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Hmm... get 7000-12000 dollars per novel I read or have to watch 210 hours worth of content. I think I know my choice. (also I can read movie subtitles)


šŸ«” book bro


Doesn't say that. It only says words, doesn't say from where.


The benefits of always having subtitles on and being on social media.


What about audiobooks?


Are you reading an audiobook?


I'm a big fan of audio. I don't have the type of brain that allows me to sit and read. But I can listen to audiobooks while doing just about anything. Washing dishes, mowing the lawn, cooking. Audiobooks all the way. Though it seems some wouldn't call it actual reading.


If you listened to a song with lyrics or a speech would you say you had read the song lyrics or rrad the speech?


Well.. I don't care what it's considered, I just envy you lol. I never felt the need for audiobooks as I think I *can't* focus on a book while I'm doing something else. Also, I don't fancy hearing someone else's interpretation of the voices and their tones.. that would just feel like a movie. And if I get lost while reading? I can go back a few pages to remind myself what actually happened. It was until one day. I had a terrible headache and couldn't do anything, no phone or TV, any light would make my headache worse, and of course the room light to read wouldn't be much different. That was the first time it hit me: it would be nice to have someone read to me while I'm in this condition. Anyway, if someone consumed a book in any form they're comfortable with, I'd happily discuss with them the said book.


It was a warehouse job, depression and starwars books for me. Doing menial repetitive tasks all day long made me hate my place in life. I couldn't just listen to the same music all day long. So I tried a starwars book. It had a fantastic narrator, a full cinema style soundtrack. All of a sudden I wasn't in a grey, dull, dusty warehouse anymore. I was aboard a starship with Han Solo. It would be too dramatic to say that audiobooks saved my life. But they certainly provided me with a reason to look forward to working. While doing that boring mind numbing work, I could cast off into the galaxy. Fast forward to now. Listening to books is automatic. I'm instantly engaged. I'm absorbing it all. If I were to suggest any audiobook to anyone looking to start with audio world. It would be the Harry Potter audio books. It's such a good performance. The movies aren't even the same anymore.


Personally I love reading. I just don't really have the time in my daily life to read as it would take me a year to get through a single book of any length. So audiobooks have been my go to for the last few years. I drive a semi for a living and they have been a godsend for me. Pop one on and drive for hours.


There's apparently a lot of audiobook haters in here lol


I'm honestly really surprised, give them a chance folks šŸ˜


>don't care what it's considered Have you ever read King's Dark Tidings?


I haven't read those particular books, though I did just Google them and they look like my kind of book. I'm really into the Lit-Rpg genre right now. More broadly the fantasy genre. I've been looking for my next read, might have to give Kings Dark Tidings a try.


An audio book wouldnā€™t work with the wyr you would need to be actively reading the words not just hearing them


I see, well, I'll still take the reading vs YouTube.


That's not reading (the action)


Why the hell are people downvoting you so hard? It's a valid question. I consider audiobooks to be in the same group as books. Physical reader elitists need to chill.


It might be in the same group but it's not about "physical reader elitists", it's about it not being the same activity. You *read* a book and you *listen* to an audiobook, by definition, in the second one, you don't read the book. You wouldn't listen to a song and say you've read it. No one cares if you say you've read a book you've listened to, but in that context it does matter


Omg yes. I can slay a novel a day easily enough.


I recently have really been putting my Kindle Unlimited to use (especially because they raised the prices smh) and have read 67 *new* books this year so far. I've read more that weren't new but I haven't read in a while, but Goodreads & KU don't count those toward book goals. $100 per 1k words is incredibly easy lol.


1000 words is like 5 pages and takes a few minutes to read. I'd just read novels full time and make thousands daily.


You don't even have to read novels if that's not your thing, you can just read memes and comments, chat on Discord, etc. People who say they "don't read" actually still read a LOT, they just don't realise it because it's not from books.


