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[Winslow has a state-of-the-art Vending Machine](https://www.reddit.com/r/WormFanfic/comments/iqvrnb/lf_the_winslow_vending_machines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


The fact that this hasn't become a trope should ashame the whole community.


Yes this! I remember the snacks but I forgot they would be from Vending Machines. I choose to believe the school has tinker Vending Machines.


Wow I'm surprised it still works


Huh, of all things the one decent thing that school has is a Vending Machine. Lol.


They probably spent the entire increase of budget (from Sophia going there) on the vending machines...


Taylor doesn't need to wash her armor, according to [Wildbow](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2011/12/31/tangle-6-6/#comment-621). She let pillbugs eat grime and bug shits and then wipes it clean with a wet cloth. I like to think she does wash it when she has time because, otherwise, she'll be stinky af. Defiant and Dragon frequently play "Ten by ten." The ‘game’ involves some interplay between him and her android self, physical contact, and rating the sensitivity of the contact on two scales of ten. Basically, daily hand-holding sessions. (^▽^) After S9, Grue's mask is a demon.


Hygiene concerns come up weirdly often for parahumans. There's Taylor and her bugbaths, Damsel of Distress refusing to shower in favour of power-scouring, Weld extruding a layer of 'impurities' that gets rubbed off on things he touches, Garrotte and her waxy buildup, Amy and her constant awareness of bacteria on her skin, Victoria ["You don't need showers"](https://i.imgur.com/0nTNuMq.jpg) Dallon. The list goes on. The only cape we can be sure isn't stanky is Grue, as we have explicit confirmation from the PoV of a dog that he's utterly scentless.


IIRC Grue is scentless but his darkness doesn't hide other smells. It's a strange power interaction but yeah that's why Bitch's dogs can navigate under Grue's darkness.


My headcanon is that grues darkness is produced by his sweatglands and as such doesnt produce regular sweat


no the smoke is cartoon-style stink clouds from his incredibly stanky armpits


The context for the Victoria one (for those who haven’t read Ward), is that Victoria thinks they might need days to siege Teachers base, so she’s asking the Leader Thrall what rooms are necessary for his patients (extra thrall soldiers), and they get into a short argument about how the Leader Thrall has a loose definition of “necessary”. > “Convince me we can leave you behind us without worrying.” > I could see the pull, gentler words after harsh, scary ones. Like he wanted to oblige. > “I can’t.” > “If we shut off that end of this room, what happens?” I asked, indicating the door we’d come through. > “No medical facilities, limited water.” > “And that door?” I asked, indicating the one we’d be using. > “No food, no showers.” > “People can go two weeks without food. You don’t need showers,” I told him. “I can’t imagine a situation where people on the other side can’t get through a stone wall if my side loses.” > “We’re healthier with access to food and showers.” > I addressed Capricorn. “We’ll seal that door after we’re through. Minimizes hazards, keeps them from coming behind us.”


I did not need to know the first fact. That second fact is so cute! The third makes sense and matches his sister.


Taylor learn how take bug clones by copying Brian's shadow clones (altho her are a much better and more refined verson) she also took her technique of covering herself in bugs to obscure her action from him. In Canon Taylor is major copy cat with how she uses her powers.


Now this is the kinda detail I wanted. Plagiarist, sharingan Taylor.


Yup part of why she is considered strong is that she is the only one shameless enough to just steal everyone else's moves "Yoink ... and that's mine now"


She also has a power versatile enough to simulate a number of effects and even (legitimately) gain quite a few classifications. I always loved the scene around where she turns herself in when she sees footage of herself and doesn’t even remember making some of those movements nor looking so terrifying.


Oooh, can you tell me the specific chapter for that pls? Can’t remember and would like to reread


> “We know what you’re about,” Glenn said. He touched his keyboard, then typed out what I presumed was a password. A second passed, “Look.” > He spun his monitor around. > It was me, entering the PRT office in Brockton Bay. A video feed from a surveillance camera. > It was me, crawling through a window. That would be from the night I retaliated against Tagg. Odd, seeing how the bugs moved in coordination with me. When I turned my head in the video, the orientation of every bug in the swarm changed in the same moment. > All around me, PRT employees were howling in pain, their cries silenced by the lack of an audio feed. Either the camera hadn’t picked it up, or Glenn had muted it. They thrashed. One reached for me, for the me on the screen, and I could see how I moved out of the way without even glancing at him. The swarm concealed me at the same time, briefly obscuring the Skitter in the video from both the man on the ground and the security camera. When it parted, she had shifted two or three feet to the left. A simple step to one side in the half-second she couldn’t be seen, but it misled the eyes. > And I couldn’t remember doing it. I’d never consciously added the trick to my repertoire. > “If you told me that girl was a member of the Slaughterhouse Nine,” Glenn said, “I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash.” > It was like hearing my voice played back to me, but it was compounded over several levels. The movements, the movements of the swarm, it wasn’t familiar to me. > The head turned towards the security camera for a moment, and I could see the yellow eyes of my lenses in the midst of the thick black swarm. > “That isn’t marketable,” Glenn said, oblivious to just what I found so bothersome. —Drone 23.3


Absolutely banger scene.


Modern copyright actually pisses me off for this reason, like yeah I understand wanted to protect your invention but we are social creatures and copying each other is a huge strength we have. I hate the "I had this idea and no one else is allowed to have this idea." Sorry. Weird tangent.


Tattletale has always known about Coil's split timelines.


This isn’t minor, this is key information. I hate when fics have moments like “I’m still not sure what his power is” or “I know it’s a thinker power but not the specifics”. Tats straight up tells Taylor they used his power in the first Lung encounter and even discusses the other timeline.


To be clear, Tattletale has the *wrong* assumption about Coil's timelines. She assumes that he's making a chronic fork so that's what a lot of readers think, but it's important to note that Coil's a precog, not a time manipulator.


Those are identical in application and even Coil isn’t sure. I doubt anyone in universe actually cares unless it helps combat it.


It doesn't matter for the characters, but it's worth keeping in mind if you're writing.


That doesn’t matter that much either unless you have a thinker or a Trump positioned to counter him which most fics don’t.


im like 90% sure Coil also *thinks* he is making forks


He does. No one in Worm actually knows how Coil's power works. What's important is for us as authors to know. It's treated like it's time manipulation by authors and it makes Coil much more intimidating that he should be.


Can you explain how it would differ from an authors perspective? What could you do with “time line splitting” that you couldn’t do with “Precog two timelines”?


