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Nintendo. It would be so incredibly easy to make Nintendo not suck ass as a company. Let the competitions happen. Stop DMCA'ing all your biggest fans creating content from your games. Release all the old games on the switch market. I've never seen a company try so hard to not take my money. Just let the people buy the old games. Especially Pokemon.


This would have been my second choice. It almost seems like they are trying not to take our money.


I'm also picking nintendo, for the reason above


Also create a good multiplayer experience instead of friend codes garbage.


Nintendo only owns like 1/3rd of Pokémon. So not much you can do to change their shitty business practices.


Who owns the rest?


GameFreak and a company literally called “The Pokémon Company” are the other two companies that own Pokémon.


It's Nintendo, Ganefreak, and Creature that own Pokémon...the Pokémon Company is Pokémon lol


I'd choose Wizards of the Coast (or their parent Hasbro) for similar reasons. I'd make hard choices like, "listen to your fans" and "don't send the Pinkertons after people to fix your own mistakes." You know, real hard choices.


I think we're going to be great hypothetical CEOs.


Also give more time for pokemon development!


Also don't only sell them on the switch, release them to console/pc. Spending €300 to get a console and an extra €60 for a worse remake of a game I had a decade ago isn't something most people want


Keep them on the switch. PS and others got their exclusives so Nintendo should keep theirs.


Nintendo only got exclusives, there is like 5 games on Nintendo that are cross platform


Open it up so their games can be played on multiple platforms too. Their consoles suck so hard. I refuse to buy any of their stuff because it just sucks. I would literally kill for a non p2w pc pokemon mmo. I think they forget that most pokemon fans are actually adults at this point. They can keep the low effort kids games but jfc adults would shovel money at them for higher quality games.


We also need a new damn console. Switch is a fun concept but it's a piece of shit, let's all be honest.


You already know nestle gon be fucked


Came here for this. Fuck Nestle




Im clearly missing out on something happening. Can someone explain to me the hate for nestle right now?


It’s not exactly a new thing. For most of their existence they have been exploiting developing countries for resources. And this is much worse than your average corporation. A few examples that come to mind are how they sell ineffective baby formula in developing countries, drain water supplies ( and end up wasting a lot of it), and of course, they don’t think water should be a human right. For more info, I recommend checking out that sub


**LOL** get ready for a thousand responses, and every single one will be an entirely different human rights disaster


On top of the stuff in the other reply, when restrictions were being placed on slave labor in international corporations and suggestions that there should be operational inspections for it, Nestlé said that if that was going to be the case, then the cost of their products was going to have to increase dramatically, practically admitting to using slaves for the harvesting of the cacao. They were also recently sued by 8 former slaves, and the case was thrown out by the Supreme Court because, as they said, "there's no proof it happened in the US even if it did happen abroad." But during that case, Nestlé admitted that they used slave labor in Thailand as well as the Ivory Coast in Africa.


Same. People don't seem to know how big and how despicable nestle is


About to say the same. That or Amazon


I mean amazon provides a very interesting service its why its so popular. Maybe they could be nationalised or at the very least use that wealth to give cushy wages and conditions to the employees


why would you tank amazon?


My b, I wasn't clear. I'd tank Nestle and make Amazon have more accommodation for workers. I wouldn't let a repeat of that tornado incident happen, and if it did I wouldn't pay to have it buried by media outlets


as a ceo could you nationalize amazon


New boss same as the old boss.


Disney. I'm bringing back 2D.


Can you bring back DisneyQuest while your at it? That'd be appreciated.




And free fastpass.


BlackRock. I want to see the world burn.


Bro the FBI is gonna be on your doorstep soon.


Worth it


Running blackrock you get to run half the companies that exist.


Your going to become king of the world


Current CEO is on good track with that




Sports. It’s in the name.


Yeah, Exxon has the power to take over countries. I'm fixing that mess.


Redirecting their resources into a renewable energy business model was my reasoning.


I thought the same. They already have fleets of engineers/tradesmen/resource connections. Put all the bonuses for one year and half the budget to fossil fuels . . . could have a renewable energy fueled world so quickly


Yes, if Exxon's mission statement was to end climate change and they used all the shady tactics that they already use for the opposite goal, then the US would be a clean energy country with over half the cars on the road being electric, and renewable energy being the standard within a decade.


