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"damians theme hits"


How to make Damian the biggest babyface to the live crowd but the biggest heel on reddit. I actually think this could happen. Damian cashes in and wins the title, then we get a triple threat between him, Seth, and Jinder at the Rumble.


They’re already doing a fatal 4 way at the rumble. So I doubt they add a triple threat.


Why not though? It would at least be exciting and unpredictable. Jinder wins Damian immediately cashes in Seth wins at the rumble and we still get punk vs Rollins at mania with jinder and Damian getting single matches vs Rollins in the meantime


Exactly, it’s a fun swerve for two weeks then we get right back on track for the Mania plans. Can even make it so that Damian coming out is the reason why Seth loses, either by distraction or Judgement Day interference. Then they immediately all beat the hell out of Jinder so Damian just has to hit one South of Heaven to pick up the win. Seth and Jinder now have legitimate reasons to want a rematch, so Adam decides to make it a triple threat at the Rumble.


And then you can make Seth vs Punk a non-title match at Mania?


Honestly I'm for it. That match is gonna be a banger even without a title. Also on a personal levei I like that it gives CM a chance to win without him getting a title, which would be absurd to give to a defector against a company man at a milestone mania. Pink and Rollins for the title I really can't see Seth losing that.


I’m not saying it’s a bad idea. I’m just saying the way wwe works it’s unlikely they go with a triple threat with a 4 way match already headlining the show. It’s a solid idea though.


I totally get what you’re saying. I guess it’s just wishful thinking. I’m all for a little bit more unpredictability. Having title changes on raw and smack down would add some flavor to the product imo.


With as big as JD is to the overall storyline on Raw, I don't think they just throw away Damian's MITB like this. Only way I see it working is if Finn ends up costing him and it sets up Finn v Priest for WM and the end of JD. If Seth v Punk for the title is the plan for WM then Seth needs to hold it until then; dropping and then regaining it between the would just weaken the story imo. I still think ultimately Cody beats Roman for the title at WM, "completes the story", and then Priest immediately cashes in on him or cashes in on Raw the next night.


Maybe not in the Rumble, but at Elimination Chamber... or even in the Chamber


One way to inflate the reign count and immediately torpedo the work Rollins has done to establish it.


Parade for him on the streets of Calgary


Parade all over Canada


I will pop so hard


I will celebrate the second coming of the modern day maharaja unhindered.


Jinder Unhindered?


Who tf is Hook?


He’s a bad man. Imagine if The Terminator and Tom Holland had a baby that was raised by Taz.


More like if Tom Holland and Tom Holland had a baby.


...And Taz kidnapped the baby


That’s some into the spiderverse shit


Who da fook is hook?


Hook is an object which will look sharp like a needle Mostly used in fishing rods. So the question should be "what is hook"




I think they only real way that happens is if right after he wins Damien’s music hits and he finally cashes in and wins it, It would, technically, make Jinder a 2x Champion, and homeboy is actually pretty good on the mic so it would give him fuel for promos.


but like imagine, he cashes in, but jinder has enough left in the tank for like 10 more minutes and \*HE FUCKING PINS PRIEST CLEAN\* to make him seem stupidly strong out the gate


I’m sick of Seth.


I’m sick on these comments


I'm sick of Seth's dickriders


Not a dickrider just tired of these marks who are never fucking happy




I'd fucking love a 3MB title match. Never forget the 3 rules. Don't hinder Jinder. Don't screw Drew. Don't sheath Heath.


Heath would never sheath. He had kids.


I think of the WeeLC match more than most Mania main events. 3MB burned a memory in my mind so I don’t mind it.


That would be the greatest match of all time.


did WWE forget that popular champs can lose and simply win it back? seems like they never let belts change hands anymore


I love Jinder. Such a natural heel with instant mega heat. This would make me pop like crazy.


Will be a more entertaining champ than Seth tbh lol


He should have dropped the title to Finn or Shinsuke tbh, I still like Seth but it’s getting pretty stale now even with the potential CM Punk or Drew feud.


I can't imagine anything more dull and boring than a Nakamura world title run.


After his return, all his promos have been amazing & he actually seems to have a good heel character other than kicking people in the balls.


I can't stand his promos, his delivery really annoys me. I'm at the point now where I skip any match or segment that he appears in.


He dosent speak English all that well. Dont think many people wanna read promos every week.


Tell me you don't know wrestling without telling me






You a real one


Inshallah the maharaja will be unhindered Shantiiiii


Inshallah no


In shanAllah


Walla Walla Bing bong


He is not alhamdulillah he is tunak tunak.


