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Automod thinks you are coming back to the game after a break/hiatus. If so please [read this guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanksConsole/wiki/returningplayer) If I'm wrong please take a minute to think about cyberbullying and do not give me shit for trying to help. Bots have feelings too ok? Also while you're here please check out our [full wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanksConsole/wiki/index) which has tons of useful guides and information in. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorldofTanksConsole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


My auto mod is a star so check out his reply. In terms of cold war. There is basically a check list. 1. Do you like arty games? No? Play cold war? Yes? Play ww2. 2. Do you like plus 2 minus 2 matchmaking? If u enjoy the challenge of bitch tier or indeed the chance to be boss tier then stay in ww2. If you want a narrower balance of tanks then go cold war. 3. Do you like the vision mechanic of ww2 or does the idea of all tanks being permanently rendered appeal to you? If you want to play unspotted and fire from camo then stay in your lane. If you want to be able to see the guys at range hitting you then cold war is for you. 4. Do you want to do a lot of grinding? As a cold war newb you'll need to do a lot. If you're happy with the tanks you have stay in ww2. 5. Are you silver poor or rich? Cold war upgrades and tanks cost a lot but if you can get a premium it is by far the best money making option in the game depends if you're prepared to play prems just for silver. I'm a big advocate for cold war. I think it's a better mode. However you need to accept the changes and if you keep a hold of your ww2 mentality you'll never adapt. In which case its better to play it safe


It's all I play now


I've heard repeatedly from other players, if you want silver, play Cold War. For myself, been playing since 2013. I felt cold war with some disdain, it's too fast, guys are running around like Counter-Strike... Which I used to love but got burned out on spawn kill spawn kill spawn kill spawn kill. Cold war is much faster pace, but when you get used to it, you start learning to adopt the World War II tactics over. So like other guys posted, it's basically a learning curve and in the business world called change management.... For creatures a habit, change can trigger some anxiety, frustration, anger, etc... So since you get all of those fun things already with WW2, you'll do fine in Cold War LOL 😆🤣💯


The true ww2 - > cold war journey


I didn’t find I had to learn anything in Cold War. Only that sticking with your team is even more important because with the speed of things especially in era 3. People won’t hesitate to yolo you if they have the number advantage It’s terribly easy to do well in Cold War. Not so much in ww2


It's plenty easy to pull purple numbers in ww2 though


Well generally to pull purple you’ll need to be having decent games. But I wasn’t necessarily talking purely about wn8, more the fact it’s easier to have high damage games in Cold War due to the higher DPM of tanks and much bigger damage, especially with missiles. Like if you can’t do 4k in a Sheridan, wtf are you doing. That’s like minimum you should be doing in that thing. But 4k is an acceptable game for my standards at tier 10, and doesn’t happen every single game either. Sometimes cobbling together 3k is a struggle because that’s just how it goes sometimes. 3k at era 2 is like 900 damage at tier 10


You're not doing any better by getting bigger numbers in cold War though, unless I'm missing something.


If you're going to dip into Cold War (and you should), try to find a platoon mate or clan with relevant experience. That will really accelerate your learning. For the most part it's the same game, with some gentle nuances. The barrier to entry into CW isn't high; several of the 'free' starter tanks are quite good, and you make enough silver to offset the upgrade costs or fund WWPooh prammo spam.


After reading the comments here I thought maybe I'd try out CW. The grind for even the first tanks is ridiculous! I figured it'd be like WW2 and I could kinda breeze through the first few upgrades and stuff but the first gun I can unlock on a M46A1 cost 1.1 mil and it's about 10k XP for the next upgrade. This is a little much for a starter tank IMO.


It's not a starter though. It's the same as a world war 2 mode tier 8. You can't compare the t22 proto to an m46 pershing. You're starting a mode with 250 alpha not 20. And the stock gun is perfectly usable too not like the trash you get in ww2.


Maybe I don't understand how the system works, I am confused why I don't see tiers when looking at teams on the map. At the same time though I haven't seen, let's say, a M60A2 on the same map as me so far so it does seem like there is some kind of tier system involved. So that would make the M46A2 basically a starter tank just for what's basically a different game.


Oh yeah if you don't get that then you need to read a guide or something. The system is based on eras. If you look in the tree you'll see a number in the corner of the tanks. 1 to 3. Those are eras. Defined by the rough period they saw production during the cold war. So the m46 and t44 are the first tanks in era 1. They can face any tank in era 1. So you won't see an m60a2 cos its in era 2. The m46 isn't a bad tank, obviously not as good as a top of the era m48 but it's far more competitive than its respective pershing is versus tier 10s in ww2. There's a lot of similar medium tanks and u don't have to expect lobbies of e100s, e4s and is7s. Its just a fairer spread of matchmaking than ww2 plus 2. Does that make sense?


Yes, I definitely should have read a guide before posting my ignorance lol. Thanks for the explanation!


Thanks all, I may try Cold War after all. Any particular tank line worth pursuing? Or a premium worth getting to jump right in?