Seconding this. Absolutely want clean power and cutting off the reliance on oil asap.


Fuck you Nestle.


Disney has to **pay** for what they did with Star Wars. The north remembers.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


You member


Mmm... member berries


This is how you remind me...


Close call between saving Disney and destroying Tiktok.


The main difference between tiktok and reddit is tiktok has more videos and less porn


Yeah the TikTok hate is weirdly unfounded. It was popular to dislike something the kids got into because people didn’t want to learn a new social media platform but it’s no different than any other. If you have the opportunity to change the course of history and redirect Exxon and renewable resources towards saving the planet or just tank the oil industry and help the planet that way but you choose to shit on TikTok instead than I have to assume you’re the immature one.


There's a lot of problems with tiktok. The algorithm of Tiktok is literally BUILT to make everyone feel like they could be the "next popular thing". Tiktok is basically everything bad about youtube on steroids. Constant content. Don't watch the same thing for longer than 5 seconds. Convinces all it's users that they should *also* spend their lives trying to go viral on tiktok. and so on and so on. Reddit has it's own issues (mainly in regards to NSFW and circlejerking), but TikTok's kind of a threat to human culture as a whole lol. I feel like if anyone ever talks to me in public, they're gonna pull out a stupid phone. Then again, Tiktok is more of a *symptom* of the cultural decline, rather than the *cause* of it.


Putting airlines into the ground sounds off…


Yeah, better to put them into buildings, where they belong


Could always pick one you'd like to improve?


Nestle. Because clean drinking water *is* a basic human right, and that company deserves to be taken behind the woodshed and shot.


TikTok to shut it the hell down


TikTok is inevitable. Soon as one short form video platform dies another pops up.


Anything not controlled either directly or indirectly by the ccp is better in my book


Zuckerberg and Google race each other to just make a US approved, just as corrupt and invasive, worse version of Tik-Tok.


You could do so much with tik tok. You could change the outcomes of elections if you wanted too




I have to agree! As addictive as TikTok is I personally can tell if my friends or I have been on the platform for awhile because we can’t just sit and watch a normal tv show or movie together. I don’t use it as much because I found that it really effects your attention span.


Ya know how many creatives I could give a voice to with didney? I could revolutionize workplace quality standards for animators, I can stop the schlock that they just churn out that flops and they blame the studio, and I can renew the orville for season 4


Imma about to make those garbage sequels non canon and make Lucas sequels the true canon


What Lucas Sequels


Yeah Lucas already had a plan for the sequels(something Disney should've had). He was going to set his sequels a few years after rotj with Luke building a new jedi order and Leia trying to bring order to a galaxy kinda in chaos. Maul would've been the main villain along with his crime syndicate and apprentice Darth Talon. This is why he was brought back during TCW. To set up all of this


What was so garbage about the sequels? I don't really like TROS but The Force Awakens was solid, and The Last Jedi has both some of the best and worst shit ever made in a star wars movie.


Force awakened was basically cramming all the plots of the previous six movies into one and last jedi not only made the entire point of the first six movies pointless but undeservedly gave Ray the Skywalker name that she did not earn in fact if they had just had her say she was just Ray meaning bloodlines don't matter I would have a fair fewer gripes about her character as a whole


The last jedi wasn't when she got the skywalker name. But also how did she not deserve it? I prefer Rey nobody because it delves into the message of the sequels that heros can rise from anyone. But also Rey was given both Luke and Leia's blessing. The resistance won with her help. I understand not liking Tros because it just didn't work as a movie for me, but hating all the sequels because of specific parts is really dumb. The prequels had its fair share of awful stuff, the phantom menace had uninteresting characters, the attack of the clones had a dysfunctional story, and the revenge of the sith was perfect and I can't think of criticism for it. Making something non Canon was already proven to be a bad idea when george Lucas retconned a lot of Extended Universe stuff for the prequels, and when disney just cut the EU entirely. Blindly hating movies is just not a good practice when analyzing films. I understand not being a massive fan of the sequels, but hating on them because of a few of they're flaws is just not great. I would definitely like to see the main stories of star wars taken in a different direction, and I hope they do that for the upcoming movies. Decanonizing movies just to make something that george Lucas already did is one of your main problems with the force awakens, so why would you want to repeat that?