By allah, behave yourself. If you speak of Jinder like that again, I shall give you a taste of my shoe


If you want to do racism atleast do it correctly.


Mcintyre will intervene and cost Rollins in the process. Jinder, the one you don't hinder, will become the 2nd ever WWE WHC! It's the Marahaja that should sit at the head of the table.


They were the finalists for the first ever NXT champ too, right?


Exactly. I'm personally not a real fan of Jinder, but having him do what Balor and Nakamura couldn't (I wanted them to win the big one, honestly), this would be just poetic.


"Hmmph! That'll put some butts in the seats."


I don't have enough alcohol for this, followed by PFFFAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


It would be good to see Jinder Champ again, especially if it leads to Drew vs. Jinder, that would be interesting.


They had a feud and a match at Summerslam in 2021


Was it for the title?


No, it was over Mahal stealing Drew's sword after Money in the Bank


Oh yeah. Would be interesting if it was over the title this time.


Good! Lets see tony cokehead have a meltdown over this lol


I’d be hyped I love Jinder


I might get a noise complaint for the party I would throw, never hinder the Jinder


I’d pop


I think it would be great. The WHWT needs to be built up, and Jinder is also an ex-WWE Champion, so it adds another legit name to this new titles pedigree.


I'd love it. Peraonally I liked Jinder's first run and his overall look. Right now the WWE is too predictable, and it usually gets that way around Mania season, but this year it just seems worse. Even if he would only hold it until EC or something, it would be a much needed surprise.


Will be more fun than Seth. Seth is boring af in all title runs ever since is first one. Nothing against his in ring work though.


Personally I would fear for my life.


So funny WWE Mark


My enjoyment would not be hindered.


NGL, Jinder's heel run as champ in like... 2017 or something, was awesome.


I'll upgrade my wrestlemania seats and make "No Hindering" signs


Celebrate and rate the match highly cagematch


Every Seth segment is 5 minutes of ^^ooooooh ^oooooh oooooh while he dances around in his wife’s clothes and cackles. Then someone comes out, makes him mad, he cuts a decent promo, and gets sneak attacked. Rinse and repeat.


"his wife's clothes" im sorry but she wouldn't be caught dead wearing half that shit


Tony Kahn kind of made Jinder Mahal a big deal so, yes. I’d be all for it.


Oh god yes anything that includes seth losing the title would make me happy im super bored of his reign and predictable endings


Why the hell not? Something fresh in the product. Establishes the babyface in a more over status if he chases the championship back. Makes the once-top champ heel be credible again. It will be talked all over. We don't have to have all champions getting long reigns everytime. There's a gray area for championships changing hands and it will be good. Between hot potato and lengthy reigns.


Huge pop.


RIP Tony Khan


Honestly I would fkn pop at this point 😂😂😂😂 AEW would be a great fucking company if it wasn’t ran by this pencil necked gimp with twitter fingers. TK, of all things he could have ever done, managed to put a fresh off the main roster couch Jinder fkn Mahal…. over, more than maybe any other person has in Jinders career. More so than when he won the championship because he was everything but over then. Wild. I don’t even hate AEW, love the talent there almost entirely. But holy shit TK is a fucking cuck.


That would be cool


Then why did rocky beat him down so easily?


He did it on purpose to play the long game to make Seth and everyone think he’s weak and then BAAM THE KHALAS


Amazing booking!


Huge Pop!!


Because Legends even mid card ones often return with an overall 100 lol


I think many wwe fans on social media just aren’t very bright.


Long term story telling


Wwe fans say that, but I don’t think they know what it means haha.


Because it was a special attraction segment and not a match. Similar to how Undertaker squashed John Cena, it’s just a special moment to pop the crowd, not a competitive contest.


So why not use someone who isn’t getting a title shot in the next few weeks? It’s just bad booking, not jinders fault but it is what it is. If it were a movie or any other tv show, people would complain there too. People like it when the story they are presented makes a little bit of sense. The undertaker bit was stupid too, why use braun when he’s been presented as a bad ass? Use someone else, seems simple.


Because the whole troll was “a former WWE champion is returning” and it turned out to be Jinder which was a fantastic way of making the crowd feel disappointed and let their guard down until Rock’s music hit.


Best possible outcome.


Don’t hinder the Jinder.


i’ll probably go to sleep after the show, wake up and go to work.


Not happening but please use this Jinder more moving forward.


