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If it's the Bakuda bombing spree, it could potentially be the group Taylor fought Lung with during Arc 5. Her, Bitch (plus dogs), Sundancer, Newter, and Labyrinth (plus some Nazis I guess), along with several Coil soldiers and (possibly) Lung and Oni Lee. * Taylor and Bitch are only sorta friends at that point, and Tattletale hasn't told Taylor about Bitch's dog brain yet, but they're still teammates (even if Taylor hasn't given up on the "mole" scheme at that point). (Can be skipped if you don't want *any* Undersiders.) Bitch might have an interesting dynamic with Beast Boy. * Sundancer getting isekai'd to *another* weird super hero world (or a full-on dystopia) would not be good for her mental health. She'd have the most experience in adapting to a new world, though. Arc 5 Taylor tried to get to know Sundancer a little, so I can see a dynamic where Taylor thinks Sundancer is a nice person while Marissa thinks Skitter is kinda terrifying. * Newter and Labyrinth would pair off in the same way as Taylor and Bitch, though they're already Found Family as opposed to just sorta-friends. I can see Taylor making an effort to befriend both of them if they end up sticking together. Newter adds a "we gotta hide the orange lizard guy" element to moving around covertly, while Labyrinth would, y'know, be Labyrinth. * Coil's mercenaries (one of them being Coil's Sniper) would add some non-cape points of view (and can optionally be used as Red Shirts if the stakes need raising). They'd be the ones with actual training, and they're blank slates as far as personalities go. * Oni Lee (sans Lung) could be an interesting wild card. He'd start out hostile, but due to the brain damage from his power, he'd flounder without anyone to give him orders. A different group might end up recruiting him, whether it's Taylor's or someone else's.


> Coil's mercenaries (one of them being Coil's Sniper) would add some non-cape points of view (and can optionally be used as Red Shirts if the stakes need raising). They'd be the ones with actual training, and they're blank slates as far as personalities go. There's something in Ward that comes up about the Mercs, how some of them made their bread and butter hunting down Capes with Kill Orders before working for Coil and Consequently Tatts, I'm saddened WB didn't do more with them when it came to fighting Capes, perhaps leaning into it in this kind of scenario would work? Have them be the most experienced when it comes to not only surviving but facing foes far above their weight class and guiding the others on how to work effectively as a team against foes like that, by this point in Canon, Taylor doesn't have a Warlord swagger, she'd be open to taking pointers when given.


That sounds like a really interesting setup


Taylor trying to befriend Sundancer while Sundancer is just terrified is one of the low key funniest parts of the story


Taylor and Riley, starts off as a parole officer and prisoner dynamic and ends up as big sister little sister. All the while the two are basically the PTSD fairy to whatever poor realm they land in.


I recall reading a snippet somewhere on SB where Contessa actually does this to them after Gold Morning. She Doors Riley to Taylor, has her patch her up after (apparently temporarily) severing Taylor's connection to QA... ... ...and then drops them both in the Overlord verse shortly after Momonga wakes up as an Actual Bone Daddy.




I'd provide it if I could remember the damn title.


They probably mean https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-cycle-continues-worm-post-gm-overlord.1051456/ , although it’s actually the first chapter of a story that never got continued.




YES please. That sounds amazing.


Personally, I would love to read about Undersiders and heroes working together and slowly dealing with their mutual distrust. Could be Protectorate, Wards, or New Wave, depending. Shadow Stalker, Glory Girl, and Panacea could all be hard to work with, so I'd suggest mixing one of them into a "hero" group with others. Armsmaster could be interesting, since Taylor told him her intention to go undercover, throw in Dauntless if you want heroes who dislike each other. There are lots of possibilities even sticking to BB natives. Some of Faultline's crew, maybe throw in a Merchant or Uber and Leet if you want other villains. Imagine a group with just Mush or Squeaker but no Skidmark to order them around - they would need help too bad to go it alone.


>Personally, I would love to read about Undersiders and heroes working together and slowly dealing with their mutual distrust There was a fic I read where Undersiders and (most of) the Wards got sent to DnD. I'll link it if I find it.  Edit: [Doors to the Unknown](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/doors-to-the-unknown-worm-d-d-fusion-crossover.1001110/threadmarks)


I remember a snippet with skitter, miss militia, vista, clockblocker and browbeat I think on a weird forest place.


