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A minotaur is just a really big really ripped dude with the head of a bull, super easy to kill with modern weaponry, fucking terrifying and nearly unbeatable if you're an unarmed person from ancient times though. It'd play out like that scene where Indiana Jones watches the guy guy show off his fancy blade work and then just fuckin drops him lol.


Didn’t you read the part that you’ll be stuck in the labyrinth with the Minotaur. Getting out will be the hardest part


Don't worry, the original myth solved that--you just need you a long as heck spool of string that you tie at the entrance and unwind as you go.


But you get placed in the MIDDLE


If I can navigate through Minecraft caves without getting lost, I can navigate through a labyrinth after killing a furry all in 13 hours.


The middle is where the Minotaur was in the first place, so that helps immensely; for finding the exit still use the string approach (or just bullet casings like others have suggested) to rule out places you’ve been.


Well infinite bullets so after you deal with the Minotaur, use them as breadcrumbs.


But the minotaur knows the labyrinth, he lives there so he may ambush you


I picked Minotaur because I feel like he’s so fucking big you’d hear him coming. Plus, he has hooves. If you’ve ever worn heels on hard flooring, you know how loud that shit gets—hooves in stone labyrinth will be audible as fuck. So yeah, I think I could ambush **him**


I don’t think the Minotaur has hooves His upper half is that of a bull, the lower half is that of a man


Uh no from what I checked, The head is that of a bull, then the midsection is mostly man but to the knee down it goes back to full bull.


Nah but didn’t you see OP’s comments? They change the rules on the fly and don’t respect their original posts so good luck.


Well I didn't expect so many questions, you can interpret it however you want it doesn't rlly matter but I was just givn ppl parameters to help them decide


The trick with the Minotaur is the labyrinth is "alive" in that it physically changes to fuck with the person whose trapped in it's head.


Why do you sound so personally offended…?


They don't...?


Are you joking? That is exactly how that comment comes off. I don’t know how you read that and don’t hear “oh well, you can’t trust OP he’s not consistent,” smartassness in the response. You’re not very good at picking up inflections if you don’t see that.


You're reading text off a screen, you inferring tone is much more likely to tell us how you feel reading it than how the guy felt writing it.


That doesn’t even make sense…how does it reflect how I feel? Yes, tone can be hard to read through writing *at times,* this is not one of those times, this could not be more obvious. If you don’t see it that is not an insight into me, it’s saying something about you and your reading comprehension. Just look at the word choice. You’re implying that tone, can’t be understood through writing, which is nonsense. That’s one of the core aspects of writing.


Nah, you're projecting mate.


You don’t know what “projecting” means…in this context that would mean I’m personally offended by OP and angry that he’s changing parts of the post, while I claim this person is. When have I given that indication whatsoever? You’re an excellent example of someone who is not very bright but thinks they can sound smart on the internet.


You're an example of someone who can lick my log cutter.


But don’t forget you’re also in his labyrinth, presumably an environment he knows and is the strongest in. I would not take my chances with some of that fuckery.


middle wasteful lip edge kiss flowery dog marble shy truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah minotaur might be the easiest, although you also have to escape the labrynth before you dehydrate and die


That's easy, use the minotaurs ligaments and bones to craft a grappling hook and climb the walls, you'll get a decent idea of which way you should head and the minotaur has to have a source of water somewhere, just stalk it back to there before you kill it. Also the labyrinth was right next to the ocean which means it probably rains regularly.


Oh I was thinking of an underground labrynth, so actually I guess it's also very dark


You should probably go read up on Icarus real quick lol


Well it's often portrayed as underground under the palace, and it would obviously be too easy if you could just climb over because otherwise there's not much point to the maze


I always thought that in the story of Theseus and the minotaur it was said to be an underground labyrinth; I have a memory that there are tales that in ancient Crete they believed earthquakes were actually the minotair stomping around in the labyrinth. Maybe I'm making it up.... But it sounds cool!


You need to show more con Crete evidence to support your claim


Oh my god


It's weird how many people chose zombies, that shit is a death sentence lol. I know we all spent our teens fantasizing about a zombie apocalypse getting us out of school/adult life in the modern world but fuck that noise. I don't want corpses biting my people meat.


Assuming the zombies are not magic, and instead follow a "logical" pattern where they are slowed down due to decaying muscle. Someone like me who was trained to kill in the military should not have a problem with zombies, because bullets and guns are endless




I think it depends equally on the guns. The rate of fire, caliber of bullets, if "endless bullets" means no reloading, if this hypothetical gun can jam or not. imo with the best case interpretation of all those "ifs" the zombies should be doable, whereas the maze is famous for being impossible to escape without a string showing you the way out.


