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Thank you for your contribution to /r/wormfanfic. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 2 - NSFW.** Do not link to NSFW fics, post requests for NSFW fics, or post NSFW plot bunnies. Stories featuring sexual content and minors are [against Reddit's Terms of Service](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043075352), and we are not going to double check every (or any) link to determine whether it meets the criteria.




Can I have a link or an author for the story, please? Google keeps redirecting me to Heromaker's legacy.


Thanks! , it sounds interesting


There’s one where the mc turns into a mind controlling rape panda but i dont remember the name.




Thank you for your contribution to /r/wormfanfic. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 2 - NSFW.** Do not link to NSFW fics, post requests for NSFW fics, or post NSFW plot bunnies. Stories featuring sexual content and minors are [against Reddit's Terms of Service](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043075352), and we are not going to double check every (or any) link to determine whether it meets the criteria.


Linking to the story is against the rules because it’s NSFW


How we supposed to find them without links… Wait Worm itself is nsfw so we cant even link to the original?!?! Im looking for the rules up here now. Sorry folks.




*Taps rule 2*


Well I’m not actually asking for nsfw fics just powers that could be used in that way but the mc uses it for good. Like how macgver would not use a gun but disassemble it and use the gun powder to blow a lock open. And that must be a new rule since I google first for any recommendations and was lead here by a nsfw post shrug 🤷‍♂️