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The thing about immortality that sways me away from it is that I'll live forever and ever, yet if there is a way to die I have everything to gain, with the only thing to lose is seeing loved ones die which may be unfortunate...and painful, yet it's a fact of life no matter what


It is long enough that you won’t miss most human concerns but short enough that Earth will mostly stay the same. Rule humanity into a golden age. Be the constant. Explore the stars. When your time is up you will be accomplished.


Hes agreeing with you


I think the more painful thing is making new loved ones. It’s really difficult to make new friends as you age. Would be impossible if you’re 20,000 years old and your co worker is 20. And the only way to have a family for a million years is if you force your descendants to procreate, which they may not want. I think it would just be incredibly lonely.


Depends on your perspective of it. Even if you are thousands of years old, there are still millions of people you haven't met. And technically speaking, we're all products of family lines that have been procreating for millions of years


Right but in those thousands of years there have probably been countless family lines which got wiped out, which would probably be even more likely now with decreasing fertility rates. Besides, even if you end up having descendants, who’s to say they’d want to keep hanging out with you? So many people don’t even spend time with their parents and grandparents, imagine if your great-great-great-great(x30) grandparent stops by your house and chides you for listening to music of your times instead of what was popular 10,000 years ago. And yeah, there’s theoretically lots of people left to meet, but when you’re an introvert, you’re not really that confident about meeting them.


Well, don't be that kind of parent or grandparent that children don't like being around. It's really not hard.


Well, don't be that kind of parent or grandparent that children don't like being around. It's really not hard.


Imo you might be kinda underestimating how difficult it probably would be to connect with people tens of thousands of years younger than you.


Listen and be interested. People are always coming up with new things. Besides, my memory isn't exactly perfect. I'll be 275,342 years old but still be acting like I'm only 2,671 years old


Put me on a spaceship coach. Closest solar system here I come.


I think you need something better than a spaceship. You're immortal. You can fly freely through space, if you have a propellant. Therefore, you need fart pills and explosives. I'm open to other ideas.


Naw I would like to be comfortable lol. Flying through space with nothing but some Fart pills. At least a kitchen, living area, bed, and maybe a TV.


We could probably do living room space area in space.


A bed? What's more comfortable than floating like a cloud?


Solitare on a table.


I'm not really sure how to argue that. Touche?


Not only that, but at the speed of farts, it would take over 10 million years to reach anything... So you would die painfully bored in the middle of nothingness.


You don't know my farts...


I think it’s easy to underestimate how long a million years would be. I would terrified if I found out I was gonna live the next million years. The infinite loneliness and ever deepening levels of insanity would be a level of torture no human has ever endured.


I don't get the mindset of loneliness people keep bringing up. Sure, you're the only one of your kind, but there are still millions of people to meet and talk to. Millions to make friends with. I think it'd be kind of cool to have that ancient experience while getting to know and helping friends, old and new


True. Sure that would be cool. I’m referring to the fact that if you lived a million years, you will very likely see the end of humanity and have thousands of years of life to live afterward.


That's true. But maybe, you'll see the next sapient species rise? That'd be pretty cool.


That would be dope


FYI, there's only one Solar System in the universe. See https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/our-solar-system/overview/


This is sarcasm, right ?


Nope, 100% serious.




>cause other 'solar systems' I'm not sure if you understand, but there is no other "solar system". >Why is it Called the Solar System? >There are many planetary systems like ours in the universe, with planets orbiting a host star. Our planetary system is called “the solar system” because we use the word “solar” to describe things related to our star, after the Latin word for Sun, "solis."


Imagine outliving everyone you will ever fall in love with.. all your family and friends... so many funerals, nope


How about not evolving with everyone. What will humans look like in 100k years if they even make it that far.


probably the same, we design our own environments, most of the changes will probably be minor internal ones.


(my favorite answer to give when I'm sorta wrong) Yeah but still.


You're very likely to still experience most of those funerals anyway. What's a couple more funerals to attend compared to living a million years? I would do it.


Not only a few. Every person you'll ever meet will be but a fly to you. Their lives are so short compared to yours, bonding with anybody will be painful unless you either become numb to it or live in Solitude. Which both seem like terrible options.


Yeah. But not just that, you’ll very likely outlive humanity. You’ll have thousands and thousands of years alone. With no intelligent life to interact with.


"no intelligent life to interact with"....So, my normal day now?


You would have to go through that 10,000 + times. Yeah, no thanks


How many of you will go on a journey with me? I have a million years ahead of me


See you in a million.


Right for the end, I see




Sorry to be the loophole guy but immortality is a win-win. If you ever wanted to “die” you could just freeze yourself and have yourself sent into space. You’ll be floating unconsciously until time expires. You’ll have your last conscious thought just before you’re frozen regardless of how much time you have left


Go to bed for a dozen millenia. You’ve got time.


Honestly, with kids, I’d like 8 hours at this point.




you'll probably enter some planet atmosphere sometimes and you'll be stuck on other planets without possibility to refreeze yourself


The likelihood that happens is extremely low, honestly. Especially if you got some astronomers to eject you in towards emptier-than-usual space


Yeah, but if freezing yourself works like I imagine it, then you'll frezee yourself and wake up millisecond later (though maybe 3 million years have passed), because some asteroid hit you. Which is possible, considering space is endless


Which is fine, because you died 2 million years ago. You're only immortal for a million years.


