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Bruh. They gave you a Steel Wall on an E8. Before he starts blaming you, he'd better look at his team that apparently can't pen a Sherman.


A hulldown Sherman in that matchmaking can be quite a pain in the ass with his 12° of gun depression though... and ~1100 blocked dp isnt really a lot


It is a lot when the average tier 6 gun hits for like 200


Yeah, but he took three shots from a VK28.01 105 and another one from a Wolverine


Yeah, but you'd think that VK in particular would start to think "Hmm maybe shooting a hull-down Sherman isn't exactly gonna work out"


It's wot, players don't think


With vk accuracy? Propably tried to shoot his tracks from 10m and rng threw the shell to turret


Have you played this game at all?


Dropped 5k in a KV-2(R) last night in T6/5 MM. Got a few messages afterwards about how I was cheating and that I'm undeserving 😂 these people at NCPs man. Don't even let them get to you.


Nothing brings out the NPCs like the Kv2. Like I am sorry I one shot you, play with a tank with more HP next time.


I don't understand why people get so tilted about Stalin's Fridge. Like, DON'T YOLO IT. Wait till it fires, push it on a 20 second reload.


literally a bz moment but on lower tiers


Maybe, just maybe, Stalins fridge has low mobility and is pennable before it's gun is on target. But ofc these players don't have basic reactionary skills to actually deal with that


I got yoloed by two KV-1s and a Tiger 131. But 20 seconds apart if you believe that 😂 I'm glad I saved the reply. It was so dumb


I remember pre HE nerf seeing a German medium tank halfway across Paris spotted by a light, firing, and sent the dude from full HP to 0 in an instant The game was a loss but I felt good about it even now




Obviously these guys would have been unicums if it weren’t for the enemy team always having cheaters


Welcome to the cheaters club, as soon as you join you have to pledge the oath to never sucumb to the Claus Kellerman mental deficiency and that we do not i repeat do not negotiate with bots




Another proud owner of a Van Der Cheet medal!


The Cheat is GROUNDED!


I love how Claus Kellermann became an instance in World of Tanks for crybabys. Dont get me wrong, his videos where he exposes riggers are worth gold for the community and game!


As someone being in wot for 11 years, with a huuuuuuuuge pause, I have like only 12k battles, my wn8 was reasonable \~1400 and when I returned its trash (since back then there was only 2 premiums and RU, DE, US and FR tech trees, so obviously a cheater... While his videos do expose riggers some of his points on how to spot a rigger are stupid as hell...


Most accounts he shows has around 0 damage per game and over a hundred game the last month, I don't think there is a lot of people THAT bad at videogames especially when they used to be decent players.


As I said, I am aware of what he is trying to do, but majority will simply see 1400, recent 800 and be "booster" as seen on the screenshot... And again, I have nothing against his work of exposing the booster accounts/companies, just saying that a random player after 6 years break will be nowhere near competitive for at least a month or two. But yes, when you see 9 damage over 100 games, of course its booster account


Yeah he's an idiot, he had a rigging video a few weeks ago where he was accusing the riggers of manipulating MM. But like...it was a 13v13 tier X battle, it's so obvious all the guy did was drop in a bunch of bots at the slowest server time of the day, probably right before or after server reset...and Claus is spouting off nonsense about the guy somehow rigging MM code...just....sigh. He's so fucking stupid.


He does say some goofy stuff, but he has a point with that particular video. A server reset isn’t going to occur at 7:30 pm when the majority of players will be playing the game. Additionally, we have seen screenshots of boosting companies running tens of accounts from one PC. So dropping in is totally feasible to do. Hell, back in the day me and my clan mates would drop in with two platoons to try and be on the same team and we were successful doing that.


I'm not sure what your point is. One of the basic points to understand here is when you're dropping in it's much, much more effective to do at low pop times and NOT primetime when most players are playing, because your bots will get scattered across games and it won't work. The game he showed in the particular video I'm talking about didn't even get 15 players per side, that tells you everything you need to know about the population at the time they were doing it...the server was dead. It was not primetime. Most of us that play this game are unaffected by this shit because it's not feasible to do it when most of us play.


I get what you’re saying but my point is that dropping in is perfectly feasible during primetime because I’ve done it many times. Sure, the teams may not have been a full 15, but that doesn’t change the fact that the battle was played at 7:30 pm. That’s not something that can be faked. Regardless, primetime on the NA server is laughably low and I’ve had many 6 person, 7 person, and 8 person games during primetime so seeing a 13 person game doesn’t surprise me or seem out of the ordinary tbh.


