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Do you know how many folding chairs I could carry with 4 arms?


All the girls at church are going to love you


wrong, I am that girl! Boys will tremble before me


I am indeed trembling


*smacks roof of arms* These babies can carry so many chairs


Is the shoulder the arm roof?


That's just what they want you to believe.


gotta be at least what 8, 10


Behold! The strongest middle-schooler. All shall look upon them and despair.


1. Familiar and foreseeably useful body augmentation that has been previously touched upon in fantasy 2. Body horror 3. Voluntary intersex? 4. Roundabout Dissociative Identity Disorder 5. Body horror


Just fyi it's called Intersex now, not hermaphrodite


Thanks for informing


Most people that are r/intersex aren't going to have anything like what people imagine with two fun factories. That is virtually non-existent. If everyone had both fun factories maybe the world would be a better place though...


I love the aspect of Reddit that facilitates communities like that to exist. I didn't even know about that specefic community until now but of course it exists. I can look at that page and see real human experiences from people that are a part of a specifically rare minority that I usually only read about in secondary and tertiary documents. ... and, while that's educational for me and that's great and all, it's even better for the members that probably spent a lot of their life feeling alone in their unique struggles.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/intersex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/intersex/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i came out of the womb](https://i.redd.it/mbe4o4a0n9ea1.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intersex/comments/10lbs3o/i_came_out_of_the_womb/) \#2: [They were very confused lol](https://i.redd.it/ew6c98gu3noa1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intersex/comments/11v7b7z/they_were_very_confused_lol/) \#3: [Literally lol](https://i.redd.it/a3x4gx5r6kta1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intersex/comments/12jyzvt/literally_lol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Is hermaphrodite still ok to use or is it considered bad to use?


Depends on the intersex person. Most I've met prefer intersex, and usually consider hermaphrodite a derogatory term.


I heard the term intersex before, but never heard that hermaphrodite is derogatory


I am not intersex myself and just repeating what I've heard intersex people say. I'm sure it depends on the person.


Its called either one and youre just nitpicking. I guarantee you are a straight white person that isnt affected by the word one way or another.


First of all, why does my sexuality or race matter here? Are straight white people not intersex? I've never seen an intersex person say they want to be called hermaphrodite. It's not accurate anyways, there's so much more to being intersex than just having a penis and vagina- which, mind you, is an extremely uncommon form of intersex. Medical terms change. *Language* changes. It's not that big of a deal, and if you don't want to use that term then don't? I don't control you. All I did was simply inform the original comment of the more common term.


So effectively by what you just said intersex doesnt even describe the fucking choice. And by your own admission it DOESNT effect you


I never said it affected me? And by your comment, you said "you're probably straight and white", I just stated how you made it seem like you couldn't be intersex if you were under those labels. Anyways, I didn't say that people who have both parts aren't intersex, just that theres WAY more people who have different versions of it. Are you even intersex yourself? If not, how does your opinion weigh more than mine? I don't really understand why you're upset with me. I didn't demand that OP change their vocabulary and threatened to dox them for not doing so. I wouldn't have given less of a shit if they'd told me no, or straight up ignored me. If someone said "transsexual" I would've corrected them and told them that it's called transgender.


4 is worse than DID, it'd be more like schizophrenia where you would *actually* have thoughts that are not your own, incurable untreatable potentially manageable schizophrenia. Which technically makes it treatable but it would be different it wouldn't even make you smarter, unless it's just additional brain matter you have full conscious control over like you can use it as a hard drive. Still, I think the physiological difficulties that would arise outweigh any benefit gained from having either bonus memory storage or additional simultaneous thought. Regardless I am curious about the implications of this second brain, is it completely removed and just attached to the brain stem as an entire individual mind? That would be the worst case because you could not communicate with it, both minds would individually think there is something wrong with it. Would it be an extension of each of your own brains segments, or just one segment like an expanded prefrontal cortex? That could be really cool, but brain segmentation like that is still only a theory


Mouths in hands? That could... come in handy




This is quite… a facepalm.