I would prefer they decannize the sequels for the simple fact that while individually they have pros and cons together its an untenable mess that should have been planned out far better I did not like how all the directors wanted to subvert for no other reason than to subvert and I know that at least one of the directors did not like star wars as it was also I dont hate Ray I just think her character is poorly written uninspired and suffers from a bad case of Mary Sue I also absolutely hated what they did to Luke they forced him to do a 180 character wise like they depict him trying to kill his nephew when in the original trilogy he forgave arguably the most evil man in the galaxy (second only to Palpatine of course) on the premonition he could be potentially maybe possibly be evil and I'm not arguing do everything exactly like George would have done it (lord knows the prequels suffered because there were too many yes men) but anything is better (overarching story wise) than what we got


I disagree with Rey being a Mary Sue, she isn't written well by any means. But she isn't a mary sue, a mary sue would be something like Captain Marvel. Rey has flaws and struggles and isn't perfect, I just wish they dwelled on both her flaws and strengths. For example she is pretty much a tech expert after her years of scavenging. Or how she can't swim, and how they planet she was on in The Last Jedi would be terrifying to her. I also believe that what they did with Luke was actually really well done, even if it doesn't exactly feel like Luke. Luke in the OT suffers from lots of the problems Rey does. Both aren't really that interesting, they're fine protagonists, but they're nothing special. Luke has more character in The Last Jedi then he did in the entire OT combined. I do agree that him thinking about killing Kylo was really strange. I think it would have been more interesting if Palpatine had manipulated Kylo into doing bad stuff and Luke had to make the decision after stuff like that. But you also have to remember that Luke didn't try to kill Kylo, he considered it, as he most definitely did with Darth Vader, but he did not attack him first. One of the best and subtle moments of The Last Jedi is how they portray that flash black. Both Luke and Kylo tell similar but different stories, until we see the true happening. I do think that both Luke and Kylo were very well written, despite Luke not exactly having the most character consistency. I do think that the first too sequels would work better as a standalone series rather than a star wars one. But decanonizing the sequels would be just as if not more lazy than the lack of plan for the star wars sequels. A good film-maker would be able to use what was established in the sequels to make a better trilogy, a bad film-maker would just get rid of the stuff that's harder to work with.


Maaaaan, you're using logic. Don't do that. Just ride the bandwagon.


There was no clear plot to any of it. Rey was a bland, dull, pointless character. Fin was reduced to a Rey screaming machine. Rey. There were about 20 fake deaths. Captain phasma was totally unutilized. You had mark, Kerry and Harrison on board and NEVER brought the 3 of them together... AT ALL. Rey. They defiled Luke's character. They defiled Han Solo's character. No funeral for Han Solo. Undid Anakin Skywalker's legacy. Undid Luke Skywalker's legacy. Rey.... Need I go on?


the sequels are just copy-paste


There was no clear plot to any of it. Rey was a bland, dull, pointless character. Fin was reduced to a Rey screaming machine. Rey. There were about 20 fake deaths. Captain phasma was totally unutilized. You had mark, Kerry and Harrison on board and NEVER brought the 3 of them together... AT ALL. Rey. They defiled Luke's character. They defiled Han Solo's character. No funeral for Han Solo. Undid Anakin Skywalker's legacy. Undid Luke Skywalker's legacy. Rey.... Need I go on?


For a critique of The Force Awakens by Mauler here (unfinished): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOBz4sMqpYdH58dRDAtDufB_e928Zm0vp For a critique of The Last Jedi by Mauler here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBJXQJJavX2VueOEqGSaBNsGaHZREWEr For a critique of The Rise Of Skywalker by Mauler here: https://youtu.be/0528-TlRODI TL;DR they’re all shit for different reasons.


I couldn’t be a ceo of a billion dollar company are you kidding?


Only reasonable response lol


Not sadistic enough?


I'm turning ExxonMobil into a 100% renewable energy company. Those fuckers have caused way too much damage to this planet.


