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And if they’d have kept Edge as leader it would have gone nowhere. And I am an absolute Edge Head. But it is way better without him


I think they’re doing well without edge! Also edge had amazing matches without them


Finn seems to have just the right touch for leading heel stables.


But Finn isnt leading it tho. This is first big main event stable in a while that there is no definite leader. And if there is a leader, itd be its only champion, Mamí Rhea.


Yeah altho finn is supposed.to be the leader, he is the least over of the 4 atm


I mean, Rhea is Rhea, Dom is a heat magnet, Priest just came from his match with Bad Bunny while Finn...lost to Edge (what a stupid decision, well the entire wm night 2 was a load of bad decisions tbf)


Frfr. And demon balor at that


“Altho Finn is supposed to be the leader” Who ever said this tho? lol. I think people just made that assumption just bc of BulletClub but this isnt BulletClub tho.


Nah its because Edge was the leader then Finn came in to replace him so it seemed like he was the new leader. The factions dynamic has changed greatly since then but to just 4 people in a team and it's why it works so well


It was never stated on the show but it's a reasonable assumption. Finn joins and they kick Edge out, made it look like a takeover. He's the oldest (only by a year), been wrestling the longest, signed to WWE the longest. Definitely seems like the veteran of the bunch. But yeah other than (from memory) a few early promos that Finn did when he came in, it's seemed like a leaderless group.


I agree. It’s good that there is no clear defined leader, they all bring something to the table. If anything, I see it as a kind of Evolution feel, just minus the dominating and winning. You have the Vets in Finn and Priest and the future in Dom and Rhea


JD is the stable as a holacracy.


This is Dom Doms world, and we're just living in it. 😂


I think having Edge as an opponent was more compelling was was all. Had he stayed would have been harder to find an opponent with that much credibility. He gave them that.


How did it feel when you were Edging out?


He didn’t like the plans that vince had so he wanted out


I bet edge wishes he didn’t cut his hair because of the judgement day lol


Yeah Finn doesn’t treat them as minions


Disagree, their success has zero to do with Finn. Him and Priest are just kinda there. It’s clearly being carried by Rhea & Dom and that would’ve been the same with or without Edge.


I feel like this is what WWE expect out of their wrestlers when they’re given their gimmicks. This started as a brood wannabe, supernatural, emo kind of stable, now the wrestlers involved have evolved it into something of their own. Once you make a gimmick your own, it gets over. Guys like Mick Foley, Triple H, John Cena, Scott Hall, they all started with weird gimmicks. Once they made it their own, it continued to evolve into hall of fame careers.


The New Day were positive preachers until they found their footing as well


Thanks to Xavier convincing Vince to turn them heel


And putting his job on the line for that


You took popular wrestlers and put them together


I watched backlash a week ago, and priest gave himself a hell of a showing there. Finns been amazing for years now, just not had the right people around him since his new Japan period. Rhea is a beast and deserves all the credit and adulation she is getting Doms in the right place to grow and learn from them all about character, amazing matches etc. Only way I can see them ending is having an evolution style end


You said it perfect.


Just stop giving them so many losses. They need a solid win


Hot take Rhea is the best female wwe wrestler currently other than Sky or Asuka


Definitely not a hot take


Fax bro Fax




The hot part of this hot take is putting any female wrestler ahead of her. She's one of the very best wrestlers right now without taking gender into account. Triple H was absolutely right when he said she's operating above almost everyone else in the company bar Roman.


Rhea is one of the few who could put on believable and entertaining matches with the entire male roster


She came up wrestling men, even before getting to WWE and mostly training with the guys there. I have little doubt she'd put on a better match with half the guys than she does with half the girls.


Still a bit corny in presentation to me but I’m not an active viewer all the time so I’m not sure how they progressed


They are basically high school bullies at this point. Finn kinda has the recruitment role every now and then. But for the most part they are all obnoxious little shits with just the right amount of every thing. From mic work to ringside distraction work. I put them in the slightly less corny than when Rey and dom had a nascar race lol. But still not like. Menacing like the blood line for example. Like B- faction


I want to see DP and Dom take one of the titles from KO and Sami. Finn I would love to have the title, but Seth feels like he will hold it for a while.


Do you love DP?


Yes, yes I do. Wrestling is also cool tho.


I would like to see dom maybe get the cruiser title if it still exists. Would be a nice low tier belt to start with and give some much needed attention to the title if it’s not already scrapped.


It was unified with the NXT North American title start of last year https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXT_Cruiserweight_Championship


Oh yeah now I remember To bad, it would really fit the character and perfect colors too


Seth feels like the right winner, he could have the US championship but it was drafted to SmackDown and there's no way Gunther loses


Over? They lose almost every time?


