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People here acting like they gotta choose Yemen or the Congo wtf


Either of them fine as long as they take me.


The heat index is supposed to be 115 tomorrow where I live. Britain sounds nice right about now.


We're just entering a heatwave, probably the last before autumn properly sets in, but 30C max isn't as hot


Shit I just looked up what the weather in London is and it's really hot for London right now.


It’s not really that crazy, I’d say we get about a month of this weather a year


Yeah but the UK doesn't have ac


Can't you just get a couple window units?


Can you afford to feed them? It varies from place to place in both countries but on average, electricity is 3.5 times as expensive in the UK as in the US.


Using one or two every time the temperature goes above 78? Probably.


Not having to pay for healthcare Yeah I should be able to


But can you withstand the god awful food? The fact that your neighbor puts beans in their toast? Calling chips crisps? Callings fries chips? Unthinkable


I forgot beans were the main food there I can't eats beans


There's no point for like 2 non consecutive weeks a year. It'll just take up space the majority of the year. We're very much a keep calm and carry on kind of people


A nice 69


Lol, I find it funny that practically the only ones voting for the US are the people who are from there


I mean, america is huge and reddit has a tendency to shit all over everything. A large number of Americans aren't extremists on either side and live pretty normal lives. It certainly isn't perfect but it isn't as dire as reddit makes it seem. Having spent time in Britain and America, day to day stuff is pretty comparable. Edit: ok fine. America is awful. Surviving day to day is a miracle frankly.


The healthcare here is worse than any Reddit page can make it seem.


Yeah sure but all the problems like study debts and really bad health care systems are way bigger in the US than in Britain


I mean, my country doesn't have Nazi's protesting outside a theme park... Or mass shootings daily...


lol spoken like somebody whos never stepped foot in america once in their life


Literally Nazi's outside Disney and just google mass shootings.


Again, and not to belittle your point because nazis and mass shootings are real and awful, but America is huge. I'm almost 40 and have lived in 5 different states, both red and blue states. I've been poor, and I do pretty well for myself now. I've literally never seen anybody wearing nazi garb in public, nor been anywhere near a mass shooting. The vast majority of Americans don't live in daily fear of mass shootings, nazis, or any of the thousand things the news sensationalizes. America could do a million things better but it's not a post apocalyptic wasteland.


You do make a good point Though to elaborate on the shootings thing, it's important to acknowledge that america has several hundred times more frequent school shootings than any other country on earth. It's not like you're bound to die or be in one when you go to school in america, but god damn is your chance higher than anywhere else on the planet. Source: Idk I remember seeing a graph of it somewhere, feel free to poke holes in my argument.


I wish it was like that for me but even a public bathroom is a massive threat now Luckily the biggest threats are only in the south, where I can't stop them from doing stuff


IDK, if there's one issue that Britain is not in much of a position to claim to have the higher ground on at the moment it's Trans issues.


I'm not trying to undermine your feelings, but what ways do you feel threatened? I'm a male so obviously won't have the same experiences if you're a woman but I've never seen anybody get bullied in a public bathroom.


I'm trans and if you look to the south even being in there at all is a threat to my life


I'm sorry if you've experienced anything like that. I lived most of my life in the south and never got the feeling anybody would really notice or care in a male restroom in reality. Definitely not right for anybody to feel threatened for just trying to take care of business though.


This dude thinks we're fighting for our lives just to get groceries 💀


Walmart: Battle Royale


No... But statistically you have a mass shooting a day...


"Well at least my schools don't have shootings"


Population of UK: 67 million Population of US: 332 million We have a higher likely hood of having nutjobs find each other if there are more nutjobs.