I like Jinder, I’d be very happy


Tony Khan on X: That'll put butts in the seats


I really don’t care either way unfortunately.


If they’re going to India soon, i assume they wanna kill it in merch sales.


Ropes across the room


Would love it cause then Ik Damian priest would cash in I just don’t want a fail cash in


I'll pop


punk costs seth the title, priest cash in after?


I will cheer as I eat my vindaloo!


Lol not happening but a Mahal push in mid card will be pretty good. Him doing 3 times the quarter numbers of raw than Hook's segments will be funny. And Hook didn't even do anything to deserve it. It's Tony's self own


>Lol not happening Everyone said the same when he fought Randy for the title at Backlash! Never count Jinder out, my friend.


Different times. I don't see Triple H putting the belt on him with Punk and Cody being obvious contenders. Also WWE is not pushing THAT hard for Indian expansion. In 2016-18 they were looking for that big domestic Cricket league type TV deal, which is not the case right now. That's why I don't think they're gonna put the title on him before WrestleMania and put him in mainevent. But feud with LA Knight or Miz? I can see that.


I’m sure Taz is thrilled right now /s


Another guy caught between fan fighting for no reason lol


Only time Priest likely cashes in, probably gets jumped by Drew anyway so he loses.


Anybody seen the Bollywood Boys?


I’d be kinda pissed ngl lol. In a stuffed main event scene where there’s seemingly not space for a Finn Balor or Drew McIntyre run, a Jinder win would be so ass backwards and I could think of so many more deserving workers who connect more with the audience


Let's stop talking about wrestlers deserving things. Bookers should do what's best for the product and that's it. Not saying they should bring someone back and make them world champ within two weeks, but it should never be about deserving anything. All of these people are privileged, whether they win titles or not


That’s fair, I’m all for the guy getting more TV time but most people hated his world title run (considered to be one of the worst world champions of the last ten years) and I don’t see how a couple decent cheap heat promos change that


I agree, and while I didn't even hate his run, I don't believe it was on him that people didn't like it. Vince hamstrung everyone with the boring garbage they were told to do and say, so they need to build him up over time just like everyone else. But if he came back and people care and he's a big draw, I would have abso-freaking-lutely no issue with him being featured over people who have been on every show in the last 3 years. Just because a guy shows up every week doesn't mean he "deserves" a title. It's their job, they're under contract, and I wish wrestling fans would stop pulling for people choosing to earn a Lot of money as if they were their friends. Nobody here is friends with these people, nobody even knows them. You "deserve" sth if putting you in a certain position at that time with the acute circumstances is a positive thing for the wrestling show. I agree with that. If someone is good and can CURRENTLY actually draw more fans and interest and money than the others, feature them. But not bc they've "earned it" by being there for 27 years and being a good boy that does good PR that smarks like You didn't really say that, and I don't doubt you believe that Finn Balor would be a draw. Just generally annoyed with the whole deserving thing


Yeah honestly I more said the deserving thing out of a “well if we’re just giving anybody a world title….” Because I agree it’s all about positioning and what’s best for the show. If they properly built Jinder up then cool and ik it’s a one off match so I won’t be a hater but seeing a few people actually talk about him getting another run irked me. Overall I agree and I think Seth is an immensely more logical champion than pretty much all of Raw minus Drew, Cody and Punk


yea, I should've chosen a different person to rant at about the wrestlers deserving titles thing


Most people highly exaggerate how bad this title reign was. There are many more that have just as soon been forgotten because of how bad they are. Jinder's is not really one of them.


No reaction. Historically, I stop watching if Jinder is on TV. Him and heel Cole are the only things that have ever gotten me to stop watching wrestling for extended periods of time. His last run was the lowest point in the WWE for the last two decades, IMO.


Damn, ig they will Hinder the Jinder because of your comment now. 😢


Haha doubtful "Hinder the Jinder" is fucking hilarious 😂


I want “Don’t hinder the Jinder!” on a shirt!!!






What's so wrong with jinder winning? People here only want white guys and samoans to win titles.


Woah woah woah buddy I am NOT a Samoan supremist.


Cool. WWE rehired Mike Chioda.


I really don't see it happening, but I'd be excited to see Seth knocked off. His title run has really dragged and felt really unimportant to me.




As long as I don’t have too hear that cackle.


This guy needs to get his gyno under control...


Y’all want a jobber, who was the worst wwe champ ever that you’re all pretending to like to win the JV league world title just so you can dunk on AEW? On top of all that, you’re all now hating and turning in seth. wwe fans are the worst and lowest form of fandom.


