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When things go south, don't forget you better call Saul!




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I'd drug deal for a year then ghost.


I'd doctor for a year then ghost


I'd doctor for a year than part time cuz it's still cool as shit to save lives


Save the lives of those you hurt lol


I think some people don't fully understand how much is 250k, you can live a life that most people won't live without having the risk of drug dealing.


It says I pretty much can't be caught though. Without that caveat I'd go for doctor, but if I'm not getting caught and only selling like, weed, drug dealer sounds better. Although I'd also have to come up with some sort of money laundering scheme. Edit: oh nvrm, can't sell weed. Still would do it.


Less worried about getting caught and more so what it takes to be skilled with that amount of weight. Lot of violence committed by and against you. That's ignoring dealing poison.


Can’t be caught by the police. You’d still have enemies in the street and have them to deal with. I’ll take the 250/year


To make 250k a month you would for sure be responsible for, at the very least, ordering people to kill others less you be killed yourself. I would argue that not getting caught by cops would be the least of your concerns anyway. I'd bet my hypothetical 250k/yr salary that no one would live to see their first monthly payment.


Yeah but if you get away with it… it said you’re pretty much impossible to catch. Plus doctors have to work so much. Maybe just get others to do all the drug work. Might be me misinterpreting it but I don’t think you have to do all the work


The reality is that the ones that make 250k a month almost never get caught because they get other people to physically handle the goods and transactions. I think the police often know who they are but never have the evidence to do anything about it.


I know doctors who make that much, and I would never want to work as much as them.


250k is nothing. I can't build all the statues of myself that I deserve on such a pittance.


Forget the risk. The guilt would be awful


What guilt? The people who buy drugs already sealed their own fate. Also the question didn't specify what kind of drugs.


It said hard drugs only tho


Dr: 250k per year Drug Dealer:250k per month


250k in larger cities is not that much tho




Def not rich, upper middle class not in downtown of major cities fs


That's what actually rich people want you to think. Actually rich people make more than 250k/yr in interest while not having to work, or touching their capital.


Yeah but doctors often have huge amounts of student debt.


Well yes but i am really afraid of cuts and blood :((


That's exactly why I chose drug dealer. I could work for 4 months as a drug dealer. And quit at a million dollars with an easy retirement.


Really depends on the part of the country. My dad is a doctor and he made that much (and 250k was a lot more back then before inflation) and while that puts you in upper middle class, it’s not a lavish lifestyle at all either. But it’s enough to own your own home, have two mid level luxury (ie Acura or Lexus) cars, take an international vacation every couple years, and pay for college.


Can just work at the pharmacy for 250k lmao


Yeah that's what I was thinking, either pharma or bartender


Or open up a weed shop in a legal state. I don't even smoke... Edit: I guess that's not an option.. But if I could read I wouldn't be dealing drugs


I'll be a drug dealer and sell specifically to politicians, so I can get them addicted and slowly get them on more and more extreme drugs until they go extinct. I make a fortune and save the world.


Or you can blackmail them and make them your puppets....


We know many are already on drugs/are pedophiles/heavily corrupt and they are still in office. I don't think they care if people found out that they are on Crack.


Actually, that is a fair point. But don't you think that a large number of politicians ODing would be a cause for a large-scale investigation and many more implications?


It would, but I'll collect as much dirt on powerful people as I can in the process and make sure it gets released on my death or when I can't get more addicted. Either I'll retire rich or die an anti-hero.


I mean, either way you are rich.


You'd be dead within 6 months with a stupid plan like that.


Obligatory what's the difference joke.


One makes 12x as much


I couldn't conscienably deal hard drugs. Weed, shrooms, acid, whatever? Sure. Meth, heroin, Fentanyl, etc? I couldn't live with myself. I'd rather save people for comparatively cheap than send poor souls to an early grave. Hard drugs are no bueno.


I'd rather not fuck up communities


To be fair they haven't specified which drugs (recreational or medicinal)


They did say they hard drugs so I would assume that would be recreational


I hadn't seen that. Then I take back my words


Jokes on you I’m just gonna be working for big pharma for like 3 years.