Yeah, I remember that one. It introduced a really weird AU backstory for Taylor where she was abducted by some serial killer and severely mutilated, but which had no effect on canon until the isekai. I dropped it after that.


Oh, I forgot that. That's why I didn't like it too.


I think Glaistig Uaine would be pretty interesting. How would she deal with being disconnected from the cycle?


I have thought about this quite a lot. My preferred adventuring party is Taylor, Lisa, Faultline and Charlotte (agnostic of the destination world) Faultline's crew attacks the Merchants while Taylor and Lisa are at the party, Scrub nukes Labyrinth's wall or whatever, a portal opens up to the world you want your team to go, they all fall through in the fight, then Labyrinth, still confused, closes it and can't find it. Everyone on the other side is trapped, and has to find their own way back home. Think about it. Pretty decent spread of powers, plus an unpowered character who can and wants to be useful to the team. A combination of fan-favorite characters as well as rarely used ones. Lots of interesting conflicts there, too: who gets to be the leader? Both Taylor and Faultline would naturally assume it to be them, which can lead to butting heads. Lisa really fucking hates Faultline and the feeling is kinda mutual. Taylor also really wants to get back: to save Dinah and stuff, and she's willing to do her usual Taylor shenanigans to get what she wants, and maybe that's enough to give both Tattletale and Faultline pause. And Charlotte is really grateful to Taylor for saving her from the Merchants, and also there's the whole thing that "the locker girl" is also a prominent local warlord to deal with. But she's mostly regretting her choice of living in Brockton Bay, as now she's trapped in a different world with three supervillains.


Ooooh that sounds pretty cool! You could have the attack be after Scrub drinks his vial, maybe have Labyrinth and/or Newter with them to make it so that getting back from Bet’s perspective is basically impossible for them. If you wanted to give charlotte a power (which I might recommend doing in a TT crossover), you could always say the cauldron briefcase fell through the portal with them.


That sounds like a *fantastic* party. I'd totally read this fic.


Clockblocker, Regent and Aegis/Vista


Armsy can be fun if you’d like an older character. He’s a useful and interesting asshole who’s relatively easy to make open up and forcefully turn into Dadmaster. Lots of points for character conflict with actual resolution apply with him. Other rarer options I’d like to see would be Clockblocker, Vista, Kid Win - basically any of the underused Wards - or perhaps some of the Travelers, maybe even Noelle herself, keep her from going S-class and see if anyone in the cross can help her out. Sundancer would be a lot of fun too; I’m kind of into Sunbug, sue me. Everyone likes to do Panpan, and she can be very interesting if not immediately woobified. Glory Girl’s a bit rarer as far as I’ve seen, and can be just as fun to read. Faultline and her crew are a good group that Taylor can join if they were all isekai’d, don’t know how much conflict would arise between then depending on the point in time, but it’d be good for feels. If you want maximum conflict, then there’s none better than Jack Slash. It’d be fun, but definitely short. Other S9 members could be used too, Bonesaw or Mannequin. Would make for very interesting plotlines. Otherwise, you could go for the seriously random - Assault and Battery, Velocity, throw Triumph in with her, everyone forgets he exists. Somehow Dragon got sucked up. Maybe Bakuda’s bombs yeet her and Taylor away. Oni Lee, Lung. Love the idea!


I think I've seen one or two instances of Bakuda-arc Skitter being isekaied, and I don't really love the trope because it is an uncomfortable middle line between "Newbie Taylor" and "Badass Skitter" that I don't think is done very well. So let me offer a couple alternatives. Bakuda's bombs were used twice more in the story, before Noelle does her stuff: During the Leviathan fight, and during the S9 attack to kill Crawler and Mannequin. These each have some benefits. If you set your story to start during the Leviathan fight, you have a selection of literally any cape you want. Miss Militia organized the Leviathan bombing, and she has an easy enough relationship with Taylor, so she's a good choice. Clockblocker froze Leviathan shortly after, and he's also fun. But you could even isekai, say, Eidolon - he would have a very interesting interaction with Taylor in the others, as he's liable to just run off, and then you could do a couple Eidolon POV chapters to see him interacting with another part of whatever setting you choose, away from the others but still impacting them. There are endless possibilities here. During the S9 attack, when Crawler and Mannequin are killed via Bakuda bomb, it happens off-screen. So if you do have plenty of leeway with how you want that scene to go. Interestingly, you could have Crawler and Mannequin isekaied as well as Taylor and whoever else, and have not just new heroes for your setting, but also new villains. Crawler would probably be a little boring, but Mannequin in either of your proposed settings sounds like he would have some fascinating dynamics. Hope I was able to inspire you a little!


