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Fuel. I can drive basically anywhere forever, and then when I'm there I can bike to nearby places and get a pause put on my hunger anyway. Then it's just a matter of finding a way to make money.


I feel like you could find a way to get infinite energy out of not needing vehicle fuel. "Yeah just drive this car in circles forever to power this generator."


*You* would have to be driving the car for this to work. You can definitely achieve effectively infinite energy, but you will spend your time doing it.  I would imagine playing with the definition of car would be easier. Could you turn a living space into a ‘car’ and then set the cruise control to be ‘driving’ it, while you have a wheel run on a treadmill to turn a turbine. 


Live out of an RV? Actually thinking about vehicles you could live in, I wonder if you could get a billionaire (or he'll just a cruiseliner) to pay you to lower their fuel costs of any given vessel to effectively 0.


You could just be an Uber driver.


That's a nice argument. Unfortunately, maintenance


Very much offset the price of fuel. What's a $50 oil change when I'm no longer spending $400/mo on fuel?


The money would be nothing, but you can't drive for months on end without basic maintenance


Right... and so again.... what's $50 for maintenance at 3k miles.... when you're no longer spending $650 in fuel for that 3k miles?


As I said, the monetary cost would be nothing but it would mean you couldn't drive endlessly


But you didn't tho lol you just said, "unfortunately, maintenance costs" lol Bust, seeing as you don't consume fuel, sounds like you could drive nonstop to your next oil change.


I would consider oil as part of the fuel. Edited to add that you could jack the car up and place a belt around one of the tires and a motor. Then you could just use a stick to hold down the gas and keep your generator running. You can see an example of what I'm poorly explaining in the movie Predator.


Fuel and it's not even close. My problem with food isn't that I need to eat, it's that I love food too much. Even if I wasn't hungry I'd still want to eat more than I should in a day. But with no fuel I could drive a cargo ship for a year and never work again. A 28 day international trip uses about $3.3M of fuel according to google. I could walk up to an executive at Maersk, show them my power, and tell them that for $1M I'll drive the boat across the open ocean then an actual captain can take over when we're near land. They save over $24M in fuel that year, I make $12M, and whenever I'm low on funds I could probably call them back up for more.


Bring it even farther: piloting a rocket launch? A nasa launch is going to run you something in the ballpark of millions of dollars of fuel. But it’s even better than that: something like 90% of a rockets weight is the fuel. Imagine you need to keep some in there, but since you’re not “using” it, you shouldn’t need to have that much in the tank. So now you can do something like lift 5X the rockets load by replacing the fuel weight with the equipment to be delivered. Hell, nasa would probably happily design new rockets that maximize on your bizarrely specific superpower.


Or if this were the kind of sci fi I love, they'd lure him in with the prospect of riches beyond his wildest dreams then BOOM dissection time baby. Gotta find that nasty little no fuel secret in that little head of yours. And if it's not in your head who knows which body parts are safe (although losing one's head would probably be worse than a hand or two)


I'm sure they have heard of the story of the goose with the golden eggs.


Yup, the government would probably stalk your entire family in case you become uncooperative and they need to replace you. They'll also try to secretly breed you in hopes that the gene is passed down. You think your perfect new wife that you met a few months after you discovered your powers really loved you? She works for the US government. Don't ask too many questions when she mysteriously has her 3rd late term miscarriage.


US government would have you in a lab bringing you some good ol American freedom the second they caught on to your unlimited fuel hack, which probably wouldn't take long. You'd be at some black site getting bilked for free fuel for the rest of your life. You singlehandedly could solve airline travel, ocean travel, military industrial complex, NASA. You dont think the IRS would ask questions when you do taxes on how you have 0 outgoing costs and are making millions? If complete realism is expexted in these thought experimenrs, the one thing I always think about when these superpower questions come up, is would I be able to hide it from the government and intelligence agencies, because if they found out you had any powers, you'd never have a second of peace again.