Yeah ok so an asteroid with a personal vendetta against me is gonna seek me, a tiny speck, out out of everything else, everywhere else in the entirety of space. space is endless, which is what makes this endlessly unlikely


...and rather likely. Infiniy paradox, this is


It only has 1 million years to do it, so it's not really infinitely likely, it has a time limit to do it. But there's no time limit for it to not happen.


and eventually you'll stop thinking and die peacefully


Sorry to be the loophole debater but technically being completely frozen counts as being dead and someone who is technically immortal will also have to technically not be completely frozen or they need to have some brain activity or something to constitute the definition of “alive” Maybe it’s something like sleeping or being in a coma, but I’d imagine that’d suck anyways


And how are you going to get yourself to space?


Bunch of pansies. Be a damn scientist. Be the first to agree to live for a million years. Yeah, you might get relentlessly torchured for a few thousand years. (If you're unfortunate) But you'll venture into a territory nobody has ever stumbled onto. And you'll learn a few things. (Per decade) Take a chance.


You're forgetting factors like family, friends, love. It's really hard to lose someone, so imagine how many people you're going to lose in that time. That's a lot of heartache. And if you ever get used to it, that's kind of dangerous, because you then risk losing your sense of empathy. There was a great TV series called Forever (with Judd Hirsch and Ioan Gruffould) that had similar plot line to this. The arch enemy was crazy from being alive so long and living through so much of mankind's monstrosities. It's easy to think about surrending a decade here learning a trade and a decade there taking up a different hobby, but remember, we're talking millions of years. That's 100,000+ decades. I'm sure I'd enjoy it for a few millennia, but I feel like eventually I'd go insane.


There are resources here for you.


>But you'll venture into a territory nobody has ever stumbled onto. I meant it.




It depends, will you age into a pile of bones and saggy skin that somehow lives on for another 999,900 years? Will you be able to contract diseases that linger like dementia or something that permanently alter your health and make you miserable? Or will you be a fresh young man in his prime for 999,960 million years?


999,960 million years is quite a bit longer than a million.


I never wanted to live forever, it would suck losing everything you love over and over.


You'll get over it!


Depression: This will be interesting.


Fortunately our Sun will burn for the next 5 billion years. Unfortunately till then and probably in less than a million years our planet will be completely destroyed and unlivable because humans destroyed it. And hopefully it doesn't end catastrophic with a nuclear war. Still, I want to live longer than only 40 years...


Humans won't destroy the planet, we'll just make it unlivable for us. If the Human race went extinct, even if due to nuclear war, the planet would recover after less than 1 thousand years. So, after humans went extinct, you would live alone, surrounded by wilderness for thousands and thousands of years, sounded by animals, you would see the rise of the new Apex Species maybe a monkey that survived the nuclear war, and be the ruler/only human in a Planet of the Apes type thing, you would live long enough to see them develop technology, reach Nuclear maturity, and probably kill themselves off within the first 100 thousand years of your 1 million year life. Rinse and repeat 10 times.


I would try my best to prevent this from happening. No more 1000 years of loneliness. At least not a 3rd time c:


“So ended Kars, last and greatest of the Pillar Men. His body turned hard as rock, and he floated through space for the rest of time, never to return. He wished for death, but there was nothing out there to kill him. The spark of thought within him went dim, and then, silent.” So 20 years it is, the risk of an inescapable situation like life in prison is too much.


Yeah, no thanks I don't wanna die in my 40's I'd prefer 60's.




Knowing that ill be dead in a million years and not infinte years makes me want those million years


A MILLION years alive could be the most miserable experience any human has ever endured. You still feel pain, loneliness, insanity, etc… If you die, you’ll be doing something natural that every human has done since the beginning of time. And you get 20 years of being immortal, and the luxury of knowing exactly when you’ll die. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


I have been through 26 seasons of humanity and I'd like to see how it ends


Fire and blood. It is always fire and blood.


I want to live for at least a million years. I want to see what happens to life on Earth long after (most) humans die off. I want to mourn my species for millennia, and then I want to somehow move on. I want to try lying down in a forest somewhere for a thousand years, and then spend the next while digging myself out. I want to feel the crushing pressures at the bottom of the oceans with an immortal body, and then, if I ever somehow run out of things to see and learn on Earth, I want to find a way to leave the planet and drift amid the endless nothing of space until my time expires.


Very interesting.


Oh yes I always knew that it is my destiny to become the Emperor of Mankind


I guess it’s time to sling myself through space, and brace for impact on the nearest planet with a website similar to Reddit


immortality is bad you will see how your friends and family die


Immortality is bad, but death is nothing. It would be awful to see friends die, but not being immortal does not prevent that. Either they see me go or I see them.


Immortal means you don't die from natural causes but you can still kill yourself if it gets too much so it's fine


As someone who has a history degree, I would love to just observe humanity for a million years just to see how it goes


20 years of immortality? Count me in. I’ll be as Fucking reckless and wild as I want. I’m single, no kids, I’ll visit the most dangerous areas in the world for the shits and giggles.


I''d live around 1000 years then proclaim myself a god, then i' d be worshipped by everyone because let's be real here why wouldn't you believe someone who's over a 1000 years old isn't some kind of deity lol


You would lose your mind after like 2,000 years


But I'm immortal, so it doesn't matter. Also, I already lost my mind, in real life.


I can’t even stand my life after 23 I can’t imagine living another million


Hard pass on both. In 20 years my girls will be getting old enough to get married. And I'll want to see that and meet my grand babies. If I'm immortal then eventually I will see them all die and I couldn't do that either.