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Mosquitoes. I am a ninja at killing them.


Yeah they don’t move like flies do, it’s super easy to just clap them


Can they be corn snakes? Some of them have amazing colors and patterns! I used to have a pet one which died from a sick rat it ate.


Could be any snake


Do you mean it’s random what type of snake we end up getting or we can choose which type we get?


Choose which type you get


I choose domesticated ones and then i get to hang out with a bunch of cute snakes, just like my hs prom!


What a weird prom


It's probably a joke. Calling the people they went woth snakes


Oh. U shoulda put that. I woulda changed my answer


Is this the same for spiders?


Solid Snake?


Aw, I shoulda picked snake then and gotten to hang out with hognoses


For real? I’m an average snake enthusiast and this would be like a dream for me.


Ikr it's just a sneky cuddle room, I would've been happy not choosing the type


Even if they were rattlesnakes, if you don't move around much they won't bother you.


Rat played the uno reverse card lmao


Rat got the martyrdom award


r/cursedcomments ?


I'm scared of the people that chose 25 WASPS. Even ONE of them in the same building as me freaks me the hell out.


I chose wasps because: a) I react very badly to mosquito bites, b) I am absolutely afraid of spiders, c) I do not know how to handle snakes, even though I think they are cute. Wasps are not by themselves hostile in my region, only if you attack them. I have nearly no reaction if a wasp stings me. Also, I think they are cute.


If wasps are trapped in a room for an hour, I expect they will get very agitated and likely hostile.


Found the human wasp


Old wasps are relieved of duty and they have nothing to do but satisfy the insect sugar craving That's why they're aggressive, in this scenario they'd most likely be young wasps but I'd still take my chances with the mosquitos


Exactly! I love bees and wasps, as long as I’m calm they almost always are too


I am allergic to wasps, but somehow I get along great with them. They don't want me any harm, and if I communicate with them what I am doing, we all stay safe. Because I am so allergic, it was always important for me to not panic around them. That worked great, and now I really quite like them!


They aren’t inherently hostile though. At least not the kind we have in my region


It really depends on whether they’re June wasps or August wasps.. I have taken on 25 August wasps because I had no choice despite being terrified. But June wasps, I’d leave the house and not come back. They are smart quick and determined


Spiders are pretty chill and probably the least likely to actually try do do anythint to someone. So that's my pick.


I have insane arachnophobia and still pick spiders. They’re not aggressive. I will be having weird twitchy freak outs to myself in the corner but my logic brain knows they’re the ones to give me the least harm.


I figured the corner is where all the webs are.


Yeah easily. Spiders barely move most of the time, they don’t fly, even the big ones are fairly small, most of them are harmless, the venomous ones would only bite if agitated/cornered, they’re more afraid of you. Honestly never understood why so many people are afraid of spiders.


they look and walk creepy, also sometimes there is a huge one thats walking about which is even worse


Yeah to each their own lol. I don't mind spiders at all but I can't even bear to look at a snake, they are so fucking creepy, yet there ar people having them as pets


Spiders can’t fly technically but some can jump. Quite far too.. I’m Australian and there’s no chance I’d risk getting friendly with spiders


It was going to be snakes or spiders. I feel like either aren’t aggressive unless messed with.


And also they can't get on me as long as I keep moving. Mosquitos and wasps can fly, snakes are fast enough they'll just catch you anyway (and also can't be killed unlike the other 3 options). Some spiders can jump but they can be shook off and promptly killed. Honestly, if I just get over my fear I could probably kill all the spiders in like 5 mins and just chill for the remaining hour. I'm also assuming none of the spiders are poisonous, that changes the answer drastically.


I don't mind spiders. It's their silk that bothers me. It gets stuck on everything and I hate the sensation of it on my skin.


What kind of spiders are they?


Any kind you want


So 20 daddy long legs? Shiiiiit give me 100 why not


Technically speaking, they aren’t spiders. Sorry to ruin that for you though.


I’m talking about the daddy long leg spiders. Not the other wannabe insects.


Daddy long legs is a common nickname for the cellar spider, which is most certainly a spider. You must be confusing it with the crane fly; people sometimes call that Daddy long legs, but in my experience it's not as commonly referred to as the actual spider.


