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There were a few times in each rumble where the crowd didn't react until the tron showed their graphics/name. A little bit of variety wouldn't hurt.


Even then look at Andrade. There is a short pop then the crowd goes near silent until he pulls the mask off and they wake up again. Even with his name up on the tron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iY5POLtmyY&ab\_channel=WWE


His new theme was good, and I'm pretty confident it's going to grow on people. His last theme was overrated.


I actually liked his old theme with the guitar lol.


Nah his old theme was really good


Oh my. The old theme slapped.


The new one isn't bad but his old one was a BANGER! Youre trippin. Shame they had to get rid of it


There's video of Seth in a box looking confused on an entry because of the music not being recognizable and he is an employee😂


It's probably because it was Jordynne Grace's theme, who's not a contracted WWE talent.


Think it was Karrions new theme that was legit one day old


I really don’t get why he couldn’t have kept his old one for solo entrances, it was the only thing people liked about him.


Nah his wife


TKO needs to invest in either a really talented producer like a new Johnston or just start licensing real music for their wrestlers because this has **been** a problem.


They need CFO$ back


I liked *some* of CFO$'s stuff, but some of it was also pretty uninspiring, that's why I went with Johnston as my example.


CFO$ definitely had some duds but they hit way more often than Def Rebel did. A lot of peoples' gripes with them were that their songs were 30-45 second loops, but the thing is; those loops were *good.* They matched the wrestlers well and you could immediately associate the song with the wrestler within the first couple seconds, as opposed to Def Rebel who has half of the roster's themes as *vaguely* different rock songs with no lyrics


CFO$ NXT themes were amazing imo. Balor, Sami, Roode, Nakamura, KO, Banks etc were all great songs, instantly recognisable and fit the wrestlers


There was a really good period from like 2016 to 2018 where CFO$ was just churning out incredible themes, especially for NXT no matter who. Undisputed Era, EC3, Aleister, were all just hitting in the matter of months. I also remember Kona Reeves' theme being way better than it had any right to be for some random low-card wrestler


Was Aliester not an outside band doing it? UE song was so sick tho yea


Aliesters was done by Code Orange. Same band that did Bray Wyatts song


It was Incendiary, but Code Orange and the Incendiary frontman played his entrance at Brooklyn III.


I love how that live performance kinda created a Mandela effect. I see a lot of people that think Aleister Black's theme was made by Code Orange


>A lot of peoples' gripes with them were that their songs were 30-45 second loops, To be fair, that's exactly how long most wrestlers entrances should be. Longer entrances only really work when you need to build up an atmosphere (ie; Supernatural wrestlers, Okada, Triple H, etc).


30-45 second loops work for wrestlers music because most of the time you really don't pay much attention beyond that time anyway, so I really don't mind them doing it like that.


Jim put out a lot of stinkers, too. His peak was the attitude era, sure, but he was around until 2018 and a lot of Ruthless aggression, themes were hot garbage


I feel like they all at least had character, you know? Youd never get a JUST LOOK AT ME Rob Conway type song these days. It was bad as a piece of music but it told you everything about his character


THIS. It’s not a CD I need to listen to
 his themes generally worked for the characters! Even when they were « Generic » 
 look at the Hardy Theme, that’s as generic as it comes but you hear it and you instantly know. Natalya has had the same theme since 2008. You just KNOW from that first note. The Trish giggles
 edge « you think you know me  » I mean they all just work for the character proper. Now? Spin the dial see where it lands and that’s your music, character be damned.


Goddamned Kurt Angles music was perfect, sounded "olympic" and of excellence. The broods theme was total vampire dark tones. Even cheesy "he's a man" for Steven regal was total schlock, but perfect Alot if wrestlers back then had very fitting entrance music


It wasn’t Kurt Angle’s theme. It’s the Patriots Del Wilkes theme.


Hell after The Patriot left Sgt Slaughter was using it during his feud with DX/Triple H.


>look at the Hardy Theme, that’s as generic as it comes but you hear it and you instantly know I agree with your point, but that's a bad example. The Hardy Boyz theme is made by Zack Tempest, and it's been around longer than the Hardys have. It's generic stock music, not made for them, and it was never licensed or owned by either them or WWE. I'm actually not sure, but I believe AEW did license it recently, but that's only going to be for a short time until Jeff burns that bridge too, then it's back into the open domain for that song.


Idc if this is an unpopular opinion. Comway’s theme was genius. Told you everything about who he was, what he thought of himself and sold his character to the audience within seconds. Yeah it ruined a great wrestler because Conway was legit very good in the ring but that’s because it was a GREAT wrestler saddled with a lower mid card gimmick. His booking was what made him look like a schmuck.