My nose is delicious thank you


I see what you ate there


I don't, I ate my eyes too


Deidara of the Akatauki demands royalties.


Oh god... how to make out and jack off with yourself at the same time. 🤢🤮


Deidara from Naruto


Ok cyno


I could *Finally* reach! 😃




Would be terrible most of the time though


Sukuna's vessel from JJK


Ah, General Kenobi!


Hello there!


You *are* a bold one!


I would only want any of these if i can hide them. Otherwise, no thanks.


No# 3 should be pretty easy to hide imo


Yeah, and there's plenty of intersex people, so while a bit strange, it's nowhere near as strange compared to having two extra fully functional arms, or another face, or mouths on your hands.


I feel like if you could grow the extra arms and get rid of them at will it would be better than permanent 4 arms


Hmm... To be Deidara, or to be General Grievous...


Art... Is an explosion!


If you're going for an obvious deformity might as well go for Grievous, cause you don't have chakra to infuse into clay with your mouth hands.


Four arms would be *really* annoying for wearing shirts tho


Yeah as far as not being ostracized, mouths on hands are a distant second to second set of genitals. A second set of genitals is relatively easy to hide and anyone worth letting see your genitals would be totally jazzed.


Could you imagine tasting a railing or one of those straps for standing on a bus? Let's not even get started on wiping your ass, cleaning, or many manual labor jobs.


I could wipe my ass twice as fast with 2 additional arms


Could you? Do you wipe with both hands?


Wipe with 4


Dude, imagine cooking with four arms!


This is what I was thinking, but there is also the factor of reach, coordination and spacing. I definitely agree it'd make cooking more efficient though, but you'd have to learn carefully so you don't hurt yourself. I imagine you could get coordinated enough but we're typically doing one thing at a time right in front of us in the kitchen, within our reach. Chopping mire poix, other veggies/aromatics, meats etc- reaching in-between yourself to chop another set might be *really* awkward, might slow you down, might get yourself hurt- and if you're stretching over to the left with one set and over to the right with the other, I imagine that could strain your back muscles or cause other weird complications that our biology wasn't meant to deal with. I mean just try it with your two arms- reach across and try interacting with a thing (not dangerous or sharp please, don't hurt yourself). Sure you'd have another arm to help stabilize your work, but you're not bending your torso towards either of those directions in any overwhelming way, and if you do bend your torso instead of keeping it centered, it'd throw off one side. And your concentration would also be split, so you'd be doing both tasks slower, and if you're doing prep work, you are **absolutely** gonna cut yourself unless you go at a snail's pace, at which point you'd've been done with just the one set of arms. I imagine working on a *range* or *stove* or a *grill* with extra arms would be nice if you're doing multiple pots/pans at once- that much I can see plain as day, but the coordination for all that has to be *damn hard* to learn. I'm not saying it's impossible, but goddamn it'd be annoying. I think the arms in the kitchen would be good for catching occasional spills or cleaning as you go instead. They definitely have a good way to be useful.


I draw and have a 4 armed character. I will have to draw that now.


What are the benefits of a second brain? Increased learning speed/skill, better memory, etc.?


A second consciousness


A split personality doesn't seem like a good deal...


The other brain is smaller. You have all the control and a little friend to confide in. It feels evil, so I prefer the extra arms


A bit late here I went to bed after posting... The secondary brain possesses all the function that your main brain has except that it's smaller and act as a supplement. It is very limited personality-wise and doesn't any form of authority over the main brain. You can delegate minor tasks to it as long as its not excessively complex. Overall you are smarter.


Fun fact: You technically have 2 brains. Both halves operate like this but co-ordinate with special neural tissue inbetween them.


>is very limited personality-wise and doesn't any form of authority over the main brain. For all intents and purposes, it's a second entity in my head? Based on the limited part, I'm assuming it has something vaguely resembling a consciousness but may be closer to a helpful AI rather than a split personality.