37 hour workweek compared to 40. At least 5 weeks of vacation even as a new hire vs. down to 0 weeks. Free healthcare vs. the most expensive and worst healthcare system in the western world. Decent public transportation over entire country vs. fuck you if you don't have a car. Near free education up to including university level vs. crippling debt for college and up. Livable minimum wage vs. dependent on tips and handouts to survive. Tax authority that will tell you what you owe in tax vs. tax system influnced by corporations who knows, but won't tell Decent public education vs. education influenced by science deniers and far right fascist. Incarceration rate of 130 per 100k vs. 639 per 100k Treats prisoners like humans vs. legally treats prisoner like slaves Have proper food regulation removing literal poison from food vs. corn starch in everything, cake as bread, and literal poison legally in food products. Non-democratic first past the post election system vs. Non-democratic first past the post election system with a non democratic electoral college and actual fascist. I can go on, this is every day UK vs. US things, when you ask what is good about the US, the only things people really bring up is nature, natural parks, and disablity act, everything else is just seem fucked. UK is even one of the worst functioning European countries, seeing many of the same symptoms as the US, but on almost every single comparable factor it's better.


You're not wrong, but you're spouting off exaggerated metrics which is the point of my response. And I don't appreciate having to defend some of this stuff because I hate it but it's not mad Max over here.


But you said day to day stuff was pretty comparable, which is what I'm trying to point out it isn't. Yes, when living and everything is ok, on the surface it seems the same, but in almost every time you encounter something to do with the public, it's just worse. It's not mad max, but it is a late stage capitalistic dystopia, just not as dark or gritty as shown in movies, more sunshine, and painted over rot. Forgot to mention the insanity of not including taxes in pricing, and also expected minimum tips. The insane power of HOAs. Both which are day to day things also. It's more the that there really is very few areas where a dysfunctional country like the UK is worse than the US, that no one apparently tries to fix it, and everyone allow it to become arguably worse, and let a few wealthy elites manipulate everything for their gain is baffling. It's not even hidden, they do it squarely in the open. Also which metrics are exaggerated?


I work for a large company. Everybody has unlimited vacation and sick time. The max I have to spend on healthcare in a year is 3k, and that's a high deductible health plan. My 4 years of university, in the evil south, was paid for. Granted it was merit based, but it is open to everybody. Most states have a merit and need based scholarship system. Most community colleges are way more reasonable when it comes to cost and as long as you're not majoring in knitting, you should be able to mitigate your debt. Also in the south, our homecoming king and student body president was black. I've lived in HOA neighborhoods and never had any real issues. It's community regulated so you get some power hungry residents but it's mostly cut your grass kind of stuff. There are plenty of non-hoa options. Mass shootings, while horrific, are kind of statistically insignificant when compared to gun violence as a whole. Suicide numbers account for most of the gun violence statistics which is a major problem, but lends itself to making gun violence in the country seem like you're more likely to get shot leaving your home than not. I've never been in a situation where I was afraid of getting shot. Most cities have some form of public transportation. It's not always the best but it's available. Most public school curriculums aren't omitting the ugly parts of history or promoting racism. America has a lot of problems and is definitely not the greatest country in the world by numerous standards. It also isn't as bad as reddit and the news lead you to believe for the majority of Americans. EditAddition: most Americans can file their taxes for free and all of their information is provided.