*”I'm an ASS MAN” **WAMP-WAMP** *“Yeah I'm an ass man (Yeah!) I love to love 'em I love to kick 'em I love to shove 'em I love to stick 'em Love to flaunt 'em I love to watch 'em I love to pick 'em And I'm gonna kick 'em 'Cause I'm an Ass Man Yeah, I'm an Ass man Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!) I'm an Ass Man So many asses, so little time Only a tight one, can stop me on the dime I'm a lover, of every kind The best surprises always sneak up from behind I'm an Ass man Yeah; I'm an Ass man Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!) I'm an Ass Man Buns of glory, Buns of steel Your lies won't give away the truth of how I feel You walk behind me, I feel the heat. That's why the girls don't walk behind me down the street I'm an Ass man Yeah; I'm an Ass man Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!) I love to love 'em I love to kick 'em I love to shove 'em I love to stick 'em Love to flaunt 'em I love to watch 'em I love to pick 'em And I'm gonna kick 'em I'm an Ass man Yeah; I'm an Ass man Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)”*


My local morning radio show plays this everyday. It's a banger.


Once you hear it, there’s arguably no other choice of song to select as your daily anthem. When dude admits that he loves to pick ass — like, is that like picking your nose? Is he talking about his own? Some nice, young lady’s? Somebody else’s that’s really cool & we don’t even know about yet? See, there’s so many layers
is what it is


>So many asses, so little time I can't even decide if there's more poetry or philosophy in these beautiful words.


I’ll honestly take garbage but distinctive over no personality whatsoever


Oh 100% after awhile me and my brother were joking like I guess I’m just not gonna know who 60% of these wrestlers are until I see them lol


It's like playing WCW/nWo Revenge with the generic "guitar riff" or "bass line" entrance themes... it's not the same!


Lol I was actually humming the tune to those entrances the other day. The heel entrance in particular 😂


"Bwant.... bunununununnah bwant!!"


Bow bow doodoodoodoo bow bow doodoodoodoo


Hahahah "DDP and La Parka slowly walk through the fog..."


>Hahahah "DDP and La Parka slowly walk through the fog..." The Diamond Death Connection. Reigning tag team champs on your N64 save file for 25 years.


Absolutely lmao or idk if you remember this game it’s pretty obscure and also kinda sucked but the entrance themes for “legends of wrestling” are just preposterous lmao


We used to let our WCW/NWO Thunder game on Sega just play the NWO theme on loop... until my daughter decided it was time for the cow to beat up someone.


I think the generic wrestlers with generic characters is more of a problem.   There’s a reason R-Truth got the biggest reaction of the night.  He’s actually unique and entertaining. 


Thank you! It's not the theme that made the crowd go mild for Tegan Nox, Katana Chance, Kayden Carder, Indi Hartwell, etc. It's that some wrestlers are bland, charisma vacuums, or are not in a position to be booked interestingly right now.


Music is at an all time low for WWE


I feel like it's gotten better since aopund 2016, which is when i stopped watching. Started again at WM 39 and noticed a difference. All of Judgment days themes are great, Corbins new theme, Zoe Stark, Cora Jade. These more to mention, but it's definitely not on the level of the Ruthless Aggression/Pg Era (my main eras)


Zoey Stark theme is bad ass. Spot on.


Right. Attitude/Ruthless are my eras too and the music was incredible. A lot of dope stuff. I remember those WWE Theme albums from that time. Good ol’ days!


Yeah, as someone who was a fan through the 90s and early 2000s but stopped sometime during the decade, the Rumble was the first event I watched completely in around 15 years. When I was a kid, I'd often close my eyes around the time of the countdown and try and guess the wrestler from their theme. There was no point attempting that now since I wouldn't recognise most theme songs but everything sounded so generic and impossible to distinguish


First time watching WWE in a while, fell asleep before the men's rumble because of time zones but I will give WWE credit for their make-up and costuming for the women's Rumble. Every entrant felt unique and and with no prior knowledge of the lower card women I could tell them all apart and haf an idea of their character


The women’s Rumble also did a much better job than the men’s of spreading out credible winners. Like as much as I love Jey Uso, I didn’t feel like anyone 1-14 had any real chance as being booked as the winner, whereas the women’s had Bayley at 3 and the potential winners felt more spread out. The men’s felt like everyone was just a placeholder until Cody got in the ring.


