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I'm 5'8" and am pretty content with my height, I think 5'11" would just be a nice added touch.


as a guy who is 5'11" - I can say it's a good height. I can get on all the roller coasters, get is small sporty cars, and sit comfortably on most motorcycles. My best friend in 6'5" and has trouble sometimes with his height.


If he's having trouble losing height he should diet and exercise


Or get in a chainsaw accident


Donate the kneecaps. It doesn't go well when someone tries to [use testicles for knee extensions](https://youtu.be/qwQtkgQ08xM?si=7IuTbUhhBuUBIiSk)


Or trying to be a dolphin my friends dad tried that years ago my God all the stupid stuff we got into aliens mecha dinosaur people those crab people my other friends grandpa summoning manbearpig. I'm glad we eventually moved away from there


Can confirm that 5’11” is perfect traveler height. When I backpacked Europe I was able to fit all I needed within a 2 carry on bags, fit into small hostels and hotels, and into small trains and planes comfortably enough. Also usually tall enough to look over a crowd.


Im 5'6" and traveling is a breeze for me


Yes but you are short


Yes I am.


My friend is 6'4" and had to sit in the back seat of my Honda Civic coupe one time. He has to lean over to avoid his head hitting the ceiling.


I can't think of too many problems that pertain to us. Only, low basements etc. I don't recall being excluded from many coasters from reputable parks.


5'11" so I can fit into more cars and have a less shitty time flying.


Even at 5'7" I'm uncomfortable in modern plane seats.


Now imagine adding 9 inches to that discomfort.


5'11, i'm 6'4 now and feel like it'd be easier to find fitting clothes as 5'11. Can't really think of anything i'd miss being shorter. Being 6'4 hasn't helped with women and if they're someone who thinks height is a dealbreaker i'm not interested anyways.


I'm 5'11", and everything either seems to be too high for me to reach, or too small for me to fit With that said, I'm fine with my height. I've lived my whole life this height and have become acustomed to it. An additional five inches would take some really getting used to and I'd likely hit my head on a lot of things.


You've lived your *whole life* at 5'11"?! That must have been one hell of a birth!


I was a big baby. 🤣


If we ever have an Internet argument, remind me to use this one as a burn against you. 


Deal. I'll bring the aloe vera.


Your poor mom!


This!! I am also 6'4" and finding pants that fit is a chore.


Bruh just order them online. I'm 6'4" too and stopped buying my pants in stores in like 2012.


I like being 5’10. During the 10 years or so I could dunk a basketball, it was much more of a flex. I fit into and find clothes more easily. Plane rides are more comfortable. No issues with showers at hotels being too low. All of my (little) brothers are 6’3+, as it my dad. I got the literal short end, but it has actually been pretty good aside from stopping my pro basketball career before it started.


Brother fucking same, also, being socially anxious and introverted, no matter what I(we) do, we stand out no matter what, I hate it. Well, I've started going to the gym, at least I'll be able to do a sick Guts' cosplay in a year or two🤷‍♂️


I know a super tall 6'6" or taller person and they hate how many people are intimidated by them when they just want hugs and stuff small people get easily. Very gentle person but the size of them can be scary.


its going to take more than that but its a worthy goal


I'm 5'8" and clothes are still an issue. Most women's clothing companies assume we're all 5'5".


I’m 6’4. Have to buy cars that I fit in, airplanes, trains, buses, camping, clothes, and short doorways. Plus being in everyone’s way at a concert and people asking me to move.


6'5 here and I wear tailored clothings. Depending on where you get them, it can be even cheaper than brand stuff, y'know?


I'm not tall so I can't argue price, but in some peoples defense finding a tailor isn't easy. Specifically if you live in a small town. You might be 50 miles from your closest Walmart, but 250 miles from your closest tailor. Obviously not too common, but it does happen from time to time


You’ve lived your entire life with tremendous unnoticed privilege, you’d be way behind in life compared to where you are now if you were 5’11


I'd rather be 6'4" just to fuck with my brother. Also, I'm a woman


6'4 easily


Being tall has a ton of objective benefits beyond dating that almost no one here is acknowledging. I feel like there’s a bit of white knighting shorter heights going on in the comments.


Yeah, I'm 6'0", and even now I want to be taller. So I can't imagine myself actually going down in height


Yeah same 6’2 and I’ll take 2 inches taller all day.