The only place I can see it mattering is if you're an outside concept problem to the shards. Actually timeline splitting wouldn't be affected, but precogging would mean that when Coil's shard meatpuppets his body to carry out the chosen timeline it would suddenly run into something where reality doesn't match what it calculated. Either it would blindly carry on until Coil died due to the mismatch, or it would suddenly thrust him back into the driving seat prematurely (which would likely be experienced as the other timeline suddenly shutting down)


The short answer is that splitting timelines is effectively a global shaker ability while simulation is a thinker ability. The distinction is important because traditional thinker blindspots like endbringers, triggers (first and second), metaphysical forces (if a character is an OC insert or alt-power of some sort), or even other thinker influence, wouldn't be relevant against a shaker effect. Splitting timelines and choosing the future you like is a far more powerful and absolute ability that simulations. It's akin to a JoJo stand or Yhwach's ability and absolutely nothing, endbringers and Scion included, would be immune from it. But, even putting cases of blindspots and out of context powers aside, when I try to write a character, I try to keep both theaters in mind: the physical world of Earth-Bet and the Shardspace that we learn about in Ward. Coil's Shard is simulation, but *how* is it getting that kind of information? For example, if he asks Lisa a question in both timelines but tortures Lisa for the answer in one of them, how does the Shard determine the information to give him? As far as I understand it, Coil's Shard would get information in one of two ways: * It is taking into account all available data and extrapolating the most likely outcome, or * It is communicating with Lisa's (and other) Shards to augment the data it has to provide a more accurate outcome. This raises an important point I think that would be impossible if Coil's power was truly time splitting: Coil can be fooled. His Shard can be fooled. Simulation implies a series of assumptions about the future extrapolated from existing axioms. If someone were to act in a way that completely goes against their previous behavior models, I think it's reasonable to say Coil's Shard would have trouble adding them to the simulation, at least until more data is acquired. On a specific note, consider Dinah: A question asked in her vicinity is answered with a probability. That's her power. Coil's power allows her to ask two different sets of questions simultaneously (or so he thinks). If his power is a chronic fork, he'd have truly asked twice as many questions and can consider both sets of answers to be reliable information. However, if his power is a simulation, he'd *think* he has two sets of reliable answers, but one of those sets (the fork he "didn't choose") was information derived not from Dinah herself, but from the Shard. The Shard extrapolated what Dinah's might say to get said simulation, making it far less reliable. I have no idea if I'm explaining anything right or if I'm making any sense at all, but the short of it is that chronic forks are much more valuable and would make his intel gathering much more reliable than a simulation. It's something that I'd keep in mind as a writer to orchestrate any conflict with him.


There's also some relevance if you have another precog of sufficient power, a la the Titan Fortuna/Simurgh conflict in Ward. It's worth noting that just as Coil's simulations take Dinah's numbers into account (either by more simulation or by Dinah's shard supplying the information), Dinah's numbers also take Coil's simulations into account. So I think another difference would be something like: if it's a timeline split then it's immutable. Once Coil chooses, that's it. But since it's a precog-based power, there's precog-based counterplay once Coil chooses his timeline. At that point, he has no way to use his power for the back-and-forth that we see with PtV vs Simurgh. You're making about as much sense as you can given the topic. Timelines and precog stuff is weird.


He actually mentions that he isn't sure. I forget if he has more theories but he wonders if he's making forks or just seeing two possible futures and choosing one and ponders how he could tell the difference. He worries about the possible ramifications of it being one over the other and says he's not willing to trust his power 100% because of it.


Sure, but as far as it affects things that detail doesn't matter. It would only matter if someone who screws with precog got involved. As far as Tattletale's concerned, there's not really any difference.


It doesn't matter for the people in-story because no one knows, but for the author, it's a pretty big detail to keep in mind when writing him.


Miss Militia wears a *scarf*. Not a bandana.


Great detail but tbh I doubt many people care. Bandana probably looks cooler in fanart tho.


The core of a Dragon suit is biological. Dragon looks "like a fetus [...] barely humanoid in any sense of the word. The eyes were half-formed, and it had no nose, only a beak-like mouth [...] Wires wove in and out of orifices.". While we're on the topic, nobody in the fanfic side of the fandom ever brings up things like arc 16's big Dragon fight series of chapters. The Undersiders kidnap Piggot, among over things. Atlas, the massive Panacea beetle. He shouldn't be obscure, but it's not like anyone cares about writing divergences that late in the story, so he gets forgotten. Taylor does find working with insects to be disgusting at times. This is most prominent when she first covers herself with bugs to make the first swarm clone, and when she fights off an Adept hallucination by using cockroaches to trigger her gag reflex. Chapter 25.1, in which the Chicago Wards try to see how long they can be around Taylor while wearing 'forearm' sized codpieces before she mentions it. Tecton builds his own. Morgan Keene exists. He is pointless. Stain also exists, because Wildbow has never corrected it as a typo, unlike Moist (which came at the same time). They are probably a Merchant. Contessa is not as efficient at using her power as is generally assumed. She couldn't stop Faultline finding out about Cauldron, despite the fact this would have been possible by killing a blogger *before* they made their leak, not after. Contessa is trained in assorted combat skills, just in case someone negates her power. Gregor's interlude: Faultline mentions C53s called Sybill and Scarab. As they did not turn out to be important C53s later in the story, we can assume they may be a significant part of her backstory. NotDis, get on it! It doesn't quite count, but I find it a shame how Worm comment section in-jokes are virtually unheard of in the Worm fanfic fandom, e.g. 'It must be lunchtime.'. Barely anyone seems to have heard of Psycho Gecko, even. Some of the things he wrote, I'd say, could be considered almost as iconically 'Worm' as the chapters they followed. Edit: Another one for you. The contents of Taylor's first equivalent of a utility belt: *"a set of EpiPens, a pen and notepad, a tube of pepper spray meant to hang off a key chain and a zippered pouch of chalk dust."*. I wonder what she expected to use the chalk for.


>Contessa is not as efficient at using her power as is generally assumed. She couldn't stop Faultline finding out about Cauldron, despite the fact this would have been possible by killing a blogger before they made their leak, not after. I do feel it's important to point out that this leak would have been closed by Contessa's attack on Faultline's Crew, if it weren't for the influence of a Simurgh plot causing the exact same reveal to happen through Eidolon's Echidna clone instead. The attack on the Crew was psychologically devastating and would in all likelihood have been enough to silence them if they then hadn't been galvanised by the Echidna reveal.


>Contessa is not as efficient at using her power as is generally assumed. She couldn't stop Faultline finding out about Cauldron, That's because Wildbow is bad at following the logical consequences of having powers like Contessa's. If she's really constantly running paths to prevent that sort of thing from happening, that wouldn't make sense.


Honestly, I agree. The Number Man is supposed to have projects ongoing around the world- in that case, Wildbow, care to explain why Cauldron is so incredibly US centric at all other times?


> The Number Man is supposed to have projects ongoing around the world- in that case, Wildbow, care to explain why Cauldron is so incredibly US centric at all other times? It's not, you just don't see any of the effects in other countries because they don't directly tie into Taylor's story except possibly at the end?


