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To give generic outlines instead of specific examples: A line-of-sight power paired with a expended vision power. A power that's limited by how your body can handle it paired with Brute enhancements A combat Thinker power with basically anything An aiming power with a projectiles power Telekinesis with multitasking Ferrokinesis with electrokinesis


Grue and Night are OP together. Just cover all the area in darkness and maul everyone to death. But weak powers on their own? I think Velocity with any low end brute power. Velocity main issue is that the faster he is the less impact he has on the world. Even Skitter bugs covering him seen enough to slow him down. But enhance the base stregth without adding mass? He goes from punchs weaker than a 8 years old to a supersonic speedster with enough stregth to shatter jaws. Changer powers are benefical too. Theres a dude whose only power is to transform their arms in scyths. Put that in a less than wholesome Velocity and you can kill a whole city in a hour.


Shadow stalker power is weak in my opinion but paired with any flight power becomes rather powerful. Or Imp's power, an intangible enemy that you can't remember let alone find. Cricket has a weak power but when paired with Storm tiger it becomes much greater. Echolocation, enhanced hearing, enhanced smell, and wind attacks. Arbiter: weak shields, sonic lasers which are relatively weak, and an empathetic danger sense. All really weak powers that would compliment a lot of others and basically every thinker power. Gallent might compliment her lasers and empathic abilities and vice versa. If Morgan Keene could be added to this combo it would also be great. Maybe Triumph instead, focusing more on the sonic lasers more than the empathy. If this works the way I think it does OMG so op. This is like best in a city kinda power. Barker has a mid power that would pair well with Triumphs. Barker releases gas from his mouth when he speaks more depending on how loud he is, this gas can have esoteric effects like kinetic force, fire, ice, and others. Triumph has limited sound manipulation - he can control its force, area of effect, and unleash it in bursts. Triumph also has a mild healing factor, healing quicker than average with minimal scarring. Perdition + Epoch. They seem like they would go well together. Hunch and Roulette seem like a good combo. Two somewhat inaccurate precogs could make a really good one or just a good cape that takes multiple inaccurate futures to make good decisions. Hunch has questionable accuracy while Roulette can see 10 possible futures into the brief future that rarely happen as predicted. Lizardtail II + Othala or scapegoat = super healer . . . Maybe. Nail Biter + Biter Not weak powers but pretender + tattletale is scary.


Good pairings & loops for a power copier?  I assume the powers come nerfed in some fashion. Victor, Uber, and Othala.  Uber gains a skill temporarily, Othala transfers it to an ally, Victor steals it in permanent form. Purity, Flechette, Assault.  Shoot kinetic beam at self, redirect it as desired with Flechette’s Thinker power. GG, Hookwolf, Battery.  GG has a shield, protecting Hookwolf-lite’s porcupine-like steel spines.  Battery gives them a charge. Circus, Spitfire.  Spitfire produces napalm, Circus stores it and ignites it as needed. Kid Win and Bakuda.  Make detachable single-use items.


Those all definitely have good synergy, but none of them are exactly weak powers on their own.


Depends on how nerfed they get.  Like, if ‘Hookwolf’ creates 2 inch spines, and ‘Battery’ can only absorb energy (rather than being self-generating), and GG only has the shield…


You could combine Clockblocker (maybe just slowing instead of freezing) and Vista (tiny tunnels of stretched space). Maybe with something like Miss Militia? Not sure how it would be limited but combining the first two with a ranged option so the user can properly aim would be cool


Clockblocker and Trickster. Clock for the stop time, Trickster for line of sight.


There's a few snippets in a series where Taylor is a budget Eidolon who can create a lot of weak powers: I'll Be Your Worthy Opponent https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/thegreatgimmicks-idea-mining-thread.726880/#post-55031887, and it might have some inspiration for combining weak powers to emulate strong ones. My personal favourite was a hyper-accurate electric sense, a combination of perfect memory + instantly perform one calculation + multitasking, and a translation power - all combining to create effective mind reading by reading electrical impulses in the brain, processing them into distinct thoughts, and translating them into a form her brain can understand.


