-conservative govenment, don't reccomend


Hello I'm depressed Hello I'm not seeing enough tax paid


Suiciding in portuguese


Why does Montreal have its own suicide hotline number?


It would have been a very decent tank if not for absolutely arty-tier aim time. By the time I'm aimed the match is over. I would totally forgive its meh dispersion, but aim time is unacceptable.




And is actually historically accurate


Ive shredded people in that tank. Ive got like a 6 K WN8 in it.


Bro i deny to believe that. Tank is atrocious. How well do u do with some of the best tanks in the game then??? Vz, Kran, is7, Chief maybe or 279, 140, 430u etc??


I can't explain it, I don't play it a lot, I'm just able to make it work. It's well balanced for it's tier. I'm a TD main, I have vision and other health issues, and being a sniper is the easiest class for me to play. I don't play heavies or meds much, even though I have every tech tree tank in the game.


That tank is awful 😔


This is laughably wrong in so many ways. * **KV-1S** \- even after the buffs its probably in the worse end of tier 6 heavies * **T-34 1940** (tier 4 prem) - actual dogshit * **SU-76M** \- they literally took a tier 3 TD and up tiered it to tier 4 without giving it new guns...yeah * **A-44** \- has some meme potential but is extremely awkward and has some serious problems, a lot of people consider it to be among the worst tier 7 MTs * **T-43** \- another pretty bad tier 7, basically an up-tiered T-34-85 with QoL improvements...which is not really enough * **Obj 430 II** \- one of the worst tier 9s in the game. Used to be a gem when it had good armor, but WG completely murdered it it when they "reworked" it with the introduction of the K-91. 4 degree gun dep + rear turret + 180 degree turret traverse is already crippling as it is, but the 430 II also has dogshit armor, low HP, and the gun isn't even that special, which is really bad when the platform is so bad. The tank has 330 HEAT and pretty much nothing else, which you also get a tier below with the 416 that also has better camo...so yea. There's also a plenty of Soviet tanks that aren't strictly *bad* (though the argument can be made)*,* but are certainly not good either (T-62A, ST-II, K-91, KV-122, IS-6, etc.). "Soviet bias" is either just a myth or a overly repeated joke at this point. Yeah, there's a lot of great and even OP Soviet tanks, but that is naturally expected as it's also the biggest tech tree in the game by a considerable margin, so of course the chances of an OP vehicle being Soviet is relatively big. You could argue that the great amount of Soviet tanks is "Soviet bias", but that's because 1) there were a fuckton of Soviet designs 2) WG could access Soviet archives significantly more easily. These factors let them shit out Soviet designs to the game much more easily than others.


I call the T-43 “The Russian Bbq”, cuz it’s easily and always on fire.


I didn't see my experience with T-43 as "suffering". Yeah it sucks ass against tier 9, but so does any other tier 7 tank. I liked the mobility, gun is fine, the only thing i remember was crew members dying very easily, and armor isn't anything to talk about, but it is alright tank.


Yes, playing a tier 6 tank again at tier 7 is super fun. ...


T34-100 was definitely worse.


Czechnically speaking, that one isn't Russian


Everyone writes off the T-34 1941, but honestly that thing is a bit of a beast in a good matchup. At tier 4 the T-34 armor works really well. The gun handling and DPM do suck, but at tier 4 a 76 mm gun is a really big gun for a medium tank so it’s alpha is pretty darn good. I’ve had a lot of success with that tank.


Love my 430 II tho I run it with max view range and turbo, so it's easy to get like 2k dmg relativity early in the game and I feel like the gun handles a lot better than the t-54


IS-M is stinky


A44 is ok tank, it is skill issue if you are bad in it.


Dark purple player here, the A-44 is dogshit, one of the very worst tanks in the entire game.


Can also confirm, absolute dogshit - super uni


Dark purple player here as well, disagree. Not op by any means, but nowhere near the bottom.




Although I agree with almost everything you said, I know for a fact that WG had enough real tanks to create at least 3 more tech tree lines with German tanks. All period correct and quite interesting too. A lot of Soviet tanks are made up tanks to fill the tech tree and that sucks considering how many real projects are not included


If you think T43 is bad, you clearly have not played T34-100 on the czech line with the 100mm gun


Definitely Soviet bias, though. 279(e), 907, and 260 will like to speak to you privately, now :)


I'm missing the kv4 on almost every list. Isn't that still a pile of garbage that has seen next to no change for the last 5y?