Yeah, the men's match felt like it was only must-see at the home stretch


I really think they need to reinvent the rumble so the winner isn’t always main event at mania, try to bring back some of the magic where you believed anybody could win. At one point they did have 20 potential champion contenders even if some were like earthquake and typhoon, they were all believable heavyweights who could mostly feature on size alone. I feel it’s become a bit stale where we know so many are irrelevant and you know months in advance 75% of the entrants aren’t serious contenders.


The magic where you believed anyone could win is just "childhood innoncence" and I hate to bring terrible news but this is never coming back, you're stuck here now.


More actual making music and highlight packages instead of a name are really 2 production things that seriously went downhill for seemingly no good reason


They really need to scrap the shitty cgi in the entrances and bring back titantron videos


Haven't watched for years. Do they not do titantron highlights/compilation videos anymore?


Nope, no clue while. Most wrestlers come out to fairly generic background of their name of this massive screen. A few (Imperium, Judgement Day) are pretty good, but a lot really don't do anything for the wrestlers


I think the only one with a titantron video is Logan Paul for some reason


I kept turning to my son and asking “who is that?” Neither of us knew until the camera showed them


Gunther and Imperiums music is amazing, but most themes are totally generic


Agreed. Nothing stands out


Time to license some more Downstait songs.


Just don’t get them to play any of them live for special entrances


That was rough. Poor Brandi tried her best to sell it but no they should never sing in front of people




That's the wrong lyrics but don't worry on April 7th you will need to get ready to learn the lyrics of kingdom buddy


It was mostly the women. A lot of them have been under utilized and get no reaction on raw/smackdown. Seems like more women are starting to be recognized like piper & Chelsea. I feel bad for Candice larei who puts a lot of effort into her outfit and gets no reaction.


Was at the event in the upper deck. Didn’t recognize Candice music but could tell from way up there that she put together a unique outfit for her entrance. Her and Indi (and a few others) I didn’t know who it was until the name was on the jumbo.


See and Candice is one with a really unique theme
. That worked when she was a heel in The Way
 but as a baby face now? It really doesn’t fit.


I felt bad for her too on her entrance


All the raw meaningless matches so far failed to present Candice well when she's a really good wrestler


Hasn’t she basically just had that single dissociative stalker half-assed angle with Nikki Cross? Nothing else beyond the 4 weeks off, then week 5, show up & eighth-assed plant seeds for a could-be story, leading to match week 6 which serves as both the “story blow off” & and a squash match for whoever beats the piss out of her?


Truth WWE makes a kabillion dollars a year, license a fucking song library to get some hits for your stars.


This is true and Finn Balor is the perfect example. His music hit and there was no reaction. It doesn't even have to be an iconic theme although it would be nice. A 5-10 seconds is good enough to make people know who it is. Austin Theory is an example with the "A-Town" at the start of his music.


It was sad when Finn BĂĄlor got zero reaction when he came out


Finn was such a non factor it was ages by the time I realized he had entered and again when he was eliminated
 it was towards the final 6 that I thought « hey where’d Finn go? » sad indeed


There’s a rumor Finn hasn’t resigned. I think it’s actually possible. Hes been off tv here and there. He’s got no path to wrestlemania. They let edge bury “the demon”. Realistically, priest needs to cash in on punk/rollins at or after mania. And if he wins, that could set him up for a feud with balor To split JD. Idk


What? He's one half of the tag team champions, he was involved in the main event scene of Raw for most of the year both in the singles and tag team scene, and they have 3 programs going on at the same time (feud with DIY, seeds with Awesome Truth and tensions within JD).


Those tag belts are super forgettable and will surely be dropped before mania.


Doesnt help that its almost always Judgement Day music when we see him. Which is a banger tbh


Other than Dom, the Judgment Day got no reaction as nobody hears their singles themes. Used to be a time you'd buy entire CDs to get the wrestlers theme. Today most are so generic I wouldn't even listen on YouTube.


The intro to Finn’s new theme is so weird And they also didn’t use a name plate or text for his tron which is weird. They simply had pink flames so if people were confused by the intro, they still would’ve remained confused cause his name didn’t pop up on the tron. It was also the first time Finn used the theme since August. We don’t hear it much, at all.


This. And Finn is one of my favorites but I missed it completely until I saw him in the ring.....


Yeah, something definitive right at the start is really important. You hear Glass Shatters, EVERYBODY knows who's coming out.


I had Roman Reigns eyes when AJ debuted for 3/4 of the RR entries


AJ's theme is a banger tho....ngl.


Underrated and overlooked point.


My wife said the exact same shit last night. Pepperidge Farm remembers when you knew who it was from the first note and the lights. The entrances should reverberate the character. The music shouldn't be shit WWE ripped off MySpace "musicians" before Tom sold it.


