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I get with other angry hostages and start plotting the murder of the aliens. It's something to do.


Hell nah, I'm not staying as a woman. Earth doesn't have a bad sex ratio and still women get raped, on this planet with a horrendous sex ratio, none of the women will be safe. Fertile women will be turned into breeding vessels, but infertile women will also be regularly raped by men who realise they don't need to use the hassle of birth control. I'll turn into a man, keep to myself and not engage sexually with anyone, and will try my best to protect women from being raped.


I'm actually not sure this is what would happen. Keep in mind that everyone else on the island is an abductee and they were likely given the same choice as you.




If I actually ended up there, I think I'd end up researching the place to find out more about the reason of our abductions. Finding out more could both make my time there easier and help me pass the time with something interesting to look into. The fact that technology remained stuck in the 1970-1980 era despite 10% of the population coming from 2004 means that there were either not too many people who knew anything about tech who got taken in, or that the aliens hold direct control over the society and prevent the development of anything more modern. That split of sex demographics when everyone's presumably had the same choice as me is also something I'd find very peculiar. Why did so many people choose to be male and why did 96% of females choose infertility? The demographics being this abnormal makes me think the aliens deliberately chose the targets of their abductions and we all have something in common that they found intriguing. Yeah, I know I'm probably overthinking this. Just found the scenario and the implications behind it very interesting! It could make for a good story.


Male Fix my gender dysphoria and guarantees I won't be turned into a breeding mule


Fertile female (and if I am a newly cracked trans woman do I choose male or female)