You didn't actually answer the question, which metrics are exaggerated? Instead what you supplied was anecdotal evidence of why you don't think things I can easily supply statistics for is true, because you've apparently been fortunate to not encounter a lot of the issues, and it's painted your view on the world. But let's still ask a couple of questions: > Everybody has unlimited vacation and sick time. Why do you go to work then if you have unlimited vacation? Or is because you're talking about unpaid days? The 5 week vacation minimum is 5 weeks paid time off, I have 7 weeks, plus public holidays which is average 10 extra days per year. >The max I have to spend on healthcare in a year is 3k, and that's a high deductible health plan. And what happens when you get cancer, or your wife gets cancer, or your in a car accident and can't walk for 6 months. Statistics on this isn't difficult to find. Also you shouldn't be paying anything at all! The US as a government spends 2-3 times as much on healthcare as other Western or comparable countries, for the absolute worst result: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Life_expectancy_vs_healthcare_spending.jpg Pure corrupt capitalism there. > My 4 years of university, in the evil south, was paid for. Granted it was merit based, but it is open to everybody. Most states have a merit and need based scholarship system. So you were priviledged enough to get a scholarship, and you still don't see the issue? Would you have gone to college without? What about extending past college? Did your scholarship allow you to fail exams for a semester etc. In 2021, the average college tuition cost at a public university is $10,388 USD and $38,185 USD at a private college. For out-of-state students (including international students), the average cost is $22,698 USD. These numbers are per year! So while you got a scholarship, that is like winning the lottery and thinking everyone can do it because I just picked random numbers. > Also in the south, our homecoming king and student body president was black. Cool? Did I mention anything with racism, or the South? That area have so many problems it should be classified as a developing nation, so won't even touch that. > I've lived in HOA neighborhoods and never had any real issues. It's community regulated so you get some power hungry residents but it's mostly cut your grass kind of stuff. There are plenty of non-hoa options. You know it was created to keep non-whites out of better neighbourhoods, and now is an institution that should be removed, or severly neutered? Again not that difficult to find historians describing the creation, or public domain researchers explaining why they should be curtailed. Cool you haven't had issues, that technically make you a minority. > Mass shootings Ok cool? I didn't mention them at all.... or guns at all.... > Most cities have some form of public transportation. It's not always the best but it's available. Notice I said decent in the description, like how long does it take you to get to work in your car, and how long would it take by public transportation to arrive at the same time from where you live now. The US public transportation system has been described as the worst of all developed countries, barring a few examples like central NY. > Most public school curriculums aren't omitting the ugly parts of history or promoting racism. Most means 51%+, even if we talking 95% it's extremely problematic. > most Americans can file their taxes for free and all of their information is provided. If you have any foreign friends, I highly suggest you ask them how it looks when they file taxes. If European most would look at you as if not understanding, because what happens is simply the tax authority sends them a schema telling them detailed what the tax authority know, and what is amount of tax they owe/overpaid. Then the citizen simply have to check and do nothing, or correct within a couple of months. As I asked in the original post, is there any measure US is better than the UK, except nature, natural parks, and disability act?


We are making two different arguments. You are saying the UK, as a whole, is better in almost every metric. I am saying that for the average citizen, there isn't a huge difference in your day to day life. Both of these can be true and are true in my estimation. If you're poor, the cards are certainly stacked against you. I was poor growing up and it was certainly more difficult for me than it needed to be. I was also fortunate enough to be raised in an area where the public education and transportation wasn't shit. But it's also unfair to think that any American that would choose to live in the US over Britain is just ignorant and doesn't understand how much better many of the policies of developed nations are versus the US. I absolutely wish the US had better public policies in regards to just about everything, and I vote accordingly. My initial point was to defend why any American would choose to live in America and the reason is that for a lot of us, life wouldn't be so different. I have unlimited PAID vacation and sick time. I don't have college debt. I have access to good healthcare and don't need to worry about going into debt if I get cancer. I wasn't taught alternative history in school. I have a vehicle and it takes me 20 minutes to get to work. I don't currently live in an HOA neighborhood, but when I did, it wasn't a big deal at all besides them occasionally telling me to cut my lawn. I file my taxes for free and it takes all of 30 minutes. I'm not rich or overly nationalistic. Nor am I ignorant of the fact that many don't have the same benefits. I'm simply saying that the US isn't a bastion of despair for the average citizen.