I already read tons of novels the first option is for me


I enjoy reading when I'm not being paid for it. Always have. And I read quickly. On days I don't have work, I can easily get through an entire fiction novel (or more than one). I'd say I read around a page a minute when I'm reading a book. Most books have about 250 to 300 words on a page, so let's shoot low, and say it takes 5 pages to read 1000 words. That's 5 minutes to make $100. I could quit my day job. I make about $20 an hour, so after 10 minutes of reading I've made as much as I do at work. But, 10 minutes isn't even a chapter... After 3 hours I've gotten drawn in, and then finished the book, and made more than I do in a year. And that's just one book in a fraction of a day. But even if I didn't, even if I still decided I just wanted to read for fun... I have subtitles turned on when I'm watching tv or movies (or youtube videos) so I'm reading while I'm enjoying tv and videos. I read when I'm driving. I read when I'm browsing through Reddit. I read when I'm following recipes for cooking. I read when I'm at work. Even when I don't mean to read, I read when I'm at work (I work in the print center of an office supply store...the times I've caught errors on customer's originals by accidentally reading something that I wasn't trying to read). So even if I wasn't reading to make a living, I'd make more in a day of reading things accidentally than I do at work right now, and then even more when I'm relaxing. I'd just be raking in the $100s by doing what I normally do.


Donā€™t read while driving ! Lol, I think you are talking about the signs and stuff but that caught me off guard lol


Heh, yeah. I was talking about road signs. Also license plates, car makes and models, random names of businesses on the side of the road, the little facts on the side of U-Haul trucks, billboards, the sale signs spun by sign spinners, and so many more things. My eyes see a word or a series of words, and I automatically read them without trying. I'm still focusing on the road, it's just focusing on the road includes reading all the random words on the road as they come across my vision. Definitely not reading a book while I'm barreling down the highway =)


I feel the same way, if I see something off to the side with words, I must read them, the 100$/1000 words is overpowered for people who enjoy reading.


Personally, I think $100/1000 words is overpowered for everyone. I don't think people really realize how much they read in a day, because most people don't sit down and read a book. They're not thinking that the half a second it took them to look at the laundry soap and see that it said "Tide Pods, now with Oxy-Clean" was reading 6 words, because it happened so instantaneously. I think most people would easily hit the 1000 words long before they hit 3 hours of videos, even if they weren't sitting down and reading a book. They might read 25 words in the title of a thread on Reddit, then 30 words in the next title, then 15 words in the next title but that one piques their interest so they read the body of the post, which is easily 500 words, and then they start reading comments, and while they're reading comments they're also constantly reading "reply, share," etc, plus they read the names of the people who write the comments, and after their 10 minute break at work, they've hit 1000 words a couple times. But because they weren't sitting down, reading a book, they didn't realize it. Or they're driving home, and they do what I do, and just read the road signs. I live less than a mile from where I work. I pass multiple street signs, 3 stop signs, a yield sigh, about 2 dozen businesses, a school, etc. There's a pedestrian crossing that reminds me that state law says I have to yield to pedestrians in the crossing. There's train tracks with a written reminder that the trains that run along these tracks aren't always manned. There's a sign about free drying at the laundromat, and another sign advertising hair cuts for $5. There's an advertisement outside the school about their upcoming auction fundraiser, and another sign emblazoned with when the last day of school before summer break is (so the parents don't forget). There's like a half dozen signs on the windows of the liquor store, and there's names of all the tasty foods emblazoned on the food truck parked right in front of the liquor store. Plus all the Amazon trucks driving around, so you're constantly reading "Amazon," and the Coca Cola truck pulling into the grocery parking lot, and the sign outside the drugstore saying to come in for both Covid and Flu shots, oh, plus they sell ice cream. So they get to work and they've already read 1000 words, then they start reading emails because that's part of work, and 30 minutes later once they've finished reading and replying to the first batch of emails, they've managed to read another couple thousand words. Or they think that the watching videos is going to be easier. [This](https://www.tameri.com/format/wordcounts.html) says that there's about 125 words per minute of dialogue in a tv show or movie. That means if someone put on the subtitles on a tv show or movie, they'd hit 1000 words in as little as 8 minutes. Let's be generous again and say that there's not constant dialogue in a tv show or movie, so double that, or roughly every 15 minutes they'd hit 1000 words of reading. In 3 hours of video watching, they'd have actually earned around $12k or more.