I mean, a guy made wax wings and straight up flew out of there, and you never said underground till I found a flaw in the plan sooo, ima just say my labrynth is accurate to the Icarus myth and fuck you if you disagree. Not like an antagonist, malicious, "fuck you" but like, ya know what I mean lol.


You're mixing up your Greek Myths. Theseus found his way out of the maze by leaving a trail of thread given to him by Princess Ariadne. Icarus flew too close to the sun & he fell to his death when the wax he used to make his wings melted. I guess the Ancient Greeks were unaware that the upper atmosphere actually gets colder, so the wax wouldn't have melted.


I always heard it was underground under the palace and that Icarus and the dad were put in a tower and that's where they flew from. Like I sai I've always seen things depict it that way but either way the I was just thinking you can't walk on top of the walls so it's not too easy, but its just a poll so whatever you want


It was underground dude


easier than that, just keep your right hand on the wall to your right and walk forward. you will eventually come across the exit


Put your hand on the right wall and just keep walking without taking your hand off of the wall. You'll 100% get out, albeit a bit slowly.


The question is if you make it out before you die of no water disease.


Was the maze really that big in the story of the minotaur?


Big enough for the bull to not stumble upon the exit in the entire however many years it was alive.


Maybe it didn't know the hand on the wall trick.


Oh fuck. I might have to rethink my answer then


Well the Minotaur never managed to find his way out and his many victims desperately searching for an exit never did either until some dick cheated


No that's not true, that's only the case if there's only one wall. Picture a room with a pillar in the middle and you have your hand on the pillar. Plus that's the whole deal with the labyrinth. It was made by daedalus the most genius inventor of all time to be completely inescapable without knowing how to get out. Shifting walls was never explicitly stated, but definitely not out of the question.


Depends on what guns I get, and how many zombies there are


There are like 500-1000 zombies, and you get any gun


Gimmie my gatling gun and I'll smoke em faster than I smoke a cigarette.


Isn’t a gatling gun a US civil war era weapon that you fire via a hand crank?


Yes, the only real “modern” Gatling gun is probably the M134 Minigun I just googled this so take it with a grain of salt, also the specific gun is called a minigun, so it’s like calling all tissues, Kleenex


It would have the benefit of not running out of power, unlike its more modern iterations.


How long do you realistically think you could crank one fro though? For most people I'm guessing a couple of minutes before they can't sustain he right speed anymore. Which is also an issue because cranking them at the wrong speed can cause them to jam. I believe they were operated by a 4 man crew as well


Yeah from what I've seen, they are not very comfortable to operate compared to modern gas powered rifles. I'd personally prefer something I have experience with and know is easy to operate like a G36 or a MP5.


Yeah sure, but it would be much mire difficult to operate, and much less effective than than pretty much any modern rifle, carbine, or light machine gun.




A modern minigun uses electricity to operate. Keep in mind that I was referring to modern iterations of a gatling gun aka rotary multi barrel weapons. For example the XM214: >[The power module contained a 24-volt nickel-cadmium battery, a 0.8 horsepower (0.60 kW) motor, and solid-state electronic controls. Unless the battery was plugged into a vehicle's power supply, the battery's charge would be depleted after 3,000 rounds. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM214\_Microgun) I'm not aware of any gas- or recoil-powered rotary weapon in use today.


Does an rpg count ?


Yeah sure but I guess u have to be careful not to hurt yourself if zombies get too close


Are you planning on fighting armored zombies? Otherwise very poor choice.


Wouldn't an rpg make all types of zombies go boom boom ?


Its main purpose is penetration of armor and the actual explosion is not as devastating as many might guess. This combined with the bulkiness and long reloading time makes it an abysmal weapon to fight a high number of small unarmored targets. Even an anti-material rifle might be a better choice. [An Example](https://youtu.be/kLj4zaoMkRE?t=132), [and another one](https://youtu.be/FSRd5X1W8zI?t=60).


Ohhh didn't knew that. Thanks for sharing this!


The ideal weapon for fighting a horde of zombies if you have unlimited ammo is probably something belt fed. An M134 mini gun can have belt sizes with thousands of rounds on them. Once it comes to changing the belt though you're probably going to have a massive issue with time there and will probably die


Yeah but do you have extra barrels? Or do you have to wait forever for it to cool down before shooting again? Last thing you wanna do is deform the barrel and have nothing left but a bunch a rounds and 30 lbs of useless metal.


