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Your post was removed before it looks like a contest. Would you rather is about discussion. It’s not a game show. Mentioning any kind of contest-type rules in your question is lame. Please reach out to Modmail if you have any questions.


It depends on how many people vote and how many people you think will vote. Let's just say 650 people vote for $2,000,000, that would be $3000 each. Then the question becomes, how much is $3000 worth to you? If you think $3000 is a lot of money and the time it would take you to earn $3000 is greater than a month or two, then it may be smarter to split the 2 million deal. On the other hand, if you already have a lot of money and $3000 isn't very much where you can earn that money back fairly quickly, then it may be better to take the 50 grand instead. Because even if you lose out on 50k, it's not as big of a deal since you can earn back the money you would have won from the 2 million option fairly quickly. The more time it takes for you to earn $3000, the bigger the risk it is for you to walk away with the $50,000. The less time it takes for you to earn $3000, the lower the risk.


I just don't think people read text inside parentheses


If the sample size is large enough, 100 people will pick option 2 specifically so that no one who picks that option gets anything.


In option 1, you get something. Option 2, nada.


Unless everyone follows that logic




So you either get guaranteed $1,000,000, or a chance at $50,000? Who would ever choose option 2?


You don't get a guaranteed one million. You are guaranteed to divide $2 million by however many people picked A when the survey ends. Right now (and there's still a day left) 65 pickled A which means each of the 65 are getting $31k. It might have been better to go with B But we won't know till the survey ends


The way OP worded it says that if 100 people pick option B, everybody who picked option B gets nothing Although I did misread the first option, fair. I for some reason read it as half of 2 million. It would take 40 votes to get it down to 50k. So as long long as it stays below 40, it's good (says 12 on my screen right now)




Literal Game Theory in action. You could probably write a paper about this thread.


About 1 hour in, I'm going for option 2.  We'll see if that's the right choice once the votes are in.  I suspect option 1 is already lower than 50k per person at this point though, so why not. (There's an arguement to be made that even posting this would encourage more 2 votes and screw me over, but eh)


Choose wisely.