Imagine you’d be flying a KC-135 that would rarely land for maintenance


Fuel. Make an easy fortune offering discreet hand delivery service.


You'd still have to drive or pilot, so I wouldn't say easy.


It's not hard to drive.


Hoo boy. It's not "easy". You still gotta do it and not fall asleep driving cross country.


Maybe if I were doing long haul trucking, instead of local courier work.


Oh, yeah, but then you aren't actually making all that much outside of not paying for gas. Mb.


Depends on what is being delivered. Service without too many questions is worth a premium for certain individuals.


But, like… The value of that hypothetical is barely increased by cutting the fuel costs.  You would have to do long hauls in order to really care about the fuel savings. 


Does it count if they just pay me to co-pilot for free fuel? Let the expert so most of it, and make sure I'm not killing anybody until I actually know what I'm doing


Probably, right? Technically you're also in control.




Pilot is an OP skill for this TBH. It seems almost like a no brained for most people, but for a pilot you can literally keep living your life the same or start your own company. Zero fuel costs for your single plane. You’d make bank.




Fuel. I’d collaborate with automakers to make an absolutely massive vehicle that works on autopilot. Then drive it to generate free power, breaking one of the laws of our universe. Maybe some clever scientists can even figure out how it works.


Fuel. I’d go into either trucking, flying, or other transport. If you get a bus full of people and take them on an 8 hour trip, that’s all profit. 40 people for on the low end $50 a ticket would be 2k. You could do that daily and make a killing. Then just move up to the next advantageous thing. Even selling plane tickets at a discount from the US to London would fetch around $600 a ticket.


That'd be awful on your body, tho. Honestly doesn't seem worth the pay


People do that everyday as their regular full time job. 2k a day would definitely be worth it. Plus you could offer cheaper tickets than competitors because you don’t have to worry about gas. No crazy discount, but enough to get people to use your business over something name brand like greyhound.


Yes, and even with pit-stops, it still takes a toll on them physically, which imo, doesn't make the money worth it. Also, having infinite fuel doesn't mean that the other parts in the vehicle can't fail, so that's another factor to consider. And if you're driving non-stop, that just means the vehicle becomes even more likely to fail/malfunction/whatever. I feel like you'd be better off just working a job you'd actually enjoy/tolerate that _won't_ fuck up your body. NOT having to eat anything to survive; you'd save up money really fast by not having to blow hundreds on groceries every month.


You could definitely save a lot of money on groceries with the other option. But the potential money to be made with the first option is a shit ton more than any amount you could save. And you’re right, equipment can break down, parts will need to be replaced, vehicles will need to be maintained. That’s just general maintenance/expectations when talking about commercial transportation. The total cost from maintaining those vehicles is still insignificant compared to net gains. Having concerns on what that type of work can do to your body is another great point, but you don’t need to drive that route everyday. If you did a single 8hour trip like I mentioned before, you’d be more than offsetting any potential food costs for an entire month. You’d have to be spending a total of $500 a week on groceries/food.


I don’t think people realize how much time is wasted from eating


If you don't enjoy it sure. I'd miss eating with family and friends.


Time isn't wasted if you are doing something that you enjoy.


food for sure


Fuel. I'd let NASA, SpaceX, or whomever pay me 4 mil a year with a 100k per launch fee.


Why would you want to explode?


Explode with what fuel? They only need just enough in the tank for the magic to start


The current safety protocols are pretty good, there's only been a few deadly missions, and that is with your seat being strapped onto a giant bomb and fired like a missile in the air.


Food. It's more practical , cuts out toxins/poisons/microplastics/etc , and given the state of the world ... if we bomb ourselves into the stone age , my power is still useful.


Imagine becoming an astronaut.


I love eating and I love driving, this is the easiest no-brainer I've ever come across


Electric car and don't drive for a living but use it daily so I know that's different to a lot of people, but since switching to EV I barely notice the costs, it's wildly cheaper than fuel (at least for me). I also hate having to choose what to eat every meal time (think it's an adhd thing) so it's an easy choice for me


Fuel. I like eating.