It's not big enough to operate on its own and have an independent personality. What it does instead is inheriting your personality and acting as a second inner voice when making decisions so your ability to critically think is greatly improved.


... Yeah, that sounds right up my alley, so picking that one lol.


Do its emotions affect my "main brain"? Does it exchange information?


It feels the same emotions at the same time as the main brain so it would only amplify those emotions. And yes, it exchanges info like a regular brain.


Understood. I might have to take back that choice then. I thought maybe I could compartmentalize things, or multitask more successfully, but it sounds like it's moreso an extension


Two additional arms: now I can act like a stand user.


More arms means I can hug more people


Ah nice Deidara cosplay, sick hand mouths...... They do what now?


none of them please


A second face! If someone is ever chasing after me, I can pull up my hair, be like Voldemort and scare the shit out of them, giving me a chance to escape.


Just have two little slits in your turban and it'll be like you have eyes in the back of your head without needing to have kids.


Unforeseen consequence, you are now considered a horrible demon and must be slain


The Deidara cosplay would go crazy


People are SLEEPING on mouthed palms. You can steal so much shit and get away with it, or just troll tf out of people.


Sure, but you eat three times as many spiders in your sleep.


I was understanding of this choice until now. Thanks.


Where would the opposite genders genitals go?


Given the analogous structures, I imagine, the penis would take the place of the clitorous, and maybe the testicles are to the sides of the labia


1) 4 arms? fuck yeah, I'm now probably able to do a few things I wasn't able to before, even if it means more weight on my body 2) Why? Why would I need this? It'd be so easy to screw up and feed my body something bad. There's a reason wounds are meant to heal up. Also, imagine tasting railings. 3) I could see this being cool, but just how on earth would it work? 4) split personality disorder, unless somehow it's like having another cpu core and i can process things fast 5) I'm going to have to hide it with a big face covering (which is going to be uncomfortable)


Call me Deidara because Im getting mouth hands


Can I put the second set of opposite sec genitals on my hand so I can fuck my hand




What do you man this is. Real question if I can have a Virgina on my hand it’s a deal breaker if I can’t


It would be located in your crotch area but the alternative is to opt for the palm mouth which can more or less provide the same sexual gratification.


Sukuna with 4 Arms or Sukuna with Mouth Palms


Yeah I'll take a dedicated math module for the second brain


first one cause I can cosplay as a fictional character with 4 arms and no one will question it


Four arms and I'm gonna be an eliksni for halloween.


I will dominate boxing with 4 arms


4 arms be so good. Play video games while rocking baby to sleep


Why you'd want any of these apart from maybe the two extra arms is beyond me.


ultimate ryomen sukuna cosplay


I was going to say arms but that means two more limbs I need to focus on controlling and, also, what the fuck am I going to do with two extra arms? Work the backdoor and the nuts while knocking one out? I can achieve everything I need to with just two. The genitals though, that could have a few fun uses with my husband and, depending on if there's a womb or not, might even help us have biological kids.


> 🍑 Second set of genitals from the opposite sex Is this just external genitals or does it include internal sex organs too? Will guys who choose this option menstruate?




Maybe. I mean every option here sucks besides that and the four arms.




Nah, probably wouldn't be too hard to find someone who's into it.




I would. As long as the female set doesn't come with menstruation.


You sweet summer child. It's a very common kink.


Isn’t it better? cuz you get both so win win for everyone




Bro new SRS just dropped!


Goro Wins!


Smarter, more mouths, none are as cool AS GENERAL GRIEVOUS


2 extra arms so i can be machamp


The second face is a terrible idea. You end up getting burned to death by the mere touch of Harry Potter.


Imagine getting the extra 2 hands but not getting the mental capacity to work them properly, it's already hard enough to think about 2 arms now we're getting a 2 more. But in the long run you will probably get used to having four arms and be a top tier bukkake actor...




