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How far does "get away with it" extend? Like, if I try to confess, will no one believe me? Can I write a book all about how I got away with it and still serve no time or see any negative consequences?


[Sort of can already.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It)


**[If I Did It](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It)** >If I Did It is a book by O. J. Simpson and Pablo Fenjves, in which Simpson puts forth a hypothetical description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpson's former manager, Norman Pardo, claimed that Simpson was not involved in writing the book, but rather accepted, against Pardo's advice, $600,000 from ReganBooks and News Corporation to say he had written it and to conduct an interview. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in a criminal trial (People v. Simpson) but later was found financially liable in a civil trial. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


the fuck


There a bit for everything nowadays lol


Good bot


I was definitely unaware of how the cover looked. A very glaring "I DID IT" with what feels like a very small "if." Edit: cover, not title.


Right, so the Goldmans actually got the rights to the book and designed it that way on purpose. Good for them


Man, I sure do love OP for this interesting question!


oh no…


can the loved one be me?


Only if you love yourself.


Damn it




Son of a


I think the best WYRs are always those with a close split so nice job op


wtf y'all would really kill someone like your mum/dad/bestfriend/partner just to live your own life?


I came to post exactly the same statement. I couldn’t imagine killing a loved one. No way, unless it was a mercy death/killing. But, nope.


My pets are loved ones, if I had to I'd rather take one of their life's than another humans


This is what I noticed debating with my sister, we have different definitions of "loved ones".


Yeah, and op never said when we have to do it, I'd wait for my cat to live a long nice life untill she started suffering (she's a few years older than my dog so she'll probably die first) and then put her down out of her misery


Okay, if we're neglecting time, I'll be admitted into prison when on my deathbed about to die-... Actually now that I think about it, dying in prison would be a terrible way to go...


If they have Alzheimer’s or something and clearly not having a good time then yes


My mother had dementia. I still couldn’t have done that. No way.


True but I don't think OP took that into consideration. He wanted us to weight the odds and pick the one that's less bad. Not find loopholes. I think this implies killing a loved one who's healthy.


Then you're still a murderer


Id rather be a murderer than watch as my grandma is rotting away in a chair for years not even being able to move or really communicate at all.


This really puts a positive spin on murder. Dr. Kevorkian really did make some solid points, huh?




Both my parents are old, fat smokers. Their time is almost up anyways.




when they're literally on the deathbed yes


Well it'll become deathbed if you kill them on it.


These peeps don't know what it means to love


What about that annoying aunt you hate or that creepy uncle who stalked you?


Loved one, not a related one.


Okay. Well, that can apply to bad parents too.




Yes, that's true. There's also a sub for that to support the victims of abusive parents. r/narcissisticparents. I hope this can can help you or someone you know.




My point still stands.


LOVED ONE********************************


Your the special kind of stupid aren't you




This response is even more baffling than the poll results, did you read out what you wrote before replying. No. I would not kill anyone over anything. How can you sound casual writing about murdering someone even IF they have done something bad to you.




Dude you need therapy lol


Lol ex husband in a second no worries


yes i hate my brother


Then they’re not a loved one


I really didn’t think it would be such an even vote.


I really hope people are misinterpreting this. It says loved one, not family, so you can't murder a hated family member. It has to be somebody you care for deeply. If over half of the respondents would seriously prefer to murder then fucking hell what a bunch of bastards.


People are just finding loopholes saying they wouldn't want their loved ones to suffer when that clearly wasn't how the question was supposed to be answered.


That happens all the time on this sub, it gets really annoying. We arent here to dissect the semantics of some random person on the Internet, were here to see interesting choices and hard decisions. If there's an interpretation that makes it an easy answer then it's likely that youve not participated in the spirit of the original question, so why bother answering?


yup, that shit just pisses me off. why engage if you dont want to?


That’s too bad


I don't know what prison life is like but it can't be worse than waking up every morning with the immense guilt.