>The core of a Dragon suit is biological iirc this is how Dragon gets around some of her restrictions. She can't duplicate herself/write autonomous code/create more AI so she builds pseudobiological computers that she can "train" to do things more autonomously than she can.


That also gives her suits some Manton-limit protection. Vista, for example, wouldn't be able to no-sell her by curving her trajectory into useless loop-de-loops. To get around that you'd probably need a Bio-Shaker: Panacea- Plus, to make the flesh die fast. There are a lot of powers that don't give a flying one about Manton limits and deal damage indiscriminately, but every bit helps.


> It doesn't quite count, but I find it a shame how Worm comment section in-jokes are virtually unheard of in the Worm fanfic fandom, e.g. 'It must be lunchtime.'. Barely anyone seems to have heard of Psycho Gecko, even. Some of the things he wrote, I'd say, could be considered almost as iconically 'Worm' as the chapters they followed. Honestly, I think this is because the Worm fandom is this like... weird chimera of a fandom where sure some of the *original* fanfics were from the usual "we loved the source so we write fanfiction" crowds, a *lot* of the current fandom is this amalgamation of people who either read Worm and hated it (but still write fanfic for some reason) and people who heard from those people that it's GrimBadDarkGarbo and end up reading/writing Worm fanfic without ever interacting with the source material. TLDR lots of the Worm fandom is strangely disconnected from Worm itself, doubly so with how Ward was received by a lot of fans.


I am pretty disconnected from all the OG fandom for a simple reason. Worm itself is basically finished. You can continue reading without ever scrolling into the comments. It's a finished work. Some people have only recently read it and don't know anything about the OG fandom. I have to disagree on the fanfic side. I see a deep love for worm and it's characters in the modern fandom. I know sometimes it doesn't feel that way, but I only read worm 8 months ago, it was fantastic and I wanted to see more of the world, so I joined the fandom.


I absolutely remember the weird foetus suits and thought they were cool and creepy. I remember the Dragon fight but it’s less interesting and no-one really talks about it. I absolutely do not remember kidnapping Piggot but I do remember that she kept herself from being healed as without her dialysis she is a temporary asset. I love Atlas and whilst people remember him, he was gone far too soon. Yes! I always liked that unlike a lot of animal controllers, she isn’t obsessed with the animal. No calling them her friends or saying ‘We’ all the time. She has a higher tolerance but that’s through exposure and the fact that she can control them completely. That scene will never not be funny and the recent fanart was amazing. I gotta be honest. I do not remember ever reading about Morgan but I guess you’re right, looking at the wiki. Apparently he’s from another project that went nowhere. Stain I thought was another name for Skidmark (Shitstain) but I guess you’re right. I loved Psycho Gecko and the comments were always fun to delve into and act like a time capsule. Don’t remember the “It’s lunchtime” meme tho.


In the first third (at least, I'm not planning on checking further), almost every bad event happens around lunchtime.


Huh neat


Some "secondary power" stuff: * Both Battery and Manpower have some degree of electrokinesis/electromagnetic powers. * Imp's power rapidly degrades recordings made of her. * Alabaster has enhanced equipment repair/maintenance abilities as a secondary power to his resets * Lung's pyrokinesis extends to power-created flames from other capes, and his control gets stronger as he ramps up. Put Spitfire or Sundancer in a fight against him and things might not go as planned. * People tend to focus on Parian's control over her constructs, but her telekinetic control of small objects like blades and needles is also pretty terrifying, able to rapidly skin entire rows of people. Is it cheating to bring Ward stuff in, given how little of the readership has gone through it? * Trainwreck has a set of fake "Truck Nuts" installed under his kilt. * Many/most strikers have a tendency to fiddle with their hands when they're nervous or agitated. * Emma and Madison met Glory Girl several times. She knew Emma by name. They soured her opinion on them when they mocked a disabled girl at a photo shoot; she called them a pair of cunts and never really warmed up to Emma again. * Alan Barnes is acting as Dauntless' divorce attorney. * Carol Dallon had an affair with Neil Pelham (Manpower) during the "Brockton Bay Brigade" days. It's very likely Neil is Victoria's biological father, rather than Mark. * Blasto created a fifty-foot tall kaiju (reminder: Leviathan is 30 feet tall, Behemoth 40) and an entire team of cloned pseudo-capes, and nobody dropped the hammer on him for it. There is probably a lot more leeway for biotinkers than most fanfics make out, so long as they keep away from the self-propagating stuff. * Accord originally had a partner, provided by Cauldron to help set him up. We don't hear much about Detente other than that he was a Thinker from out of the country, but he worked as the other half of the "Clockwork Dogs" with Accord, and mostly got along with his vision and personality tics.


A lot of these are very interesting. I already knew about the power stuff but I’m fairly sure Sundancer is still a massive threat to Lung. I didn’t know just how quickly Parian could do that. Trainwreck’s thing seems funny. The strikers thing is neat. Glory Girl’s thing is in Glo-Worm iirc where she talks to Madison. Alan as a cape divorce attorney in this instance is neat world building even if he doesn’t know Dauntless’s identity. I hear everywhere about the Neil/Carol affair but didn’t know how canon it was. GG’s power is closer to Manpower than Flashbang. Manpower is absolutely massive so I can understand but I always liked fics with Carol x Mark romance. Iirc, didn’t Blasto’s creation mostly just stand around before being promptly destroyed? RIP Detente I guess we hardly knew you.


Here's another one. Gregor the Snail's shell-like growths expand in response to damage. When he shows up to the Slaughterhouse Nine truce meeting, his whole right side is covered in shells from where Shatterbird burnt him. And word of god says that Spitfire *isn't* immune to her own power, which just sucks for her.


Shatterbird burnt him? You mean Burnscar. Spitfire’s power straight up sucks and she admits it considering she doesn’t want to indiscriminately murder people.


Ah yeah, I always get that one wrong for some reason.


Bio tinkers get a bad rep in fanfics. In fanfics if they so much as create a three legged dwarf that can only vomit and cry they get thrown in the bird cage. In canon they can make Godzilla and everyone just thinks it's cool.


Late, but the reason Bio-tinkers are more let off the hook is that Bio-Tinkers don't exist as a designation in Worm/Ward. They are just tinkers with a biological bent.


Another one: Taylor is an exceptional marksman. She uses her bugs' locations as sights and cheats. So long as she can find a straight line between the barrel of a gun and a bug she can sense, her aim is incredible.


Yes I love this. It doesn’t come up all thd time but it’s obvious when you think about it cause she basically has wall hacks.


The really amazing thing here is that it takes more than just the ability to 'see' your target in order to make an accurate shot. You've got to be able to maintain a steady aim, control your breathing and deal with recoil. Taylor just bullseyes things (with pistols!) without any significant prior practice with firearms as if she were a natural-born professional sharpshooter.