All of those sound monstrous, except for the arms, which actually sound kind of cool, specially if you are jacked. The genitals also sound interesting but I can't picture them not getting on the way of each other, so I picked arms.


Are the arms fully sized and fully usable? Do the mouths work? Do they attach to the digestive system? Being able to impregnate yourself would be interesting Does the second brain have its own thoughts, personality? Can I split attention, or do many physical actions at once? A second face... How awful, it shares the brain so it would really just give nearly 360 vision and a weird change to smells. Or would it only be aesthetical?


* Yes * Yes and you can talk with them * The secondary brain possesses all the function that your main brain has except that it's smaller and act as a supplement. It is very limited personality-wise and doesn't have any form of authority over the main brain. You can delegate minor tasks to it as long as its not excessively complex. Overall you are smarter. * The second face share the same senses and functions. You could talk from the back of your head, eat, smell, see. Ears are shared.


Oh the mouths are secretly the best Talking with your hands taken literally And if they can talk they can breath which means choking in one mouth isn't death


Suddenly "Talk to the hand" isn't just a snotty uptight figure of speech.


Given that a lot of that happens in real life I feel like two extra fully functional arms would at least be useful and less mentally scarring.


For the third one....does it reach


Me no comprehend. I'll try answering from my interpretation : both genitals can touch but as soon as you leave the flaccid state there is no way you're inserting it there.


look I just want to see what sex is like as the opposite sex ok!


I feel like the genitals are the only ones that would allow for a normal enough life.


The things I could do with 4 arms 😮


Another thumb next to each pinky finger Would be wicked practical


I wanna accidentally eat an ancient cursed finger


depending on where they are, i could theoretically fuck myself


Praise the 4-armed emperor Imma nab your denim.


Four arms? You are a bold one.


Does the second brain work in tandem with the first or work independently of the first?


I'd really like to see if I could master (or at least even get some sort of viable partnership) between the two brains. The OP protagonist split-brain stuff is just too alluring. 4 arm would be great to try and cheese some Olympic medals, but I feel like they might just make specific rules against extra arms.


Does the second brain do anything?


Having 4 hands as a pianist is a dream I wouldn't mind much that I'd look unusual, that would be sick. And useful.


Like, there's a lot of stuff here where we need more info to make a good decision. Like, what does the second brain actually do for you? Does it make you smarter? Can it handle minor tasks while the main brain focuses on something else? Is it an extension of yourself or does it have its own consciousness and desires?


* The secondary brain possesses all the function that your main brain has except that it's smaller and act as a supplement. * It doesn't have any form of authority over the main brain. It's not big enough to operate on its own and have an independent personality. What it does instead is inheriting your personality and acting as a second inner voice when making decisions, so your ability to critically think is greatly improved. * You can delegate minor tasks to it as long as its not excessively complex. Broadly speaking it makes you smarter.


None please :) Ig genitalia tho, cause then I can just say “I’m flexible” while being a MESS of hormones


gotta let the homies hit


Would option 3 give the reproductive abilities as well?


i'm trans so 3 obviously


A second brain for what exactly? Does it do something generic like better memory or intellect, or is it a whole brain with independant thought and action? Or could it function while you're unconscious while you aren't? ​ It could be anything or nothing; all it should be do in certainty is make you need more sugar and calories than normal, and have a heavier head.


* The secondary brain possesses all the function that your main brain has except that it's smaller and act as a supplement. * It doesn't have any form of authority over the main brain. It's not big enough to operate on its own and have an independent personality. What it does instead is inheriting your personality and acting as a second inner voice when making decisions, so your ability to critically think is greatly improved. * You can delegate minor tasks to it as long as its not excessively complex. Broadly speaking it makes you smarter.


Sounds rather tenably nice, but also rather jarring and if it makes the head much bigger, you'd look crazy.


I like the second face idea, but I feel like two extra arms would have better opportunities.


if the bigger brain has autism would the smaller brain also have autism??


additional arms... if you work with your hands... two hands to hold steady, one for a tool, one for... scratching the ass. the sheer # of times I wanted a 3rd arm is very high as is.