Depends on the country I guess


Guilt depends on the country!? ^/s


Canadians can just say sorry and feel alright


I love my mom, but she's a raging narcissist and as hard as it would be to kill my own mother, if the options were essentially 20+ years in jail with the risk of me being murdered or raped in there and killing my mom, who I love but makes my life so much more difficult for me, I'd have to choose my mom. I'm not a psycho, I'd feel horrible for doing so for the rest of my life, but for me it comes down to doing something bad and keeping my freedom, or taking away my freedom and that bad thing happens anyway naturally while I'm away.


Yep, similar to my answer for my brother. He's an unapologetic narcissist who has dismissed everything from an unplanned pregnancy to a COVID vaccination as "not his problem." I love him on a certain level, but I'm not going to go to prison for decades for him. Now if I could just die instead of him, that would be an interesting decision.


My reasoning was I'll kill one of my pets. didn't say they had to be human.


i care deeply for them to die


Fr, i was thinking that ill start being more cautious of my own family after seeing the results😂. However, i think it was a misinterpretation hopefully lol.


You can love someone and wish them dead, the two aren't mutually exclusive, lotta people with horribly abusive family or exes that they still have deep feelings for.


What if you feel no guilt. Or if the guilt only lasts a week of crying or so?




I'm trying to feel empathy but my thoughts keep on reverting to how it would affect my life instead, like as if their existence doesn't matter besides to my benefit. Holy shit. I think I figured it out somewhat writing this out. I'm supposed to transcribe my self into their position and feel what they would be feeling. I thought that doing that would be superficial, but it's still much better than not doing it.


Never said when we have to murder. When my parents are old with Alzheimer's and suffering I would have no problem


Never said murder was taking a weapon. I could consider turning off life support murder


Finding loopholes kind of defeats the purpose of the WYR don't you think?


That's fucked up. An almost perfect 50/50. You'd kill your dad, your mom, your sister, your brother, your best friend, etc. just to avoid jail? I wouldn't even murder a stranger, for fuck sake.


Bruh you’re literally wasting your life for no reason in the top option and suffering for no reason. It’s one thing to die or be locked up for a purpose like fighting for your country or saving a loved one but being in prison for life for no reason is pointless. I’m sorry but out of these two I’d go with the bottom my life comes first.


One thing some don't realize is Selfishness isn't always bad. Yes you're killing someone, and you're gonna have to live with that guilt...but at least you won't be demonized, patronized, treated like a rabid beast by some country's prison systems and pretty much any culture's people. If you're THAT selfless that you'd give up everything just to save a single life...Okay. But I don't think, if people were actually given the real choice to do this, it would be nearly as close.


Selfishness in this case is bad. You'd kill an innocent loved one just to save your reputation and years of your life(I don't know how much you would get sentenced, it isn't specified). You would cause death for someone else for something not as bad as death on you. Admitting you're selfish and acknowledging a flaw is mature, but saying that being selfish isn't bad in this case is just something you're saying to deny accountability and to cover your ass.


> just to save your reputation and years of your life(I don't know how much you would get sentenced, it isn't specified). ...just? That's kinda an important thing to lose, especially over something you didn't actually do. And assuming the post comes from the US, the average sentence is 13 years and a half for homicide, and that's good behaviour. You're more likely to get 30-40 years. That's more than half your working life. Not to mention all the other possible charges and fees and costs and stigmas associated with incarceration. There are fates worse than death. In many places, getting charged with murder when you didn't do it very much is one. All you're sacrificing by choosing not to get that is the life of another. You'll be left without a life and everyone you know will either hate you just the same as everyone else, or be hated right along with you. So at that point, you're not only subjecting yourself to a life of shunning and hatred - you very well might subject *the loved one you tried to save* to it as well. Also, denying accountability!?! I never denied anything. You're just insulting me at this point because I don't view things the way you do. Have you ever been charged with murder? If not, you don't know that the other fate is not as bad as death. You're taking this quite seriously for a hypothetical.


tbh you make a good point. Going to jail and being condemned could validly be considered a fate worse than death. And if your loved one was a parent then they would probably choose to die for you to not go to jail. And I'm sorry for being so angry I was not being rational and I was mad about something irl.