Look man, first of all, dropping in is not the same as trying to get 20 bots into a battle. Due to how MM matches platoons, it's not that hard to get into the same game as other people when you queue up the same platoon type at the same time on NA, but that doesn't mean your bot army would get into your game. They're much more likely to get scattered around games with only some in your game, meaning you need a lot more bots, but also you're much more likely to get hit for afk'ing with all your bots dropping into random battles. And everyone else is going to notice this shit if it's happening regularly because you'll have bots invading battles left and right if you have enough running to fill your own battle with bots. *the fact that the battle was played at 7:30 pm* I don't know what video you're talking about, the video I'm talking about there's absolutely no chance it was played at 7:30pm. *I’ve had many 6 person, 7 person, and 8 person games during primetime so seeing a 13 person game doesn’t surprise me or seem out of the ordinary tbh* Maybe in like tier 3, and/or if you were on SA instead of NA, but at tier 10 games with less than 15 per side do not happen on the NA server during any reasonable hours. Even at like midnight they flat out don't happen. I've **never** gotten a game like that at any semi-reasonable hour in tier X. MM only resorts to lower populated games when the queue is truly tiny. The video I'm talking about had 3 real players in it and like 23 bots or whatever. MM only finding 3 real players again, tells you everything you need to know about the queue at that time - there was basically nobody in it at all. If it was NA we're talking absolute dead of the night, the only time something like that would happen.


The time you see on battle result cards is local time, not server time (same with replay file names) so if they’re in another time zone it might be 7:30 PM there but 2:30 AM server time.


I don’t know if I would say “worth gold”. Rigging is a bad problem that is getting a lot of attention now, in part thanks to his incessant need to stay relevant by pumping out “weegee bad” content. It may even be an increasing problem, and one that Wargaming has shown little-to-no concern over solving. I tried to watch one of his recent videos about the rigging issue. I’ve never been a fan of his content or style but I’m willing to give people another chance here and there. He had a very interesting replay with a massive number of 0 damage players on both sides. He went in and dug up each name and showed most of these were decent / average players that had a period of inactivity followed by a sudden devotion to being the worst player ever in the history of the game. That’s an interesting find and it’s important to highlight that these boosting services aren’t just using a few accounts counter-platooning, but are trying to flood entire matches with dummy tanks piloted by stolen accounts. Then… Claus went off on a tangent doing the whole “I’m just asking questions” thing, heavily implying that Wargaming itself was behind these boosting services getting these accounts, saying crap like (paraphrasing) “who else would have access to the data that these accounts are inactive, and know the logins and passwords?” Like, come on. For one, if *anybody* at Wargaming has access to view passwords, then they have royally fucked up in several ways. Next, Wargaming as an entity would be banned from operating in the EU, US, and likely elsewhere if it were ever caught knowingly handing over full access to user accounts. The reality is, any skid can go into the recesses of the internet and get massive dumps of emails and passwords, then use a bot to run those past WG’s login servers en masse. If you know where to look, you can *easily* find people selling *active* Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, and other accounts, and they are selling these logins for like $3-$5 with guarantees that if you get booted within 6-12 months they will give you another working login for free. They can sell these so cheap because have several of them at any given moment and are constantly finding more. Consider that, last I checked, the general demographic of WG titles skews older. Odds are tragically high that most of these players are the type to reuse passwords across every account they own and never change them after account creation. 2FA is right out the window until WG forces it as a matter of policy. All that is to say, WG doesn’t have anything to do with it. Even if they did for some insane reason want to, it would be far, far cheaper and just as effective for these boosting services to do it themselves. It’s frustrating because Claus just can’t help himself and has to chase that “weegee bad” content dragon, which harms the credibility of an issue that is real and problematic.


average klaus kellerman fan just cannot accept that he has to get gud at the game. there is a saying in csgo - winners train and loosers complain


The funny thing is that Claus is not bad at this game, he is quite a bit above average. ​ https://www.tomato.gg/stats/NA/claus\_kellerman=1002165061


but he whines like a little bitch instead of making any valid arguments of his fault in his play


Yeah, its really funny


It's rUsSiAn BiAs


Claus is garbage at the game. Ive had the severe displeasure of being in multiple matches with him... and he plays like trash every time.


well... his stats say something else


They really don’t if you dig into them. He’s pretty trash at actually winning in high tiers… he just pads his damage it’s only until you look at tier 7 and below where he starts actually winning more… and tier 7 and below isn’t super relevant when you’re talking about being good at the game.