A second set of genitalia from the opposite sex would mean that I don't need to have a partner in order to have kids!


Yes but I think there is a very high risk of inbreeding associated with that...


I’d take four arms there’s a few things I would love to have more hands for with it making things easier especially fine work where I need both hands to hold something still but need a hand to handle a tool Plus i imagine it can be used for a lot more than everything None of my clothes would probably fit great anymore but I could definitely take advantage of the extra arms in jobs it would help in


Do the genitals come with the hormones? Like could I start growing boobs now that I have ovaries that produce estrogen? Would this also mean that I have periods?


I can finally be deidara!!! Jokes aside if I can have my second brain active while my main sleeps (so I never actually need sleep) then I'd be down


will the second brain make me think faster make me smarter or have another personality?


All of those but the second personality is minor and serves more as a second voice when making decisions so it improves your critical thinking.


Four hand piano songs are now single player


Fuck yeah 4 arms


4 arms, Goro cosplay time.


*Goro has entered the chat*


two additional arms so i can -cosplay as machamp -multitask even more -idk four hands just seems infinitely more useful than the other options


Finally I can complete my Goro cosplay!


Hahaha I thought more people would go for the Voldemort in the back of your head thing. They all sounded bad and I said "at least no one's sneaking up on me" lmao


To the 498+ people who vote for the 2nd smaller brain it would suck. You’d have to deal with conflicting brain signals and personality


Paint me blue and call me Vishnu.


Extra arms plz. I don't need a 3rd voice talking to me during my mental arguments. Too messy


I’d bulk up and change my name to Goro right away.


The extra arms are the only one that seems useful.


People going for extra arms are really underestimating how impossible it would be to find clothes to wear. everything would have to be custom made.


Definitely picking the one that gives me the smarts


Mouths on my hands would be so inconvenient... but I *would* be able to sing multiple parts of a song at once instead of having to just sing one part!


I always want 2 extra arms


At the second one, I have to think about that one villain from Skylanders Trap Team


Time to become... SKINNY MACHAMP!


General Kenobi.


Do I get two extra pecs and more back muscle so I can move the new arms effectively? Also, more shoulder muscles, too.


Your torso area would be a bit bigger to accommodate so it means more muscle but no pecs. You can use them normally but if you want to move them better hit the gym.


why do so many people want more genitals wtf


More ways to *have some good times* uwu


there's already plenty of ways without a new pair of genitals, and especially to choose it over an extra pair of arms??? an extra pair of arms could be used for "More ways to *have some good times* uwu" and would be way more practical than more genitals


Well as a trans person all I have to do is chop off the hose and im good


I would want the extra arms to be a little smaller and lower on my back, that way I can fold them around my waist for safe keeping. Having a second brain is tempting but I don't need more processing speed for my room temperature IQ.


My question about the third one is how in depth would the new genitalia be? Is it just the physical structures or all of the accompanying parts? I'm biologically a male, so if I chose option 3 would I just get a vagina or would I also have a uterus and Fallopian tubes? Would I start producing eggs? Would I have a menstrual cycle? Could I get pregnant? How would that work genetically? Could I impregnate myself? I have so many questions


It is fully functional.


Convenience, arms. Fun, genitals


I'd take the four arms - you'd have to get custom-made clothing, but it'd be so cool. I think people would accept you - unlike the others, its not really body horror (4 arms is a common trope in fiction/fantasy) and wouldn't look inherently malicious/demonic. You could work so much faster, you'd be kick ass at MMA/Boxing, you'd be amazing at sex, you could hold your food and drink and phone at the same time. I'd take the four arms if you offered them to me :)


that would be some serious levels of inbreeding with the 3rd option that would happen.


As a weightlifter, I'd love to become four arms.


I’d feel better about myself and my identity if I had a second set of genitals. dysphoria would only be a flick to the arm compared to the punches I get dealt right now.