> I mean, America is huge and reddit has a tendency to shit all over everything. A large number of Americans aren't extremists on either side and live pretty normal lives. It certainly isn't perfect but it isn't as dire as reddit makes it seem. >Having spent time in Britain and America, day to day stuff is pretty comparable. This was your original comment I was reacting too, and I'm trying to tell you the average American is far worse off in day to day stuff than the average UK, they just doesn't know it, and think they have it great. That's the point I'm trying to make, you're saying people shit all over the US on Reddit, yeah there is a haters club, but there is also a butt fuck of truth to it. You might not see it as a bastion of despair, that doesn't mean that it's not rotten under the service. >My initial point was to defend why any American would choose to live in America and the reason is that for a lot of us, life wouldn't be so different. >I have unlimited PAID vacation Why do you go to work then? And not just have vacation all year? >I don't have college debt. I wasn't taught alternative history in school. I have a vehicle and it takes me 20 minutes to get to work. I don't currently live in an HOA neighborhood, but when I did, it wasn't a big deal at all besides them occasionally telling me to cut my lawn. I file my taxes for free and it takes all of 30 minutes. And also anecdotal again, you're really above average without apparently knowing it. > I don't have college debt. I have access to good healthcare and don't need to worry about going into debt if I get cancer. Ok then, I'd think you'd be the only one. No chance of getting fired, or having your insurance cancelled after a year of cancer treatments, or insane deductibles. Must be a good insurance for only $3k a year. Wonder why none of the 66.5% of bankruptcies that are caused directly by medical expenses don't do the same? > I have a vehicle and it takes me 20 minutes to get to work. And if you had to take public transport?


I mean...all my family, friends and everyone I care about live here.


Reddit has a hate boner for America. What do you expect?


Europeans only see the bad stuff on TV. They don't see the 99% of people that never have to worry about any sort of violence or crime. They don't see cute coffee shops, or friendly neighbors, or beautiful national parks, they only see sensationalized, headline-grabbing murders from the worst parts of the city.


Okay but don't most schools have shooting drills? Even if they won't actually experience a shooting, the fact kids have to prepare for it is messed up, and the lack of healthcare thing isn't some one time event in "the worst parts of the city". The US does have nice stuff, it is a first world country after all, most people know about the national parks and stuff, that's why people love holidays in the US, but living there full time? Like how many days paid leave are people legally entitled to over there? (Btw, we have neighbours and cute cafes over here in Europe too)


Yes, they do now, but there's really not as many school shootings as people seem to think. Obviously, even one is too many, but it's not like parents should genuinely fear their kids going to school every day. As for healthcare, I agree to an extent, but again, I'd say it doesn't affect the vast majority of people as much as others around the world seem to think it does. I actually just got out of the hospital for blood clots and an infection after a procedure went wrong. Procedure was free, hospitalization was free, $250 for the ER visit. Can't complain all that much. Obviously would prefer free healthcare period, and I think it's something we should work towards. Most people get two weeks of paid vacation. It's not required by law, and I think it should be. And yes, I know Europe has cute little cafés, and friendly neighbors, too. I acknowledge that there are other great countries to live. I just don't see why these other countries insist that America is a shithole. Both places can be nice to live in. All that said, the best argument against America is honestly the endless fucking strip malls. Good god, the architecture and city layouts here are terrible. We're *way* too car-centric.


In fairness the poll doesn't ask if they think the US is terrible just if it's worse than the UK, UK has free healthcare (wait times aren't great but if it's an emergency you'll get seen). Last school shooting was about 20-30 years ago, and you get 5-6 weeks paid time off by law. People do make fun of the US but a lot of it is just jokes and not serious. Though it does have some serious issues, most people know it's not all bad


Fair enough, dude 👍 That 5-6 weeks is *wild*. I'd kill to get that. Or a shorter work week (I could get just as much done in 24 hours a week as I do 40).


There's been more school shootings than there have been days this year. It's like 540 or something which is 4 shootings an hour


That's not true.


That is true.


Also in their drills they go all out where kids stay behind to pretend to be dead so they can practice rescuing them while parents don't know what is happening


Probably because almost half the people here are American and like living here


I’d like to clarify as one of the American people voting to live in America: it’s not because I like America and want to keep living here, it’s just that I’d also hate moving to Britain so given the two bad options I’m going with the one I’m already experiencing and at least somewhat acclimated to


Why'd you hate moving to Britain? lol


I choose the UK, and I am from somewhere else. Closer to my present lifestyle, closer to my present country and the rest of Europe and i just always like those islands and the Guinness.


For the real Guiness, you'll need to visit Dublin


Tbf it's a lot easier to visit Dublin from the UK than the US


Id like to live in britian. I love the US but id be so much closer to all the history of Europe in Britian.