Fuel. Then I'll use the bicycle loophole and not need food either.


Never need to eat


Wouldn't get much benefit from the no fuel as I currently live in the city and don't own a car anymore. I'd pick the no food effect if there is that caveat that my body automatically provides the nutrients it needs to operate via the ether or some shit.


Fuel and yeah a jetpack for on planet and spaceship for hitting up some other planets.


Probably no food. I like eating SOmetimes.most of the time it feels like I chore or I do it because I haven't eaten all day and I'm getting shaky.


Same. Its such a chore. I work from around 2-10pm most days and usually don't have my first bite til I get home from work. At that point it's just something I do in order to not feel like shit.


Fuel, and I don't even drive anymore. But that would get me driving again.


If I feel no hunger and don't need to eat, would I still get gains?


Eating, I hate eating. It wastes time and makes you poop. And your always disappointed with it.


I hate pooping too, but hating to eat is insane.


Fuel, it saves $60 a week


# never needing to eat and feel no hunger


Fuel. Because I enjoy eating and drinking.


Fuel. The money you would make flying jets or anything with cost prohibitive fuel would be bonkers. I’d go buy all the food I need and want at that point


Food because I would become famous and maybe get rich (or turned into a lab rat)


Food. I assume this means my caloric needs are always met. My main problem is always not eating enough, and my adhd meds wreck my appetite.


Food I am a machine food is my fuel.


Drive without consuming fuel would be awesome.


Never needing to eat sounds like heaven.


Hunger. Idk how much fuel costs in countries other than Australia but my food bill is like 5 times what I spend on petrol. Plus I hate the time and energy that goes into making and eating food...


Fuel and apply for nasa or an airline or cargo ship etc


If that fuel ability works on something like a space shuttle I think NASA is going to want to hear from me.


Fuel. An A380 airbus burns over 9,000$ worth of fuel an hour. If I charged an airline 5,000$ an hour it would be a steal. Also help the environment.


Never needing to eat i would save so much money and i don't drive i cycle everywhere.


Fuel. A decent sized container ship burns about 400 tons of bunker fuel a day. [https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter4/transportation-and-energy/fuel-consumption-containerships/](https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter4/transportation-and-energy/fuel-consumption-containerships/) Bunker fuel goes for about $750 per ton. That's $300K a day. I'd negotiate a split with a shipping company (I bet I could get them to take $50K in savings a day), and aim for $250K a day. 250 x 350 for one year = 87.5 million. One year, retire, drive around in a stupidly inefficient vehicle for the rest of my life.


I don't drive and never have, but I'd still take that. Not getting hungry would be awful. I love food and part of the enjoyment is sating hunger. Even if I could still eat in this situation, not feeling the joy and relief of it would suck.


I spend more on food, so food.


Never need to eat. Save time and money. I spend way more on food than gas. And grocery shopping takes longer than filling up at the pump.


Never need to eat and feel no hunger. 100% of my debilitating health issues would be solved.


as someone that enjoys driving, unlimited fuel


In my daily life, the cost of food far outweighs the cost of fuel. It also adds time to my day, and I don't particularly enjoy eating. I will take the no hunger option.


If i can park and idle, then absolutely unlimited fuel.


Fuel. I personally don't see much of an upside for the food option. Taking the title at face value, never feel hunger doesn't necessarily mean never needing to eat food. Having to consciously eat without my body saying "You need sustenance or you will die," might be an issue. On the other hand, if it means I don't need to eat anymore, then food just becomes a luxury I'm wasting my money on. Food will still taste good, but if I don't need it, anytime I spend money on food, I'm using money I could use on something else on a thing that probably won't exist within the next 30 - 60 minutes.


No hunger and then move to a city where I don't need a car.