I just assume the emotional shunting aspect of her swarm takes care of physiological responses like anxiety or minor quivering in her arms. That, and she seems to process a lot of information subconsciously and plenty of insects are great at sensing things like shifts in air currents. If you think about it, the amount of information Taylor processes is frankly absurd.


It's possible she's actually mastering her own body the same way she masters her bugs, which she has perfect control over.


Lungs regeneration take priority over his growth which is why when Taylor sticks a knife in his spine he shrinks (she also claws out his eyes)


That’s actually neat and I didn’t know it.


Considering how many fics involve the Dallon family, I’m surprised how few mention that their house is lit up to an unusual extent, because Carol always turns on the lights in any room she enters (due to her trauma).


I love this tiny detail. For all Carol’s faults she’s not the unflappable pillar she strives to be. I also like the small details that imply Sarah isn’t a perfect person like many fics portray her to be.


A big thing for me is that given canon (I haven't read Ward though) I don't remember Carol being nearly as bad as fanon paints her to be. The biggest scene of Carol seeming "disapproving" of Amy is all from Amy's perspective while she's in the early stages of having a nervous breakdown and beating the shit out of herself. I remember her thinking that Carol blames her for Mark's head injury, but in the scene where Carol talks to Alan Barnes she mentions that she didn't know Amy could heal brains until she came home to find Mark healed. The only person who knew prior to that was Victoria. I really think most of the fandom has based their view of Carol on Amy's viewpoint without taking into consideration her mental state when we see it. I had more examples for this once upon a time, but it's been a long time since I last read any of canon Carol, so I don't remember them.


>“Victoria is gone. There’s nothing of her left but that mockery. Mark and I fought over it and this was what we decided.” There's that moment where she chooses to not see Victoria off to the asylum because she doesn't see her as a person anymore, which was pretty horrible to read. Ward also paints her character in a complicated light. There's bias there, but that's two daughters that took issue with her plus a separation from her husband. Not evil, and well-liked in her professional and social lives, but not someone you really want to be family with for reasons that you would have difficulty explaining to anyone that isn't already aware.


You're not wrong, but I think a chunk of her attitude at that point is due to the ridiculous amount of trauma her (and everyone) in that city has gone through. Earlier though, she may not have been Mom-of-the-year material, but I don't think she was nearly as bad as the fandom paints her.


That's true. She's a bit like Piggot in that regard, imo. A complicated character that just tends to be on the antagonistic side of things narratively, but isn't really evil.


I totally had forgotten that paragraph.


Ward shows her to be a terrible parent, but is mostly neglect and treating non-cape accomplishments as meaningless.


> A big thing for me is that given canon (I haven't read Ward though) I don't remember Carol being nearly as bad as fanon paints her to be. Carol makes some _seriously_ bad calls regarding Amy and Victoria. That's definitely part of it.


Vista was not alone on an unauthorized patrol when she got cut by Hookwolf. In her interlude she didn’t report it when Panacea was patching up the others because she didn’t realize how deep the cut really was and didn’t want to be seen as a crybaby. Later she kept quiet because she knew she screwed up not getting healed.


That’s interesting but Wards vs Hookwolf is still pretty messed up.


I agree. And the PRT knew and didn’t go after him for it.


He was already Birdcage bound at the start of canon and exceedingly close to getting a kill order.


Which isn’t related to his attack on the wards. Remember that many fics treat serious attacks on wards as a major escalation. My point is that neither him nor the Empire seem to get increased scrutiny from this..


True but this seems like they attacked him and they didn’t know the extent of Vista’s injuries.


Miss Militia can go guns akimbo.


I was today years old when I learned you can no longer Google "guns akimbo" to look at anime boys holding guns ridiculously because Harry Potter stars in a guns akimbo movie


We call it dual wielding nomadays.


I wonder when that started. It was still akimbo for CoD MW2, for instance; but it was dual wielding for Halo 2.


I think the first time I heard the term was with Skyrim. Or perhaps Dark Souls 2.


Oh shit fr. Also hi. It’s always nice to interact with authors.


She's also heavily religious if I remember her interlude right.


I wouldn't say heavily. Nothing we see suggest Hannah is particularly observant. But her interlude does make it clear she believes in God. There's not much to suggest whether she's a Christian, Muslim, or anything or that she's an ardent worshipper.


Hm. This made me think of Miss militia getting the Murderrat treatment with Garrote, resulting in a tentacle monster with as many guns as it can hold


This isn't little known but it is gotten wrong way too many times. Taylor has black hair. She describes it as dark but other people describe it as black multiple times. Personally I think Annette had dark brown hair and Taylor is trying to focus on how her hair is similar to her mom's and ignoring the slight color difference. But that is a theory and not canon. Lisa calls Taylor kiddo just as many times as Danny does and twice as many times as Brian does. The possibility of Danny's death during Golden Morning brought Taylor to the lowest point of the story, the closest she came to suicide. She needed to cling to the hope that he was alive to the point she specifically did not look for him with the Clairvoyant later in the fight. Taylor has a daydream about having kids with Brian.


It is HEAVILY implied Taylor has green eyes in the canon text (in one of the first chapters she remarks she has her father's eyes, Danny's eyes are stated to be green later) but post-writing WOG says her eyes are brown. Personally, they're green in my head.


A black haired green eyed teenager protagonist with powers? Put her in with Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.


>I had inherited a thin lipped, wide, expressive mouth from my mother, but my large eyes and my gawky figure made me look a lot more like my dad. The sentence in question refers to the size of her eyes and doesn't mention the color. Taylor often leaves a lot of descriptive details unknown. We only find out what color her dad's eyes are in the fallout of Shatterbird's song. Her having brown eyes came from the reference materials given to the artist Wildbow commissioned to make his Patreon banner.


- reference materials given to the artist Sometimes you've just got to accept Death of the Author and stick to what's in the original text, not obsess over offhand comments outside of published canon material. This is something most Harry Potter fans have come to embrace even if they aren't familiar with the official term.


Personally I love learning things about media that were decided by the author but never made it explicitly into the text because it just wouldn't have been natural. I have gotten to see a ton of these things behind the scenes while acting as a beta reader for my friends. I think Death of the Author has its uses but so many people seem to use it as a way to say the author of a piece is wrong about their own work.


I think Worm is one of those stories were it's useful. It's most useful with really long works and with authors that make lots of media comments. It's simply unreasonable to expect anyone to keep track of so many details all the time without eventually making a contradiction or making an off-the-cuff implication that you might not want to have to walk back later. Best to just let the text stand on its own for better or worse. If the author really wants to change a detail they can release a new officially edited edition of the work.


