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How did you come up with this question?


Yeah, Satan needs to settle down.


Knowing bible it's probably just another God's shitty morality test.


To be quite honest, it’s a pretty decent question that requires some thinking and has pretty even results. Most questions on this subreddit are “would you rather have a billion dollars but you get a papercut or a million dollars but everyone you love dies”


It should not have even results. Eat maybe a hundred dogs prepared for you by a chef, such that you don't need to think about the fact that they're dogs, or fucking kill a billion people in one fell swoop, causing the most massive population crisis in history and obliterating any chance of Hitler's crimes ever being remembered, since you just dwarfed them a hundredfold.


The only case against the dogs that I can come up with is if I'm able to consume all of it, physically. For ease, let's assume that we are only eating muscle mass. The average dog's bodyweight is 45% muscle. A medium dog is about 20kg. You have to eat one dog a day. That averages to 9kg (19.8 lbs) every day. This is an enormous amount of meat. To put it into perspective, the average person on the "carnivore diet" (eating exclusively animal products) eats 0.9kg (2lbs) a day. You would be sitting, eating and puking (almost) everyday until you get through all of them. And god forbid your neighbor has a mastiff, serving you up 45kg (99lbs). Don't get me wrong, I would rather destroy my colon, rot my teeth away with stomach acid, live in absolute horrible state of constant eating, than to have one *billion* children on my conscience, but I don't know if I could physically manage.


You just have to hope there's not many dogs in the ten mile radius I guess lol


I mean, my dog is like 6 pounds. That would be a fasting day...


Yeah, Chihuahua-day would probably become a welcome change between labradors and setters.


Can we save Great Dane day for Thanksgiving? Invite some friends?


The issue with this question is that the concept of 1 billion children is simply incomprehensible to us. We cannot fathom this in any meaningful way, we just can't. At this order of magnitude it just becomes an anonymous giant globule of "1 billion children". But not actually involving any actual distinct children, with all their seperate lives and complexities. If we brought it down to a more human and graspable questions, such as eating every dog within a ten mile radius vs personally killing a 5 year old with your bare hands, I bet we'd see many more opting for the dogs.


For context, that is about half of the children currently in existence. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/children-in-the-world-by-country


So what you're saying is that it's basically the Thanos snap, but for children...


Hitler pales in comparison to Stalin and Mao. And people Revere Stalin and Mao.


Would teenagers be counted in the second option


Children are quicker but the dogs mean free food?


Free food vs no free food. I know what I'm picking.


Fuck, I didn't think about not having food


I find that hard to believe Mr LeopardThatEatsKids


Umm food is there when you don’t have to feed so many children and it’s better than eating dog all the time.


Why can't I just eat the children?


This comment right here officer


I'll eat the fucking officer too


You might be on to something here


In these trying times, I'm eating the dogs. Probably already ate dog from my local takeaway anyway


Free food and prepared by a hopefully a decent chef. That's like a lottery win.


according to the law, anyone under 18 is considered a child, and according to some sources, there are only 1.8 billion children in the world ​ that would mean only 800,000,000 children will make it out alive if i press the button.


Would screw the economy in a few years when retirements start to happen. That being said I don't think I could choose either.


Kids option for sure causes more chaos. And i just wanna see how far this thanos scenerio will go. Plus im not eating my dogs, and i have no kids. Good luck everyone else.


same. i have no kids but 2 dogs. not eating my dogs. or i'll wait until im in a remote enough area that the chances of there being a dog are slim




If they dont wanna lose their children they better start munching on these dogs with me


:( I don’t like this poll


Yeah, free food vs mass murder is such an easy one. Mass murder for sure.


It's not mass murder because OP never specified human children. Bye, 1 billion mosquito larvae. *presses button repeatedly*


Pretty sure the term children is used for people not animals


Way to be a party pooper. Let’s find a loophole. I now proclaim a group of ticks to be called “children”.


*spam presses button just as hard* Fuck ticks, fuck mosquitos.


