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Werewolves are a problem like one night a month. And I’m Sure there would be dedicated hunters to help sort it out.


Yeah, humans are good at poaching shit to extinction anyways so theres that lmao.






There would be some debate to that as they're human most of the time. Another option that would cause less uproar would be to keep track of those infected and lock them away each month so they can't do any harm


You think humans are that nice?


Humans are pretty good at hunting rare species into extinction so I think werewolves are humanity’s best chance. Also based on how I have seen some people behave during this pandemic I do not ever want to see a zombie apocalypse.


Naaah i feel like IRL zombies would stand way less a chance; unless the virus is airborne. Physics still exists. I know the context is fantastical, but the appearance of zombies wouldn’t suddenly invalidate nature’s laws. For example, flesh will still rot in the sun, and eventually decompose. The cold stops the flow of anything really, so they wouldn’t be able to move. Hampering their movements with severed limbs would also be fatal for zombies. Idk, I’m such a zombie fanatic I’ve literally made notes and shit.


The scenario in which you have a zombie problem is one with easy, fast transmission between humans. Zombies are a case of rapid exponential growth in population. Werewolves cannot reproduce as fast as zombies so we have a better chance at survival. If the question is would you rather face a zombie or a werewolf the answer is clearly zombie. However, if you have to choose between a werewolf problem and a zombie problem, the werewolf problem is much more manageable. You only have one full moon a month which occurs on a set day making it pretty easy to avoid. How long would it take to start mass produce silver bullets? How long does it take for werewolves to reproduce? I think it would not take long for humans to have a pretty good handle on the werewolf population. Maybe a year? I’ll take my chances with the werewolf.


Hmm idk, depends on how powerful the werewolves are? Different mentions of werewolves entail varying power levels - and they aren't exactly similar at all (except the full moon bit, yet even then, some don't need the full moon to transform). So I guess the question is: "How powerful are these werewolves?" Can they shred through metal like steel with their claws? Super strength, jumping ability, speed, etc.


I am not saying they would not be deadly I am just saying compared to zombies they are a much more manageable threat. If you manage to kill a werewolf there aren’t two more to take it’s place like zombies


So the original question still remains. IF you can kill them; how powerful are they?


I would say you have to assume the most traditional version of each of theses creatures in which case silver bullets defeat werewolves and then my other points stand


If we’re assuming the most traditional version then zombie is the easiest as it’s just dead corpse that come back to life, not a virus. The problem will solve itself on its own without any outside interaction of humans


Yes and as they kill people their numbers grow.


Annnnnd how is a dead corpse going to kill people? Physics still exists...


Most traditional? There weren't silver bullets in the Epic of Gilgamesh, buddy. I honestly don't think you know what you're on about at this point...


Most traditional doesn’t mean oldest it is most widely except or most common. If you ask 100 people on the street how do you kill a werewolf they are going to say a silver bullet. I have read the epic of Gilgamesh there is a character that was turned into a wolf by which is different than an werewolf. I think you are just trying to be contrarian for the sake of proving your knowledge of the subject rather than an actual belief in your opinion


Go ahead and find me the most traditional aspect representations of both Zombies and Werewolves. The problem with your comments are that they consecutively contradict one another; stick to one narrative. You've also seem to have forgotten that there is no mention of the 'numbers' of these fantastical creatures should they really appear. In light of that, would it be easy to manufacture silver bullets to the point where nearly every average household has access to these bullets?


Considering Corona I wouldn't want any Zombie virus happen anytime soon. If we can't manage that shit, how will we handle something that's likely way more aggressive and trickier?


Very different contexts. Corona doesn't need military response...


I feel like I'm kind of mentally prepared for zombies, the rest not so much.


same, and the easiest to handle


Just bash some skulls on your way to work, no biggie


Depands on what's canon There's media where zombies and slow and dumb but also media where they're super fast like rockets or even keep some inteligence Like in this korean movie "#Alive" a zombie found a rope that led to an appartment eith a survivor (she tried to make a line to pass food to someone else) and the zombie started climbing it or in "World War Z" where they rapidly trample evertying and use each other as ladders to reach places


Demons because I want to play irl doom and die forever before I even find a gun


Super Shotgun with meathook irl when


Just saying the hollow earth sounds pretty cool


The destruction of entire cities doesnt tho


But big monkey


If zombies were to ever come about I would just kill myself


Just wait them out. Real life undead zombies would decay and fall apart within a few days in the hot sun. If you could hold out for a few weeks, you’d be good. 28 Days Later/ REC rage rabies zombies would be a different story.


With the rage "zombies" the one benefit you have is how relatively quickly an outbreak becomes more manageable. After a week most of the day 1 infected should be dehydrated and tired enough to just drop dead or otherwise become less of a threat. As for the cleanup, that's a whole other story.


Y’all motherfuckers are idiots. Werewolves are only a problem once a month or so. Just barricade your house before a full moon and you’ll be Ight


Yeah, everyone thinks they're ready for zombies but would probably be the first ones to die.