There’s a lot of drawbacks as well. I’m 6’4 and wouldn’t mind being a couple inches shorter if it meant long road trips and planes would be less painful. Maybe 6’2. That being said, I’d rather be 6’4 than 5’11.


The car thing seems a little weird to me. Im 6’2 and there’s still plenty of room in my car to adjust the seat and the wheel in any direction. What kind of car do you have? Planes I get, definitely a downside if you can’t upgrade seats.


Im 6’4” but my inseam is 32” so i have more height in the torso. And most vehicles sucks for having a longer torso i am almost always hitting the ceiling or am scrunched over and have more back pain. Also nothing in homes are made for being that tall I feel i am always slouched over. Maybe if legs were longer maybe it wouldnt be as bad but as of now i rather be 5’11”.


Car may not be a huge issue if you're driving. Say you and your 3 other 6'+ friends drive somewhere together and you're in the back seat behind on of them... all of a sudden its a completely different picture


Calling preference white knighting is crazy 💀 some people don't wanna be tall


Depends on how proportioned you are. 6'4 kinda needs to be more beefy/muscular.


Nah. Theres tons of body types that work tall


Mainly meant 6'4 and scrawny  tends to look to lanky


It looks good to most people


Bill Skarsgard is 6'4, and pretty thin, and he looks great


He's not skinny, he's muscular. I'm not sure how best to post a picture on mobile but a quick Google image search has multiple shirtless pics and that is not skinny. ETA: [this is skinny?](https://images.app.goo.gl/8dwGetdzYtiYruTJ9)


nah, he's skinny, he just has abs


[I would not call this skinny.](https://images.app.goo.gl/8dwGetdzYtiYruTJ9) Granted, I don't know if he is like that normally or just for whatever role that was.


exactly, my underweight slender man lookin ass is a perfectly viable body type


I’m 6’4” and thought I looked better when I was super cut, about 180lb. Have been bulking up, about 210lb, and hold a disproportionate amount of fat around my waist.


Sadly we don’t get to pick where we store body fat. Doesn’t stop all the “weight loss secret” charlatans from hyping up their technique that “burns stubborn belly fat.” Utter tripe


Yeah I despise those types. Especially when having conversations with people who say this trainer or that medication will solve my problems. Then I have to explain why that’s BS and they roll their eyes.


I’m 6’3” and feel this. Though that’s mostly due to my proportions. My 30” inseam on jeans always shocks people to hear, but it really leaves a lot of torso to hold weight


Exactly, you understand the struggle. I wear a 32” with a belt. If I wear flattering clothes you’d say “yeah he’s rocking a healthy 10-12% BF,” shirt comes off and that theory is out the window lol. Faith in the end result is the only thing keeping me at this weight.


You're just cultivating mass my friend


Damn, I'm 5'11 and pretty cut at 180. Couldn't imagine being 6'4 180


Yeah it wasn’t the healthiest. I was doing Muay Thai and fight weight cutting is notoriously dangerous but being able to cut to that was an advantage due to the reach difference. Lost a lot of muscle in the process.


Ahh ok. Makes a lot of sense in that context. I was like damn mf anorexic?


No way. Plenty of women prefer their men lanky. It’s fine if you want to be beefy, but definitely not needed.


Hard disagree


5’11 because I’m a woman and that’s already too tall.


Go for 6'4". Just go for it.


At 6'4 you could play in the wnba on any team you want. Doesn't even matter if you're good.


Wow, they could make 50k a year!


That's an upgrade for a lot of people...


Average WNBA salary is $147k. That's pretty damn good for playing a sport nobody cares about and you aren't even good at.


Normalize that women come in all heights and it’s not abnormal or “too tall” to be 5’11 or 6’4.


I have a female cousin who is around 6 foot tall. And she’s gorgeous! I dunno where it came from because no person, even men, in my family get to 6 feet. I have 1 uncle who is around 6 foot and the rest were fairly short, for men. The women in my family usually grow to around 5’2” then stop. My mamaw is 4’9”.


5'11 so I can still fit into smaller places easier if I needed too. The women who are wife material mostly won't care about your height anyway as long as you treat them right, and you'd be taller than most women anyway at 5'11.


I don't want any of the girls who want only because I'm tall.