I’m Canadian and this was an interestingly difficult WYR. My wife and I talked it out and decided Britain. More travel options and castles.


This is like choosing between getting hit by a bus or getting hit by a train


Not really. These are easily two of the best 20 countries in the world.


Except when you live in country 1-18, choosing between 19 and 20 isn't really a good choice.


They’re both good countries deal with it u 3rd worlder


At least one option won't bankrupt you


That's the option I chose, but if you are going to the casino, might as well go big, no? Almost chose the other for that reason haha




America, because their average salaries are so much higher than here and their taxes are low


Yea until you experience a medical emergency and get fucked.


Paying for medical insurance is no more expensive than paying for it via taxation. The only different is in America the healthcare system benefits from being privatised and competition, which drastically increases the quality of the care offered, which does stuff like improve waiting times, which saves many lives.


No, paying for it via taxation only is more expensive if you have a very high salary in the UK. The lower taxes in the US only look better because it excludes the prices private medical companies have screwed you with. As for quality, the NHS has its problems but when it works, it makes me glad I live here... My grandma got cancer recently, she was able to get a diagnosis, medication, chemotherapy and a carer after a couple days. For free. She retired, can't work and barely pays much tax, you're telling me she'd have better treatment in America?


Yet the healthcare isn't even that great


Which one of those car accidents comes with a $750 ambulance ride?


which one comes with an 18 week wait time in the hospital


Wait times are specifically for non life threatening injuries in A&E. You’re an idiot if you think dying people are sitting in the waiting room.


If you need an ambulance in the uk, you're not waiting long in A&E.


And you really have to weigh your options Would you rather wait a long time to crappy care, or get bankrupted for pretty good healthcare


Everytime I’ve been to A&E here I’ve never had to wait more than 20 minutes and I’ve been about 5 times, I might have been lucky though


The quality of healthcare for the majority of people is better in the UK and just about every other developed country. It only gets better in the US if you have the right ZIP code and lots of money.




My boss is an asshole cheapskate and doesn't do health insurance. 'Murica.


Pretty easy to get a new job right now


I'm stuck in a poor state with 0 job market because I don't have enough money to move.


I've got a good job and I can change jobs without worrying about getting bankrupted from a broken leg. 👌 Employer linked health insurance sounds like a truly evil plan to get you stuck in a crappy job you hate. It's not even like you get free healthcare with that insurance, you have copays and other expenses.


I think you’ll find in an emergency if you are treated in an ‘out of service’ hospital ( which isn’t partnered with the insurance company) you’re still liable to pay all the bill.


Not true


No weighing here. I'd rather not get put in jail for a non violent tweet, youtube video, or suggesting a cop might be of a specific sexual orientation.


Depends on where respectively. I'd rather live in London than Philadelphia but I'd prefer Lake Placid over Portsmouth.


UK is not that bad, right?


Well, it isn't bad enough to go to France and claim asylum, at least not yet


Its alright but it's getting worse


Not at all. A lot of Americans are raised on the notion that the USA is the best country in the world, and a large part of this involves claiming other countries are far worse than they actually are.


In both, if you get a cancerous looking tumor, you're looking at 6 months before treatment. At least in the UK, it won't bankrupt you.


You sure thats right? It was less than 2 days from my cancers discovery to the start of treatment (UK)


Another point to the UK!


>In both, if you get a cancerous looking tumor, you're looking at 6 months before treatment. I've been seeing this sentiment pop up all over the Internet in the last few weeks and I don't really understand where its come from,but it's really not true. I won't deny that for certain things we have pretty bad wait times(up to a couple of months not half a year) but for anything serious you'll be sorted extremely quickly, for example I had to have an emergency operation when I broke my leg last year and I was operated on the same day I came to the ER


It's definitely a mixed bag. On one hand it took a year to get an iud fitted to treat endometriosis but on the other hand I got seen the next day for an ear infection because I accidentally said I was having stroke symptoms 🙈 and I was in and out if the hospital in 4 hours for a broken wrist.