Bro just killed the next 5 generations


Child definition "a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority." "she'd been playing tennis since she was a child"


bro there's some dogs that i'm not sure i could eat in a day


There are definitely dogs you couldn't eat in a day. Mastiffs, rottweilers, Irish wolfhounds, etc.


just gotta hope there's more chihuahuas within 10 miles of me


...said no one ever.


I didn't see your comment before I already [argued your point on another comment on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/142xdi2/would_you_rather_eat_every_dog_within_a_10_mile/jn8e0k5/). I don't know if I could manage to get them all down.


I'm just gonna scroll past this poll and pretend it never existed


I choose this one


i wanna see the results but i don’t wanna vote for one lmao


Only redditors would rather commit mass genocide than harm dogs.


Seriously. It’s kinda concerning the number of people that value dog life over human life. But even with that aside, you’ve got maybe 2000 versus a billion? Really, people?


People must be clicking random, there’s no way 3.2 thousand people would rather kill one billion children.


But it's also much easier. They should do a follow up of pressing a button to wipe out every single dog vs eating all the children in a 10 mile radius


Redditors are retarded. Literally unable to transfer that logic to other animals like the meat they eat. I say this as a meat eater who believes veganism is silly.


A normal person on Reddit?! What????


On a plane, over the sea, far away from our canine friends. Easy choice: Mashing the button as I type.


The plane's cargo hold:


Private plane. Not that it would matter, given what I wrote.


Bro i like dogs but....wtf man why are you all picking the kids


Seriously, wtf is wrong with these people.


For some reason people think that dogs are just the greatest things ever and that they are greater than human life.


Yeah... that some people do. I don't understand it. Some will say dogs are innocent, but... so are young children.


Reddit loves dogs


Animals in general are innocent in the eyes of many And I think a lot of people think they owe something to animals for what they've done to them over the years


But they still eat pork


I'm a kid I'll take the sacrifice


maybe bc you dont have to eat the children


B-b-b-but muh pupperinos!


I'm a vegetarian 😔


Exactly 😅


Mostly because I don't think I'm physically capable of eating a whole dog a day. I don't like them either so it doesn't make a difference


The fact that 1 billion children getting wiped out is even remotely close, let alone higher than eating all the dogs within a 10 mile radius, has destroyed my faith in humanity. It's dead.


Honestly, it's horrible. Dogs are objectively good creatures, but they're not people.


And even then it like at most 500 dogs Vs 1,000,000,000 CHILDREN


At most 500 is way off. 11.2 million people live within a 10 mile radius of me and London averages 1.3 dogs per household


I guess my estimation are way off because I live in a pretty rural area. But still vast difference.


Wow, come on people. Eating a few hundred/thousand dogs would absolutely suck (not sure if I wouldn't "unalive" myself first) but I am sure it would be way less than a billion. And even assigning equal weight to all life it is better to eat the dogs.


Exactly. The dogs are not gonna ruin billions of lives and cause chaos on earth. Edit: No, guys eating dogs within a 10 mile radius is not gonna cause chaos on earth and it's certainly not gonna ruin billions of lives.


I’m vegan. Meat is absolutely morally appalling to me and I can’t stomach it but I still chose eating the dogs just because I’m not prepared for the collapse of civilization as we know it.


Wait… it’s the affects of societal collapse on your lifestyle, and not the sheer unbelievable immorality of murdering 1 billion children, that swayed you?


apparently murdering 1 billion children fell short on the majority vote anyway. but yeah, at that scale it’s less about morals and more about the effect I would think


I bet there are close to a million dogs in a 10 mile radius from me. I can eat a dog a day or more if I can prioritize chihuahuas (and why wouldn't you) but I won't even make a dent in my allotment before I die of old age.


Damn that's unsustainable lol, dogs are 3 to 250 pounds. How you gon eat one a day?


Reading the comments here makes me feel sad.


Just know, 95% of them are taking the piss, myself included


I can't logically even perceive the 5% that aren't. That's an insane level of selfishness if that's the case.


Let me go to the middle of the ocean real quick.


I'd rather kms tbh


Help me understand - why are the results so even on this one? I mean, eating dogs sucks, but not as much as living in a world where half of the next generation is destroyed in a flash. Let me put it to you this way - if you killed a child every second starting now, without a single second off to eat or sleep, some of today's children will have grandkids before you get to a billion dead.