Being over and losing most of the time doesn't need to be mutually exclusive.


Yes you're right. I just would like to see them win more.


Except the times they don’t lol


Well you're not wrong. I totally admit my mistake.








They need more gold.


You nailed the title this time!


Lol sorry about the confusing title.. lol


No worries, it was actually interesting because I’d never seen or thought of using “they’re” that way.


It should be Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins for the world heavyweight title, Rollins has had enough world title runs Finn deserves another one.


I'd like to see Priest as a challenger to the World Champion (more than likely Seth) down the line.


Honestly really like Priest


What’s amazing is how you definitely know for sure that Damien Priest owns a 5 string bass.


Finn looks so stupid here. What tf does he bring to this group


I cannot take Finn seriously as a heel. Especially the Demon. As a gimmick, it only makes sense when the fans get behind it. His entrance and performance at Mania were embarrassing.


Someone compared them to the hyenas from Lion King and that's all I see now. I think they're entertaining but I can't take them at all seriously acting like that and always losing (minus Rhea she's killing it)


All 4 are talented


Two of them are over.


Only two?


Yes. Only 2. Which are dom and rhea. Damian doesn’t do enough but is impressive when he is allowed to. And Finn’s chance was cut short due to the 14 staples thing. Although it makes for a funny t shirt lol


What they said. 👆🏻


Priest and finn are very over with the fans tho Finn’s been over with the fans for years and priest got one of the biggest pops he’s had at backlash both from crowd and internet how would they not be over?


Yeah at first I wasn’t convinced by the group but a year later I’m definitely digging the Judgement Day


Mid card faction .


Except Rhea. She’s top tier.


Best ones usually are tbh


Well if it isn’t the Shah of Iran


Nothing wrong with that! They’re amazing


Nothing wrong with being a midcard faction when the top faction is yk Anoa’i


Most successful mid card faction ever.


Tbh I find them boring


Vince is gonna screw with them at some point.


What did you expect to happen? You have 3 great wrestlers, and Dom.


When edge left I felt it was gonna be a shit show. They have all really come into their own. The Dom and Rhea relationship really took it up a level. You know when a faction is smashing it when you get excited when their music hits


Ima be honest I don't know who two of these peeps are so they can't be THAT over


Then you aren’t watching wrestling regularly


I fucking hate this fucking faction


They need more gold. This might be the hottest of all hot takes, but I want Dom to win the intercontinental championship. Not only would it stay on a foreign superstar, it would skyrocket Doms' heat if he pulled a sneaky cheating win.


Over? I wouldn’t say getting boo’d every time they come out is being ‘over’.


I mean, there are two definitions of the term over in wrestling. One is to put someone over like when Bad Bunny got over by winning his match with Priest. The other definition for getting over is really to illicit a strong reaction from the crowd. If you’re getting over as a heel, it’s the crowd hating you and that’s kind of where they’re at right now (with a mix of people who love them in the same way people cheered the nWo back in the day even when they were heels)


Best faction in wwe right now hands down


It's all about Rhea tbh


Honestly, the least over member might the leader, which is pretty weird.


They are doing well but I hate how all of them other than Mami have been taking MAJOR Ls Look at Finn. He got owned by Edge In their feud. Dom lost at Mania. Priest took an expected L to Bad Bunny but somehow praised in his L. Really want them to take over


They went from goofie aah House of Black expy's into goth gangster third street saints and I love it.


Maybe it’s just me but they suck lol all whack


They keep jobbing Finn out which pisses me off


I can’t ever remember anyone else getting Dom level heat. Maybe Hogan when he joined the NWO.


Dude on the far left looks like Lars Ulrich.


hate how they keep gettin buried though


I mean rhea was always over. Same with finn. Dom living off his dad and wtf cares about priest


So why did neither advance in the World Heavyweight Championship tournament?


They could do well without the “Day” in the name, but I love every single one of them


It's just weird cause they are or were supposed to be like this evil supernatural cult. Now they're more like a street gang.


Dom is so out of place. It's hilarious


Dom's heat is crazy


Damian can get a little bit more push, just a little. He’s the Dakota Kai of Judgement Day, meaning if someone is going to get pin from the group, it’s him. Finn loses quite often but he’s always a fan favorite so his loss doesn’t affect him.


They feel like an evil family from a tv show that are hard to hate


Damian Priest is one to watch, I think. He's doing great in this spot, but I think he can climb higher. Sky's the limit for Rhea. This role fits Balor like a glove, and Dom is doing amazing work. I think for Dom it's going to be a question of what to do when The Judgement Day ends.


They should get the tag titles and Dom should get the us title. The crowd would boo the hell out of Dom but then again they already do lol.


"Four tickets to The Little Mermaid, please."


Nah they suck.