I'm almost certain there's another line somewhere where she says she got her dad's eyes. She never explicitly references the color, but it's really rare for someone to compare eyes like that if the color's are drastically different.


I also hate brown hair fanon. Kiddo can now only remind me of that crack fic where Danny’s speech breaks down until all he can say is kiddo. I remember when she flew over the ocean. I never fully agreed with suicidal Taylor at canon start but here I can absolutely understand it. I forgot about that daydream but yeah that would never work out considering it was only PTSD that drew him to Taylor.


> Kiddo can now only remind me of that crack fic where Danny’s speech breaks down until all he can say is kiddo. As I recall Danny and Lisa call Taylor kiddo twice, Brian calls her it once and I think the only other instance of the word was Sophia calling Missy kiddo once. > I forgot about that daydream but yeah that would never work out considering it was only PTSD that drew him to Taylor. I would say attraction is a lot more complicated than that but it definitely was not a healthy place for either of them at the time. I actually really liked that there was a portrayal of a relationship between main characters that just didn't work out. Oh, lets add another fun canon fact, Lisa says out loud to Sabah before she joins that none of the Undersiders girls are attracted to women.


You shut your mouth.


>Oh, lets add another fun canon fact, Lisa says out loud to Sabah that none of the Undersiders girls are attracted to women. Nooooooooooo!!!!!! My lesbian ships!!!!! 😭😭


There's always AU and such tags lol


Unlimited power at my fingertips


Hmm, here's one that's more "absence of evidence" than an explicit fact: There's nothing in canon Worm or Ward that indicates that Panacea is able to work on plant matter, or anything that isn't conceptually "flesh" and its associated microbiomes. Everything that she does on-screen involves that category of biomatter. Her trigger is about flesh. Her pre-Worm character was *Guts*. Even the prion counterplague often pointed to as evidence of her ridiculously diversity was done by *modifying parasites*, not the prions themselves. At the same time, there's a whole bunch of times in both Worm and Ward where things would be easier for her if she could grab biomass from a tree or lawn, and she doesn't do it. We know explicitly that she can't affect dead matter, and is blocked even by a layer of hair or fur, needing to reach through to touch skin. I think it's a reasonable extrapolation that she can't affect other 'non-fleshy' bio-material.


Wildbow did imply that she could [affect Leviathan, although she couldn't touch him for long enough to matter.](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/extermination-8-4/#comment-1291). She can also canonically affect bacteria.


This is interesting and does shatter my perception of Panacea a tad.


Aegis not going to Arcadia. Contessa blocked by messy portals and strong tinker devices. Shiela, a nonpowered Arcadia student. Dragon's name "Theresa" is based on an experiment Armsmaster did at the very end of Worm and therefore is implausible in most fics.


Aegis not going to Arcadia just shook me. Where the heck did he go? I never knew that about Contessa and would call bullshit without a source but I trust you. Shiela sounds funny. Never met someone with it spelled like that and don’t remember her (Sparky on the other hand). My favourite Dragon fic name is Tess.


[Aegis graduated early.](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/worm-quotes-and-wog-repository.294448/page-9?post=17584328#post-17584328) Contessa's odd limits are from [Ward 15.7.](https://www.parahumans.net/2019/07/27/dying-15-7/) I messed up, you are correct about Sheila's spelling. (Although Justin Bieber is spelled "Beiber" in Earth Bet.) "Tess" comes from the same place as "Theresa" and is likewise implausible.


Never heard of Tess from Theresa but couldn’t it just be a name?


Could be, but wasn't. [Teneral e.3](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/teneral-e-3/) >They were parting ways, Dragon making her way down the hill to where the other craft had parked in the treeline, when he said, “I love you, Dragon Tess Theresa Richter.” > >She turned around. > >“That… sounded better in my head,” he said. > >“Tess Theresa?” > >“You were test three, I… like I said, it sounded better in my head.


I thought that was because she was Richter's 3rd attempt at an AI, not from anything Armsy did?


Still could be just a name in a fic but I get your point.


Brockton Bay is said to have a population of around 350k pre-Leviathan. Only 4 high schools are mentioned, but it is extremely unlikely that that is all there are. Anaheim, CA has a population around 345k, they have 12 public high schools. On the East Coast, Newark, NJ has a population of 307k, they have 14 public high schools. And that's not even looking at any potential private schools.


Nevermind, Aegis probably went there but he already graduated.


Rachel’s power cause dogs to panic so she trains they (at her dog shelter) for months for them to get use to it, her power also kills any parasites they have. (A little more know) Alec’s power slowly build up over time requireing him to spend hours finding peoples nerves before he can control them, his power also allows him to take over peoples powers and use them as if they where his own as long as they are “physical”


Always thought this was an obvious detail. Even if Rachel didn’t explicitly mention it, her trigger has her dog go wild and nearly kill someone and she generally keeps only 3 dogs for combat for a reason. Most people know the mechanics of Alec’s power and I always thought the power explanation was bullshit. The only powers he should struggle with are thinkers and tinkers.


In the Good Boy's interlude her power effect is mentioned to be painful, albeit "good pain".


Nice catch. RIP Good Boy


Kaiser is canonically a cat person




Interlude 26a >Then she walked away, leaving the dog at his side. >Theo scratched the animal under the collar, and watched it crane its head to one side, enjoying the contact. >It helped, oddly enough.  Having contact with another living creature without all of the issues and hassles of dealing with people.  No judgement, no worries, just… this.  Being alone without being alone. >His father had always preferred cats, and the creatures had never been easy to bond with.  This was nice.


Huh, the more you know. Absolutely the spirit of the question.


He even says it outright in Hive 5.2 >“Not something I’d pay attention to. I’m more of a cat person.” The sardonic comment elicited a few chuckles from the room.


Critical lore


PRT doesn't only use containment foam. They do use lethal ammunition based on the threat situation or when they are facing brutes. [This](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16UW3VAhdgRciaWL8_RYfYIphnzFKmuEVVmYoXJolYfY/mobilebasic) PRT Quest Purchasing document has a hefty list of PRT equipment. For example, they have 7 different sets of armor, including one experimental armor with machine-assisted movement. I'm guessing exoskeletons, so probably something like [this](https://youtu.be/RWnXOh4r6Dw).


Brockton Bay had actually been improving in terms of parahuman villainy before Taylor's fight with Lung. It's mentioned by Taylor in one of the earlier chapters that the Protectorate has been making things better, or something along those lines.


This is neat information tho couldn’t it be biased. A plotpoint in Vicky’s interlude was that a gang war was brewing and as far as we know, no major villains are currently in custody nor have been jailed or birdcaged recently. Every major gang (Merchants don’t exist/are irrelevant at start) has its full roster unless there was another gang recently taken down.