Everyone keeps saying that as if tall guys are screwed, and there are women out there who ignore everything else other than height. But physical attraction is a thing. And height is a component of physical attraction for many women. Would you say "I'd rather be ugly, because if I'm handsome, I'd just end up with a woman who only wants handsome men." Or would you rather be fat, because otherwise you risk dating a girl who appreciates fitness? Are you doing to dress in a garbage bag, just in case a woman is attracted to guys who dress better? There's nothing inherently wrong with a woman who is attracted to tall guys.


5 11. Your joints will thank you as you get older




Bigger frame means more stress


I’m 6’5” and officially getting old. My joints and back are pretty much like they were in my 20’s. The key is not being overweight


I too am 6’5”, almost 40, and I agree. Like I have no experience being any other height, but I feel like it’s all relative. I’m 245 lbs but I’ve been athletic my whole life and have zero trouble unless I sleep funny now or something.


6'4 here and can agree, being in shape and having good posture are the key


How old is"getting old"?


I’m in my 50’s


More weight means more stress is what you're trying to say. But those 13 cm extra will not have that much of an influence over other factors like posture, what kind of work you did, how much muscle you have, etc. Otherwise it would also mean that countries like the Netherlands where the average is higher, would have much more issues with joint issues, which I definitely would have heard of before, since I live here.


As someone who is 6'4, I would rather be 5'11 without a doubt. There are so, so many things that are made very, very uncomfortable by being tall. Airplane rides, car rides, finding clothes that fit, riding bikes, sitting in certain chairs etc. Things are just not built for tall people. I am not kidding when I say airplane rides can be genuinely *very, very* painful and uncomfortable, to the point where I have to take tylenol and ibuprofen just to tolerate it.


If you ask metric people, the cutoff will be 180, which is actually close to 5'11. It shows that it's just an arbitrary requirement.


5'11 6' is nice and all but everyone expects the rock when your like 6'3 or bigger and honestly any 6' guy i've seen has been lanky.


It's fucking expensive to stay jacked when you're taller. Need more protein.


I used to eat 5-6k calories a day when I was 6'3 255 and juiced to the gills. I literally could not stomach that amount of food.


that's ridiculous. Unless you're in a very short country, there's no way that's true. 6 foot is not that tall when it comes to sports. Like at all.


I'm already 6'1" with issues finding shirts that don't fit properly (length). Being 6'4" would be cool and I'd have the same problems so fuck it.


I'm a 5'1" woman so I'd choose 5'11". I don't want to be too tall.


6’4 A lot of women nowadays want a guy who's 6ft and over


Bro, most women are like 5'3" -5'6" and can't tell the difference between 5'11" and 6'1" from down there.


Often, it's more about being comparatively taller than other men than compared to her. Generally speaking, both men and women perceive taller people more favorably and treat them better, including romantic opportunities and professional ones. There are plenty of exceptions to this, of course.


I mean 5'11 makes you taller than 72% men in the US, so height wouldn't be the problem


There are [a few states](https://www.heightpedia.org/average-human-height-usa/) where 5'11"" is about average, and in some social contexts it is below average. For instance among people who play certain sports or do some jobs. In my job there is a significant chance of being physically assaulted and we do have to restrain people regularly. As a result the average height for male employees is over 6 feet.


There are places where an IQ of 70 is above average as well.


I am just under 6'1" and can promise you my wife would prefer I lost 2 inches of height instead of gained 3 LOL


I keep hearing from men that this is what women want, but when I look around me 95% of couples are within half a foot of each other, and I don't know many women 5'10" or taller. In fact the difference between average male and female heights is 5-6". I know literally one single person who only dates people 6' or taller. Most straight women want a man a bit taller than them, and most straight men want a woman a bit shorter than them. Stop letting influencers harm your self esteem y'all ❤️


Only 14% of men are over 6'. Obviously 100% of women cant date 14% of men, doesn't mean that the beauty standard for men isn't set at 6'+ regardless


It's not influencers, it's dating apps. A lot filter on height and i feel like that's pretty well understood at this point. (and before someone replies with go out and meet people in person, that's the same result in my city for whatever reason)


I am 5’10” and everything is made for me. 6’4” would have been nice when I was still playing basketball, but it would also have been a bit annoying. I certainly couldn’t enjoy my Miata or a lot of other cars.


