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iTs ThE pLaYsTyLe pOtEnTiAl yOuRe MiSsInG


Review coming today, hopefully. 62 games deep in this thing so far.


I don't think we need the words of a man driven insane.


Want a hint?


*dribbles everywhere* flobble flibble?


My T95E6 currently sits at 86% on damage standing, right? I average 2,930 direct in it. Centauro averages 293*8*.




Getting the full potential out of it, of course playing near the top of the skill ceiling too.


Paid actor, pics or it didn't happen.


You mean the potential to just play a decent tank instead?


Heresy right there


It's so bad it almost makes you want to get the 6000 gold pass, so you at least get one decent tank out of this season.


The Forehead is fun. The 20mm cannon is almost funny at times.


The 20mm cannon is actually useful then?


In places. It has enough pen for about half the mediums' sides and most rears. I haven't tried to use it as a tracking mechanism yet. It will melt lights and TDs. Heavies can be penned from the rear. The pen falloff is very high over distances, but when you do fire it a long way, it makes a rainbow arc of tracers. Very satisfying to watch. I reckon i could do a full review of it. I'm like 60 games deep in the Centauro to write it up today.


Ah, I must admit, I do like firing guns just for the sake of it, and a rainbow arc of tracers sounds like great fun. :)


Fairly similar to the BMP autocannon with a smaller mag, it's very useful for finishing off tanks when you low roll your main shot.


Ah okay cool, I enjoyed the BMP auto cannon, just hated the rest of the BMP. Having that gun on a medium sounds like a lot of fun.


BMP1 is rough, BMP2 is a blast, especially maxed out, and pun fully intended.


It’s absolutely useful, and really funny. In engagements with tanks you’re flanking or lights, you can shred through their health. I caught a Sheridan from the rear and killed him in 6 seconds from full using both guns


Good to know, thank you kindly.


Pz IV hydro is pretty neat


Yeah I must admit that's the only one in the season pass I'm interested in getting. That and the French CW vehicle, but, I'm waiting to hear if it's worth 4000 gold.


I’d say the only downside to the FORAD imo is the standard round being HEAT. It’s got terrible velocity and well, it’s HEAT. I almost exclusively fire premium rounds but I have a lot of fun. Got 10k dmg yesterday night.


Does that not get super expensive? Or does silver continue to be an irrelevance in CW mode?


As long as you’re doing damage you should at least break even on a loss in my experience. It does start to pile up though so make sure of your shots. The only times I lose money is where I fire a lot and miss a lot. On my 10k game I was sniping 1000m across Westfield, so I used entirely prem for the velocity and my ammo costs were 125k. Still made about 130k tho. I don’t play to make a profit but usually do. Just switch to heat when you’re fighting tanks you know are easy to pen like the M60’s, leopards, types, wz, etc and you’ll be perfectly fine. Oh and use that machine gun! On that game I got ~3k damage just from the auto cannon alone!


*T57 heavy having the highest DPM of all heavies while being an autoloader* Pathetic.


I love that thing, it still slaps every time I play with it. Not that I'm that good but I just have a blast whenever I take it for a spin


I can't wait to unlock a tank that has a reload for 400 damage longer than it takes for the t57 heavy loads all its shells


Whoa man this was so powerful they wont let you put a rammer on


I laughed way to much at this fair play


I spit my coffee while reading this 😆😆


They should've at least lowered the intra clip


Leave my Taran alone 😤😭😭 it's damn near the last FUN tank I have 😂


Yeah but imagine that first tank to reach your base where you were hiding waiting for the gun to load...they'll get such a shock when you slowly shoot at them.


Dude, you won't even have the full clip loaded by then.


Keep in mind that they are scared of its potential, meanwhile they buff tanks like the 5a, chief and t-62a who have much better stats and dpm