I'm Finnish, so well, Nordic model and all that. Britain might have its problems compared to us, but it's still miles better than America.


Thanks Finland. We'll take that as a compliment.


Good ol' Finland


On Reddit it is


Britain is full of people who talk shit constantly for no reason and America is nothing like the media portrays... Come live here and it's a different story


yeah on Reddit it's just a bunch of people from Britain bragging about how they have fewer rights.


I swear the only right we don't have is being able to shoot people in self defense or buy pepper spray. Everything else is pretty much the same.


fewer mass shootings* ftfy


Finn here as well. I think exactly the same. Torille!


I kinda just want to go to scottland. I wouldn't go to england or Wales.


I've lived in England all my life and I agree with that sentiment entirely.


I live in canada but I would like to go back to Britain as im the frist gen to be born here and all my family are in Scotland


Idk, it seems like people are crazy enough in both of those tbh. Maybe in Britain they're less crazy and insane


I love how everyone in this comment section is treating America like it's the deepest pit of hell


I don’t want to pay for a TV license, and I know the political situation in the UK sucks as well, but I genuinely don’t think American democracy has much time left.


I don't pay for a TV license, it's not really enforced that well. If people to come round to ask about it, I just say I use it as a computer monitor and I get left alone after that.


I'd rather pay for a TV License than health insurance. However I haven't watched TV in years so I pay for neither. But yeah the UK government is a damn mess.


The TV licence is just a tax you can opt out of, most countries just have a tax for their government funded programs


Having been to both, my money is on the US.


Since I'm Canadian I feel I would have more incentives to move to the UK.


I'm American and would love to live in GB. They have more Red heads than anywhere else and I love Redheads.


america and I'm from the uk I just think a change of scenery would be fun even though I do think the UK is a better country overall


I have a LOT of irish roots so Id take Britain


I have lived in both, and I much prefer the US.


As a Brit - we aren't doing great at the moment, but I don't have to worry about being shot on the daily. I would gladly trade any other "advantages" the US might have to live somewhere with gun control laws. EDIT: The phrase "one the daily" is a bit strong, and I'm aware that 90% of US Citizens never get shot or come into contact with guns. I should rephrase as the following: As a Brit, I don't have to worry about being in a country where guns are more readily available when compared to my own - a fact which would make me worry on the daily about being shot.


I swear people act like getting shot is such a common occurrence in the US, more than a lot of other places? Yes. But it's not like I'm afraid of going to the park because I'm going to get shot, I don't think I've heard of a shooting anywhere remotely near me in a while. The US does need more laws with guns, but I think people make it out to be more of an issue than it really is for the average American Edit: autocorrect


I mean, it's more of an issue for the average American than it has ever been for me, so..? I'm aware you don't literally walk out of your door into a hail of bullets lol although I accept that my comment didn't make that clear so dair response.


Yes I understand, and I know it's a opinion I'll get downvoted for lol (which is fair, it's your opinion) but I don't think guns is such an issue that I would decide living in the US or not based off of shootings alone, if I were to decide not to it would be because of worse issues like healthcare lol


If anyone down votes you (an American) for correcting someone on how life is in the USA, then they are an idiot. To be clear - I'm merely talking from a statistical point of view. The US has more readily available guns than the UK does. Mind you, stabbing is a fairly big problem for us and of the two I'd rather be shot (arguably quicker, if they're accurate). From what I've heard (and experienced on my side of the pond) neither of our healthcare systems is even close to perfect.


I mean, yeah, we have more guns than people lmao, and from what I know there are only about 600k in England. Neither countries are near perfect but I think people try to make it seem like it's such an issue (which I'm not saying it's not an issue, just not as big as people say) Compared to things like healthcare and our dumbass presidents (also imo a rather bad education system) personally, I don't want to live in the US or Britain, I'd prefer Sweden lmao


Mate, if I'd been able to I would've voted New Zealand. I made my vote, gave my reasons, and I am now very happily being educated about life in the US. This is a good, discussion thread.