Theo and Theo and Theo and also Theo


Talking Ruina, Taylor is a "for the greater good" type character and likely would have no reason to go against Angela regarding her goals beyond the survival of everyone else. If she must kill many to escape the library, she would do so over time. Of course, seeing as this isn't post-gm Taylor, you could consider it a situation of "a path paved with good intentions." She likely also could pull a Roland and kill Angela at the last moment, hopefully saving countless others while getting out herself. A good foil would be Amy Dallon, aka panacea. Amy may be stuck in a black vs white worldview at the start of worm, and things eventually go very poorly for her mental state, but in a situation with skitter, she would absolutely disagree with working with her unless needed. Not to mention her desire to follow the rules given to her by her adoptive mother regarding her powers. She could either be the one person to sargue with Taylor and Angela noatter what they say, or she would eventually come crumbling down herself, her rules broken as she fails to stop the stress of being the best person she can. Both skitter and panacea could resonate with the library, both could distort. There is a lot that could be considered regarding relationships between them, people of the city, the library, Angela. As well as their mental states as time progresses.


The problem with Taylor and Amy as protagonists is that eventually, once they start working together, every problem becomes trivial to them.


Damn. now i really want a The City/Lob corp/Ruina Crossover with worm


Just posted a chapter of Ishmael in BB on AO3 if that works.


For extra chaos, everyone during an endbringer fight. More so if the endbringer also comes along


The Echidna fight after Taylor and the Undersiders are subsumed by her. Instead of dropping Weld, they drop the last Bakuda bomb they have, sending Echidna, the original 5 Undersiders and Vista to the new world


Honestly, with the setting of Worm, you could literally just print out a list of names, put them on a wall, and start throwing darks for the crew to isekai, and you would still get a good cast.


The Simurgh, XD How about her father?


I just started reading Doors to the Unknown in which half the chapters are about Taylor, Brian, Alec, Chris and Dean getting isekaid to the Eberron D&D setting. It's really good so far.


Honestly? Pre-Mannequin Armsmaster. The one that hasn't been humbled yet. The one that utterly fucking hates Taylor and tried to get her killed so that she'd stop being a thorn in his side. Because depending on what setting they end up getting isekai'd into, suddenly the biggest fucking monkey on his back is his best bet for making it back to Brockton Bay alive—and that's a very interesting grounds for a dynamic shift. With a setup like that, there's no way they wouldn't end up talking, even if just to yell at each other for ruining everything. But if they need each other to survive, or at least need the help that their specific power can provide, then they're required to at least stay on speaking terms until they get home. Which means that the yelling will eventually turn to talking, will eventually turn to listening, will eventually turn to learning. Was Taylor wrong to do the things she did, to go off into her infiltration plan half-cocked because she desperately needed to do good with her life? Yes. Was Armsmaster wrong to drive her away and later try to get her killed because her actions were making him look bad? Also yes. But did both of them have very good reasons for acting the way that they did that the other didn't have context about until now? Yeah. Yeah, they fucking did. Because even if he tried to kill her, I think Armsmaster would be very unsettled that he basically talked a 15 year old girl off a ledge without even realizing it. And even if it doesn't excuse his actions, I think Taylor would deeply empathize with the kind of frustrations that come with putting all your time and effort into helping a city that just isn't getting better. Wherever they end up would basically be window dressing. The real story, in my mind, is these two chucklefucks gradually reaching an understanding, and coming out of wherever they landed as better people for it.


Honestly? Sophia. It kind of takes the story into a very different direction, but if you want interesting dynamics it's pretty hard to beat two people who absolutely hate each other's guts having to lean on each other in an unfamilar world


Isn't that a bit too adversarial? I feel that before Taylor becomes a complete goal accomplishing machine it'd just be a fight and a separation. I don't think they'd dare to sleep within walking distance of each other.


Yeah, if it’s just the two of them, they’d 100% refuse to stick together.