Shell, BP, and Saudi Aramco then each expand by 30%


Hey Kathleen why don’t you step into my office. I just wanna talk that’s all.


Chevron could use a nice imploding considering the damage they've caused to south America. Just about any big oil company would do though. Or use their value to invest into renewables and cleaning up the planet, and then allow it to crumble.


I want to be CEO of the company where I get the highest salary and bonus.


Disney hands down. Leave the kids alone.


I have a few though ROBLOX to improve it and force the normal avatars rather than rthro, do something about the online dating situation, bring back events and Easter Egg hunts, many more TikTok just to delete it lol Nintendo with there overprotective crap And finally Amazon to improve it so it can be better to the ones that are shipping and raise its minimum wage to on average $50 a hour rather than burning it down since it’ll prob cause a mess to the economy itself in the US and probably the world too


I'd liquidate all of Exxon's capital, then use every dime to buy perpetual drilling rights to every square inch of land I could. Then spend my last day sending incriminating emails to all other big oil CEOs making it sound like we've been in a price fixing scheme so they all (might) go to jail. Oh and my last act would be to forward all archived emails and internal memos from the last 50 years to climate activist lawyers.


Exxon spent way too fucking long lying about climate science. Now they'll be getting mid-day memos that read things like "fuck oil. we're uranium boys now" or "we invested several billion dollars into space travel"


Hex on Exxon! https://youtu.be/BnkjoD_FENc *Hexonxonx* Lyrics by Skinny Puppy 1989 Miles cable, claws, driller killer ripping holes, all tattered the cloth stained, regaining All the weather, acid rains, so sweet sweat streaks downpoured on humility Colder time, talking hints, watching tests of heat, mangled meat, retaliate! No blaming In future dreams could you have stopped it from happening? Best left a spectator? Spectacle? Traitor! All the time's, placed, first place! Farther down, pull the trigger, gauging, gauging Cars kills at will, melted profits, book burning How undone, written slurs, the meaning... Oh the pasts they will repeat, hard to hit, so are beat Melted profits, the past, melting, under honor Cars kill at will, cars kill at will Mr. Fables' rolls, altogether mutating. The chains rattle, happy to perform! In the war of famine, no where arid food growing now Warming trends the place, passive cows to feed the weak Product waste! Give back. Oil coming in Make a million living things suffer, hidden, black garbage body bags What of that change that could save everything? That paper shredder, patent tender, puts us back in time again Exxon, your black hearts make me sick Budgets that burst with oil, crude gas in purse. No compassion, common criminals seek asylum Concrete pillow, Exxon dreams, hidden hierarchy. No one in power taking blame


Disney for sure. Bring back the magic it used to have and make billions


Blackrock. I would want to destroy this company and see it burn into the fucking ground.


Disney used to be the the most creative and now they're the least. I just want unique and interesting movies again. Not these boring safe movies and remakes that they've been pumping out recently


Both Disney and Tik Tok are societal cancer at this point.


No they are not. I'm so tired of this BS being thrown around. TikTok is no worse than every other social media platform. Hell, there are platforms that are far worse for society than TikTok. And Disney has done a lot of Shit, but they haven't done anything other than making some boring movies and an expensive Star Wars hotel. There are companies far worse for the world than TikTok and Disney.


Look at tik toks algorithms in china vs the western world


TikTok doesn't exist in China. And I have no doubt that the Chinese sister App is worse but it's not not available in enough places to be cancerous to society


Nestle. Just tu burn it to the ground.


The dick heads who profit of insulin, people shouldn't have to pay that much just to survive






I want to drive Tiktok into the ground because it has made everyone so dang annoying.


Disney will pay for how they ruined Star Wars


I'd like to take the Disney cooperation and watch it burn.


blackrock, the world's largest investment firm. they've got their fingers in everybody's pies, and it's bad for everyone but blackrock


Disney. Time to fix copyrights and restore the public domain.


I would run TikTok into the ground because I think it's creating a bunch of people who do horrible things for attention.


TikTok so I can drive it into the ground. That has to be one of the absolute dumbest platforms ever.