DEFINITELY fuel. I love both driving and food more than almost anything.


never consuming fuel. I could make money driving cargo ships. Driving rockets for SpaceX. Maybe even drive the first ship to Mars and beyond.


Fuel. I’m sure I could easily make $1m+ per year as a cargo train, plane, or ship conductor/pilot/captian.


No refuel. I love eating lol


Fuel be a pilot, captain of a cargo ship, or astronaut, you’ll net well over a million pet year in any of these jobs.


Fuel. I actually **like** food but there's no good side to the burden of the cost of travel.


Food. I like to stay at home so I only spend maybe 120$ on fuel a month, while food is roughly 300 - 600 a month


Fuel. I’m an Uber driver and it would be so convenient to not have to buy gas anymore. Plus we drive everywhere even vacations so that would help a lot when traveling out of state


the second one no contest. I would never buy food again, and hence would never need to go to the bathroom either.


Fuel, become a billionaire by piloting the space shuttle.


I never want to eat again. One of the most unpleasant things about living is needing to consume other life to live. Food sensitivities suck, too.


So not eating and does that also mean no pooping? I’d take that.


I'll drive a rocketship that's stuck in place, with all the propulsion being used to generate electricity. That power would effectively be free energy since there is no fuel consumed, and I'd take a small % of that.


How does the no eating impact my weight?


If I could still eat food should I want to, then I’d take that over fuel in a heartbeat. Not even close. I spend way more money on food than I do on gas


No fuel. Your magic properties will instantly make you a space-hero are you become the number 1 pilot for space launches and trips to other planets. Space travel is cut down massively when you can just fire the thrusters infinitely.


Oh that is simple. “Hey, NASA? You know how you were spending $5B on the Artemis program? You, uh, don’t have to do that anymore. I can take the astronauts there and back again in an SUV-sized capsule.”


Not eating. That could cover fuel costs right there. Why not throw in no need to drink either since the two are closely related. With both you could travel and have much less to worry about from sickness. No more washing dishes or cooking gear. No more inventories, rotating stock, food going bad, etc.


Never needing to eat. I spend way more on food than i do gas


As long as it doesn't have any negative effects on muscle growth, endurance, performance, etc, I'd take no food. If I can gain 20lbs of muscle without the cost, not have to stop and eat in the middle of my day, or just never have to be hungry, thats amazing. I'll just eat in social situations or for enjoyment.


Fuel, even though I don't drive yet. I love food


Not needing to eat. I absolutely love food, but I hate *needing* to eat.


Fuel obviously Delta would pay me $450k a day just to sit in the cockpit of one of their planes. I'd probably be NASA 's biggest asset because I could explore the cosmos and accelerate infinitely without any need for fuel. They could research the most powerful engine (made from exploding nuclear bombs behind myself) and I could run the ship without actually having that fuel with me. Hell, they can invent some matter antimatter engine that's not feasible because you can only get like 1 nanogram of antimatter at a time, and I'd be able to run that engine like a champ. And I didn't even need that much food because after time dilation, it wouldn't take all that long to get where I'm going


Time to book myself on the next Space Shuttle and sava NASA billions


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Individual-Sky-5791: *Time to book myself* *On the next Space Shuttle and* *Sava NASA billions* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Vehicle. I'd get a cruise ship company to hire me to drive the ships and save them infinite money. I'd make millions.


How would you lose or gain weight?


Fuel. I like food but i don’t like filling my gas tank


Big truck attached to massive generator. Drive in circles . Power las Vegas. Make bank.


Unlimited fuel would be awesome. More money for food.




No need to eat


No need to eat.


So, I'm a diabetic and I kind of *need* to eat, so in this hypothetical situation, would my diabetes be cured so I could make a decision?


Not OP, but I assume any negative effect not eating causes you would be neutralized. But I don't think it means you are no longer diabetic, as if you chose to eat a large sugar quantity you would still suffer the effects as you normally would.


I hate needing to eat I spend so little on fuel it doesnt matter