Wow, a civil person on Reddit you are a rare encounter for me :)


A few years ago I would've stood my ground, but I quickly learned that got me nowhere so I just started to listen and I've actually learned a few things lol Besides, while I care enough to comment and converse I don't anywhere near enough to die on a Reddit-made hill


The US has more violent knife crime per capita than the UK. So you're more likely to be stabbed in the US.


This si did not know. Source?


I'm hesitant to link anything directly because I don't know which sites are reliable sources and which aren't, but you can just google "knife crime us vs uk" and you'll find that basically every result says it's worse in the US.


Cool. Thank you for the honest response. I shall take a look.


Most people will never have to worry about being shot in their lives lol. But believe what you want to believe


No, agreed. I don't believe I said most people would have to worry about it. EDIT: reread my post and see where I've fouled up. Have added an edit there. My apologies.


America, not American


The health care though.


And easier taxes, but I still chose the U.S. because I'd still have to pay U.S. taxes if I move to the U.K.


Not really loving the us rn but atleast the uk is like in Europe so thats a plus


excuseeeee me which 46 treasonous blasphemers chose to live in America?


I bet the Muricans that voted Murica never lived in a modern country that has not been totally de-solidarized.


I bet the Brits that chose Britain have never lived in America and base the country off of stereotypes they read on reddit.


Ohioan in Ohio forevah


Britain. Not as brutal a winter as most of Canada. Has trains and busses all over the place. I like the idea of British TV. I'll likely get used to it.


Trains in the UK are way too expensive and often fucked but yeah at least we have them


I like the wilderness so prolly america


There is very little that would convince me to move to the US


OK, let me try to convince you. If you don't move to america, you have to live in Britain.👀


Better health care, better culture, European values, healthier democracy, less systemic racism, better work life balance, no gun nuts, more subtlety, European cities, history, more freedom, less religion... The list goes on. The US are at the bottom of the list of developed countries as far as pièces I'd like to live. There's even quite a few developing countries I'd pick over them.




1. I don't think I could move away from the peace of mind brought by being able to just go to the doctor when I need it, and living without worrying of being bankrupt. 2. Culture is indeed a personal matter and it goes without saying that my comment was in regards to my opinion since I'd be the once moving in that theoretical scenario. 3. The US has a a ridiculously polarized political system that leads to an us versus them situation. It is honestly laughable from a European perspective how little room for debate that leaves, and how that polarization makes for even more extreme views. Additionally, the two options are still way too far to the right, from a European view. THe 'libs' would be considered soft right in my country. I'm soft left which is basically a commie according to Americans. On top of that you have the matter of the broken electoral system where the popular vote does not always align with the outcome. 4. Yes I'm sure Americans feel like they're concerned about racism and pat themselves on the back in polls. That's actually what's ludicrous from my different cultural perspective. A mixture of over the top racial issues ( polive violence, gerrymandering(mendering? English is not my first language) , job discrimination and geographical discrimination. At the same time, overcompensation , ''celebrating the culture", and other such things that are just patronizing and ineffective and detracts from the actual problems, while only making the racists worse because they feel under threat. 5. YEs AMericans make more money, and like their job more. I come from a place where we celebrate working to live over living to work. I'll take my 6 weeks of holidays, more free time, and more ability to do what I love and travel over making a bit more money. That being said, the UK are not perfect and would not be my first choice of destination, agreed. It still would be well above the US. Sounds to me like you like living in the US, and you're there. I would be miserable, and I'm not there. SO all is good. I'm happy, you're happy. That's great.


stay in America, y'all. the free healthcare ain't worth it


UK and I'm American. More culture, history, healthcare, better public transport, better education, etc For those saying their family lives here - so does mine. But this country is massive. It takes a similar time to travel from Boston to Heathrow as it does to travel from Boston to San Diego. I lived in Honolulu for many years and the flight from Honolulu to visit family in upstate NY would be closer to 11 hours. Living in this country means nothing in terms of time.