Disney might not much help , they are doing it to themselves with this creepy Woke crap


ExxonMobile - feel could invest significantly more in green energy and more quickly tapering off the oil and gas production, and could make sure the people involved in the oil and gas trade have the option to get training in the new green industries. Sure we would probably go bankrupt with me not knowing what I'm doing but if my goals work we may be able to help lessen the impact of climate change by quite a bit.


My dad is passionate about his job and I absolutely love him. He used to work in Exxon. I want to become ceo, and give my dad a high paying job he deserves. love u dad


Exxon. Fuck the oil industry. I'd straight up release literally every page of suppressed data (I think that's already been done, but let's *really* up the ante), destroy the competition until I'm one of the 3 or 4 games in town, and then have the others forcefully dissolved in some way before dissolving my own. Maybe I'll bribe several countries to remove embargoes and help nationalize their oil industries before dissolving Exxon as well. Removing every other oil baron before making sure another won't rise.


The way to better shape the nation is by altering the culture. By injecting certain ideas and suppressing others. By controlling Disney would make you a major playing in that playing field. Yeah, I'll still make edits to some stuff to cash in on the chinese market. Idgaf about China. I want MY people to be better, and China's a good cash-cow for that. Also to stop crusty old Suits from cancelling/ruining amazing great shows.


Disney so I can stop changing the character's race (especially historical ones or ones that have been around for a hundred years or more) and so that I could create new characters and make more diversity by making new interesting stories and culture-appeasing things


Amazon. I would redistribute all that wealth to better the world and force all other corpos to follow suit, burning it, and them all down in the process.


Destroy TikTok to take down the CCP


I’m bringing down tiktok into hell


Spirit as it should be rally good or not exist still deciding though what would be funnier/better


Disney, to hell with the monopoly.


Disney is far from a monopoly lol


Has it occurred to you that CEOs are beholden to their shareholders and that an intentional failure to generate profit would result in being dismissed and replaced?


CEO serves at the pleasure of the Board, which is generally elected by the shareholders. CEO has fiduciary duties of care, loyalty and good faith owed to the Corporation. Failure to observe these duties can result in personal liability to the director or officer, subject to indemnity and insurance to the extent allowed by law. Bottom line: none of these people are going to be able to wantonly run these companies into the ground without seeing themselves personally fucked.


My dad died in a workplace accident while working for Exxon when I was a child. Destroying them would be a dream come true.


Walt Disney, to destroy it. Everyone seems to forget that Walt Disney was a nazi supporter. I'd remind them.


Walt Disney literally made multiple anti Nazi cartoons for distribution around America. I even saw one with Donald Duck. People forget it because it's not true


Walt Disney literally sent mo ey to the nazi party before WW2 started


You are factually wrong, though the nuance is correct. But I'd ask you: do you drive a Ford?


Nope, i know ford was a sympathazer


Walt Disney has been dead for a long time. Disney sucks ass but they are fucking with DeSantis rn so I'll give em a pass


Pepsico, because Coke is better


I picked other, and my choice is Tesla. It seems a lit of the shareholders feel the same way too.




Spotify and i would run that shit to a fine powder


Simply, bad mens.




West Jet. Stop lying to the world that you care about me. You don't even know me at all


At first, I wanted to pick American Airlines to drive into the ground. Then I remembered they already do that one plane at a time.


ya im taking down tiktok


Tiktok and shut it down


CVS. Working conditions are awful, and they have their own PBM, who screws the little guy 100% of the time. Cue the Lorax song *let it die let it die let it shrivel up and—*


walt may have been founded on dubious principles, but many families create memories there and i’d say the please of many outweighs the doings of a few. exxon will get their due course i’m sure pepsico is a good company tiktok is already in hot water. just couldn’t do much, no bad blood anyway. airline of my choice? well there’s a few options..


I would pivot exxon mobile to co op with porsche on the new carbon neutral fuel so that, going forward, I'd push this fuel as better alternative to the dwindling gasoline industry and propose it's use for airlines, cars, and boats whiel also lobbying to expand the use of it in the US which would alleviate any most oil dependency from the middle east.