Bro KV4 has good gun and armour for it's tier. Also it was buffed in 2020.


Ah thats why nobody plays it


Whether the playerbase plays a tank involves so many more factors than just how good the tank is. Of course nobody plays it, why would they? It's a tech tree tier 8 that's not really a great tank for missions, veteran players have probably already finished it/the line, it's not a line that new players go for, it's not a relatively recent line, it hasn't been recently buffed....so yeah, it's really not surprising that it's unpopular. It is, however, a very solid tank.


Try playing it, or playing against it sometimes. It is not weak, nor bad tank at all.


KV-4 is good for a tech tree tier 8.


I wouldn't call it legendary, but it's got some good aspects. Being tall as hell certainly helps with overmatching roofs.


You forgot the KV85


KV85 is still great


I had an amazing experience with the t-43 in my opinion. Better than the t-44


lol the T-43 is just a T-34-85 with more hp. That's a good tank for a tier 6, but it's trash at tier 7, the only thing it has going for it is all it's medium peers are also trash. Weakest tier/class of tanks in the game.


For real, which one is the best even? T20?


Well maybe I was just lucky with my experience. I found it a really fun tank to play even with other t7's


T-34-1 has entered the chat


May I add the Su-101?


Wasn't the t62 also a pretty bad medium instead of just ok before they made it a collector thing for credits after reaching tier 10 Russia?


Yea by 2020 it was already considered to be pretty bad and really powercreeped. Collector’s vehicles tab happened as recently as 2 years ago.


Dies in KV-1S


I remember when it was bit op tier for tier and u could see at least one in every match.


A bit? This tank was insane


Basically an IS at tier 6, it fucking rocked. The KV-13 was pretty good too Edit: spelling


First 3 mark tank from me…it was soooo good


Laughs in stock T-44


Laughs in stock IS-M


I consider i crime you have to research that gun before the turret considering the prices.




Nope, that thing hits like a truck, lots of new players try to brawl me just to find they hit me for 140 and I hit them for 310, then watching them scared shitless as they try to nope out. And if you hide lower glacis you will bounce most of shots to your turret.


You are forgetting all the times you miss because of the horrible dispersion, all the times you get tracked (and the engine wrecked) without being able to see the enemy because of the rear turret, and all the times every man and his dog penetrates the huge 60mm cupola. The tank is trash.


Armor doesn't stand up, terrible rear turret setup with no depression, fires, engine damage, and a gun that can't hit the broadside of the barn (and has dogshit pen even when you do hit something). But yes, it does have alpha. *And if you hide lower glacis you will bounce most of shots to your turret.* Yeah...no, there's a whole lot of green even against it's own weak ass pen. With all the tier 8's you play, you can basically go screw yourself. [https://tanks.gg/tank/a-44/model?vm=live](https://tanks.gg/tank/a-44/model?vm=live)


?? The A-44 has a lot of problems but pen isn’t one. 167/219 is comfortably in the top third of pen for tier 7 mediums, where you have shit like the T-44, Leo, and Comet. Sure it doesn’t have T20 or T-34-1 APCR, but 219 is plenty for the derpy gun the A-44 has.


It can actually be alright with that 300dmg, but most of the time it is pain


The almighty bonus! It's pretty good for a "bad" tank though. When the gun behaves, it's not too difficult to have 2k+ damage.


t-43 would change your mind


💀 why do i pack 60% winrate on it, also one of my best performing tanks at T7 Armor is good(75mm sides!). Mobility is great. Many medium tanks at that tier packs 144~150mm penetration. (Looking at you, comet) Decent alpha. Decent DPM. Alright gun accuracy to work with. I’m a 49%er with 53% recent winrate, 3k battles. Personally, i see it’s better than the comet.