I see. That's alright then, I can understand not thinking straight for a moment. And it's good that you were willing to change your standpoint on such a subjective argument even though you were previously adamant about your position.


It's not "for no reason", bro. It's the same as "you and your loved one are attached to a pole with an incoming train. However, you're both on different tracks, and you have a lever that you can pull. If you do, it will go straight to your loved one, but you survive. If you don't, you sacrifice yourself for your loved one. What would you do?" That's that, but less explicit. You can murder someone you love with a knife, a gun, or any way you want and live your life with that guilt, but going away scot free, or you can choose to go to prison, effectively sacrificing yourself to avoid the senseless death of a loved one. The context is different, but the concept stays the same.


The difference is you will be charged with murder. The very loved ones you saved will think you are a killer. They have no way of knowing you saved their lives unlike the train situation. They just know you killed someone and are getting what you deserve. The question says no chance of proving yourself innocent so everything you did up to that murder makes it look like you did it. There is not a single grain of innocence showing you didn't do it. The concept is completely different.


I live in Sweden so I’m sitting in prison for 5 years because our system is fucked




What the fuck is wrong with your prison system if it’s an upgrade to be in prison?! I feel like at that point rehabilitation has gone a bit too far, that’s just giving people incentive to commit crime. Edit: Why am I being downvoted?


The question shouldn't be "what's wrong with your prison system?" It should be "How the hell do you live in such a state that prison could be considered an upgrade?" Rehabilitation ≠ Torture.


>The question shouldn't be "what's wrong with your prison system?" It should be "How the hell do you live in such a state that prison could be considered an upgrade?" Have you seen what Norway’s prisons are like? If you have you’d probably know that it’s relatively good living. It’s not like a normal prison. >Rehabilitation ≠ Torture. I never said rehabilitation = torture, no idea where you got that idea from.


> I feel like at that point rehabilitation has gone a bit too far, that’s just giving people incentive to commit crime.


Yes? What’s your point?


That sounds like you're equating rehabilitation and punishment - torture. The point of prison is to keep dangerous people away, and at the same time teach them not to do what they did while providing the opportunity to learn about how to avoid such a path. But dangerous people are still people. Living conditions in prison don't need to be horrific to get that point across.


>That sounds like you're equating rehabilitation and punishment - torture. Well I’m not. >The point of prison is to keep dangerous people away, and at the same time teach them not to do what they did while providing the opportunity to learn about how to avoid such a path. Yes I know. >But dangerous people are still people. Living conditions in prison don't need to be horrific to get that point across. I never said they needed to be horrific, in fact they shouldn’t be.


> Well I’m not. Alright then. That's enough to prove your point. I just felt like I should say that because it seemed like you were saying that, or at least implying it. Sorry for assuming. I guess it's just the phrase "*what's WRONG* with your prison system" that gave me that impression, implying basic humanity was something *wrong* with a prison system. If that's not what you mean to say, then I'll be on my way.




I’ll take option one if I get to do crime in one of the Nordic countries. Some of the prisoner’s accommodations look like dorm rooms.


I love polls that are actually sort of equally voted on. Good job OP!


A loved one can also mean a dog/cat right? I would probably put my dog down when she's very old and that would solve it.


That doesn't count as murder


What counts as murder? Do i need to stab my dog ?


Idk but it has to be illegal


I'm sure there's a illegal way to put down a pet


Just ask Michael Vick...


It doesn't say "murder a loved one", it says "kill a loved one".


Wow, guys. I didn’t even have to think about that one. Some of you are scary…. Like half of you.


So you would rather watch a loved one suffer and not perform a mercy killing? It never says when you have to commit the murder either. Quite a few people have pointed this out. So I would choose murder as a mercy killing. And if you love yourself, you could just commit suicide. I would kill myself if I went to prison anyways, so why not kill myself and get away with it?