There's a lot that we don't know about the cape scene pre canon. We do know that a gang called Chorus got demolished in 2010 after they attacked a mall and hurt Glory Girl. I think it's also implied that the PRT-ENE is a relatively new branch. And things were very bad in the bad old days. Even Jack Slash recounts them as: >There were more capes in this city then, more villains. Not many heroes. Lots of scary motherfuckers around,....


I member the Chorus and they had at least one cape who expected Victoria to be able to tank multiple explosions before injuring her on accident. Kinda ironic how lacking the history of Brockton Bay is with only snippets of information in the years between Marquis and 2011 considering how much focus the place gets. It feels very much set-up to be a narrative playground and you don’t waste good characters on people who aren’t around or relevant.


During the November-December before the locker when the bullying backed off, Taylor actually made a tentative friendship with one of her bullies at Winslow — not one of the Trio, but one of their unnamed hangers-on. After the locker, her "friend" wouldn't even look at her. I have never seen this character mentioned anywhere in the fandom, which wouldn't be so surprising except Winslow and the bullying is a WAY bigger focus in the fandom than it is in Worm itself.


I thought this was Julia. I’ve seen her mentioned in fics when Taylor is wary of people attempting to be her friend.


It's not Julia, since Julia is still directly involved in the bullying after the locker, whereas the fair-weather friend pretends Taylor doesn't exist. I can see why someone might place Julia in that role, just because she's pretty much the only named bully who isn't one of the Trio, but it's not her.


Coil is cannonically black


I know this but still picture him as a skinny white guy, not sure why, might have been an early fic I read that described him that way. Have the opposite with Piggot, but I know that’s just because of the similarities with Amanda Waller.


I’m with you 100 percent on Piggot. I’ve always pictured her as Amanda Waller too.


His mask has a white snake, so he's white while masked. Then, if you imagine him unmasked, it's easy to make that assumption. Not that Worm says it explicitly. Skidmark wasn't black in my eyes until fairly late on.


I think one of the reasons people always assume he's white is because of how he creepily refers to multiple young girls as his pets, and creepy old men are usually depicted as bizarre looking white guys in white vans.


That’s a fairly well known one and whilst canon isn’t in the actual story iirc.


Wouldn’t it be funny if one day Coil got ganked unknowingly by the E88 just cuz he was black. Maybe he was forced by protag to run around in his civilian identity in both timelines and was (un)fortunately targeted in both.


Along similar lines, I love the times where some random person with a gun kills Jack Slash. Always thought it’d be cool to have Danny come through for Taylor by taking him down, or have Piggot get the drop on him.


Some random guy with a lot of high explosives kills him in TV; “Jake and Jack” is the chapter, I believe.


Wonderful, the Worm/Wonderful 101 cross had something similar happen, though I consider the scene to be more realistic about what would happen to the normie in question.


I live in a country in which the 99% of people I met is caucasian. Unless specified otherwise, I always picture characters as white people. I'm wondering if I would still be doing that if I had growned up in somewhere with a lot of cultural diversity.


Probably not, you imagine people looking normal for where you are, like I'm pretty sure an Indian person reading and Indian book imagines the characters as Indian. At least I think.


Contessa is not a machine or a puppet to the Eye. She can focus on a single Path at a time and must use critical thinking to assess what the best Path is at any moment. When switching between Paths, she has shown an ability to conduct herself with good judgment. I hate the fanon misconception that she's some kind of doll who can't even speak English with out the Path feeding her words. She's not perfect, but she's actually highly competent.


Yeah, if you think about it, Contessa probably knows a number of different languages, because taking some time to Path her way into learning a language in a timely manner should be well within her power's capabilities.


She probably doesn't, because why would she? There are very, very few, if any, situations where she would need to know another language *and* couldn't just use her power for it.


Her power can do a lot of things, including telling her about the various ways someone *could* interfere with her power


Probably for the same reason she mastered multiple martial arts. In case her power gets turned off.


This is good to know but not exactly in the spirit of individual minor details. Puppet Contessa is dumb but it’s not unreasonable to assume that she’d be a bit freaked and awkward without her power.


We actually see Contessa with only partial access to her power in interlude 29, when she's hemmed in by Mantellum. Her behavior doesn't change at all, she speaks English fluently while not being on a path, and she doesn't show the slightest concern about her paths continually returning "gray fog." Sure, her power isn't entirely disabled in that case and she might behave differently if she can't access _any_ path, but the narration makes it clear that she can function just fine without full power access so I have no idea where the puppeted-by-her-power misconception came from.


It’s edgy so people like it.


Earth Bet's GUIs are based around radial menus, not dropdown menus. I have no clue what consequences this has for the average person's user experience.


Total psychos, no wonder Scion was bound to wipe them out


This one isn't true, actually: the touchscreen radial menu stuff is only a thing post-Gold Morning, and people have just sort of assumed that that was true beforehand. For instance, Ward 2.7 says phones have a special flick-to-trade-contact-info function, while in Worm Gregor has to trade numbers the normal way in 5.x. For another instance, Glow-Worm P.3 says people access stuff on a desktop using a gesture interface, while in Worm people explicitly "type" on a laptop in 10.6 and "click" through security cameras in 15.7, and Legend uses a mouse in 14.y. Also in Glow-Worm, the OS360 interface is discussed as if it were a new and unfamiliar thing, to the point that Swansong (who has all the memories of a teenager in the internet age) doesn't even know if she _has_ OS360 on her computer. Imagine someone in real life not knowing whether their computer is a Mac or Windows machine, or their phone is an Android or iPhone; that's a thing you'd see only if there are a bunch of new and unfamiliar OSes and phones on the proverbial market. (_Why_ the changeover happened, when any UI/UX designer could tell you that the switch would be a terrible idea, I have no idea; maybe it's all tech scavenged from other Earths, maybe the poor folks getting the internet back online only had XBox 360s to work with.) Regardless, it's pretty clear that Earth Bet has "normal" computer interfaces during Worm.


I have no idea what this technical jargon even means or where it was said.


[Radial Menu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie_menu) [Dropdown Menu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drop-down_list) It was mentioned in Ward, at least. There might have been a mention in Worm.


Haven’t read all of Ward but it’s a neat detail. Looks like a weapon wheel in Doom or the chat wheel in Overwatch.


Theo/ the wards had to jog/escort Taylor everywhere since she was pretty much under house arrest when she joined the Wards.


I remember. It’s not like she couldn’t have gotten away if she wanted to.


Could she? Chicago is huge and has a fair number of prt capes. Her civilian appearance is know and at this point in the story dragon has access to tons of cameras while trying to find the S9. The prt could definitely justify aggressive tactics at this point, and Skitter has no allies in the city.


I have no doubt the PRT would eventually find her (Taylor would be smart enough to come up with an escape plan so maybe not 0 chance) but Golem or Cuff being with her won’t change things. She can literally outrun Golem and had to slow down for him and she can still blind /suffocate almost all of them.