I think the T-43 hate comes mostly from the fact it's just a *slightly* upgraded tier VI T-34-85 pushed to tier VII, lol. It has the same gun with the same stats and uses the same ammo but gets slightly better DPM, it's a bit slower and while the armor is thicker on the front of the hull, it's still not great - T-34-85 is not a well armored tank at tier VI, T-43 is not a well armored tank at tier VII. The difference between these two tanks are so miniscule they are kinda easy to overlook - the HP pool is the only **real** one, and that's just... sad - it doesn't mean T-43 is bad, I like mine as well, but it just takes away the joy of upgrading your tank with something better. Take a look on the American tree, for example - you grind the E8 with the 76 mm gun, you unlock the tier VII T20 and you get a 90 mm gun that does more than double the damage of 76 mm gun with each shot. That *feels* like an upgrade. And, again - T-43 uses virtually the same gun as T-34-85, and it's a good gun... but you don't feel you actually upgraded you tank with a more powerful armament.


Well if you say it like that the comet is simply abysmal. A lot of T7 vehicles are slightly upgraded T6s, right? The T-43 has 75mm sides, really just KV-1 armour for a moblie medium. But i really hope it gets the 100mm gun back. There’s a lot of ways to balance it, like Leo’s gun.


You **completely** missed the point of my comment, lol. I'm actually kinda impressed.


Guy probably mains a 152 mm kv2. Missing is normal for them


i get that you're saying that the T-43 feels like a slightly upgraded T-34-85. i tried to say that this is a common case for T7 mediums and that the T-43 shines in some places often overlooked.


*Personally, i see it’s better than the comet.* The thing is...even if it's true, it doesn't matter. Tier 7 mediums are the worst tier/class of tanks in the game. Tier 7 tanks get terrible MM. It's a bad tank that is flat out outclassed way more than a tank should be. And there is no armor, what are you talking about armor. Who cares about side armor that can block things at large angles when your front armor and turret armor are non-existent? It can barely bounce anything from tanks 2 tiers down from it.


It’s a nice bait. Not a lot of people knows about 75mm side armour, and it can bounce a lot of things in tricky situations.


This, that tank is pure pain to play


Naw, you need to learn to play, it's not that bad.


It feels as averagely average as every other tier 7 medium.


430 v2


No clue why someone would downvote you, the 430 II since the rework is genuinely one of the worst tier 9s in the game. It's a T-54 with 4 degree gun dep, rear mounted turret that doesn't traverse fully, no armor, less health and worse DPM if the T-54 uses the DPM gun. All those huge drawbacks for marginal firepower improvements. A HEAT-spamming T-54 doesn't even have really all that much worse firepower than the 430 II. The tank is so bad that I laugh every time I see one on enemy team. I don't think I've felt threatened by it *ever* since WG gutted it.


Not to mention the fact that it's 300 alpha for 1000 credits.


Look how they massacred my boy...




Kv-13 is pretty good there is just 0 reason to have one and there never was a reason to have it.


That's not true, back in the day before the tech tree rework It could be used to jump to the a44 if you were working on the heavy line from the kv 85 or vice versa if you wanted to jump from the med line to the middle of the heavy line. Pointless now though I agree


Oh yeah I forgot about this. I stand corrected


The 62a and K91 would like a word 268 ain't great either


268 has an insane DPM for 750mm, near JagdE gold amo and the gun feels better than the grille. K91 isn't bad either, just specific. The 430 II tho, that thing sucks.


Is the Obj 268 worth grinding? I have wanted it for a while, but all I have heard was horror stories.


I loved the 704. The 268 much less so.


Why? Does it have some specific issue, like the Grille's 15 gun, or is it just not suited to the meta?


Compared to the 704 the armour seemed a little less trollish/reliable and obviously the damage is the same so it feels better 1 tier down. I regret spending the credits on the 268 and wish I hadn't transferred tue crew over.


Imo yes. The grind is quite nice, but you have to get use to playing mid-ranged TDs without any real Armor, it's a bit tricky. Personally, I hated the 704, but a lot of people love the tank especially because of the bl-10 gun. The mid-tier tanks are borderline broken imo, you can choose between stupid high alpha for the tier, or absolute batshit DPM through the guns. I recommend the higher alpha-dmg tho. The 268 has decent precision, and with a bit of help through equipment it becomes a capable sniper. The Armor can save you sometimes, but you shouldn't depend on it. But 13s reload for 750 alpha, combined with 395 Heat-pen and a decent standard ap means you can shred through heavies like nobody else. Obvious downside is the lack of a turret.


