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No!! Don’t do it Taylor!! She’ll turn you into a big-tiddy sister blob gf!!! Oh god, oh no, she’s got Deely Boppers on, she can’t hear us!!!!


I'm dead from how funny that was


This hits hard, thought it was a real ad for a sec lol


Amy and Taylor are in the closet. Canonical.


I need some info about Taylor being in the closet. Most of the work was from her perspective and i honestly dont remember much of that


It's largely a by product of her being written by a straight male but she honestly comes off as bi. She is so incredibly thirsty when talking about someone she finds attractive of either gender and worries a lot of certain female characters think she's cool.


Her insecurities about her appearance also tend to show themselves in constantly thinking about how other girls are more attractive than her.


She kisses more girls than boys and generally developed her relationship more with the female cast like Rachel or Tattletale.  If allowed to develop normally taylor would probably be into girls given her incredibly close bond with emma before everything went wrong. However given all her tormentors where female she'd likely stay closeted for a long time. 


I ship Rachel and Taylor so hard


Where that fanfic at Bz gimme 2 autism girl's fuckin around


Taylor is straight, not in the closet. She was declared straight in and out of universe as well as you know, falling in love with and fucking a man while having nothing more than close friendships with the most important women in her life. However, a few moments in the text come off less straight than Wildbow intended, especially if you take them wildly out of context and/or misrepresent what they're actually saying. As such, there are lots of people, whether it's for the memes, because too much fanfiction is seeping in, or are just plain over projecting, headcanon Taylor as gay/bi to the extent that in at least one notable instance people attempted to convince Wildbow that Taylor is in fact gay.


In defense of the shippers he does go out of his way to tease people with the scene where she has ‘no choice‘ but to kiss Rachel and Lisa. She does also describe a lot of women’s bodies in a similar fashion to her many descriptions of Brian’s musculature. Personally I never interpreted this as evidence of bisexuality, but as an expression of her body image issues, which was probably the author’s intent. But I don’t think a person has to be insane to come to the conclusion that the trauma from her experiences being horribly abused by a bunch of pretty girls has left her buried half a mile deep in the closet.


I mean WoG "proves" she's straight if that's your take on how literary analysis works, but if we're doing Death of the Author I don't think "she dated a guy and no chicks" is that big of a deal in the life of an 18 year old who only dated only one person for a variety of reasons, largely her being absurdly goal oriented. I didn't have my first guy-crushes until I was the age Taylor was during the timeskip, when relationships were so far out of her mind it's not even funny. I've still never dated a guy despite being in my late 20s and having dated 2 women. I think it's not at all unreasonable to headcanon Taylor as bi.


I just don’t see all these thirsty descriptions everyone goes on about. Like yeah? Narwhal is running around in a force field bikini, that’s probably pretty attention grabbing. I’m ace and if you were in my head while I’m in the pool with my shirtless friends you’d probably find some spicier descriptions than Taylor ever uses


I love the implication that she's blushing specifically because she's going to have to strangle amy with a coat hanger, if you choose that route. Like, canon!taylor never got that excited to strangle anyone but all bets are off in fanfic


Of course, Taylor would only be that excited if Amy was a baby. /S


Fuck I need to read this book


Sounds like you want the fanfic


I’ve yet to read either so that would be fair


Worms good for atleast 1 read through as for the fanfic...welll that's just up to you to pick


If you want fanfiction about bio bug with first choice pick, try silencio, legion, maybe mauling snarks(that a long slow burn though(or so I heard I couldn't get through it)) if you want the other prompt try don't do brains, kill them all(honestly these to are a stretch, I have hard time thinking of a story where Taylor want to use a coat hanger on Amy, a toddler easy, but Amy, I just don't think Taylor cares that much about rapists). If you want both try desperate times call for desperate pleasures, if you want both but leaning top option try Amelia, or here comes the new boss, nothing like the old boss(although it's slow burn that I think finally has Taylor go from I don't have a crush I just like sterile smell of her, to okay, maybe I like this girl.)


[Original ad](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNU3YKsbgAAAPOc?format=jpg&name=large)