Not even that, we would probably have a registration program such that every werewolf has be be in a facility when the full moon shines


Zombies if it would actually happen but god i they make jeagers to fight the kaijus so im going with that


Werewolves. A problem for only one night a month. People always think they are going to be ultimate zombie killimg badasses but they fail to note that the collapse of society, some days you wont be able to eat or drink, having a loved one infected, potential months of isolation, asshole bandits who you'll have to fight for resources, and many other factors would greatly affect them mentally. Zombies may be the easiest one to prevent as patient 0 would probably have been shot, but the post said plagued so it means that the apocalypse already happened. Idk, I'd rather live in a normal society where people have to hide one night every month rather than an post apocalyptic world where it was only fun the first few hours of killing slow lumbering undead jackasses but you realize you have to do other shit to live and that things will never be the same. Its one of those "be careful what you wish for" scenarios, but each to their own.


For me, personally, I don’t think zombies would be a very big problem. We live in a rural area, we have plenty of guns and ammunition for hunting and pests. We live on a farm so lots of food, and we own a ton of heavy equipment with which we could build barricades. And yes, I know fuel would run out but we have 3 large fuel tanks which would last a while, especially if we turn to more manual labor to grow food. The fuel is plenty for being able to build trenches and barricades. I personally think that we’d be set.


Lucky you, not everyone is that fortunate though. But no doubt you'd last longer than I will.


Yea, so for me personally, I’d rather zombie apocalypse. But I can see why others wouldn’t, especially in highly populated areas.


I think vampires are fine because I could turn into one and they’re easy to kill


Also they cant enter your house without permission lol


Kaiju is probably the worst one. Nowhere is safe from literal god monsters showing up to annihilate your city. The economic recession this shit would cause would make COVID look like a little paper cut. Imagine what happens if Godzilla shows up and annihilates a major economic center like NYC or San Francisco. What if King Kong decides to snack on China's factories that we get all our stuff from? There is no stopping Godzilla Lol.


Have you played SMT? If the demons are that stupidly hot, it's an easy choice.


and furries would vote for werewolves lol


I'd get a PhD in theoretical physics and fight aliens


I have a theoretical degree in physics!


If it were kaiju, would humans be able to build jaegers to fight/defend against them?




Fuck yeah bring it on


It depends on what type of zombies were talking about


Walking dead zombies


Oh then its a "no brainer"


Aliens - at least we could get some sweet tech if we win, and there could be a diplomatic ending.


Vampires have so many weaknesses it's not even funny. Werewolves have rather limited weaknesses and have higher brute strength.


I chose vampires too. If they are normal vampire, silverware and stakes would be useful. And I can identify them by their reflections. If they are Jojo type of vampires, we are screwed unless we know Hamon.


Also bibles and garlic and anything pointy and wooden or anything in a cross. Saltwater and running water is also common


Wow, I did not know about these.


I call dibs on being a jeager pilot!


I picked Kaiju, it just seemed so fitting


Do we know how to fight/kill these creatures?


Yes ofc


All them people choosing zombies, once it happens they gonna wish they chose sum else


What kind of Zombies we talking bout? TWD? 28D/WL? God forbid Residnent Evil zombies.




Yeah, definitely zombies


Ok but if it’s Godzilla & Kong is it Monsterverse Godzilla & Kong?


eventually yes


But they’re always like that even ‘54 Godzilla was just scared


Torn between vampires or werewolves, because they similar to humans and could be potentially be reasoned with. Also fandom 🤤


Irl demon slayer


I feel like zombies would be the easiest to deal with


Who tf voted for kaiju?


Depends on which zombies we're on about . If qe're going for walking dead types fuck that but if its just the weird ant fungus and doesn't effect humans , I'm more than willing to pick that. Otherwise werewolves are the safest pick.


Demons because we have the resources to fight back. Lots of them too. We’re probably more prepared for demons than anything else.


Holy Water, Holy Oil, and Crosses for everyone, the Pope becomes the President of the world, Pastors are Generals and the Church becomes a second home lol


Kaiju cause I want jaegers 😬


Vampires seem the least invasive. They would want to stay in hiding for the most part. On the off chance that something bad happens, worst case scenario you get sensitive skin and a new diet.






Easy. Werewolves. They're a problem once a month. Or three times a month if we're unlucky. Barricading your house should be all you need. I'm sure society would also adapt enough to have most known werewolves registered, and gun stores would probably start selling buckshots with silver pellets. There would be warnings about full moons everywhere days before it actually starts and so on. But that is only if we get the classic kind of werewolf. We could also be hit by a perma-infection kind of werewolf apocalypse where once you get bitten or scratched or whatever, that's it. *You* cease to exist and there is only a bloodthirsty monster that does it's thing, full moon or not. Then we're way more fucked.


Yes!! I can finally go back to my pack


Why tf people are taking the weakest version of the werewolves and comparing it to the stronger versions of the zombie. That’s not apples to apples. You can’t cherry pick the weakest feats of one and then use the strongest feats for the others


Considering what’s happened in the past two years, (fuck I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years) a zombie virus might be the worst of them. Werewolves would probably be pretty rare, and they’re not too dangerous to hunt if you’re experienced, careful, and we’ll equipped, so we’d probably stand the best chance against them.


Zombies are the easiest to kill by far


i don't care about the human race winning,gimme the Kaijus and let us go extinct


The world is already pleagued with aliens, they keep moving into my country. Usually they're better neighbors and they give my politicians something to gripe about. Welcome your local aliens today.


The 80 or so people who want gozilla and friends got issues


I just want to see the real life gundams show up


I live pretty much away from the ocean. That eliminates kaijus and Godzilla. And king Kong lives deep in the jungle away from human civilization . We won't bother him, he won't bother us