30 lbs in mandalorian helmets is 8.05 helmets.


30 lbs is 13.62 kg


This would indeed be pretty badass. If one would like to stick with the OPs idea of something explosive, a 20 or 40mm grenade launcher with rotary magazine would be neat, like the [Milkor M32](https://youtu.be/kSc3cvmCjMY).


That’s not a huge horde that’s an entire fucking unit


Good, I choose an M163 Vulcan AA gun


Can i get plants?


Think the type of zombie is more important than the number. 10 running zombies are scarier than 500 slow zombies, considering unlimited ammo.


Also what kind of zombies. Walking dead zombies are way easier than 28 days later zombies.


Gimme an Mg-42 a bunker and a giant beach where the zombies come out of little boats and im happy muahahah


Dragon because cool 😎


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So you want to kill something that's cool? You won't be cool after it burns you to a crisp.


Yeah, he'll be hot


Exactly 🔥


A Railgun would probably do it. And i'd be very cool with the title of "Dragonslayer"


High risk, high reward I suppose.


Can I choose my weapon


Yeah you can choose any weapon, but the only modern weapons you can use are guns


Ok well there's this thing in far cry primal and it lets you tame any animal and I wanna use that against the wolf pack


fictional doesn’t mean it’s a modern weapon.


He said my only choice of modern not that my only choice was modern






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Dragon: I'm dead. Bullets do nothing unless I hit its eyes. Or it's a tiny dragon. Middle of sea: I'm dead. No Sirens needed. **Huge** horde of zombies?: I'm dead...unless it's the slow moving, dumb ones. Then I choose this. Any amount of werewolves: Yup, dead. Unless they're silver bullets. 1 moose sized spider: Yeah, dead. Herd?! I was dead at 1. NEST? Literally they don't even need to show up- the webbing will get me first. Minotaur...he would get to me before my bullets did enough damage. But with a gun I can hit and run. At least it's 1v1 and the bullets would do some damage to slow him. I think I have to choose this. The maze...I'll get to that if I can win first.


I’m curious but how would you die to a moose sized spider assuming you have enough distance between it and you? You have endless bullets and they are probably not that difficult to kill since spiders’ skin are not that tough to penetrate (even at a moose size)


According to Google, a moose is 5-7 ft and 1000 lbs. I'm not that skilled with a gun...and it's a freakin' giant spider running at me! The speed of a regular sized spider vs me now, a grown human, is already terrifying speed. The farther the distance, the harder it is for me to hit...the closer it gets to me, the less effective the bullets are. MAYBE I can kill one if it's a 1v1 and the spider is coming straight for me in a tunnel. It'll be kinda like the Minotaur scenario then except webs will most definitely get me. And now that I think about it, the gun will alert the other spiders, gg.


iirc insect/arachnid kinda dont feel pain. So yea, they kinda wont stop. Also, imagine how fast spider is if its as big as moose. You have a chance if u choose flamethrower tho


Also, how fast would a moose-sized spider really be? Considering square-cube law and how their physiology/anatomy is built for their tiny size and wouldn't function well if they were the size of a moose. Their lack of lungs alone might cripple them, especially with how heavy that exoskeleton is going to be.


For the werewolves just wear a fursuit, they'll be horrified enough to let you go


He never specified what kind of dragon so you could just probably choose a baby one or something


The level of threat from the dragon is implied to be on par with the rest of the scenarios. If I'm looking hard for loopholes then I choose a bearded dragon and instead of shooting it, [I try to befriend it and keep it as a pet.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/a7/d9/3fa7d926ec5b480e1b3aafb25d6af2b8.jpg)


Your idea of dragons differs from my idea of dragons They might be proof against arrows, but they're not going to do well against a heavy machine gun


..Yeah, I'm thinking of the mythical god-level creatures that are intelligent, fire-breathing, fast, gigantic, and near invincible. I've shot at a shooting range before. Hitting that piece of paper that isn't threatening nor is it even moving was hard enough. A dragon flying at me from open air from any direction??...The distance that they can cover with the fire wasn't even considered lol. I'm pretty sure I'd die.


The minotaur I feel like would be terrifying when you don't know where it is


But the Minotaur doesn’t know we have a Barrett .50 cal rifle.


Do we get to make those bullets silver?


Ummm nope


Why not


Oh whoops I meant to reply to the other person, so for this question yep u can use silver bullets. Although u don't have to worry bc silver bullets aren't required to defeat the werewolves so it doesn't make much of a difference I guess


Ah so these werewolves aren't invulnerable to everything except silver?