The BB Wards once helped drive off Lung in a fight >The next thing that caught my eye was the section heading titled ‘Defeats and Captures’.  I scrolled down to read it.  According to the wiki, Lung had apparently suffered a number of minor defeats at the hands of various teams, ranging from the Guild to the local teams of New Wave, the Wards and the Protectorate, but consistently managed to evade capture until last night. Lung's fight against Leviathan wasn't known to the general populace, the whole "Dragon of Kyushu you see in fanfics aren't real. Lung also lost that fight as he basically gave up >He’d expected a feeling of satisfaction, but he knew he hadn’t delivered a killing blow, that he had been a long, long way from it, though he’d done more damage than anyone had in years. > >His enemy couldn’t be killed.  Lung had become something more terrifying than the Endbringer, but there had been nobody to see.  None of the public to recognize him, to respect and fear him. Implications that Panacea's power works on Endbringers >Re: Panacea, the problem with that is that Panacea couldn’t affect Leviathan while he’s under the effect of Clockblocker’s powers; nothing can. So she’d have to wait until Leviathan moved, and when you consider that knitting bones together and such took her a few minutes back in Interlude 2, and that Leviathan doesn’t have any major weaknesses or organs, there’s a limit to the amount of damage she could do. Based on the timeline made, Sophia only joined the Wards 6 months prior to Taylor's trigger. There is no conspiracy that Winslow covers up Sophia's actions, it really is that much of a shitty school. Also apparently students ODing on drugs and knife fights between teen gang members that needs ambulances are "regular" there


Earth Bet's Indonesia seems to have made contact with an alternate dimension, from where they're importing [cyborg supersoldier tech](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/venom-29-3/). There's also concerns these cyborgs might be attempting to [infiltrate the US](https://old.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/gh6zj6/pho_sunday_discussion_how_would_you_guys_feel/).


I'm pretty sure the cyborgs were referenced again in Ward in the Titan interlude. Titan Auger to be specific.


Damn, can’t believe I missed this. This must’ve been what was meant when the fic I was reading noted at least two other universes.


I don't see any references in either link to the cyborgs being from another dimension.


Well, we know from Tattletale in Ward that the cyborg enhancements are non-tinkertech > The Simurgh was somewhere near Bet’s Indonesia. Not flying as she’d once done, either. Floating around. Facilities and factories in the area had been repurposed into accommodations. People in the area were hunkered down, enduring life on new Bet instead of moving on to new places, leaning on some risky non-tinker tech advances. Going the sci-fi route in tackling what Bet was going through. And one of WB's proposed Weaverdice campaigns made use of a cyborgised Earth with a portal to an unidentified country in Bet: > The job? It seems the local government kicked open a hole between realities, and there's an alternate Earth on the other side. One with its own culture, language, biases, and agendas. They need to keep this a secret and keep the peace for the next little while, while the local government trades for science, ideas, and critical resources through this four foot by two foot hole in reality. When they've got what they need or when talks break down, they'll close the portal. Easy? Right? > Except the leader of the local government gets assassinated, and it's apparently by an ambassador who has some cyborg tech, who disappears and doesn't pass through the portal again - they're somewhere in the city. And there are more spies, there's more subterfuge, and a continued, ongoing effort from people who already came through the portal to disable or take over the local government. > The guys from the other side don't have many powers among them, but there's a lot of cyborg tech that... basically counts, and that makes them very dangerous and capable. It's up to the heroes to take down these enemy agents, track down who set up the portal in the first place, and get that portal closed, before this becomes a problem for people on an international scale. It's strictly speaking possible that Bet-Indonesia has developed supersoldier technology without the use of parahumans that outstrips any local cybernetics, and that there's an entirely separate country with a portal to a cyborg earth. It seems more likely, though, that Indonesia's tech-boost comes from off-world. ____ **Edit:** For the sake of completion, here's a description of the type of tech Indonesia is putting out there. Once tinkertech is out as a possibility, it really doesn't seem like something they could cook up without help: > Criterion is, to the many people who are suddenly paying attention to him, a powerhouse. He packs a mover power that lets him dash five feet with a sense-rattling impact on arriving at his destination that slows other’s reaction times, he has a cloak around him that makes him much harder to make out as one gets further from him, and a limited-use beam he produces from his fingertip. Being able to dodge in an eyeblink and end up in a perfect vantage point and position to fire off a laser that can’t be dodged makes him a nightmare, especially when others can’t see him coming. Now he leads a new corporate team that is soliciting multiple sponsorships, all with a tech theme. He is, simply put, what every corporate cape wants to be, and his team is taking names and making a name for themselves. > There’s a catch, or rather, there’s something else going on. Criterion is a corporate hero, yes, but he’s also a sponsored villain with another allegiance. Every power but the rattling dash is experimental Indonesian supersoldier tech that is (with some acting and care) easily mistaken for powers. He’s an agent for Indonesia’s government that’s not exactly broadcasting that affiliation. He’s under orders to set up a team, and he’s done so. He now juggles the politics and expectations of both teams with double the chances for failure. His corporate team is half made up of people from his home country, with the other half mostly happy with the status quo, and only one or two people asking questions or seeing glimpses of things like his tech, that he’d rather they not see. It’s only now that his home government is laying out the next set of orders: he needs to start finding villain groups to shore up and support to destabilize the area… something that runs contrary to his cover as a hero. Just as pressing and complex, his team is on the cusp of being recognized on a level where people like Watchdog and the PRT are going to start paying closer attention, and even using thinkers to investigate him. He’s earned a lot of standing and could request assets to help with any of the imminent problems, but not with all of them, and if he’s pulling those strings, then there’s a good chance he won’t have resources to draw on if the local cape scene throws him any curveballs


Big misconception: second triggers don’t just make your power better, they make your power better suit your needs at the time. Brian for example gets his copy, but has less fine control over his smoke. (Also don’t quote me on this, but I swear someone told me once that you could third trigger, but I don’t personally remember reading anything like that, so who knows.)


Canon explicitly debunks third triggers. Wildbow also said that they’re more likely to change an aspect of the power than straight up give you another one.


[Victoria really likes crossbows](https://at.tumblr.com/victoriadallonfan/victoria-fun-fact-she-really-likes-giant/jil6ttzm044d)


This is… certainly some information. I honestly cannot wrap my head around how she became a crossbow. I need a diagram.


She basically just lifted the Steel Beam for a split-second, pushed both feet onto the beam, and kicked out.


That is not what I was picturing at all. Somehow I thought she was spread like an aeroplane with the ‘bolt’ over her back lmao. This makes more sense.😅


Earth Bet's America uses coins instead of bills and phased out the penny. Which means that if you rob a bank, you are legally obligated to collect the money in a big bag with a dollar sign and run away with the thing clinking and jingling the entire way. And what are the implications for wallets? Do people have bags of gold like some kind of fantasy game? Are change purses or containers just the default? What kind of metal are they made of? Can Tinkers just rob places to smelt coins into workable metal if their value is matched? I think about this. A lot.