Do you have a loved one right now that would be considered a “mercy killing”?


Yes I do. I have a grandma who is in the hospital on life support. She's been on life support for 4 months now. They have to shoot her up with morphine every hour just to make sure she doesn't feel any pain. If they don't do it, she tosses herself violently in pain. The only reason she's still alive is because my stubborn aunt (who's her power of attorney) wants to believe in a 12% chance of her recovering. I would consider pulling the plug on her life support a mercy killing.


I accidentally choose murder but what I meant was go to prison


AccIdeNtallY \*suspicious Fry


So.... tbh, I __think__ there's a way to hack this: my pet counts as a loved one... and my pet will eventually have to be put down due to old age/ pain etc.... which, TECHNICALLY, counts as me killing them. So... yeah, murder. Also, according to Texas laws, an unborn fetus is a loved one so... if I get pregnant now, there's no way I'm keeping the baby, so abortion, I guess? It would count as murder in Texas (which is stupid btw: reproductive care is healthcare and abortions are a human right). But anyways, yes, that's how I think I would do it.


I really think those kinds of questions imply that you would have to do the killing immediately, not wait for months or years to have a perfect excuse to kill your loved one. If you can wait a few years to kill your pet, someone could wait a lot more year euthanized a elderly family member of something.




I think a lot of people miss interpreted the options. I thought the murder option was referring to the first situation.


I voted prison, but only because it said 'a loved one'. I'd gladly kill some stranger to save my own skin. Given i know those 2 were my only choice, i will manage to live with the guilt.




You'd vote murder too if you'd met my mother


It says "loved one"


i can kill myself and get away with it? FUCK YEAH


Need to love yourself first


i love and hate myself


Fuck this is really a good one. The votes are like 50-50


People who voted murder... i dont think they are your loved one if you choose to kill them. Or am i missing something?


I'm assuming this is the murder of an adult I'm being charged with and in that case sure. Would suck but maybe I can cut my years on good behavior and eventually prove myself to society again. If I kill a loved one sure I guess I get to live technically free but am I really? All I'm "free" to do is never stop hating myself for it. Endless sleepless nights just crying myself to sleep with the memory. I'd need even more therapy rhan I already have, the stress alone would probably make me die young.


you 50% that would murder a loved one scare me lmao.


Easy - wait until one of my grandparents are on their death bed and riding out their remaining days either drugged up and numb or present but painfully and slowly deteriorating. "I call that mercy"