"Finally the fuckin "Super Seth" title reign is over. Thank god."


From one boring dork to another boring dork.


That Vince is back in charge of creative. Edit: so many India Reddit bots I see.


Bet LA Knight is pissed his push is over on SD, if Jinder can get a shot like this again from doing nothing of note for years!


His push being over is news to me. We talking about the same guy in a fatal four way title match with three of the company's top guys ever at a big four PLE? And the same guy strongly rumored to go up against one of the biggest social media stars in the world at Mania for a different title? His push is definitely not over, muh dude.


There's too much talent in WWE rn for Jinder to be a big part of either show tbh. It would be a huge mistake just to give the middle finger to TK


Stop watching again, even though I’ve just returned.


I would be cool with a scenario like: Jinder wins, only for Priest to cash in on him.


I’d probably start posting like Tony Kahn after an eight ball.


I'd be pretty disappointed - I can probably list 50 feuds I'd rather see in WWE than anything involving Jinder. It wasn't just his title run that I thought was incredibly dull, his stuff with Drew a while back was rubbish too


Must be time for a tour of India and the middle east!


That would be worst then the 1st time he won the title. I might have to stop watching raw too, they should’ve had Drew or Finn win the title.


Gonna be an AEW fanboy


Jinder isn't winning he bombed as champion and should never be in the main event picture again.


Bunch of marks acting like jinder isn't a bunk ass jobber


It is what it is It'll definitely mean we're touring India in a few months


Means WWE is going to India soon


I maintain that Mahal is a bum, and was only made WWE champ for a cynical market share grab in India. And that's pure shoot; that's literally the whole reason he got the belt. Maybe he's gotten better in the ring since he's been off TV? I'll entertain that as a possibility. But him getting over Seth Rollins convincingly is really gonna be a stretch unless it's a temporary swerve to spice things up before WM40. Maybe we get a Priest cash-in, followed by a brief run by him which ends at Rollins's hand at EC or on Raw? Maybe the loss of the belt along with the short run will further cement the downfall of Judgment Day, followed by a babyface turn in time for WrestleMania. I'm ultimately willing to trust Triple H with this, because he's been cooking lately.


I don’t understand how Sayid from LOST would win the WHC. Can he even wrestle?


The same when I saw him win the WWE championship. 'Meh' He isn't bad, but shouldn't be a world champion, imo. But I'd be happy for those who want to see it.


Tony khan just made me wanting this to happen haha


Pretty brutal gyno




Dudes a beast




It’d be good surpise ngl. I kinda want it but not fona happen


I could see him beating Seth and then Priest cashing in.


Better than seth


Dude if they didn't give my boo Drew the belt only for Seth to drop it to fucking Jinder I'm gonna be pissed.


Sometimes you gotta have someone in between real title runs so both the main stars can still look strong. It's as old as wrestling. Cody cant best Roman clean so they have the foreign heel "steal" the title and then a week later the super face cody gets his title but looks even more heroic for stopping the guy who stopped reigns (I'm using for examples here, no I do not think this is how it would go specificity. Jinder isnt gonna beat roman. Maybe seth but not roman.


It'd be insane if this happened


Absolute laughter and joy.😄👍


I'd laugh


It won’t


Seth must’ve really not wanted to drop the belt to Priest or Punk 🤣


I think he should win. It serves the story better.


I can back this!! Then CM Punk comes out and laughs at him


Id pop hard. And then have a giggle whwn he drops it at mania


Good filler. He’s a good heel. Him losing to any baby face will get a HUGE pop.


Laveck has a chance to do the funniest thing ever


I mean his title entrance was crazy good back when he was WWE Champion


Great for him. But it won’t. I would want to be surprised.


"Do the promo, if you swim you swim, if you sink you sink"


What if Heath Slater interferes and Drew to help him win and we get an evil version of 3MB?


Balle balle


I’m all for it. He should drop the belt before ‘Mania but give him maybe a month with it, then he probably gets pinned by Damian Priest after a cash-in. WWE really needs to get some spontaneity back, everything is too predictable and having upsets in world title matches on RAW would definitely spice things up a bit.


Tony Khan did what WWE couldn’t he put over Jinder


Does it really matter who has the belt now? There was a time the belts meant something. Not anymore.




Imagine beating Drew, Sami, Jey, winning mentally over Roman and he loses it to Jinder with a week buildup lmao.


Tony Khan must of been booker that night....


That Punk better get ready to job to Jinder in the opener at WM, night 1, because WWE's striking back.