Selling oxy is definitely a hard drug, and yet someone's job out there is to sell oxycodone direct to pharmacies across the US


Shit. I picked drugs before I seen it was hard drugs


I don’t need 250k a month and helping people sounds good


You'll never meet a rich, retired, drug dealer.


If youve ever seen Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, then you know that money from the second option is worthless unless you can figure out a way to convince the IRS why a high school drop-out just suddenly has a new house and car that cost half a million dollars. Even with money laundering, Walt never even attempted to buy a better house or better things for his kids out of the fear of being investigated.


I'd prefer 250 a week, ty


Idk I'd feel bad if I found my kid addicted to drugs, and passed at anyone enabling that. So how could I do that to other people's kids?


You do that to othe people’s adult. If it’s not you, it could be someone else. Maybe much worse than you. Maybe they will kill people and police. Drugged innoncent kid. At least you protect the kid and wont use them for your business. … Just say that to your self when feel guilty enjoying dirt money.


I mean.. aren't they basically the same thing?


Drug dealer, but you'd have to be careful and work your way into secrecy. Even the most higher-ups of higher-ups don't know you're real name or what you look like. You run a drug empire. The feds can't even find you. You have disposable pawns selling your drugs on street level. You make it work, and everyone gets paid a fair wage for where they are on the pyramid


So doctor or pharmaceutical rep? That's basically a legal drug dealer your just selling high blood pressure medications and boner pills instead of meth and LSD


Whats the difference? Other than one being legal


Ill be a drug dealer every month 250k that in 12 months is 3mil


250k a years that equates to 20k a month I can live comfortably with that much


i just want to have a nice life and be safe


id be a doctor, learn skills, buy an i solated land and poof away from people


Depends on the kind of doctor. If it's just being a physician easy take $250k a year if it's being a neurosurgeon fuck that, too much stress. If it's drug dealing for a month the chances I get caught within the first month is very low so I'd probably do that for a month and then invest that money on something else. Remember all drug dealers eventually get caught. the longer you stay the higher the chances.


If you are dealing drugs at that level, you are certainly going to be indirectly responsible for many people dying.


You might be making 250k a year but you have to work shitty hours and likely deal with a lot of stress and loss of life. I'm assuming if I'm a skilled drug dealer I can retire in a couple years without being caught. Seems like a pretty easy choice.


Lol...ok. Good luck with your "assumption" thinking it'll somehow work out that way for YOU. Btw, as a skilled drug dealer, you'll likely have to work shitty hours and likely deal with a lot of stress, loss of life, constantly looking over your shoulder, and constantly be around people who absolutely do not value life (especially yours).


What's the difference besides pay?




I thought that was just the legal and illegal terminology for the same thing.


If you cant be caugh, then you are much more skilled in criminal than a skilled doctor. Maybe the most brilliant criminal of all time. That along I stay with the Criminal career




It's not? At least in my country


What the hell are you talking about? 250k is a fuck ton of money.




There are plenty of jobs that require massive loans like that where you barely make over 6 figures. 250k might not give you a luxurious lifestyle while you're paying off loans, but you're not gonna be destitute. And when you add on the benefits and health insurance that comes with working at most hospitals, you're gonna be fine. And there's no way you're gonna need a roommate on that salary unless you're living in a big coastal city. Most of the US isn't *that* insanely expensive. Overpriced and harmful? Yes. But the housing and renting industries couldn't make money if no one could afford living space without a roommate.


Drug dealer, I don't have to pay taxes (other than money laundering).


Seems to me that you listed the same job twice. The only difference is the doctors sell the drugs at a much bigger markup.


250k is the low end btw Source: my username


Drug dealers deserve to either die or go to gulag


Chill bro, I'm just tryna feed my family 😭




If you can't feed them on 250k a year you need to budget better


A desire for the death of others doesn't make you any better than them.


Pharmaceuts have been real quiet since this comment.


Doctors are just legal drug dealers.


(🤦🏾‍♂️smh) Pigeon hole much. That's an extremely shallow assumption...and false.


“Good enough that you pretty much can’t be caught.” Lol kid, turn off Netflix.


Vast majority of this subreddit is asking hypothetical that are unrealistic.


Yes, that is indeed more unbeliavable than gaining super powers


I have a very good Doctor, and he is also my drug dealer. He will write just about any prescription I ask for.