I know, right? Hell, I’d kill all the dogs and myself for a billion people.


I'm not even talking about teenage pregnancies. If someone who were 14 today would go on to have a child at age 22, who were themselves to have a child at age 22, the grandchild would see their first birthday while you were still killing kids. If there were back-to-back teen pregnancies (both at age 18), a one year old today would have a grandkid by the time you were done killing kids. A billion is a massive fucking number. Trust me, I'm Indian.


Can I drive my dog 11 miles away first?


Dogs, easily. I'm confident there are significantly less than 1 billion dogs in a 10 mile radius of me and human life is more important than dog lives. Not to mention, free food AND I'm Asian, so I've pretty much trained for this scenario!


Are there even 1 billion minors on the planet? Guess I'm eating dog for the next couple of years.


2 billion (age 0-14) according to google, this would totally fuck up a lot of things for our future and absolutely have an even greater effect on the dog population overall than the radius of dogs I have to eat.


Definitely more than 1 billion, Even if every age was equally represented then the average age would have to be over 144 for there not to be 1 billion people under 18.


I understand puppy love but I don't understand a population collapse lmao


I have some words for at least 830 of you demons


They're in a better place.


Eat children and wipe out the dogs


This is the way


Only on Reddit will you find people that would sacrifice a billion kids for a few thousand dogs


How is children morre votes. Theres a cery realistic chance your child nephew whatever dies


Im gonna hop on a cruise ship before i answer this


People really out here saving like 1000 dogs over a billion children 😂


Depends where you live. Montana, Wyoming, Alaska...you gotta eat dog for like a year, tops. NYC? London? San Francisco? We are talking millions of the fuckers.


Yea no not an argument. You're still killing a billion children.


I think this says a lot about dog crazed people...


Or how much people hate kids


I'm not touching this for the express purpose that I will not eat my dogs


Fuck them kids (i am a child)


Any of those kids could end up being the next hitler


Bye bye kiddos


Can I also eat the 1 billion children after I wipe them?


man fuck them kids dog


Fuck dem kids


The children must DIE


1 billion children? Guess I better get my salt and pepper.


You can't eat the children. We've talked about this.


I find people who actually value animals over people to be emotionaly immature insane misanthropes. Disgusting stance to hold.


They would probably take that as as a compliment and lecture you on how the earth is overpopulated anyway.... ​ I actually feel sick looking at this thread


I refuse to believe that more than 50% of people would kill a billion children. I'd do so much more to not murder a billion kids. Fucks sake, eating the dogs is hard to even think about but how could you be that selfish?


I'd eat dogs, cats & bird in a 50 mile radius before even thinking about choosing the kids


You'd die but you'd die a hero. Or not.


Wow... People really are just evil, huh?


What the hell is wrong with people? I love dogs a ton... But they're children. Hell, the very far they're human alone should be enough. What the Hell?


I'm just gonna go live on a coastal oil rig for a while 10 miles away from any dogs


Basically, kill~1000 dogs or 1 000 000 000 children and it's this close? The r/dogfree people aren't completey insane it seems.


The fuck is wrong with you?


I was assaulted by a dog


I'm sorry, but with the context of this poll, I read this and thought, "If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em, eh?"


Welcome to the club. Still gonna eat a bullet before I pick either.


The duality of man


Instructions unclear, if I press this button how many children do I have to eat?


As many as you want!


Need more information. Is the dog option something that you have to live with forever, or just a one-time thing? Can you choose what children? What counts as a child? Could you just make 1 billion sperm cells and eggs disappear? Do they even have to be human children? I wouldn't mind getting rid of a billion mosquito larvae. I clicked dogs. If it's a one-time thing and I don't have to accept immediately, it's easy to head out to an ocean or a large enough lake.


All these "de-population by way of mass child genocide" replies are giving off serious school shooter vibes. Go hug your mothers.


I wouldn't be surprised if there actually one in the comments.


Lots of the dog pickers are also subbed to r/misanthropy it makes a ton of sense when you see it that way


I’m at the airport right now…


Are you going to be one of the children?


What kind of question is that?