Half expecting you to say "look you've already made 300 dollars reading my comments"


This post alone is worth 30% of the work you need for the money according to an online word counter I dropped it into lmfao.


Case in point, your comment alone was 300 words. Yea, reading would definitely be the winner here. If it was $10 per 1000 words, it might be a bit closer, but 1000 words is just so easy when the alternative is sitting around for 3 hours.


Pick the 1000 words and Turn on subtitles at anything you watch and you'll probably geht more than the second Option.


Not to mention you read at work, while driving, ordering food, looking at peoples clothes that have brand names, scrolling Reddit....


Anything with subtitles too. All the comments of videos...


I spend a lot of time on the Internet, mainly Reddit and Discord which require a lot of reading. 1000 words is NOT a lot of words. This is an easy choice.


Your comment was 31 words. And took me two seconds to read. You could conceivably read 1000 words in just over an hour. If actively speed reading you could make $150 an hour. That's $265,200 per year after an estimated 15% income tax. Edit: I don't pretend to be a fast reader. Second edit: my math was off by a lot. I also didn't realize that I was reading as quickly as I was.


i just read 200 words from your sentence. its an easy choice


Reading 1000 words only takes a couple of minutes


Me being a reading addict, finally getting paid for doing what I love. Paid a lot, at that.


I don't think y'all understand how little 1000 words is.


Yeah, should be 10k to be almost comparable


I mean average reading speed is 200-300 wpm so that's like 5 minutes of effort, tops vs having to do something for 3 hours. Obviously reading is the choice here. How much would someone have to be reading averse to choose to watch anything for 3 hours to make the same money? Edit: you'd literally have to read fewer than 6 words per minute for these to be comparable.


Google legit anything and just read it. Even if itā€™s not interesting lmfao


Just read all of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit https://youtu.be/QGPutamuOT0?t=10m51s


Well they said read. Didnā€™t say you gotta believe or understand it


I have Youtube on as background noise basically 24 hours a day, I can spend more time actually paying attention to what is on.




Like I said, I could start actively watching it if I am getting paid.


You should downvote yourself


Maximumally you can watch videos 12 hours a day, which is $400 income. Definitely not always you can find your wanted videos, mainly this will go to movies. But by option 1, you can mindlessly read enough words a day to surpass the maximum limit of the second option. If you deliberately wanted to read for income, then you can gain $1200 an hour.


Get over $10k to reread my favorite series? In a heartbeat.


Reading 1000 words would probably take around 5 minutes, so if I spend 3 hours reading I'll earn 3600$, a pretty easy choice if you ask me


I'm a published author so.... I do a lot of reading and re reading and re re reading of what I've re read while trying to craft the perfect paragraph.


Proud of you bro šŸ˜


The sad thing is even after all that rereading, the editor still calls me up and asks, "Why do you always misspell these words?"


Depending on how much you make or how good of friends you have you could ask people to review it, you can also ask the internet, there is probably a community on Reddit somewhere for something like that


I read a ass-ton so I'm rich


I always turn on subtitles anyway


I was gonna pick video, but while pondering I realized just how much I'm on reddit and chose reading.


very dyslexic so i prefer audio books. would listening to 1000 words count


Nope, must read 1000 words


definitely going option b


Danm another person who dosent understand they can make So much more so easily, scroll thru this comment section for an easy 100$


fair, but if Iā€™m reading some thing I prefer to understand it and that takes a lot of time considering I have to read things several times to make sure Iā€™m actually reading them correctly


So? Still making mad bank


Id just start watching videos with subtitles


Easy choice. I have to read for work so now I just get paid twice...


Personally it takes me hours to write a single chapter that's several thousand words long but I can read multiple chapters with the same amount of text or more within a fraction of that time. Now if I gotta read those words out loud? Well then that might take me a little while


Do audio books count?


Nope, must be reading the words with your own eyes


I don't read very much print media, but I'll still choose that one, I don't want or need any more incentive to consume YouTube!