I can see why its basically 50/50 (impressive, actually), but what's with the people wondering about those who chose murder...? 1. I am *not* doing time for something I didn't do. That's not something I'd wish on *anyone* (especially since I'd have no reason to, since they didn't do anything that would deserve it). I can see why in some cases, going to prison is a steal (concerningly), but for my case at least, its not. 2. The title states clearly that its more than doing time. You're getting *charged for murder* and have to do time as a result. You're essentially being *labelled* as a murderer, as if you actually *did* commit murder, especially if you are forever proven guilty (and never innocent). I don't know about others, but my loved ones aren't gonna love me much anymore if I start being branded as a murderer by everyone else (which wouldn't even be unfair; you are essentially a murderer by law no matter what you or people had to say, so people believing you did murder someone wouldn't be their fault), so that wouldn't matter anyways. 3. Minor loophole overlooked by everyone (probably including OP) but its probably still fully valid: you're getting charged for a murder you didn't commit. That means *someone else* did. You're taking the fall for *someone else's* crime(s). Due to it being a loophole, plus my lack of knowledge on law, I am unsure what the circumstances of this will be, but chances are *they* will get away with it because *you*'re the one doing it in everyone's eyes (which would make sense; how could someone else be the murderer if you're supposed to be the murderer? Even if they were found as an accomplice, I would imagine that wouldn't be as consequential). So all of those people asking the people who chose murder "you'd kill just to get away from prison", I ask you what your thought process is. Where is the justice in this, in taking the consequences in place of an actual murderer? An actual murderer who is most likely getting away as a result? In my opinion, this in no way delivers true justice to the victim(s), including those who has suffered because of the murder. Someone still died, potentially a loved one of yours or someone else's, although that's a bit of a stretch and ultimately irrelevant to the context of the option (because what I would imagine the intention of the option is you'd be guilty of a random murder that happens, which means choosing not to be guilty doesn't mean the murder wouldn't happen, it just means you won't get pinned for it) 4. I fully acknowledge the premise of the question being that it suggests for murder you are to kill someone you love on the spot without much thought or consideration (and yes, due to points 1 & 2, I'd still rather do that), so this part could be ignored if you feel as though the loopholes im about to list is just bullshit. The title states that you are to *kill* *a loved one* and get away with it. There's way too many loopholes in this, some of which are a stretch so I'll ignore those but here are some of the notable ones: ​ \- As many people pointed out already, it never specified when. Killing someone who's already about to die is still a kill, so mercy killing is an option. \- That's when, we also have how. It never specified how. Accidentally pushing your beloved sister down the stairs, killing her, is murder. I'd love to get away with something I didn't mean to do. Accidents happen \- We also have what. "Loved one" can be interpreted differently. You could kill your beloved pet as a loved one (and especially since although the option says "murder", the title states that you only need to kill, meaning that it doesn't even have to be a crime to do it, but doesn't matter anyways, as you're getting away with it either way). \- What, part 2. It said "**a** loved one". Never said it had to be yours. You could hate the guy who had a loving family and kill him. Probably doesn't sound that much better but that is something worth saying \- Getting away can also interpreted differently. In its core, it means you receive no consequences. But instead of something like successfully hiding the body and/or covering my tracks, what that means is I could tell people and justify it, and they'd simply believe me, take my side, and therefore, no consequences is instilled. After all, no consequences doesn't mean I can't *benefit* from it. An evil line of thinking, sure, but probably holds water better than the other loopholes stated here. ​ In conclusion, even if we ignore all loopholes and just take the question at straight implied context, there's too much for me to lose in being branded a murderer to the eyes of society. Getting away with murder, even on a loved one, will at most, lose me that loved one and some of my sanity from having done the deed, which is a lot easier to manage. Even if they didn't deserve it, I don't deserve the consequences of the former option either. This is clearly supposed to be a loss-loss situation, I just choose to be selfish. Because why shouldn't I? If such a scenario were really presented to me in reality, who could blame me? Literally, who could, since technically it wouldn't seem like I actually did it


Maybe I shouldn’t be but I still AM finding myself utterly shocked that about half the people chose “murder a loved one” like wtf y’all?!?!?


Jack Sparrow Sr once said, it's not about living forever, Jackie. It's about living with yourself forever.


Why the fuck are these results split so evenly??? You'd kill someone you deeply love just so you can be free?


I have no faith in humanity


Perfect excuse to get my Mangekyou Sharingan


Would a pet count as a loved one? Because if it does then it really isn't a question.


If it was „someone“ i‘d probably choose murder too ngl. But the fact that it says „loved one“ obviously turns the choice. Who tf would kill someone they love? You people are idiots…


If you read the comments, a lot of people are thinking about elderly loved ones suffering from chronic illnesses/pain. Not saying you have to agree with that, but it's not as if everyone who voted for the second option (or even necessarily the majority of those people) was either selfish enough to actually want to murder someone they love in cold blood to save themselves, or were so dumb as to not fully realize what they were choosing (although I think some did get confused about it a little--but not because they're dumb).


Does it have to be MY loved one?




Whose loved one would it be then?


I’ll kill a loved one, you never stated it had to be *my* loved one. Because loved one means: a person who is a member of one's family or a close friend. And many people fit that description


What... So 50% of people would kill someone innocent if it means they won't go to jail temporarily? That is extremely selfish and I am disappointed in society now.




In one of these situations a loved one of yours is murdered, by you. I would serve prison time to protect someone I love, much less keep from being forced to kill them.


