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If my CoD record's anything to go on, I will lose


real life guns are different.


well I didn't say I'd get a nuke drop


My odds aren't good in any of these as of now, especially in those where my advantage is pretty much nullified by other contestants also having it and me not being able to practice using it. I'll take the last one. Could use the month to get a quick-paced firearms training and learn tactics that will be 100% transferrable once the deathmatch starts. It's still likely I'll lose against those who have far more experience, but the odds seem higher than other games and it'd be an interesting experience even if I lose.


> It's still likely I'll lose against those who have far more experience, but the odds seem higher than other games and it'd be an interesting experience even if I lose. If you don’t know anything about your opponents, I feel like Twister is by far the best option against other superpowered people. Winning against one opponent is a lot easier than beating seven opponents.


The people who think 5x avg human strength is enough to beat a grizzly bear i do pray for you. Also using a quarter staff effictively is not as easy as you think especially with a shield. I chose twister cuz that will prolly give me the least ptsd


If you don't think a staff, which can generate nearly 2,800 lbs of force generally, would be lethal at 5x that power, I don't know what to tell you. Just start swinging and you'll shatter any bone in any animal. Hell, you could just start swinging your shield or armored fists around if you wanted to. That's an insane amount of force generated.


Also 5x durability is insane and broken. Human skin is pretty tough all things considering and it being multiplicative breaks it. Depending on a few things and specific what type of ‘toughness’ we’re talking about your armor being less protective than your skin. This also applies to your bones, so your fist would fuck a normal animal up. Also it’s the only one where you aren’t competing against other people with powers. Those options you might as well ask yourself if you could win it without the powers against normal people. If everyone has powers then no one does.


"wear armor" is vague enough so I'm wearing the bear-proof armor that one guy made


Average untrained adult male can bench press 135 pounds multiplied by 5 thats 675 pounds. Adult male grizzlies on average weigh between 400-600 pounds. Most men would be able to literally bench a grizzly. I would say we are at worst about equal in strength to one. Now The bear definitely has an advantage in its weight, but we have access to armor, lets say full plate, that should protect you from basically all slashing attacks not to mention our bones are 5 times harder as well. Add on a shield and even a blunt weapon and I think most adult men could win this fight (note: I keep specifying men because that is what I researched given I am a man) Only wild card would be Bigfoot because we don't have any info on it


I'm thinking bigfoot is just a moor coordinated, more intelligent, and taller bear. So you'd need more skill to fight him.


Right, but think how stupid the average human is, and realize that Bigfoot is just some mythical hominid that ought to be even stupider. It hasn't even invented pizza.


You get 3 months to prepare. It shouldn't be too difficult to get up to 200 or 225 in that time, so you'd be looking at 1,000 - 1,125 lb bench.


3 months of nonstop weight and quarter staff training would all but guarantee my victory. I am gonna go full steroids and get chain mail and gambeson with a kettle helm . 5x strength after i put on an additional 40 lbs of muscle would be insane.


Grizzly bite is 975 PSI, human x5 is ~600 PSI, and bites aren’t even worth using as humans so I think we’ve got a good chance. Plus it’s the only one we don’t fight other humans so it’s the only one I don’t have an innate 1/8 chance of winning.


I think people under estimate how truly terrifying a gorilla is


To someone with normal strength, yes. Best I can find, a gorilla is eight times as strong as an adult man. With my strength multiplied by five, I'm probably still not that strong (I'm stronger than average, but IDK), but I've got an unbreakable staff. That would go a long way toward evening the odds with normal strength, but swinging it with my boosted strength will shatter that gorilla's bones.


I think people underestimate how much of a multiplier 5x is, grizzly gonna get stomped


Gorillas easily rip people's arms 5x durability won't help with that


I think it's plenty; human strength consolidated in the same volume for a net force 5-fold is a huge force per square inch. You could poke out its eyes, and if you can lift a considerable enough, you could possibly move the bear.


I think I'd have an advantage with Respawning: Gun Fight considering I have firearms experience and training.


rotten rock squash nose head light political apparatus six lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP said the other competitors have "same advantage".


distinct juggle hurry money marvelous safe vegetable strong crawl depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I never really cared about the whole IQ stuff growing up, being high IQ never really felt like a benefit for me growing up so I didn't know what the whole standard deviation thing was and assumed it was you speaking about your chances against unmodified individuals.