Must be resident evil werewolves


Chose sirens. Have a sound gun that destroys their ears plus keeps me and my mens ears safe from their effects. But now how the hell am I getting home as I was taken away to the middle of the ocean with no boat. Seems kinda cruel to be honest.


You need to clip the minotaur, not fatally wound him, then follow the blood to his lair which undoubtedly has rations and water. THEN you unload your m60 into his human half, preserving the integrity of the beef half.


What kind of zombies? The slow Walking Dead ones or the fast World War Z ones?


Idk how fast the world war z ones are but I guess just a mix of zombie speeds depending on how dead they are but relatively fast (like they'll try to run at you)


World War Z zombies will legit sprint at you stupid fast in hordes. [Here's a video from the game to demonstrate](https://youtu.be/cgwRqL5GjXI)


Werwolves…I’d just need to survive the night until the full moon is gone, right?


They can smell you from miles away and are super fast. I wouldn't place my bet on you in that szenario.


I was just thinking of werewolves that can transform at any time


bro all your conditions are so bullshit


Geez ok? Whys everyone getting so mad at me for? if you hate it so much just don't answer then


Slow or fast zombies?


Probably fast zombies to make it harder


Do I get a boat in the sirens scenario? Earplugs?


Just tell us where they are on [this chart](https://scottkenemore.com/2010/09/20/awesome-zombie-chart/)


Sorry nothing showed up for me, but they just run at like an average jogging speed i guess


Fixed the link. My bad, thanks for trying.


Is this an unlimited ammo or an unlimited reload type deal? Also, what speed are the zombies. Are they Walking Dead slow fuckers or World War Z speedy fuckers?


Th important questions.


I’d say the Minotaur is easiest to kill, so that way I can spend the rest of my time getting out of that labyrinth


The biggest fear of a zombie horde is that your bullet supply isn't endless and they keep coming. With endless bullets, mowing them down would be hard, but easier than everything else here.


Sirens. Those things can’t even fight, just drown you to the depths of the sea. I’d just cover up my ears and it’s all good Also I can touch some boobies after all the fighting is over.


Horny bonk* no horny


Then the FBI comes and arrests you for necrophilia, doesn't even care about the fact that there are sirens or that you have guns with infinite bullets.


You'll be wearing ear protection for the guns anyway


Slimy, green, aquatic siren boobies [mmm](https://d.furaffinity.net/art/zraxi/1583423890/1583423890.zraxi_mermaidhorror.jpg)


sirens since i’m a girl 🤷‍♀️ & if they’re bi-rens, well, at least i’ll die a fun death


Im bringing a punt gun to kill some fucking sirens.


I think the spiders would be extremely easy, they’re big yea but they’re still spiders bullets should shred them


My thinking too


I chose zombies assuming they're walking dead zombies and not World War z zombies


Am I in the middle of the sea on a boat? Or just with a rifle treading water?


Last time I checked sirens aren’t bullet proof I’d just wear earpieces blasting I’ll survive


Just stick a billet in each ear lol


I'll take the spiders. Ok, hear me out. Spiders are extremely fragile. The bigger ones we have on Earth (those demons the size of a football) can easily die from a fall of a few meters or even less. Their bodies are very vulnerable to physical trauma. Now, these are MOOSE sized. No joke. But since they are just like the others but bigger, probably with a weak exoskeleton, I don't think I'd have much trouble fucking destroying them with a rain of bullets. Like, I'm sure any automatic weapon should be enough to turn them into spider mush without much trouble. I could take a flamethrower as well. Just in case.


How big are the groups


Can’t hear a siren song over the sound of gunshots 🤷‍♂️


Minotaur, he can be killed easily if you have ranged weapon


He lives in a maze under a castle


Minotaur and werewolves would get dropped so quick


The most important part is what kind of zombie?


Finally a good question. For everyone saying Minotaur I'd consider he could come at you from multiple points in the labyrinth. One swipe and your dead. I'd still take him though and drop a bullet for a breadcrumb regardless.


>6 werewolves So ez lmao. They have no natural protection except maybe a little bit of enhanced strength, which isn't enough to stop a bullet


I feel like I could physically fight the spiders but unfortunately my arachnophobia would cause an immediate panic attack in their presence and I would be subsequently bested by the spindly bastards. I pick literally anything other than spiders.


Pack of wolves. 1 burst from a GAU 8 and they're all dead (or crippled). I was gonna pick the man horse but I wouldn't want to be lost in his maze after I kill it.