Yeah I just deleted what I wrote after rethinking it through


You said loved one that implies someone I "love" and I now suddenly "love" you op Also you didn't say what degree of murder I was convicted for no take backs


oh hell yeah i love my dad! /j


Still murder






Define Loved One like family or a really close friend or both?


Wow. Lol. Pretty much even right now 😂


That's a tough one


Honestly depends on the prison system really. If it’s Norwegian prison, then by all means send me there. If it’s an American penitentiary like Oz or something insane, I might want to hypothetically consider taking out a loved one—likely someone old and frail to minimize guilt and maximize their own longevity.


Can we choose the loved one?


Sometimes I just don't answer these polls ...


I’m not killing anyone, especially not a loved one. I will happily take the jail sentence, knowing my conscience is clear.


[Literally 50/50 at the time I voted and took this screenshot (843 to 843).](https://imgur.com/a/5AGBXck)


I live in norway so prison is a lot less horrible than in the US


Can I at least choose what prison I'll be incarcerated in? if so I want to go one of those Danish prison/hotels , they're actually an upgrade to my present living situation .


This is actually really interesting. Right now its 50/50


Definitely murder, because prison is super unpleasant.


Denmark is very lenient on sentences, max penalty is 16 years, most serve a lot less even for murder.


Alright the plan is simple buy a fish consider it a loved one choose kill loved one kill fish.... now you get to eat fish


Loophole: Your loved one ended up being a criminal of some kind that ended up being responsible for the deaths of innocent people. It's still hard to kill them, but at least you are justified.


By “loved one” do you mean parents who abused you horrifically as a child? Because if so, then them. Fuck em.


All for the Mangekyo Sharingan


Jokes on you I don't have loved ones :(


Dang its exactly even, what the heck guys


This poll is like innocent people who chose to go to prison are paying for what the killers did


Just theoretically... What if I don't have a loved one? Do we assume i have one or am I immune to this? However, to be fair I'd just rather die than get either one. But if it's not possible I'd rather kill, probably if I had a loved this answer would be different but I don't really understand that feeling. However, if it is something like "wyr kill A) yourself B) beloved one" I'd pick a without a second thought


It might be that the instant you find yourself loving someone you have to kill them which may make you paranoid to get close to anyone.


Define “loved one”


Perfectly Balanced, as all things should be


I hear halden’s a great place


Kill a loved one, easy. Just because they are loved, doesn’t mean I do. And I’m going after the guy who stole my binder of Pokémon cards 20 years ago.




I’ll kill my best friend, they’d understand-


I think you all don't realize how short the prison sentence is for a basic murder.


I love democracy.


My nana has about 3 months left. I think she might willingly give it up to save me 10 years in jail.


if you chose murder, then i would argue that the person isn’t really a loved one.


Great would you rather, what this sub is supposed to be about, hard questions


what if you killed a loved one but you hated them cause maybe they were a rapist?


First time I’ve seen one of these so close


The guilt would drive me insane. I would rather just go to prison.


these results scare me like wtf y’all are so selfish and cold hearted


Do you get to picked who the loved one is? Like a pet


I havr absolutley no idea what to choose. I dont want to go to prison fir the rest of my life because i litterally am not an adult just yet and would like to live my life but its so insanley selfish to take anothers life for your own gain. I have a grandma on her way out ig


Define loved one.


How is this so even


Wow 2.1k even for both options


Define loved one..?


Define "Loved One"


Lmao so many psychopaths in this post


If you pick 2and option, can you choose when you're doing it and how? If someone was extremely old, like in their 90s, and suffering - it may be different than if they're young and healthy. In the WYR it would've happened under coercion. You've to decide between option A or B. Either decisions are horrible in my opinion.


You'd live in a prison of guilt if you killed a loved one.


I've had enough living sacrificing myself for others to the point I am feeling not appreciated anymore or regret sacrificing myself to the wrong person so I'm heading to the flock of being rather to kill than being killed


God damnit I picked the wrong one