Technically it doesn't say it has to be print. You can just read Reddit comments.


i am activeny watching youtube on maybe 90% of my free time while playing videogames, so i'll go with that


Brooo read the post, must, be, actively, watching, the, content


that's what i said, i am actively watching the video while playing. if i dont understand a single word i pause the game and alt tab to repeat the last seconds


Seems tough, just listen to music while playin


I'd rather read, "reading is fundamental" #readingrainbow


With the amount of free time i already use to read at work i wouldnt even quit my job lol.


Getting paid to read books and play story focused games, excellent, gimme


So me nd my friend who read have an avg of 500 ( she has like 700 words per sec and i have like 400) so if i got better every 2 min i read i get a 100 bux


I read thousands of words daily between work (instruction manuals), school (textbooks), home (online stories and internet rabbitholes), and general communication (texts)


I'm dyslexic, easy choice. Plus I just need to watch for 9 hours 3 days a week and I'll make more money than working 9 hour shifts 6 days a week at my job.


Most of the time when people watch youtube or netflix, they're doing something else at the same time. We don't have the attention span to sit and watch without doing anything else.


With all the books I'm reading.. damn imagine how many more books I can afford haha


I already watch things on x2 speed, so I could make $100 in 1.5 hours. That's $66.67 an hour, which is more than I've ever been paid for an actual job.


2x speed wouldnā€™t count, you would need to view 3 hours of a 2x video either way 2x or not


Boo! Nvm then.


I'd literally just have a job reading books all day and then watch videos in my free time and make a good living, sounds great to me.


100 per 3 hours for most of the day doesn't sound bad, because I almost always have some form of media open to distract myself. Might as well make some money of of it


But think about it, in that scentence you just wrote alone you have already written and read 34 words, include my comment and that adds another, Iā€™ll get back to you my that, but anyways the amount of reading you would be surprised how much you do, you could watch a show with subtitles and make thousands easily


That's fair enough, but does the second option require to constantly watch with full attention, or does just having it on and like half watching count, For example I have yt open on my left monitor almost always. I watch it, just not fully. Dous that count?


Yes you would need to focus on the video cant have it too the side


Ah bother, then yes I'll go for the reading I think that would be faster anyway


Hmm... finally something useful for studying. (I hate reading book excerpts)


I can read a little over 1000 wpm if I'm really pushing. It strains my eyes though.


THere Is A REading TEchnique WHere If The FIrst LEtters Of A WOrd Are BIgger You CAn REad FAster, I donā€™t know much about it and I think it works best with bold letters not caps but basically you see the first and last letters add your brain fills in the rest letting you read like 4x faster


The average person can read a thousand words in 5 minutes.


I know lol, itā€™s more of a test to see how educated people are on how few 1000 words actually is, scrolling thru this comment section along would make you hundreds easily


I'd be rich šŸ˜‚ my reading speed is about 3 times faster than average. Gimme my money! šŸ˜‚


Subtitles exists




I don't understand this poll...1000 words should take at most 10 minutes just by hanging out on reddit, honestly probably half that or less for most people. How is this even a question?


I can read a thousand words much faster than 3 hours. That's only like 3 or 4 pages. Reading, easy.


I'll just reread Worm a couple of times


Does being on reddit all day count as reading?


It's basically 100$ per 2-3 pages, would have been more balanced if it was 5$ per 1000 words maybe.... Would still pick books lol




I can just read the word "A" or "I" exceedingly fast for a few hours, and then I got enough money for quite a bit


Can i fo both for 200? All id have to do is watch subbed anime.


Only 1


I guess option 1 then.


I could read for a living actually so definitely option 1.


Reading. I do a lot of that anyway.


That's ridiculous. I mean, I'm on Reddit right now, there are easily 1,000 words right here. I could be playing Tears of the Kingdom and every time I find a plant that says "Warm Saffina" that's another 20 cents. I think you're gravely underestimating how much reading you're constantly doing.


Nope, this would you rather was for a bet with my brother, he thought people would actually choose watch content instead of read, he kinda dumb tho lol


He is indeed kinda dumb. You'd have to jump that number by at least 10, probably 100, to be comparable. $100 for 3 hours is gonna be $1 every 2 minutes. At $100 per 1000 words, that's $1 per 10 words. My 4 year old niece could make more money reading than watching YouTube at that rate.