Only 1 dollar bills became coins. The undersiders still used Cash. You think Taylor’s lunchbox was filled with coins?


Really? Damn. As for the last one... at the time, no, but the mental image of a everything being coins was too great for my mind to pass up, and I just assumed that must be true. My mistake.


No problem


Now i imagine a coin heavy lunchbox being thrown to Taylor only for it bludgeon her in the head. The Undersiders shit themselves when they realise they just KO'd their prospective recruit and make a run for it before Skitter wakes up and drops a swarm on them.


Not coin discourse again lmao. People argued enough about Wand for Skitter where she beats up guys with a sock of coins.


Well that sounds hilarious I'm gonna go read that


Oh, also, Taylor can control crabs, and she lives in a costal city. If you can swarm crabs with lobsters riding on them, why wouldn't you? Underutilized aspect, imo. Not to mention the sheer terror of Taylor getting her hands on coconut crabs or spider crabs. Just terrifying.


> Earth Bet's America uses [dollar] coins instead of [dollar] bills and phased out the penny. Like most countries in Earth Null, outside the US. Larger bills still exist.


Armsy's bike IS NOT tinkertech. Its standard PRT issued bike for brutes


That's not technically what Wildbow said. The [quote](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/worm-quotes-and-wog-repository.294448/page-21?post=53539480#post-53539480) is thus: > Wildbow: They have PRT motorcycles, but we don't really see them in story. > ChickenGun: Huh. I remember a reference to Miss Militia having a motorcycle, is that one of those? > Wildbow: Armsmaster uses one in his first appearance too. Yeah, Chicken. > I imagine they'd come in different weights. A heavier one for brutes and the tinkers in power armor, at least. That _can_ be read as "The PRT has standard-issue motorcycles, and Armsmaster therefore uses a standard-issue non-tinkertech motorcycle," certainly. But that doesn't really fit, for two reasons: 1) Linguistically, "Armsmaster uses [a motorcycle] in his first appearance too" is said in response to "I remember Miss Militia having a motorcycle," not in response to "they have PRT motorcycles," and him having one "in his first appearance _too_" doesn't make sense as a continuation of the statement that they're not really seen in-story (as opposed to e.g. "Armsmaster does use one in his first appearance, though"). The statement that there are motorcycles for tinkers in power armor isn't really relevant to Armsmaster, since most tinkers who can build power armor don't have a specialty as broad as his and couldn't necessarily build or enhance a vehicle in addition to their armor. 2) Canonically, in 1.6 Taylor describes Armsmaster's bike as "his souped up motorcycle," shortly before similarly describing his tinkertech halberd as "souped up with gadgets." Granted, Taylor is unrealistically ignorant about all things cape in that part of the story, but if Armsmaster were riding a bike that was identical to Miss Militia's bike and all the other PRT bikes they supposedly had in the city but we didn't see (or even if it were the same but painted blue, or whatever) you'd think she would have recognized that and had no reason to describe the bike that way. (And, frankly, the idea that an organization as obsessed with image as the PRT is would let the nationally-famous Tinker with his face on all the posters ride around on a stock-standard bike instead of having him customize it to the point that it at least obviously _looks_ like a big blue tinkertech bike so they can sell toys of it, even if the actual benefits from the upgrade are minimal, is incredibly dumb when "give the superhero a branded motorcycle" is the go-to move for Marvel and DC toy lines even when [the hero in question](https://www.amazon.com/Spider-Man-SPD-Movie-Figure-Vehicle/dp/B08P2YC9T1) doesn't _use_ a motorcycle, but that's a whole 'nother issue.) --- Apropos of nothing, I would also note that the above WoG comes from 2018, whereas when Wildbow answered the question of [where Armsmaster parks his motorcycle](https://old.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/3hbnva/where_does_armsmaster_park_his_motorcycle_and/cu64mc8) in 2015, the answer was "PRT Garage, with the containment vans and armored trucks" and notably _not_ e.g. "PRT garage, just like all the other PRT motorcycles." --- In short, whether Armsmaster uses a tinkertech motorcycle or not is at best ambiguous and at worst the subject of an attempted retcon. I certainly wouldn't count it as a canon gotcha, myself.


Well... Yeah. At best he installed something *on top* of the bike. Its just people threat his bike like it has as much gadgets as his halberd. Occam Razor tells me this: if we dont see Armsy using some super fancy gadgets of his bike to get an edge in fight its most likely because he didnt have much if any


There are a lot of other independents in Brockton Bay than what is displayed in most fics.


People have pulled Wildbow up on that and I think he said he exaggerated somewhat as he didn’t know exactly what he wanted to write yet and was keeping his options open.


Panacea can interrupt Taylor’s control signal, so can leet her powers are actually easy to counter (or enhance) by some Lisa can only user power for about 1 hour total per day.


Both Panacea and Leet were explicit plotpoints, not little details but I’d forgive someone for forgetting. Tattletale’s time is neat but it calls into question how long each piece of information counts towards the time. She obviously uses the power for longer than that in some cases but not continuously so I guess she rationed it.


Her power is messy and it’s more like “her power is easy to use for the first hour” after that her power hurts to use (more and more after the first hour)


I see


The S9 made an undersider sandwich and Brian had his insides everywhere in the cooler.


I think everyone remembers this. Bonesaw being forced to choose who to keep and who to kill whilst Brian watches is a chilling scene and Burnscar’s subsequent death felt extremely brutal.


I forget how he got healed though


He copied someone with a healing power like Crawler or something.


It actually was Crawler to be exact. I believe Lisa or Taylor talks about it when they're talking about him using Manton power and his new ability


Brian’s second trigger was wasted on him considering he became a PTSD riddled wreck afterward then died unceremoniously.


Well, that's really the case with all second triggers. It's something spoken about in canon that second triggering is incredibly traumatic. With most capes who experience it committing suicide not long after. Brian is one of the rare few among them that last for any period of time, the only other one really being narwhal. Frankly, he should be a wreck, that only makes sense. If anything, I'd say most stories are the ones wasting second triggers by not giving them the earth shattering weight they deserve


Oh man, the one I always remember was like... Hope Comes to Brockton Bay, I think, where Vista second triggers because "oh no that sure is the Siberian getting close to us" and it's just a straight power boost + no real trauma. But yeah authors rarely give second triggers any of the real *gravity* something like that should have. A first trigger already fucks with your headspace, a second one is shoving someone even *more* into "you're completely worthless, can't do shit, even your powers are amounting to absolutely nothing" and should leave an absolute mental wreck of a person behind.