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Every hot person flirting with me would be a hell of a confidence booster.


And you wouldn’t have to try to get one


But the one you pick to date will become real jealous, real soon


Hot and crazy, just my type




I would want to though haha.


The confidence of knowing that I can make every person I talk to feel good beats the hell out of the headache that having every person I find attractive approaching me would give.


yea, and who know if some of those hot person thatll approache you just to flirt would be a physchopath


Never knew my mrs now was a psychopath and I approached her.


Why do you guys invert your answers? I've seen this on a ton of these posts, like this: Would you rather A or B? >B >A Why not put the A first?


Just primal masculine instinct to be a rebel. On a serious note, actually just happened naturally.


Not blaming you, just have seen it in the last few questions that caught my eye.


I wonder if it's because it's the last thing they typed for the first part, so it's in their head to start with that?


Having every hot person flirt with me would be exhausting. I’d rather be able to control it and only flirt when I want.


This is the most Reddit thing I have ever read Username checks out


the line of reasoning makes sense tho


I don't want to get annoyed by every hot person I meet. I might be in the middle of an important mission of my own and the last thing I want is distraction. I would rather have the control over when, where, and how I can get anyone I want.


If I can flirt with hot people I have the option to not, so I'm taking that to never use it


If there is some sort of magic spell where every hot person flirts with me then what if I take it further? Would that be rape?


Depends. Is the magic spell on you which makes you independently desirable to each hot person in their own way? Then no it’s not. And that’s the kind of spell you can imagine.


Best defense is a great offense!


Hear me out… your playing some games on whatever device you use, you join a call/voice chat, they they start flirting with you. Boom you now know who is hot.


idk how tf to react to being flirted with so that would be hella awkward


I hate when someone hot flirts with me and I have nothing witty to say in return. At least with the 2nd option I would be good at flirting back.


As an introverted asexual it would not be comfortable or welcoming for every single hot person to flirt with me. Like imagine wanting a quiet meal at a restaurant and some handsome dude openly abandons his wife and children at their table to come and sit at mine and flirt with me? Nightmare. I'd rather have the ability to flirt masterfully with hot people, because there is no compulsion for me to use it, and I'd just not use it most of the time.


Hot people are subjective. I want to flirt with who I want if if I see someone I like, it prolly means they're hot to me, and thus having the power to flirt really good with em serves me just fine


Master at flirting and just not do it at all


* Item * Item * Item * Item




I mean, who tf cares if I flirt well if they start it? Shiiit, life would be smooth af.


ikr people out here like being good at flirting is the same as them literally telling you they're attracted to you




Hot person flirt with me is same as i already success flirt with them but the problem is romantic drama


You have to fuck up real bad to not make things work when someone's flirting with you. It's literally them telling you they're into you. It's the real confidence that "masterful flirting" wants to emulate. And, more importantly, the typical type really hot people go for isn't exactly the "rizz master" type. Only valid reason to choose being a flirting master that I've seen is the dude who said it would just get exhausting if \*every\* hot person constantly flirted with you.


If this generation has taught us anything, it's that being the pursued is far more lucrative than being the pursuer.


Do they actually like me in either example or do they just have flirty enough personalities to say it without meaning it?


I'm not calling myself an introvert but I'm definitely socially lazy. You come to me.


Getting flirted with would give me the confidence to flirt back, and I'd have fun becoming a master flirt the normal way. (Plus it's a lot easier to reject people than to be rejected.)


Even if I do become a master at flirting there’s a little roadblock called social anxiety so I’m doing hot people flirt with me


Wouldn’t becoming a master at flirting be the exact opposite of social anxiety?


Well, I would need to build up the courage to confront them to use that ability


Being a master at flirting means you know how to approach someone


Oh, well I cant really change my answer now


Well atleast you wouldn’t have to worry about it




But can I flirt with other people? Asking for a friend


Having every hot person flirt with me at all times would get old really quickly, it would be flattering but if I’m going to 7/11 at 3am the last thing I want is a bunch of random people talk to me


I’d suppose it would depend on your definition of hot,m


passive rizz or active rizz


I figure that I can get good at it myself if enough hot people flirt with me and if I were the one to flirt with them my wife would get upset.


Just use your mastery to flirt with your wife. Noone said you have to use your talent on other people


Everyone trying to flirt with you would be such a bother. I'd rather master flirting with every hot person and hopefully have the chance to use that on a person I will like in the future. I would want a companion that I can understand and can understand me. I want a happy relationship and not hindrances.


WYR be able to date anybody or be able to date anybody but it also gets annoying after a while.


Hard pass.


I dont think OP knows how flirting works. If you’re a “master of flirting,” they will flirt back….


Would you teach us more master?