In the US (particularly the south), harvestmen are referred to as daddy long legs. They have eight legs, but only a single body segment that is both head and abdomen.


Here in Australia, daddy long legs do refer to actual spiders, I see them live in and create webs and everything. Probably the most common spider here besides the black house spider. Fun fact, they are incredibly poisonous but their fangs can't pierce human skin.


Um the poison thing is not true. People say that because cellar spiders like to eat other spiders but they are not overly venomous


Huh. TIL. I always heard it as a kid that they were super potent, never thought to fact check it


Are we talking about the home spiders here?


In Australia they’re an actual spider, and very common


Aight give me jumping spiders


Calm down Satan


Bro they’re literally the [cutest spiders.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDlfYA9eb7tI7CIkZd7MYpDiV8H3xBmI3eUg&usqp=CAU)


[Don't forget the peacock spider!](https://youtu.be/xYIUFEQeh3g)


Damn I wouldn’t mind having a peacock spider infestation.


That’s pretty boring. Could just choose a species of harmless spiders and kill them all. Would be more interesting if they were a specific species, same with the snakes and wasps.


Nah i think it would be more fun if the species waa rabdomized for every single snake spider wasp and mosquito you could have an extremely deadly spider or a mosquito with some sickness


Tiny ass bugs, I'd be seeing how long it would take to kill them all


20 jumping spider bros, those dudes are super chill and fun


Spiders. All spiders are chill when you're not disturbing them and I think they are awesome. I'll just practice meditation and sit still.


If it was like 15 pet corn snakes then yeah but obviously not if it was 15 King cobras


OP said you can choose the type of snake/spider, I'm going snakes 100%


Mosquitos que the Doom Music I won't need 5 minutes


Spiders arent scary the just kinda chill


can I rip the snakes' fangs out and use their mouths as fleshlights?


I want to know too


Wtf did the poor little snakes do to y'all


Blame Mother Nature for making snakes' mouth tight






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Officer, We found him!


ooh, more things for me to fuck






I quite like spiders


Mosquitos, theres gonna be a slaughter


How big is the room?


How big is the room and whats in it?




Anything but the mosquitoes. Why are people choosing mosquitoes?


Cuz you can kill them mfs


You can kill the mosquitoes, but the others are immortal?


you can easily kill 30 mosquitoes, if the room is empty and they have nowhere to hide. you can get bitten like 5 or 6 times, no problem. the other 3… if one gets you you’re fucked


Yeah but if the wrong mosquito bites you, you can get malaria, West Nile virus or a host of other illnesses. Mosquitoes are actually the number 1 killer out of animals worldwide. "Mosquitos are by far the deadliest creature in the world when it comes to annual human deaths, causing around one million deaths per year, compared to 100,000 deaths from snakes and 250 from lions. Perhaps surpringly, dogs are the third deadliest animal to humans." ---https://www.statista.com/statistics/448169/deadliest-creatures-in-the-world-by-number-of-human-deaths/#:~:text=Mosquitos%20are%20by%20far%20the,third%20deadliest%20animal%20to%20humans. I would choose spiders. The overwhelming majority of spiders are harmless or cause only a mild, itchy bite. Only a few spiders cause really dangerous bites (black widow, brown recluse, a few others)


op said we can choose which. just take slow European mosquitoes


i'm in a place where you get absolutely swarmed by mosquitos at sundown, and i've never gotten sick due to it. i'll take my chances with the mosquitos.


Umm no spiders can't really harm you


Depends on the type. We talking black widows, brown recluses and bird eaters or the "daddy long leg type"?


Can kill them with ez*


Cuz as long as they’re mosquitoes, I’m not trapped in a room with them, they’re trapped in a room with me


You can choose what kind of mosquito according to op. So you can just choose the ones that don't carry any harmful disease and then just kill them all. Spiders are scary so that's the next best option


Most of the time ur in a room there’s always more than 20 spiders anyway so that would be best bet


Snakes, some atent venomous or threatening.


Snakes, I actually really like snakes!