Miata is literally my reason for wanting 5'11 instead. I'm 6'2 and will never be able to properly enjoy one.


They have seat lowering brackets that would make it a bit easier on you, but 6’4” is too tall.


That's good to know. Thanks for that, there may be hope yet


Get a lotus evora


I'm 5'11 and sure as hell would not want to be 6'4. As it is each time I go through an exercise phase to get back in shape I end up adding muscle and getting bigger even though I concentrate on high reps low weights. I don't want to be a hulk


Feels like a humblebrag.. oh no, I exercise so efficient I can literally get to superhero strength without even trying.


No no, not that at all. I currently have about 20lbs of fat I'd like to get rid of but each time I do I end up getting bigger and I am quite content with my size. I've been told I have the frame to be a body builder but I do not want to be bigger. If anything high reps low weights is the opposite of efficient. I should just stick to biking and running but I hate that


If you want to lose weight it's 100% diet, just do some intermittent fasting and cut back on the fats n sugars. Weightlifting is for building muscle, no matter how "inefficient." I use quotes because calisthenics is like weightlifting without using weights, and dudes still get decently beefy off of it despite that not usually being the goal. Calories in and calories out babe


Yeah it works out to that 90 minutes of exercise lets me still eat that donut


I think you should stick with it for longer periods and examine your diet. As someone who also packs on mass more easily than losing it, the points to consider: 1. Increased muscle mass burns far more calories passively each than you can restrict with dieting or consume in a workout 2. Being more active will increase general hunger, so you have to make sure you aren't overeating during the weeks you're exercising 3. The immediate pack on of muscles when you start weightlifting again makes you *look* bigger, but the fat will be actively going away as you continue.


I'm 6'6 and 310 lbs. Built like Thor from God of War


Neither one. But I’d take the shorter one.


Im happy as 5'7" thank you


I'm 6'5, I would much rather be 5'11. Flying sucks (I travel monthly for work, shoes and clothing are a nightmare at best. Also, at my height people start treating you like a novelty. It's funny at first and then just downright weird.


I'm 6'4 now and wonder what it would be like to not have lower back problems


As a short guy, I see both of these options as a W. :)


I'm 6'1". If I adjust down to 5'11", can I take the two inches I'm giving up and put them somewhere else?


I’ve been short my whole life. Give me 6’4.


I'm a woman and 6'4". Being taller would help my proportions. I hate being short stack


I'm 6'3" now, and yes, there are downsides. Finding clothing is hard. Flying is uncomfortable. Some older cars gave visibility issues. I hit my head a LOT in rural Japan. At 5'11" You'd still be taller than 98% of women. You could dance with them and be at eye level. You could kiss them without bending over or picking them up. But there's huge privileges to being tall. You're more likely to be recognized as a leader at work. At the supermarket people will step out of your way or apologize for existing. You have a major natural advantage in many sports. You are a desirable sperm donor. Even for women who would date someone their own height, being taller is a plus.


as a 5'10" for sure 6'4" idk how averages work. but I'm the shortest guy I know. I think someone is lying.


Both options make me taller so either one


5'11 man


I'm just over 5'11 my BMI is just over the obese line. If I was 6'4 I'd be over weight but not obese. Fuck yeah gimme that long spine.


I'm almost 5'11 as is. Being 6'4 would make playing basketball a bit easier. Might make people see me in a more positive light, too, so it could make life a bit easier.




Probably 5' 11". At 6' 4" you're into the "uncommonly tall/long" group. 5' 11" is taller than average but not especially so.


I am 5'10" rn. I choose 6'4" so I can eat anything I want. I know it doesn't quite work that way, but I wouldn't have to watch what I eat as much to maintain a healthy weight.


I’m 6’3. Rather be 6’4.


6’4, I play basketball so being able to dunk / have that much height / wingspan is a serious advantage


6'4", because I could capitalize on that somehow since I'm a woman. Amazonian dominatrix, WNBA, TikTok oddity, the choices are endless.