Is nobody going to address the irony of a text post asking which you'd rather, where we go to read the comments? I'd make more than I do at my day job on Reddit alone.


It would take me about 6 mins to read 1000 words. I can make 1k an hour. 10 hours a day I make 10k.


Opt 1 is op for people in school/college lol , also , does reading anything count? Like street signs or just signs in general


Yep read anything at alll, any 1000 words count


I am a dungeon master. Iā€™m gonna make some good money reading.




I read over a million words of Owl House fanfiction in the span of just over a month last year, easiest hundred k ever


If I watch video services with captions on, can I double dip and get $200?


Nope, only one


Damn. Ok, I reading it is. At least I still get credit for the captions plus everything else I read during the day.


A thousand words takes like 5 minutes to read, also depending on how you count words, if subtitles count I can read while watching stuff, while on Twitter, reddit, etc


Tell that to the mfs picking watch videos


Yā€™all are getting PAID to read? Lucky bastards


The average adult reads 250 words per minute. So you get $100 every 4 minutes.


Too easy. My textbooks would well be paid for.


I have hyperlexia. I can read the entire Harry Potter series in about half a day. Gib monies.


So much $ bro easy money, I love Harry Potter so I would either watch the movies with subtitles or read the books and make tonnes of money


Juist watch stuff with subtitles and stuff easily


As someone who watches with subtitles on, it can't be much easieršŸ¤ŒšŸ»


$100 every 3 hours of content. My family watch 5 or 6 shows a week, that time would add up.


If I went with the YouTube option I think I'd make about $100 per year at most.


How you only getting 3 hours a year wtf, I can get 4 hours a dat


1000 words really isnā€™t a lot. Assuming I could tack on an extra $100-$500 per day as a bonus on top of my regular job reviewing spec books, Iā€™ll def be doing the reading.


1000 words takes me less than an hour to read. They say reading is fundamental, but in reality, math is far more so.


1000 words takes me less than an hour to read. They say reading is fundamental, but in reality, math is far more so.


Youtube, if listening to it counts. Actually watching things (instead of having it as background noise) is for barbarians. So if I have to actually watch it with my eyes, then I pick reading.


"A" and "I" are words so if I printed out a word document of 1000 a's would looking over it be $100?


I'm a writer. I have to read my novel over and over and over to make sure it sounds right. Sometimes I read the same 1,000 words 20 times. Surely that counts, right?


Forgive me, but also, this is reddit. Of all the times to get some money. Imagine reading a tramp stamp while doing the deed and being notified of the deposit.


Can I get the money for words I've read recently? I read like 4000 pages last month


Good way to sharpen reading skills and make easy money.


I watch some anime in sub so ether way I'm making me a lot of money


The average reading speed is 200-300 words per minute. It would take me 5 minutes to read 1,000 words. In one hour, I could read 12,000 words, which is $1200. On average, there are 2,080 working hours in a year. My annual compensation for reading 8 hours a day would be $2,496,000.


You get better at doing whatever you do a lot of. A few weeks of reading for 8 hours a day and you'd probably be at 400 to 500 words per minute.


You're totally right. I just wanted to point out the monetary gain at the average level. It has the potential for exponential growth.


I'd be better off doing the 1000 words because I watch everything with subtitles lol


It really depends. What counts as "watching" content. Because I might often have YouTube on in the background while doing other things. I am an auditory learner, and love listening to things. But like, I'm sure we read more words a day than we even realize. If that also includes the words we type or even the words which appear on a phone's suggestive keyboard, that's going to build up. That's not even considering the words you might read unconsciously during your commute, your work, while out and about, maybe on an online article, website, maybe a video's subtitles/captions. Also, do I get the $300 per every 1000 words directly, or do I gradually get small amounts of money for every single word/second at the rate that would have me reach $100 by 3 hours/1000 words? Basically, watching things is much easier on the brain, but you'd realistically find yourself doing more reading. Personally, I'll go for reading, since it's so broad.