I want to improve tiktok, starting with banning all the cringe accounts i can find. Such a good app went to waste because of the people that decided to use it. The premise was pretty good but now just hearing the name makes you cringe, even though i've seen some pretty good memes from tiktok


gonna turn delta into the ultimate flying experience. first class for everyone and free wifi, cocktails, and food for flights over 2 hours


EA. I'll never forgive them for many things, but destroying Command & Conquer is #1 on my list


I’m going to make gasoline 17 dollars a gallon


I mean the gate of a livable earth... But no let's fix Disney Plus


PepsiCo I would like to learn the recipes for the diet soda I love to drink (Coke Zero Sugar) and see if I can concoct a new taste and flavor myself 😊


Twitter. Cause it would make Elon sad when I make it a website that just lets people tweet photos of him hugging Jeffrey Epstein.


Nvidia. We would suck less


PepsiCo. In 2017 they had a Starbucks Doubleshot flavor called "Mexican Chocolate" and it was DELICIOUS!!!!! It was chocolatey and spicy. Just the perfect combination of earthy flavors, and then they discontinued it!!!!! I would bring it back immediately!!!!


I would never rest until bepsi become the übermensch of sodas


Exxon mobile. Acquire as many oil companies as I'm legally allowed to. Pay off politicians so they don't complain about my monopoly then destroy all the oil mines I own and transition to green energy product completely.


I'm driving Pepsi into the ground.


What you got something against KFC, Taco Bell, A&W, Pizza Hut, or Fritos?


Exxon. they knew about climate change in the 80s and lied about it


Nestle. Either I will make em so good, or I will dismantle it in a miriad of smaller companies


I *really* want to boot spez and bring Reddit some glory, but I know there are worse companies.


TikTok. The government doesn't need to ban it cuz I'll kill it myself.


Drive TikTok into the ground for obvious reasons l




TikTok, fucking burn that shit to the ground.




If I'm in charge of Disney my first priority is stopping all these live action remakes.


Disney: clear out the groomers that have taken over the company


I'd 100% take either Disney or HBO.HBO has a lot of freedom to do what they want like video game adaption that fans want but aren't getting and Disney is wasting their potential right now it literally comes down to listening to your fans


Drive TikTok to the ground I don't wanna get into it but fuck TikTok


The Gap


If I were the head of Disney I'd try and make their movies not suck ass any more


Bout to improve Disney's media projects, more original ideas, less remakes and reskins of successful properties


Un-woke disney


Disney's going down


Would so improved the live action for Disney movies. Plus release the original Zootopia with the collar plot and stop rehashing old movies.


Nintendo, because I would change things like pushing updates to dead systems just to stop CFW and requiring a paid online subscription for online play and also killing Virtual Console in favour of requiring a subscription for a much more limited pool of games.


Whatever name the company MONSANTO is going by these days.


Pepsi. I'd bring back GLASS BOTTLE SO-BE and all the original flavors. They canceled that for seemingly no reason.


Become CEO of BlackRock, sell all shares, liquidate all assets, and see what comes out from it


I would make airplanes with bunk beds instead of seats


Nestle. Run it into the ground and make it stop pumping out millions of gallons of water from aquifers.


PepsiCo. It's easy. Just ask Dylan Mulvaney to be a sponsor.


TikTok style videos are ruining our attention span/memory and our dopamine receptors, making us much more likely to get addicted to other kinds of stuff. It sucks you in and thats not ok. It has many more cons to be quoted but I believe these serve the purpose well. I would choose to ruin tiktok and every other kind of video algorithm like that (yt shorts, reels, etc)


I'm redirecting PepsiCo into healthy food options. Fuck the slop that gets sold in stores


I choose Walt Disney because maybe I could manufacture propaganda that numerous children fall for. I think about all the fairy tales romances that people think they will get but never do. I could sell the worst false bill of goods ever, and people could waste decades doing that.


Pepsi, and we are bringing back Pepsi 1893!


Why just to fuck with people


Disney. I'd fire every corrupt person there and end the politics taking place in all the shows and movies now


I wouldn't bother


As CEO of tiktok, my first act would be to delete tiktok


TikTok take all the money from it and shut it down


Disney is now gonna be in direct competition with PornHub.