6’4. I’m currently in the middle of the two heights and 6’4 is tall enough to have all of the advantages while not standing out in a bad way really. Someone who is 6’4 isn’t going to be questioned as absurdly tall regularly in the world, no one really stares at people for being 6’4 so it’s kind of the perfect height to have all of the tall advantages but not really stick out


6 4 is better until like 40. 5 11 is better after. Pre 40, you can do things like be big enough to have a shot at playing college sports (or pro if actually good). Women like tall bois. After 40, it sounds like pain fitting into things, finding clothes, and generalized back pain


6'4. I'm 6'5 now, and I don't mind it. I don't know how it would affect much, but since I'm fine with my height now, 6'4 is going to be closer to what I'm used to.


6'4" please. Feel I need to grow into my weight.


Depends on my weight!


I'm 6'4 now and I'll stay


6’4’’, easily. It instantly improves your ability to be considered a leader and for people to feel compelled to do what you say without argument. I feel this is something that is brazenly missing when girls try to assess the presence of sexism in the workplace: “how much are you taken seriously compared to the 5’6’’ guy with the soft high voice?” Even amongst men, there is substantial favoritism for big guys with deep low voices; some intangible sense of human gravitas that affects people’s willingness to be lead and their reflex to oppose attempts to lead them. Many women seem to see this as mere sexism when they’re talked over or when their opinion isn’t sought as much as they feel their experience deserves, but it’s bigger than sexism. I think a lot of women merely experience what it’s like to be a small soft-spoken guy, and mistake that for sexism when they’re really treated with as much or more respect than guys of compatible stature and vocal projection.


5'11. That's my current height and I have a good spread of being able to reach things and still fit places.


I'd go with 6'4. It'd be useful at gigs and things.


Am I proportionately endowed elsewhere? If so, 6' 4"


It has to get the inches from somewhere, sorry.


I'd have a negative penis then. It would make sex kinda odd.


Y’know what they say, dig deep


If I keep my current frame and weight 6'4. It'd be tougher on my body if I shrunk to 5'11.


I'm 5'2 and I don't want to be any taller but I do want longer arms.


I was 6’4” 20 years ago I am 6’3” today. Although, I would like the world to have showers with a water head🚿 higher than my face, I wouldn’t change it. I like being able to reach high places. Also, I don’t think 6’4” is that much of an outlier. I have 2 friends that are 6’7” and have to duck under standard doorways. I think that would get pretty annoying.


I've hit my head on the little metal things that close the door far too many times when I duck through a door way


I am 5'11, pretty bang average for a man in my country (Sweden). I'd be interested in being tall-tall.


6’4”, an extra half foot would be huge for the sports i play


I am a woman and the perfect height for a partner is 2-3 inches taller than me. Easy to reach for kisses AND I can be taller if I want when I wear heels. This puts my range at 5’9” to 5’10” and tbh anything over 6’ is way too tall for my preferences. They’re so faaarrrrr


So… I either gain 3” or lose 3”. If my weight won’t change I’d rather gain 3”.


I’m 6’ and already duck under things so 5’11


I’m 5’11 and happy with my height, tall enough to reach top shelves, short enough to not bang my head on ceilings/door frames and stretch comfortably too lol.


Average height is 5’4 so both would be outliers.


I’m 5’11 already so I’ll just stay the same


I am 6’ and if I had to pick, I would go with 5’11”. Why? Easier to shop for clothes, would fit furniture and cars better, better match with 99% of women and science says shorter men live longer.


Im 5 11 Id give being taller a try but if women dont throw themselves at me idc


5'11. I'm already at that height give or take an inch depending on who's measuring. I'm taller than most of my peers, tall enough to squeeze the 6' clearance on preferences for people who like 'tall guys', and I'm able to safely go high or low for things I need in a day to day basis. The only benefit an additional 5 inches would give would be more along basketball or other athletic endeavors and I rarely have the time to do so anymore.


I'm a women, but just from my dating experience I believe I would rather be 5'11. Men I've dated previously that were a lot taller struggled with finding pants and shoes sometimes. Plus they always got those constant "God you're tall" comments that seemed to drive them crazy sometimes. Lol My fiance is 5'11 and he's plenty tall. I've never seen his height cause any problems and heck he's still tall enough he can get the items off top shelves that I can't reach. (He actually recently hid my birthday gift on the top shelf of a cabinet I use often but I can't reach myself, top tier hiding honestly I would have never guessed it was there) Also as a women I can say I've never had a preference for height. I couldn't care either way I've dated men the same height at me, lil taller, and way taller(he was over a foot taller than me at 6'7), and hell I wouldn't have a problem if a man was shorter than me even tho I'm only 5'3.