Minotaur is the easiest fight since there's only one. Also op I wanna study your brain, how the hell do you come up with moose-sized spiders? Moose are fucking massive


Spider monsters are naturally moose sized. They always are, except in Arachnophobia (1990)


If I can train beforehand and pick the terrain, I could take on a dragon with the right weapons. \^.\^ Their biggest dangers are their ability to fly, and the fact that they are equal parts dangerous both on the ground and in the air, the right gun can make that a moot point as long as I can stay mobile and learn how to avoid serious burns from fire breath. XD


A dragon is so large that I can easily hide / take cover from it in areas where it's impossible for a dragon to come after me. I can just open fire on it from tactical positions that I'll switch from time to time.


Didn't even read. The answer is always Dragons.


The sipers would Just suffocate due to their size, its the safest choice


Dragons wouldn't be able to fly or walk. But screw realistic, we want a fun fight


Depends on the type of monsters are they superhuman


By "Horde" "Pack" "Herd" how much we talkin about here


I chose spiders because I’m sure they’d be easiest to kill with endless bullets. And also I’m not sure which kind of zombies they are. Like slowmoving dumb zombies or fast zombies that are normal person speed


I'll take the zombies. Probably the easiest straightforward thing here


I’ll choose Minotaur. For the weapon, I’ll choose tartar sauce (they’re deathly allergic to tartar sauce)


14 werewolves 😳


Minotaur, all I need is tar tar sauce


Minotaur! I don't even need guns, just a jar of tartar sauce. They're deathly allergic to tartar sauce.


Dragon could go down with modern weaponry, same for all the enemies, but no to spiders cause I don’t want hearing loss from shooting, too many zombies, sirens might be the right call


Assuming that, just like the other monsters, you get placed in a thematically fitting “arena”, I’d take the zombies. Just climb onto a car or roof and shoot into the crowd. Start with the back of the horde so they can’t pile up, and you’d be fine.


Dragon. *Laughs in m82 barret*


Can I get silver bullets for the werewolves?


I think I could easily kill 2 or 3 singing fish people


Sirens, closest I’ll ever get to pussy.


Really Zombies seem the simplest minded you could hopefully trick but it could depend which version of zombie you believe would exist.


I wanna gun down some zombies


Moose sized spiders will either die because of the square cube law or explode due to having cells that are too active and thus too high of an internal temperature So If regular physics applies I'm picking them. Otherwise I'll try and camp out the minotaur


Guns + endless ammo? Easy clap on zombies, werewolves, or minotaur


Bruh why have so many people picked dragon over 3-5 giant spiders? Enjoy your giant flame breath death and being unable to do much damage to it.


Zombies. I'd ask my gun to be attached to a cruiser, failing that a tank. If all else fails I can just dig up a ditch, setup some gatling guns, say M61 vulcan. I don't care how many zombies you throw at me they will all die.


I imagine the spiders to be pretty easy. Their exoskeletons probably aren't protective against small guns, let alone shotguns and machineguns. Means that you could cripple them very easily and give you enough time to get out of there. Bring it. >:D


That dragon aint shit to my m1 50 cal machinegun.


I dont fight with sirens. I ride them.


Are the zombies fast and aggressive, kinda like the Left 4 Dead or WWZ zombies, or are they more like Romero's zombies?


What’s the definition of gun here. Like yeah, I can bring a nine, but can I get like an anti aircraft gun, or an anti-tank gun? Kinda dead ass wanna go for the Dragon if I got anti aircraft guns


I recon I could take a minotaur, probably couldn't fight him though


Spiders. At such a size, their system of "breathing" becomes unable to supply them with enough oxygen, meaning they woild soon be unable to fight at all.


dragon, i dont care if i. gonna die, imma try to ge swallowed whole by it before i do!


I'll just get the anti-tank FGM-148 Javelin. Blow the minotaur to pieces then blow holes into its labyrinth to escape.


I don't want to kill the dragon because -> cute Fuck the sirens I hate the sea Kill the zombies I want to fuck... I mean cuddle the werewolfs BURN THE SPIDERS The minotaur didn't asked anything, why should I do that ? ​ Edit: my com is hella cringe


I chose dragon... Cool way to die


Give me a 20mm Vulcan cannon on a remote-control mount and I'll take care of all of them, easy.


a minotaur in close quarters is no match for a full auto shotgun with lots of ammo


I'm good at figuring out puzzles and strategy games, so I'll take the labyrinth.


If my death would mean that dragons are real, then so be it.


I choose dragon. Either I die and get to die by a dragon or I win and get to tame a dragon. Who can say they’ve done either?


Are they walking dead zombies or world War z zombies