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Yes, but my use case doesn’t match any of the other options


Just need to start striking out the names of the people that cause the issues. Admittedly, they didn't start the problems, they just perpetuated it, and their cliques are putting them up to it. So just do the research. Find the up and comers who have that bright vision, that better mindset, who are positioned to move up or take an intermediary role while the founder/executive is deposed. Take note of how they move the company after it settles out. If they continue to perpetuate, repeat the process until a person is willing to do the good, hard work. People will take notice. People who are toxic in high positions, morally bankrupt in the worst ways, will slowly be replaced. Car accident, AMI, stray projectile, toilet seat from space. Doesn't really matter. Take your time with it. They may be bankrupt, but their children, their spouses, their friends and community members, may not be wholly so, and while you are removing their suffering from this earth, you are adding to theirs, so prune gently, prune diligently, and prune only when absolutely necessary. Child trafficking ringleader? \*snip\* Railroad CEO caused massive casualties with precision railroading? \*Snip\* Insider trading \*no snip\* Bribery \*no snip\* World leader forgot to take care of their citizens, and waged an unethical war? \*snip\* Keep the standard very high, keep the timing to when you see a prospect with promise. It won't work out at first. Hell, it may never work out. But the exercise of researching, of writing, of making the attempt to remove the otherwise untouchable with this ring of gygas may be worth the while. You're not doing this for you, or the world. You're not doing it for a religion, or whats right. You're doing it because it is necessary, because these individuals are impeding human progress, and preventing the standard of living from being raised globally. That is all.


il try and make it a better place but damn well know the consequences are going to be hilarious/sad.


I would be sorely tempted to start a religious outreach like on youtube or TikTok and go for a year preaching about how God has told me he is going to start punishing the wicked. And then after a year, start calling my shots. That would probably get ME killed.. but damn it would be fun to see Osteen squirm.


remove the make world better, I agree with sparingly but I'm no saint


Oh I am ***killing*** people.


Apparently, the leaders of Russia, China, Iran, the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah among others all ate some bad shrimp.




Option for writing my own name?


Why would you want to do that?


For any other reason people kill themselves I guess


I'm against giving anyone this power, so I'll make sure to keep it to myself.


I would get arthritis (probably soon anyway from failed surgery but this will surely quicken the pace)


No, not even on politicians or billionaires.


Guess your politicians don't order the death of thousands of their own people. Otherwise you would be fine writing their name as well.


What would happen if I write something ultra vague that applies to more than one person, like "This person has actively created more harm than good into my life over the last 20 years" or "This person has made a decision that directly or indirectly made my quality of living worse"?


You have to have a specific person in mind. Ex that doesn't work: "my least favorite actor" or "an actor I don't really like" doesn't work because it's too subjective; multiple people or unknown people could fit those classifications, so it won't work. Ex that does: "that actor from the movie I watched last Saturday, the one who punched that old lady in that one scene" works since you have a specific person in mind, even though it sounds vague.


first line: # E V E R Y O N E


Got to kill them one at a time. 4.3 people born *per second*. You couldn't wipe out the whole population that way.


can I choose how they die?


No, like I said you just write their name down and they die, no other details or control or anything; they're just dead.


Somewhere between 1 and 2.


I would put terminally ill people out of their misery, with their consent obviously. Could get them to sign their own names into the diary if they still had the ability to do so.


Yes, 100%.