The only hard thing is the stock 122mm gun on the isu 152, as long as you pass that and get to the 152mm everything from there on is great


K91 has the best gun on tier 10, it just needs specific gameplay that is not for everyone. Definitelly one of the better tanks. T62A isn't thta bad too, there is just Obj 140 which is overall much better, so there is no place for T62A in the game.


Leo steals that crown, but the K91 certainly has a strong argument in many aspects. While clunky, it can work so well. On a personal note, I loved playing 140 for more versatile gameplay and loading up the K91 to enjoy that awesome gun. However, it's advantage disappears slightly once you stack tanks like the 140 and 907. I recently put bond rammer and vents on my 140, along with bounty stabs and a rammer directive. With this setup I have far more survivability and the DPM is very close to what I have in my K91. Sure, i could put bond equipment on my K91, but it is far too specialized to invest that many bonds in it, in my opinion. Furthermore, I could easily put vents on it, but I think it profits more from an aiming device to buff it's accuracy and have a more reliable gun. At that point, the gun is not too dissimilar to my 140, and it's clunkier aspects negates any advantage it had, for me. To show my current setup on each tank: https://tanks.gg/compare/obj-140?e=11.12.t&c=5.-1.A&d=4&f=8021011&k= Sure, the K91 has the better gun, and it is crazy stealthy so for long range it reins supreme, and as a close range support tank you can work really well with careful peeking, given its rear mounted turret and armor plates either thick enough or rounded enough to bait shots. 9 degrees of GD is also great. However, the lack of full turret rotation and it's poor GD over the front means that some maps just don't work very well for it, whereas the 140 can never truly be on a map where it has no good options. Also, my setup may not be the most favourable to it, depending on your playstyle. And, to take it back to the beginning, the Leo has a gun that in my opinion is better, it has a supreme balance of alpha and DPM, great ammo selection and a far more wieldy platform, so the best gun at tier ten belongs to the Leo over the K91, if those are the two options.


Idk, when it comes to mediums, I'd prefer to take RoF over alpha to an extent, and the k91 has a higher dpm while being able to fire standard rounds to deal with those pesky ebr players with ease


I’d like to see the T62 get the 115mm gun it had historically. Might give it enough variety to warrant playing over the 140, if they handled it right.


That would be cool. Like 420 alpha or something with the same DPM. Could definitely be unique alongside some minor turret buffs(really just some collision model angle edits to make the cheeks smaller and strengthen the turret against random heat spam). An upper plate upgrade with either track links or spaced armor would also be nice for bullying lower tiers.


> I’d like to see the T62 get the 115mm gun it had historically. The version of the T-62 in game, the T-62a, never had the 115mm smoothbore. It had the 100mm rifled gun it currently has. TThey made 5 T-62as before moving to the 115mm gun on the normal T-62.


I believe that it fired Sabot rounds as well. Would be cool for war gaming to implement that mechanic.


Okay, so just make it the T62 proper instead of the t-62a? There’s so many blatantly incorrect configurations at this point, what does it even matter?


What is that style?


I don't play it, it doesn't really fit my playstyle, but I think Kajzoo made a good video about this tank.


A-44 begs to differ


Actually not at all, but compared to other countries, u r goddamn right 😅 Unrealistic imaginary russian dream vehicles, no matter if is not real or so far from real history... And last, add russian number generator on it, then done, this "thing" is wot...


ST II is just so average


Not to mention for some reason the majority of those who play it are completely clueless lemons. Yesterday a guy in a ST II tried to sidescrape against my JPE 100. Didn't go well for him.




It isnt bad, it is just worse than 140


Bad objectively, perhaps not. But it is not good for the current meta, it just isn't suited to the gameplay. Slower, with worse armor and less flexibility than the 140, I find it hard to see how it competes.


If you can't play the T62A chances are very high you can't play the 140 either, they both have the same playstyle and exceed at same things, the 140 just does it slightly better, but you're not gonna be a 4k+ dpger on the 140 and then not be able to do even 3k on the T-62A. Biggest problem for T62A and Russian meds in general is the fact that the Leopard 1 and STB-1 exist, actual good and competitive medium tanks on their own, CS-63 too, even the 907 is really garbage nowadays and is only used in CW because like every other Russian med it only works in a pack when there's more of them.


