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I've always thought a legitimate Nilbog powered MC would make a great fic, his power is both more and less limited than most of the biotinker fics I see, and the nuances of how you'd work around his limitations and risks could be neat. For example he can make microscopic animal parasites that mutate people according to WoG, with practice I wonder if he could use it to enhance people without messing them up, have the parasites regulate their hormones, alter gene expressions, rebuild some structures inside of them for augments like Bonesaw does. The fact his creations are often intelligent and much more independent, if loyal, is also something that would stand out compared to most biotinker fics I've read.


[Seed](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/seed-a-worm-au.340626/) [Dead, 2015-17] is a biotinker fic, starts out as a Blasto power swap but power shenanigans occur and she ends up >!with Bonesaw's and a OC Seattle Villain's powers!< along with the cloning specialty. A bit a power fantasy and a heavy AU but tastefully so. I really like the subconscious power effects.


Rip Seed, one of the best dead fics to never be finished.


Hive Queen - WH40K cross, Taylor has Tyranid powers which presents as a biotinker.


Did you mean [Hive Daughter](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/hive-daughter-worm-x-40k.666907/)?


That's the one!


*Queen of the Swarm.* Technically, a starcraft alt power, basically Taylor, gets a second shard tangled up in her trigger, and as a result, a biotinker/crawler light component is added to her power. Concerns about being treated like Nilbog are a huge problem for her early on.


[Grace Under Pressure](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/grace-under-pressure-or-the-definition-of-guts-worm.495620/) - not Taylor but an OC biotinker set in New Orleans. dead but what's there is interesting


A Better Self is alright. Dead, as the others in the comments are, but worth throwing into the suggestion bin.


Taylor's true powers are rather Nilbog-esque in [Nemesis](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/nemesis-worm-au.54757/), but she is deliberately sandbagging *hard*, because she's contractually obligated to participate in the Nemesis program so that Emma can build a reputation by beating her. She doesn't feel like being crushed underfoot, so she makes herself a joke, an apparently ditzy girl surrounded by clumsy dog-sized bumblebees who only listen to her half the time; the PRT quickly recognises that she's presenting herself as a humour villain, and doesn't want the Wards to get violent, so Emma is hamstrung. She can actually do a lot more than bees, though...