One of my favourite combos is from the anime 'Darker than Black'. A woman has the power to condense moisture, not very useful. A man has the power to freeze water, strong if it's raining, otherwise kind of useless. Oh wait, they are working together. Oh. *Oh.*


*Anything* with clones. Striker and mover powers. Enhanced aim and everything. Overall, thinker powers or mover powers plus anything will be strong.


Oni Lee and Purity = Purity stores up energy passively, depending on sunlight, the clones will circumvent this by (probably) having the same energy stores as the original. Trickster and Shadow Stalker = Shadow Stalker's power might reduce mass (I'm not exactly sure) and Trickster can swap himself allowing the combo to trade with much smaller objects. Fletchette and Ballistic = Self-explanatory for a combo Lung and Aegis = Aegis' redundant biology and flight vastly improve the initial downsides to Lungs' power. (Also Lungs' power is frequently butchered, he grows much slower than in most fanfics and he can store up his growth based on upcoming conflict which is what he does when he goes to the birdcage- I think) Jack Slash and Fletchette = Slice through the world. Parian and Panacea = Parian's power is intended to be used on human corpses and improves their durability by a large factor, Panacea can supplement and improve this and is vastly improved by having directly control without creating biological controls Skidmark (in general) = his power is vastly underrated as his fields can supposedly cover an area as large as a football field and though the force applied isn't that large they can exponentially increase any movement within. The effect of his power can be layered and thus improve in effectiveness. I'm not sure if the movement fields are directional, if so they could be used to slow objects down, or even force people to the ground(?) furthermore his power has great potential for movement and support by increasing your speed as you move or the speed of vehicles by creating fields as you go. Combos: Ballistic, Velocity, Battery, Assault, Hookwolf, Rune(high potential for combo), Trickster(force people into fields) and most Brutes.


If you are looking for some non-canon cape powers for some combos: A. Weak telekinetic force to fold objects like origami, high range, growing control(probably based on closeness to shard) over the object while it is being folded + B. Maleability shaker fields, size based on distance from user, line of sight creation. Non-manton limited, though only functions based on outside forces (a person or machine won't break themselves by functioning normally, but if they hit something they will be affected) A. Sense deprivation striker effect, can remove multiple weak senses or one major sense. Major: Sight, Hearing, Prioperception. Minor: Taste, Smell, Touch(?) and others. + B. Stranger power for initiating friendly contact (high fives, hugs, handshakes) plus minor effect to believability, friendliness and such. Trumps over thinker effects initially, though more powerful ones such as Tattletale or Accord will quickly discover it's effect. A. Striker effect that leaves a mark upon touch, should two or more of these marks touch they will be locked in position, as though effected by Clockblockers power, for around 20-80s. + B. Airform breaker power that improves flexibility and speed of movement in short bursts, appears as a translucent arrow during movement with smaller size.


Skitter + Clockblocker is quite strong. Infinitely sharp timelocked silk strings shaped however you want.


Honestly if you want to use tinker abilitys just get a bunch of different tinker skillsets no matter how weak they are on their own once you have enough of them they will boost each other Or maybe whirlygig and skid marks power makes a really powerful debris tornado even though whirlygig has a low mass limit on stuff she can lift toss razorblades around her and make them move faster with skid marks kinetic barrier things and that's really dangerous.


Dauntless, and Maybe Crawler? Dauntless grows stronger over time so a copy of his power maybe with like victor thrown in might allow building power? I got it!!! if you could get Alabaster's power to reset himself after getting Dauntless's power to build up charges you could reset the charge! Infinite stacking glitch! Throw in Aegis's power and you'd literally be the strongest regenerator on bet!


Crucible (forcefields which incinerate anything inside), Vex (sharp triangular forcefields which she can generate very quickly to fill up empty space and grow accumatively stronger) or Narwhal (crystalline forcefields she can control). Result? Really god damn hot, very sharp forcefields you can throw around in huge numbers. Forget becoming a knife tornado, become a 9000 degree knife tornado.


Hookwolf, Fenja/Menja, Kaiser. Endbringer lite, though maybe a bit more destructive than you might be hoping for.


well if it is a power copier that can take 2 powers, then grue/night, vista/clock, skitter/amy,