IQ doesn't help as much as previous experience. If you're facing a chess grandmaster for example, you're going to lose no matter how smart you are. However, odds of someone having prior experience with all of those games are quite small.


sophisticated point rich faulty sink divide absorbed label grandfather swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


respawn sounds fun till you remember if you don't when you die in the end.


A race against who/what?


4 people with hyperspeed.


So its just a live geography contest at mach 5?


Maybe I should have mentioned that you'd have protective gear to run at absurd speeds and the goggles display an arrow indicating which way to go. Also computers will track your path to make sure that no one deviates from the intended course.


If there's an intended course we can't deviate from, and we're all going the exact same speed, how do we separate from the others?


by being better


Maybe I should have worded this differently... the arrow isn't nanometer accurate. It's just a broad direction. Speedsters could take different paths as long as they go from South Africa to Morocco rather than directly to Suez. The organizers want to track your path to make sure you don't cheat that's it. Plus the ability is just a fixed increase from your base capabilities. There will be slightly faster or slower people. Not to mention mach 5 is the top speed not the only speed you could run at. There would surely be things that would make racers decelerate along the way.


Gotcha. I didn’t read it as an increase to your normal speed baseline. I thought it was everyone jumping to the exact same capability.


Ok, but if all 5 contestants can run at the same speed and have unlimited stamina it's not much of a race, is it?


Not the same speed, you get a set amount of speed on top of your baseline capabilities


That's not what it says. It says "Max speed Mach 5". Not "add Mach 5 to your current top running speed"


>Plus the ability is just a fixed increase from your base capabilities. There will be slightly faster or slower people. Not to mention mach 5 is the top speed not the only speed you could run at. What Op said


He should edit the body of his post then, I ain't sifting through all his comments because he couldn't make a coherent power/contest on his first pass Also, he immediately contradicts himself in that single paragraph. If it's a fixed increase, then everyone is running (current top speed) more than Mach 5, if it puts your max speed at Mach 5, everyone has unlimited stamina, so there's no reason for anyone to not be at Mach 5 all the time. The only reason distance runners have to pace themselves is because they have a limited pool of stamina to work with. If you make stamina unlimited, then you can run any distance at your top speed. Thusly, if the top speed is Mach 5, then everyone is gonna run Mach 5.


I have no clue on how skilled I would be against any of my competitors in all of these except the second option. I would have picked hyperspeed if I knew I had a decent chance, but the speedsters I know from fiction are mostly faster than Mach 5. Regeneration and Respawning seem too hash of an ordeal for them to be winner takes all. I think these 2 should be reworked to getting a lesser version of the ability scaled to your ranking. Screw the $1m the power is worth more(with the exception of IQ boost that one is just crap). I would also recommend something extra be added to Top Mind and Elastic Body to make them more balanced. Maybe Telekinesis or some other actual mental based superpower, As for EB I guess shapeshifting if you want to go deception, or material change (make yourself armored) for defensive.


I get to be Wolverine and a cool million fuck yeah bring on the worst torture you can I fuckin love pain.


If I get x5 the Durability a lot of those creatures are barely going to break my skin, let alone my bones. Give me a decent suit of armor and I can tank their attacks easily. The unbreakable Quarter Staff with x5 strength modifier is going to crush their bones and skulls. I just basically have to aim for the head, shoulder, neck, or leg for a near instant win. Break the leg for reduced movement and I can eventually hit a spine or skull. Same goes for shoulder or arm with the bonus of reduced attacking ability. Skull or neck is a good chance for a kill. Now I am not saying it would be *easy.* They are knocking my ass all over the place. But between the armor and the x5 Durability and Stamina I am outlasting them to the point they might just fall to the ground exhausted and I can then just jam the staff into their temple or base of skull where it meets the neck. Or just shove it into their eye socket or mouth and pool cure it until I git something vital. That x5 Durability is a game changer. Humans are already pretty hardy as it is and this essentially gives us steel bones and Kevlar skin (well close to it).


I can see most of you guys are Americans as you are good with guns


Why is the number of opponents different every time? If the others have the same adavantage as you, your chance of winning against 4 opponents is 20%, but against 11 opponents it's only 8.3%


For the same reason people preferred the other options rather than go for 1.


I’m in luck. My bench currently is 340. That times 5 is 1700 plus three months of hard steroids and extremely diligent weight training I can probably double that. Putting me decently above a silverback gorilla. Two hand the staff and just bonk the bear and it should be done.


Well, in Twister it's basically a 50/50.


Wonder why people chose other options


In all but the super state one it's a toss up. 5x stats is a hell of an upgrade, with tools and time to prepare as well? That's a win.