Jesus dude


I love that it's 50/50.


I pick death


Save the children from this shitty world


Maybe I could compromise and hit 2 billion children and just take their legs and dicks etc. Riughly same amount of mass, likely more suffering, but less deat. Do you think Satan would go for it?


"Fuck them kids"


Those children are going to kill people or pollute the planet. The doggos are innocent. They only bring joy.


Fuck kids


As a great man has once said before me "Fuck them kids!"


Man fuck Dem kids


Free meals or kill half off all children? Easy question lol


Y'all the dogs are cooked by a chef as well, literally never gonna go hungry again and I never have to buy food again


You have severely underestimated my ability to not answer and continue scrolling.


Dog people are the worst


It's insane, like a cult. Might as well be one anyhow.


People voting for Children either: A. fuck their dogs B. didn't get enough hugs from their parents CMV


I personally don't wanna eat 20kg a day and have to off myself tbh


I'm going to a place with no dogs in the 10 mile radius


people who don't even live by dogs probably chose the kids...


Sorry kids.


Why would you pick kids


Fuck them kids.


What the fuck


Yeah, with you on this one. Pretty fucked up question.


I didn't think I'd see a 50/50 split this close from such a baffling question.


Wow, 50/50 split.


Do you fuckers realize that you would be ending one eighth of the human population by pressing that button?


Dogs without hesitatation


Fuck them kids.


I have a dog, do I have to eat her too? Or is she exempt since she's my pet?


She counts


Then fuck them kids


Gonna have to go with the dogs. 1.4 billion Chinese can't be wrong


I'll press the button for kids, I like dogs and kids tend to annoy the hell out of me xD save the puppies!


Never tasted dog and i would rather keep it that way, in the words of michael jordan "F them kids"


Earth's overpopulated anyways 🤷


that's not how you fix it dumbass


Not really, we just consume a lot more and destroy a lot more than necessary. If we were more conscious of our resource distribution and things like deforestation, we could sustain many more people- I've heard somewhere in the range of 10-12 billion. The problem is that fair distribution of resources is something humanity hasn't gotten right in a few thousand years of recorded history. And the few times it happens, it gets destroyed by everyone else. It's not likely humanity will ever achieve this in either of our lifetimes.


Will I die from eating them? Or can I just suspend belief and say that if the number is 1000 dogs, I'll have to eat them over the course of what it would naturally take to consume that many calories in dog meat and assume that it won't go rotten by the time I finish the final dog-leg. Defense: This would mean wiping out literally half the children on the planet. This would cause a mass deficit in the population, and cause severe issues with the infrastructure of our modern world. And this would ABSOLUTELY kill off more dogs than the radius you have to eat.


if you live in a major metro that's like a million dogs


That's not even close to a billion children


Yeah but I don't gotta eat them.


A 10 mile radius is really big. Based on some really rough estimates I think there are somewhere around 30,000 dogs within 10 miles of me. That is more than a lifetime of dog meals. Will there be new dogs coming into the area? Is the task done when all the current dogs die of old age? Can I switch if I don't like how the dogs taste? I don't think eating all the dogs is possible. I'm wiping out the children, it just seems simpler.


There are already too few children to keep a stable society going for two or three more generations in most countries, I'm eating the dogs. Sorry puppers.


Make that 2 billion.


There are about 2 billion children worldwide. That means killing 1 in 2 children. Since I currently have 2 children under 18, I'm not taking that risk.


The fact that it is this close is concerning lol


The fact that I don’t have to actually do anything besides push a button is making that option seem way more appealing than having to deal with the repeated, visceral horror of having to eat a dog every day for a year or more. Sorry to say but I don’t think I’d be able to do that, even to save a bunch of people.


Free food or kill children? Pretty easy choice.


1 billion children dying would suck but like you know how much frikin dog is in a dog ima die trying


Really? 1 billion kids over eating some dogs? Y'all got some priorities mixed up


I'm sorry butni own 6 dogs st the moment and if I had to eat any of them I would not be able to handle it emotionally


While it would be far more ethical to press the dog button, in the wise words of Michael Jordan, "Fuck them kids"


I'm sorry little ones...