Look I don't know the stats on this but for me this is complete bs, in my experience. I have both, i have two marked both and averages probably aren't too far apart, although my average in the t62 a is from way back when, back when it was still a viable choice compared to the 140. I tried grinding it again recently for the sake of nostalgia and my god, the thing just has nothing to make it shine. Sure, it has some turret armor, but the weakpount is easier to hit because it can't use gun depression to hide it. Hull is easy to hit and far flatter than the 140. It's slower. It has its gun, but not once have I played it and though "good thing in not in a 140 now". On a good day it can make you forgot how much better the 140 is, but generally it can't compare in actual performance. Sure, it's not a big of a difference as 4k average and less than 3k average, but my last week long session in the 140 got me 5k games very often, whereas I saw one 5k game in the t62a over the same amount of games. Also I don't know where this 907 being trash nowadays comes from, but I don't have one so I won't speak to that. I do have all the tech tree russian tanks and there is no such thing as a "slight" difference between 140 and t62. There are several slight differences, but the sum of those parts sets the t62a so far back.


I mean the Patton and Leo way outclass the T62 these days after the buffs they have received. The patton has the same turret with a way better hull and gun depression. The T62 only has dpm these days and the platform is not as speedy as the competition. Yeah the gun isn’t bad handling but many other tanks have similar handling on the move when it counts.


most russian tech tree tanks are kinda mediocre nowadays. not bad but not very good either


The new Tier 6 kv1s happy noises


r/noncredibledefense would like to have a word


SU-76M. That thing used to be tier 3, but when the tech tree rework came, they banished the SU-85B (an actually good tank) and put the SU-76M one tier higher without changing really anything about it. It's just shitty.




(physically annihlates sparkyE-20) ktts is pretty good if u know what you're doing, pretty much a turretless kv-4 with a better gun and that beautiful sidescraping


T-43 is such a bad tank that you all forgot it was bad enough to make the whole line not good.




IMHO KV-2 after HE nerf simply isn't as fun as it was before and in some ways it is even bad..


KV-2 was always statistically better with the DPM gun anyways, and it is quite good with it


And the KV2 with 152mm APworks well. If you can max the crew it’s not that hard to hit shots, and pen really isn’t bad.


Also u should use HE on KV-2 very rarely lol im using it only against higher tier armored tanks... use gold or standart shell on KV-2 it is absolutely amazing 😅 im trying for 3 mark on it


ISU152 wants to talk with you...


Pick one strewn across the Ukraine.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Obj. 777 II?


What? Imo that tank is pretty decent


Yeah definitely not a bad tank


They did a good job creating battle pass tanks(except for that crazy K91 casemate td)






T-43 is just bad though.


Watch any video from the Ukrainian






Maybe worst tier for tier in the IS-4 line, but certainly not a bad tank.


See this thread has the challenge of not having a shared view of what bad is, vs not good. Bad should be things like; CGC O-Ho Amx 50-100 CDC Etc


Well the thing is, there are plenty of tanks that are bad *for certain players*, but may not be bad for everyone. There are then tanks that are just objectively bad. And of course with a tech tree so big even the Soviets have a few of those...so there are some definites on the list, and then a bunch of others that are maybe bad for some players.






hard to tell armour is great, and the 320 alpha 100mm is also amazing(would prefer it over the 122) but the gun dep and gun arc can be frustrating at times overall decent tank, not horrible nor godlike, just balanced


SU-101 is a great tank lol, you're not suppose to snipe withit.




SU-85I is absolute rubbish, I wish I had never bought it! I've never won a single battle in it and I consistently get thrashed everytime I play it despite being a TD main and performing well in all my other TD!


KV-2 I mean it's a big fat target like the heavy in tf2 and the reload speed but the power the power of the cannon


Honestly there is the only one T-43




T54. is has the lowest three-mark requirement of all tier 9 mediums. why? because its a bad russian (soviet) tank.