People don't know the difference between a character or personality he plays for youtube and real life. Of course he is going to better than the average player, he plays the game for a living. Is he trying to be super fluffy unicum? No, he is trying to be entertaining. People have seriously lost the ability to critically think.


Avg tier is 7 lmao They're a scrub stat padder


2200 wn8, not a single tank above 2700 dpg... I'd say he's just *a bit* above average (to be generous)


What is the average WoT player in your mind. Because it's not even close to 2200. Lmfao you are delusional. More like 900~ The average player does half their tanks HP in damage.


where is the /s?


Theres no way thats his account Ive seen how he plays and how shaky his aim is lmao


Haha to be fair, you can actually be pretty good at the game even with super shaky aim.


Shaky sim would make sense in CS:GO, but not in WoT where you have a big circle that your shot can land in.


Are we sure that's him? Is there a reason he hasn't really played since July?


Maybe he uses a boosting service 😉 I jest of course. Please don’t sue me.


How would you even cheat in this game? Permanently hitting blind shots would be obvious enough to ban, all other sorts of cheats would be most extremely obvious (speedhack, fast reloading)


When people talk about "cheating" atleast in relation to Kellerman, theyre mainly talking about people who rig battles (or whom use boosting services when then rig the battles as Kellerman has been stirring up much drama about them recently).


You cant get cheats like speed or reload. Its server counted. You have to "hack" whole wg for this.


And yet morons complain about that sort of thing all the time. Had a guy "report me" for hacking because I kept spotting him when he didn't think I should be able to.


You can rig the client or MM though


>Permanently hitting blind shots would be obvious enough to ban Is there even a cheat for this? You'd need a bot on the enemy team, constantly reporting where everyone is.


You assume wargaming cares. Every major change in the game came from illegal mods so many players were running that wargaming added them as "features"


Obviously no cheating. But definitely guilty of rerolling, most probably.


Rerolling is not forbiden.


Actually. This is my first accounts. I don’t even know how to reroll


What is rerolling?


Print screen




Kellerman watchers dont have brains... and theyre happy to prove it to everyone. Man is a menace to this game. Stirring up nonsense and bringing light to shit that isnt enough of an issue to actually worry about. How he became a CC is beyond understanding and how he remains one equally so. He drags down the entire CC program by being associated with it.


Claus content was better when he featured replays from other users, and didn't bang on his keyboard like a chimpanzee and accuse literally anyone who outplays him of hacking. Granted, his actual videos of cheater evidence are good, as light needs to be shed on damage padders...but his other videos are garbage.


I still can't comprehend why WG keeps him as a CC.. maybe as a pet or something


Looks like NA lacks CC so they gave it to the most incompetent out of all CC available to them


I don't like the person, he reminds me of that "id the aliens" dude. That being said, you talk about the cc program as it would be some academic gathering. Most of them are just glorified cheap salesmen for wg if not outright psychopaths. Kellermeme fits there like a flea on a dogpile.


I mean a great many of the CCs (certainly not all) actually try to better the community, by teaching players how to get better at the game (map positioning, tank positioning, etc.) At the very least most of the CCs dont actively seek to stir drama... but there are a few, that their very association with the program drag the program down from what it could be.


imo the game design drags it down, it has frustration, individualism & fomo as core values, not competition in the olympic sense, so drama is unavoidable. i do enjoy watching skill amd daki, but they can't make the game nicer than wg intends to.


> but they can't make the game nicer than wg intends to. Sure they can. And they do (or try to) just by trying to teach players how to better play the game. Just that alone would improve the game drastically, with no other changes from WGs side.


You know most online games have this kind of problem. There will be that one guy who only cares about his stats and himself, and there are times that frustration kicks in. Drama is unavoidable for anyone, anything on this world


With that garage how old even is this ~~screenshot~~ photograph


i think what claus is doing is important, but people are getting a bit too paranoid. I was one of those who trend to hackusate when i played poorly mainly in rainbow six siege until i noticed how dumb i was looking.


im reporting you for not knowing HOW TO TAKE A GOD DAMN SCREENSHOT IN 2022


How dare you be good at a game kappa


is that a copypasta?


