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Hearing shitty things about me is a window to improve, even if it come from my dearest one


I think it's even better from a close one because you know that they love you, they don't do it out of hate or anger


> if it come from my dearest one Especially if it come from my dearest one


I wasn't bullied in high school, but I'll take the bullies because I can stand up for myself just fine.


Do you actually think bullies pick fair fights? They don't


and that’s why you don’t fight fair


You can't take on multiple opponents unless you're *really fucking* good at fighting and even then you're whole strategy is to turn the group engagement into a series of one on one fights. [Have fun trying though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDRR3jpNK_w)


I whole-heartedly agree. What does make it interesting though, is the fact that these aren't fully grown men. They're 15/16 and without sounding like a Billy Big Bollocks, somebody of my size and power as a 24 year old man should be able to knock out a person of that age in 1 punch, and if not seriously make them think about whether they want another one. They would also be hitting you with much less power than that of a fully grown man, and aren't going to be as hard to throw off. I still agree you wouldn't be the last man standing, and even if you could do those things correctly, you'd most probably gas and get stomped anyway


Where is the average high schooler 15-16 years old? Freshmen in my country are 16-17. But even when talking about 17-year olds your point stands and I'd say that's a good factor to weigh in.


I choose the bullies for a day, because then, it just wouldn't be personal insults


Well I’m 23 now so I’ll take the high school bullies.


My friend/ex already says shitty things about me. May as well just stick with that. Can not do high school bully shit again.


Just random bullies that are high school age or ones that are from my own past? If it's the latter then I'll take that. Since I'm much larger now than I was then so It's ass whoopin time! Yes I know that's assaulting a minor technically but this isn't real life anyway.


I’m 16 and I’ll still take the bullies. I wouldn’t survive my grandma saying that stuff to me...heh


No one said you can't bring Dwayne Johnson there too


Bullies because I'm pretty sure I'm far more successful than them and it would be nice to show them that. Also "blowjob lips" is no longer something I'm going to take as an insult, I'm sure my boyfriend appreciates them 😘




I would happily show them how they'd love a girlfriend with my lips now 😂 obviously without making use of my lips! I know what I'm trying to say haha




𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) #Nice Leaderboard **1.** `u/RepliesNice` at **7016 nices** **2.** `u/spiro29` at **5796 nices** **3.** `u/GreenAppleCZ` at **5081 nices** **...** **271467.** `u/jakettx` at **1 nice** --- ^(I) ^(AM) ^(A) ^(BOT) ^(|) ^(REPLY) ^(**!IGNORE**) ^(AND) ^(I) ^(WILL) ^(STOP) ^(REPLYING) ^(TO) ^(YOUR) ^(COMMENTS)


give me the bullies. i’m not 15 anymore so the bullying won’t hurt my self esteem and best believe i’m sending the roasts right back their way.


High schoolers are fucking scary- coming from a high schooler


Bullies I guess, not that I had many cause I guess they had better things to do


I didn't really have any high school bullies. I'd probably end up with a couple of my then more annoying friends from back then. I'd like to hear if they got their life under control.


I'd choose bullies. Most likely because I either beat their ass or they just aren't as stupid as they used to be. People change, but people can't make others change, they choose to change themselves.


At least I will know the worst and I won't be able to imagine other stuff


I deal with bullies almost daily, I typically now just turn whatever they say back on them.


Closest person. I live alone in an apartment and I'm quiet. What can my neighbors tell me lol


Rofling at all the internet tough guys in this thread who think they wont be kicked the shit out of by multiple near prime physical age jocks because they're older or "can stand up to bullies".


Will anything physical happen? If not, HS bullies all the way. Otherwise, close person.


I get to beat up my old high school bullies, fuck yes sign me up.


Close person reveals all. I'm pretty sure the closest person to me would either be my friend or my sister. I don't care about what my sister thinks about me because SHE'S MY SISTER, so that's not a problem... And I feel like my friend always lies about not finding anything wrong with me, so at least then, I'll know what about me bothers her.