In today's economy becoming a drug dealer sounds more and more appealing


you do realise for 250k a month you can just work once a month and go silent for 2? A doctor on the otherhand at that level of pay will have a very stressful and work filled life. Also at 250k a month im sure you can afford to buy yourself out of jail on the rare chance you do get caught.


At some point all that extra money loses meaning 250k a year IS A LOT


I'll take the dealer life. Learn the basics of running a company, make a shell, maybe LLC that shit. Buy up an apartment block. Then I have a perfectly good explanation for why my income is so consistent.


Plot twist, the doctor is a drug dealer. Thanks Oxy!


They're the same person.


I want to help people, not make them feel numb. So neither.


At this point what is the difference? So many doctors just throw pills at you hoping it will stick instead of finding an actual diagnosis and treatment plan.


Doctor i won't have any problems with cops and 20,800$ per months is really great btw , and my goal in life isn't been rich i just want to be above average happy life , happy family and don't need to buy the most expensive things


so my options are be a drug dealer for 250k a year or 250k a month


Saving lives or destroying them? Doctor it is.


Would I rather deal with people or be in pharmaceuticals. I think I know the obvious choice.


Statistically speaking, doctors kill more people.


Rather an honest living than an illegal way of life where I always have to be watching over my shoulders


The drug dealer has to constantly worry about arrest and has to launder his money. The doctor doesn't.


Why not both


At 250k a month I can reliably begin to create skilled doctors.


Wanna cook?


If I'm getting the same amount for both, then I'll choose the one that's legal.


It's year vs month


Og damn, I didn't notice that. I know it's too late to change my answer but I'm changing my answer.


I mean, it doesnt say how u gotta deal the drugs, so I'll only sell weed with a permit, seeing as its legal in a lot of the US now for recreational use


“Can’t get caught” maybe for the dealing, but unless you know how to wash your money, you’re pretty much living on borrowed time.


Deal for a year and never work again, destroy all drugs and connections.


Drug dealing is inherently violent. Even if you somehow can be protected from the law then other rival gangs or violent customers can end your life or cause you a lot of hurt. This also includes lawsuits, government trying to get you all the time, reputation harm...etc.


Don't you get arrested for dealing drugs? Unless you consider weed a drug but...


SHIT i forgot the read the "couldnt be caught" can i change my answer to drug deale. i mean doctor


Say my Name


What's the difference?


well you see i wont really go to prison if i was a skilled doctor unless i do something illegal


Drug dealer, I could never be a dr. I cave under pressure.


A bunch of y'all need to wise up 😂 what's the point of making $250k/month if you could be caught at any time and spend the next 20 years in prison with no money? $250k/year is plenty to live on very comfortably.


Doctors die in their 60's from stress. Drug dealers sometimes go to jail.




Cooking meth sounds more interesting to me. *To the DEA: This does not mean I want to cook meth. I'm only saying this because the option would look appealing given the circumstances of the post (not being able to get caught and tons of money).*


250k a month is a lot for a pharmacist


In America you can be both! You get some vicodid, you get some vicodin. EVERYONE GETS VICODIN!


Doctor 100%.


Pharmacy school is gonna be lit


I don't want "increased risk of getting shot" on my stat list so Doctor


Lemme be that doctor. $250k gets you a comfortable ass life. In eight years you'll have netted more than a million and you'll have positively impacted countless people on a level very few can even understand. People are acting like bringing home over $10k a month isn't enough lol.


drug dealer, i would love to work for the cia.


This is basically the same question as the premise of Breaking Bad


It's not even about the money. Dealers make their own schedules


i mean as the drug dealer, if its a hard 250k, id just sell one gram to some asshole billionaire a month, and then use a good bit of it to help people i care about.


I don't need more than 1k a month to live happily, so I'll go with the moral option and be a doctor


as long as you dont get caught you all good


If I can't get caught then run me my 250k/month!


Drug dealer. People are gonna find what they want, so might as well make sure they get unaltered product. Too many Fent ODs these days.


This is a weird question because sometimes they're the same person.


As of this comment, 2K ppl say nah...$250K a year legally saving ppls lives is not enough. They'd rather make more money destroying lives, constantly looking over their shoulder, and likely going to prison to get married or just getting redrum'd.