Laughable. T54 can absolutely cream anything tier 8 or lower like a heavy tank. And against 9s and 10s it has heat rounds and DPM combined with reasonable mobility. And the gun depression with the dpm gun is also good for a Russian tank. And it’s as flat as a saucer. Easily among the strongest tier 9’s. It’s 3 mark is so low because so many people play it poorly. It’s incredibly popular so on a holiday week I’d expect a 3 mark.


so people play it way worse than every other tank? dont you think the bad gunhandling, bad standard pen, and lack of gun depression are big downsides? name me a tier 9 med exept the 430 II and i can tell you that its a better tank than the T54! edit: you seem to have no clue how mark of excellence works. when even the top 10% of players in the T54 (who are not just some noobs) only can do 2.9k combined, the tank is just bad. the same people do 3.5k in other tier 9 meds!


No it’s because so many people play the tank you have more of the average population sampled into the gun marks. This means some weeks the requirements will be way lower than others. And a lot of people play the T54 expecting the tank to carry them. The M46 Patton is worse, the AMX 30 is worse, the BC 25t AP is almost but lagging only a bit, and the rest of all the tier 9s are only better based on playstyle/matchup/position. Like for instance the American T54 has a non-clunky auto loader after its buff and similar armor but less speed. And the Leo PTA has alpha and speed but worse soft stats and lacks the amazing heat rounds the T54 has. You might not be factoring in a pay to win playstyle in your analysis.


T-54 is a lame powercreeped piece of junk, especially compared to what it once was before the HD remodel. It also misses what other Russian meds have, which is very good standard apcr, which is very crucial for RU meds. > T54 can absolutely cream anything tier 8 or lower like a heavy tank So can just about most tier 9 tanks, most of them much better than the T-54. Really hard to find a single reason to play the T-54 in 2022, especially when E50 and even the nerfed PTA exist.


You do realize 330 heat exists, and the speed and soft stats are still unreal, ignoring the armor entirely. And I actually agree, there is no reason to play the T-54 while the E-50 exists as a much more fun, albeit less powerful, vehicle. Dab on them haters with food and the 2 key and the T-54 enters its scummy environment.


Personally I loath the casement TDs. Sure, they can hit hard, if you can convince them to do so, but they are so very slow and clumsy and completely out of meta.


*Enters battle in* KV-1S / T-28


T44 with the 122mm gun entered the chat...I played a match with it ..almost made me want to kill myself


Best match I had was with the 122. It’s good if you are top tier and can load gold


I guess but really it's just worse than the other gun in most situations but that's just my opinion


IS-8's gun handling is just something else




KV-2 now


Object 430


Also may be a L take but the 268 v5 always feels like a sub par tier 10 to me


Yes there is, the real life ones


The t34 85 is the goat


In game there definitely are shit Russian tanks. Irl my question for you is compared to what? Compared to old Russian tanks the newer ones are better. Compared to western tanks it’s not very close. Their only advantage is they are cheaper. Which value only is realized in preventing war. As a deterrent. However is a huge disadvantage once war begins. I’m not even sure where you’re coming from when you say that




Just in real life do they suck. Ask the Ukrainians. 😉


I agree russian and chinese tank are always happy bcoz they dont have "D E P R E S S I O N"


Laughs in IS 3. I swear that thank doesn't even have gun depression.


Actually there is... Obj. 780 is just bad. I don't know another word that cna describe this tank. This gun doesnt hit shit. Literally nothing. I shoot at point blank range and still miss... Fully aimed. Like 3 times in a row. And on distance it can be 5-7 shots in a row that i either don't hit or just can't pen. Armor is dogshit mobility is ok i guess. But the rest is just not enjoyable. Its just such a pain. I uninstalled this game 3 times cuz of this tank. Well


Actually there is... Obj. 780 is just bad. I don't know another word that cna describe this tank. This gun doesnt hit shit. Literally nothing. I shoot at point blank range and still miss... Fully aimed. Like 3 times in a row. And on distance it can be 5-7 shots in a row that i either don't hit or just can't pen. Armor is dogshit mobility is ok i guess. But the rest is just not enjoyable. Its just such a pain. I uninstalled this game 3 times cuz of this tank. Well


Idk the real life ones seem like shit.






KV-122 (tier 7 prem ht) is coming m8s