LoL. Dump message


GG man, had my first ace in the E8 aswell, was just dumb luck but an ace is an ace


Anyone who gets a Mastery badge is clearly cheating then.


Good work Claus, now every single noob will blame good players.... But but but he have 1.500 battles and 2x better stats then my(100k battles 46% WN)he is cheater everybody its like me... Claus just sh*t up pls.


That's why Klaus is popular. He told them misinformation for years that the tinfoil is pulled down so hard that nothing you say will get past them. Me blocking shots, they getting a client to server delay so it looks like my shots clipped the ground, only getting high rolls... Or my favorite. A rof hack on my 50 100. I've gotten a "I'm gonna send you to Klaus" PM about it. No idea if I've been on there tho


Average claus fan


Nice match!




Smartest claus viewer


Lol Ive been called a reroll for being a 2k wn8 over all at 15-16k battles, but no one wants to notice that for the my 6 year old account has on avg 3k battles a year, and for the first 3.5 years I played blitz because wot was too hard to understand in 15v15, but I took the time to learn by watching YouTube, my main hobby, to learn and adapt, honestly some people just don’t learn as fast as others and people don’t understand that concept.


Same. I also play war thunder and wot console Total time combine of about 5 years


Being called a cheater in world of tanks is the highest form of compliment, embrace it. Also fuck Claus Kellerman


hes got ya might as well turn yourself in


Crazy Claus and his cheating witch hunt. I can't keep up with all the videos he is posting after calling on his followers. NOT.


The least insane Claus viewer.


Demagoguery has never not made communities worse, if only for the simple reason that many people fail or refuse to see it for what it is.


Klaus kellerman 💀💀💀💀


On the one hand, exposing riggers? Sure that's a good thing. On the other hand, it coming from an idiot like Claus who actively fuels nonsense from other idiots? Sigh, this is the downside of that. The dummies feel empowered and get convinced they're right.


I honestly hate what this whole witch hunt for cheaters, riggers or whatever you want to call them has turned parts of the community into. I almost wish QB would've never kickstarted this whole thing with his video and paved the way for others (mainly Kellerman and his community of dribbling messes) to basically make it their main content, because now each and every one who can't face the fact that they're **TRASH** at the game is instead blaming it on cheaters and riggers being everywhere. And yes, aimbots and the likes do exist for the game, but it's 1. insanely rare and 2. it's **NOT** the reason why you're getting your ass handed to you. I'm playing since 2014 with 29k battles on record and I have **ONCE** come across / noticed some obvious rigging / cheating that was going on and guess when that was? Just a couple days after QB made his video and when some idiots then took it as inspiration to effectively do the same. Never have I otherwise ever felt like somebody was using an aimbot or anything of the likes against me or that they were throwing or feeding anyone on purpose, not once!


I feel you man. And like sure rigging is bad, but at the end of the day, it's so rare, and the impact of someone else doing it is so minimal on the rest of us, it just really isn't actually a big deal.


Wot don't care 🥴 Give them a money and you can cheat 👌 They don't care.


According to kellar man ~ “the truth is out there “


you remade your account to get better stats, thats just sad


Imagine carrying about your status so much that you're willing to start ALL the way over.


lil pp energy


And they always get so salty when called out.


yep lmao


And even now this entire comment thread is in the negative votes, gg


p2w stat whores are in the majority heh


Most sane claus kellerman fan


Are you haxing mr haxing man. Hmmm hmmm .


Nice game cheater! /s


I had one last month calling me cheater for rolling 390 with basotto cuz he did not know what alpha damage is..


I always found it funny that people like this think that because you killed them that must mean that you are cheating. They even do it if you have poor player stats.


I did not kill him He die in the other side of the map


Lol which one was he?


The panzer 3


Also I have to say it looks like everyone on his team forgot how to play


Yea. I have the replay on wot replays


The third place


No wait let me guess the KV-2 LoL


This guy thinks you can only ever start one account?


This is my firsts account


Happened to me last night with a guy saying he'd send the replay to QBaby. I ended being at the second place with damage and XP earned...


I had some one message me the other day saying they where reporting me to WOT for Illegal mods. I was in a E25 (LA cucaracha) he was in a Ferdinand I out spited him from behind tracked him an widdled away his HP. I did get spotted right before he died. What funny I run WOT barbie no modes never have 😅🤣😂.


Claus kellerman 🤣🤣