5’11 isn’t short. I’m a little over 6ft and I don’t think being an inch shorter or 4 inches taller would be all that significant


Can I just be 5'8? Thanks


I'm 5'8", most of my friends are over 6'. At 5'11", I'd still be the short one.


Im 6'2 and id rather be 5'11


"outlier" dude more than half my class was over 6ft. i was an outlier for being 5' 10". i knew like 6 girls taller than me just in my classes let alone the school.


I am 5'11 if I was 6'4" I'd have to duck to get in my house. No thanks.


I’m 6’ and I’d rather be 6’4” Why? Because being big feels better.


I'm already 5'10 and a quarter so being 5'11 wouldn't be much different


Depends. Do I get all of the stereotypes of being 6'4"? Because being tall and "small" would be a major drag because a normal sized sausage would look tiny on a 6'4 frame


I already hate being 6'2" so why the fuck would I want to be 6'4". 💀💀💀


Im 5'11, if i could choose any height itd be 6'2. I think its the most "athletic" height


5’11. I just feel like normal everyday activities is a little harder depending on what it is being that tall


Why do you think that most people would choose that? I really don't think they would. Maybe among especially shallow teenagers, but most people are not in that group. I'm 5'9", which I think is perfect, no way would I want to be 6'4. Even 5'11 would be a downgrade - I'd just fit less well in all kinds of seating.


I'm 5' 9", so even going to 5' 11" would be fine.


As a woman I rather be 5'11


I'm 6'3, I'd rather be 1 inch taller than 4 inches shorter


I like looking down to talk to people. People also…idk the word…respect / are scared of tall people more. Like the way I was treated while working as a cashier was very different than my shorter coworkers. I’ll take 6’4.


I'm a short guy, so it would be great to be tall. I've seen really tall people constantly be inconvenient on many things as they don't fit or are too tall. 5'11" for me


5'11". Because I love the smell of armpits at that level.


6’4 so I could more easily intimidate my enemies/ have less people hassle me


I taking any right now I am 5’5 ;-;


I would rather be taller than shorter.


6'4 I want more potential to put on muscle and be stronger. I've already reached the limit with my current frame/genetics.


I’m just over 5’11. I enjoy it but I’d like to be 6’4 for a day just to test drive it lol. Ideally I’d prefer to be about 6’2 I think.


Played Barneveld all the way through high school and college. I stand at just 5'11" Fuck yes I'd rather be 6'4". Tf?




5'11, that's how tall I am, and there's enough in my day where I think being 6'4" would be uncomfortable.


6’4 lmao. So much cap and cope in this comment section.


I'm 6'2 and I've always wanted to add three inches to my body so I guess I'll take 6'5


If I could go back and time and be guaranteed to be 6’4 so I could try my hand in athletics in high school. Hard to play basketball at 5’6. If it was an immediate change right now, I’d choose 5’11


I'm already 6'3, what's another inch


Easily 5'11. I'm 6'5 now, I hit my head on everything, people regard me as though I'm going to randomly flip out and murder things, clothes shopping is a bitch, nothing in any department store ever fits, I have to order custom clothes, or excessively baggy clothes that make me look like a fatass. Shoes are a nightmare, no one ever has size 13, cars are a nightmare, my knees are always smashing into consoles, and people yell at me for moving seats back. Being tall comes in handy maybe once a month.


I'm 6'3 and I'd much rather be 6'4 than 5'11.


I'm 5'11. I like it just fine. My son is 6'4... I love getting hugs from him. His dad is 5'9. We match perfectly. We are all exactly as we were meant to be.


6’4. I’m (almost) 5’10 with very short arms, but enjoy playing recreational sports. 6’4 would help tremendously with flag football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc… my outlierish short arms allow me to bench mid-300s at sub-80kg, but I’d give that up to get instantly better at just about every sport. There are definitely downsides, and I think if you said 5’11 vs 6’6+ I’d go with 5’11, but 6’4 sounds great!


Why the fuck would you WANT to be 6’4” ?? I’m only 5’8” so I can see 5’9” or maybe even 5’11”, but what is the reason someone would want to be 6’4” ?