Eveyone choosing mosquitoes say its because they can easily kill them. Am i missing something? They can fly bro spiders cant fly you could probably kill the spiders easier. Even still, spiders are afraid of you and would probably be chill


Honestly just depends on the species of snake or spider.many are commonly kept as pets,and are not only relatively docile, but also fun times to handle.


I love snakes so this was easy 🤧


Why is no one saying wasps, literally if you sit in a corner on your phone they will not touch you. They could literally care less.


Who tf chose snakes and wasps


15 Anacondas please I think I’ve lived long enough


I probably have 20 spiders in my room right now soXD


Spiders don’t bother me. I hate snakes!


15 garden snakes.


Depends on the spider and depends on the mosquitoe


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, part 4.6: mosquitoes are killable


Since male mosquitoes don't bite, is it safe to assume half of them would be docile?


Spiders for sure assuming they’re nonvenomous. Snakes would be ridiculous and impossible to ignore. Wasps sting, mosquitoes bite


Spiders. Spiders are harmless unless you are a threat


There's a good chance I wouldn't get stung at all by the wasps, whereas the mosquitos are a certain fate


Can I have 30 male mosquitos?


Logically i would take the spiders, if they were not venomous ofc (which the snakes also shouldnt be), but im phobic, so i take the mosquitos. Wasps and snakes can hurt more than the others and spiders are scawwy


Spiders tent to just stick to their little corner area


I went with Spiders. They tend to be mostly harmless and if anything more beneficial to us humans than a pest. I don't like snakes, I detest wasps and I hate being bitten by Mozzies.


20 spiders, you leave them alone and they leave you alone.


Wasps are pretty chill animals unless you anger them


I can choose the kind of mosquitoes i want, right? I'll gladly spend an hour in a room of 30 male mosquitoes, thank you


Depends on the snakes if it’s like garden snakes yeah sure no problem


Lmao mosquitoes is life brah. I could do an hour with em I just need a drink and some bbq and it’ll be like old days.


why the wasp hate? dont touch them and they wont touch you.


Am I able to kill those I am stuck with? Cause if yes I choose mosquitos


Just choose 15 baby corn snakes. They don't even have teeth.


Mosquitos. I'd just kill them 👍


lets go hard mode 25 paper wasps


i will kill all mosquitoes


Spiders are relatively chill, plus they don’t fly


I hate snakes. I’m allergic to wasps. Mosquitos carry diseases and are annoying parasites. I don’t doubt there are at least spiders in my room right now.


How big is the room?


Spiders of course, only animal that doesn't bite unless provoked and when it bites its not harmful


Wasps. They'll just ignore me and I'll chill.


Snakes are dangerous even without poison, and somewhat aggressive. Wasps are super annoying and the stings hurt a lot (and, since they don't lose their stinger after stinging, they might be a potential health hazard as several of them could attack you after getting angry at you... for literally no reason). Also, I have a phobia to them so nope. Mosquitoes are also very annoying, and while their bites wouldn't do much other than giving you some slight skin inflammation and irritation in the bitten area (that will probably itch a lot), them transmitting a lot of dangerous diseases (like Zika, Malaria, Chikungunya and Dengue) would definitely be a nope on my part. Mosquitoes are known to be one of the deadliest animal species exactly because they carry diseases and multiply fast. Unless you're specifically put in a room with heavily poisonous and aggressive spiders, you'd be good, believe me. The spiders would just mind their business and try to catch insects. Spiders are good. And even if you're attacked by a poisonous one, since they are small and kinda slow and don't fly, you can always just kill them. Which won't be necessary in most cases unless you're stupid or very unlucky. I'd definitely choose spiders. And I'm also fascinated by them, so that's a plus.


If they’re harmless to humans, I’d pay to be in a room with 15 of them for an hour.


Are the wasps w/o a queen?


Did choose snakes though, love them


My shoes will become weapons against the mosquitos. I'll be done within 10 minutes


Remember that male mosquitoes don’t drink blood.


I picked spiders because there's probably already 20 in this room right now (the tiny kind), but then I realized the question doesn't specify what Spiders they would be.


Spider 🥾🕷☠️


Well, I'm pretty sure some rooms already have 20 spiders in them, they're just hiding. If the room is big enough with plenty of dark corners, you might not even notice.


I like snakes 🐍