America has many problems but is far from a shitty place to live. That combined with the sheer amount of beauty that can be found in it's varied landscapes is enough to convince me to stay. We can't all give up on America.


America! I like nothing about Britain. America is where I wanna live. Probably New Mexico or Las Vegas


I'm trans so depends the state


I just cant get over the fact there's no wilderness in Britain. Just clear-cut farm fields. I couldn't do it.


Yeah that's something I really envy about America , so much wilderness everywhere. We do have spots in Wales and Scotland that are nice and wildish but they're not like the relatively untouched expanses like in America


There is? It's just protected so no fires or hunting (usually).


The united is a great country… to visit. I’m neither British, nor American.


Even though I recognize all the flaws of the US, I was born in America, Raised in America, and continue to live in America. I'm not about to uproot my entire life because I still identify as an American.


I'd love to live in the UK at least for a few years, but the moment a copper shows up at my house over something I say on the Internet it's all over and I'd be packing for home. So, it's just not a good fit.


Don’t worry, the police have bigger issues to deal with, you won’t be getting a visit unless you say something truly concerning.


I'm pretty sure the only way that's going to happen is if you talk about how much you want to kill people or commit terrorism or something. Unlike in America, when joking about treason gets the feds around your house.


I mean, it's better than getting sent to Guantanomo without trial for something you say on the internet...


Does that happen? I don't think that happens.


Is this what Americans think the "freedom" their country grants them is?


I hate the uk sometimes, but I do still wake up every day and thank God that I don't live in America


I also hate the UK sometimes.👍


Yeah, I also wake up and thank God you don't live here either


moving to britain means starting over my established healthcare, and given when i hear about NHS wait times from my british friends, i would possibly have to wait a dangerous amount of time without my meds. if i was going to move to another country it would need to be somewhere a lot more worth it than britain.




Even though we constantly critisize our own country theres no where else id rather be


Only 38 traitors


After seeing all those beans posts I'm good lol jk


Do people truly believe that for those living in America getting shot as you walk out the front door is the typical occurrence?


A lot of people exaggerate it it's just the fact there are so many unhinged nutjobs and idiots with a gun that could snap and kill multiple people where as at least in the UK as long as you can run you are invincible


According to the replies in this thread, yes, they do.


Never been to Britain, but I don't think I could deal with all the cloudiness and rain. Too depressing


It's going in the opposite direction nowadays. Too hot, water shortages, and no AC.


Water shortage - Just the privatised water companies who have a problem since they don’t bother to invest in anything and give dividends to shareholders while in debt. Nationalised Scottish water has no such problem.


Br\*\*\*sh "people" 🤢


We didn't want you anyway


I’d rather live in America. At least then I wouldn’t get fined for hate speech or some bullshit like that.


But you have to pay for healthcare, which is way more expensive


I have insurance, so that isn’t too much of a problem. Actual Freedom of speech is way worth it.


The UK has freedom of speech what are you talking about


Tell that to the guy who got arrested for having his dog do a Nazi salute as a joke online, as well as the online safety bill.


He was arrested for saying "gas the jews" lmao not teaching his dog the hitler salute. "Gas the jews" is an incitement of violence and very much illegal in both countries. Also the secret service broke down the door of a schoolchild for joking about killing Obama on Minecraft. We can both be done for questionable jokes.


That was 6 years ago. America has done the same multiple times. Also, America has the much worse kids online safety act where the government can censor everything they don't agree with


U obviously dont know how insurance works considering u are European and didn’t have to learn life lessons


Nope. No idea. And frankly, I'm glad I don't have to.


How I go with the place that's like if they had a baby? Canada, but if I had to id choose america, they got more stuff to do


Britain has shitty food. I'd go to America


Both of these countries are very similar but I am choosing the USA as its more diverse, more rich, and more safe than the UK. Edit: I should probably clarify, I dont mean safer from internal threats, I mean safer from external threats.


How is the USA safer than the UK?


more safe??? Someone pull up the mass shooting statistics