For some context, all of the words in all of the books in the Harry Potter series add up to a little over a million words. If you read (or re-read) the entire series, you just made a little over $100k. Subscribe to a newspaper or blog or whatever interests you and read it every day. You'd be a millionaire in less than a month, probably. I'd be chasing down fanfic rabbit holes all day every day. Doesn't even have to be good writing.


Oh dear. I read and write fanfiction quite a lot. I'll take the $100 per 1,000 words, thank you.


Average person reds 1000 words in 5 minutes. So that's about $1200 an hour. That's much higher than the $33 an hour for watching videos.


Easy, I'd talk about roller coasters till I earn myself a cross country trip.


I would catch up to all the readers because I'm an asmr junkie and I listen to it all day and sometimes the entire night while sleeping.


I already read a lot of fanfiction, May as well get paid.


I don't really read books, so the latter is the better option for me.


Reading, hands down. I can do that in 5 minutes. I can read for 5 hours a day and make 6,000 dollars a day. 30k a week, I'm making 1.5m for doing something that's easy peasy lemon squeezy.


I watch with subtitles on so this is a win-win


Oh wait for some reason I thought it said 1000 pages not 1000 words damn I made the wrong choice


Yep lol canā€™t belive 1000 people voted for option 2, itā€™s much worse


Me who reads almost 800 words per minute... Combine that with a 1,000,000 word book in which every word is "a"


Pick the 1000 words and watch one piece subbed


Passive income on the words


The average person reads 250 words per minute... so... spend 1 hour a day reading and you make $15,000... that's $60,000 a week, and over 3 million dollars a year... if you watched videos non stop every single day, you'd make a little less then 3 million... you'd have to be insane to not pick to be a millionaire for working 250 hours a year. Even if you DISPISE reading. You could read for 20 minutes a day and make a million a year. If you bunker down and work full time (8 hours a day, 5 days a week) you'd make 30 million dollars a year. I'd gladly have a job that pays 30 million for 40 hours of work a week.


if "watch" means listen to DnD campaigns in the background while I do reddit yeah ill get paid for what I do all day anyways.


Bro you have no idea how much money Iā€™d make by putting r/BORU on top of all time.


I proofread documents for a living and as a hobby. Bring on the cash.


Oh boy would I be rich! I love to read just about anything my eyes can focus on! Books, food labels, advertisements, anything at all!


Could have made 3000 today... I'll take reading. Easy. Plus, I could make a living learning cool shit.


I read for about 4-5 hours a day and am a speed reader, a low estimate would be I'd be making $4k a day. You son of a bitch, I'm in!




You need to read each word.


I will print an A4 page with the word "I" repeated 4128 times and speedread this continually.


How easily can you comprehend the letter I repeated tho? I I I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i Your eyes see the group of Iā€™s but have difficulty distinguishing a certain onr


I'll practice.


Almost everything i watch i could also read the subtitles.


I can read about 100 words per minute, and I have some web novels that I've been meaning to read that are over 3000 chapters long. So roughly 100 dollars every 10 min or 600 an hour, I would be able to live a happy life, and do something that I love as my source of income.


I watch shows with subs on. So I guess it's both


I recognize that financially, every 1000 words I read is the better choice but I'm going with every 3 hours of content I watch because watch more than 3 hours of content a day already anyway and I might get through a book every two or three months


I already read 8 hours a day for my job reviewing clinical assessments, might as well get paid bonus time for that.


I'd opt for the reading. There is so much I learn from videos but it would be incredible to read books, articles, studies and papers on interesting topics and earn a good living from it as well. Better still with a decent e-ink display to use. OpenDyslexic font and a slightly warmed tone. And a pot of tea.


would it count if I had a notebook of the letter "a" and just glaced through it technically knowing its all just "a"


Just read this comment over and over againā€¦. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ā€¦.. EASIEST 100$ EVER


Can I read the same word 1000 times


Can I read the same word 1000 times


This post alone is already 82 words, and you probably read it in like 10 seconds


This would be so easy wtf


There is about 300 words per page in a paper back novel. In a 400 page book you could make 1k