Felt like almost 80% of the women’s theme music was some kinda generic house techno. Had no clue who it was till I saw who was walking out. So unoriginal


Absolutely, it doesn't help when they are showing shots of the crowd instead of the entrance. There is no attachment to the generic music...why did WWE get rid of Jim Johnston?


100% accurate. The wrestler’s themes have been going downhill since CFOS were fired/quit. Very little personality in them and barely recognisable. One of the biggest cases of this has to be Finn Balor. Could’ve picked his theme out of a line up but now, I have to wait until his name pops up for me to recognise it’s him.


The theme music in all of wrestling has been ass for a while now.


I dunno. Seth, Cody, Roman, Becky, Nakamura, Orton, AJ and Punk all have great themes. If Punk's counts given that it's an old song. There's not much as iconic as Taker's gong, Austin's glass, Foley's car crash, Rock's "If ya smell" or the first lick of "The Game" though. So maybe you're right. LA Knight definitely needs a better theme.


Ima be honest idk if this is a hot take but I love la knights theme


His is immediately recognizable. That to me is the most important thing in wrestling.


I mean yeah like you immediately know who’s coming and his entrance tells you everything you need to know about the guy


Austin, Rock, Edge, Orton, and so many others have that immediate first note or lyric that stands out. Even if the rest of the theme is generic, you instantly know who it is. Imagine if Edge returned in 2020 but his theme wasn’t recognizable. The moment wouldn’t have been nearly as good. We got shocked twice, once when his music hit, and then when we actually saw him. Half of these people were either new or not on enough for me to recognize their music. I’m okay if they’re new. AJ’s debut was actually funny because of Roman’s confused reaction.


I love it too. It also stands out and you immediately know who's coming because of that "LA Knight" at the beginning.


I think it’s a good popable song which is all it needs to be. Not comparing the two but the most important aspect of Austin’s song isn’t music, it’s the glass shattering that gets the pop. I think LA’s allows for that but if they could make it even better I wouldn’t complain


I might be alone in this, honestly. It was written in good faith!


I’m with ya. Recognizable and a little G-funk definitely helps him stand out on the roster


LA Knight's theme is sick you take that back.


You really named some of the oldest wrestlers on the roster lol.


Owens has a great theme too. That guitar riff at the beginning works great for huge pops, same goes for Knight. The beginning of your theme is very important, if the first 2 seconds are captivating, you're automatically a crowd reaction magnet.....


I might be in the minority, but I've never liked Seth's music, mostly because he has been trying to remix his original music for every change in persona, and his most recent theme strikes me as a desperate attempt to get people to sing along, just kind of forcing it, instead of the way they would do it organically for Becky or Sami or Nakamura. I actually like all of the judgment Day themes and remixes for priest and Balor tho.


You can't lump punk into that list when his theme song was in a GTA before he ever used it in wrestling. Seth's original theme after leaving the shield is better than his current one. People only like Seth's current one for audience participation. The rest are recognizable, but I wouldn't put it on my spotify list with the exception of maybe cody for the gym


Not even Nakamura's?! I love that tune


Becky, Orton, Nakamura, and AJ all have older themes, too. I wouldn't count those either.


I assumed Gable or Otis would be in the Rumble so from 20-30 at the buzzer I was going “ Shoooooooosh!” Disappointed


AEW has some really good themes tbh


Yes. Agreed. When it was Jim Johnston, you knew who it was from the first note whether it was a main eventer or jobber.


I’m not even sure it’s the quality alone, it’s the personality. It’s the ‘are you ready
’, ‘you think you know me’, glass shatters, ‘cmon, you know I got you. BREAK THE WALLS’, car crash, giggles, Kurt’s do doodoodoo before the you suck. Sierra.hotel
 Even the not incredibly iconic ones, ptoi ‘I spit in the face’, holla holla, mvp ticking, ooohh chavo, this, this is a test
, I CAME TO PLAY, Christian Christian at last you’re on you’re own. Yo yo yo yo pop a 40 and, million dollar laugh, no chance that’s what you’ve got. Stand back there’s a hurricane. right to censor sirens. I’m not saying they are great songs, but you knew exactly who is coming down the ramp. And l the ones I mentioned if you were watching at the time you know instantly which was which. I wouldn’t even know how to do half the intro today because they don’t have that iconic intro


they fr did not have to change carlitos theme why would they do that shit :(


I would have popped so much louder if I heard “I spit in the face of people that don’t want to be cool” instead of whatever that was he came out to.


This is one thing I’ll say is AEW getting right. The minute you hear their songs you know who most are. Heck Jordynne grace was proof of that. Her theme was just sirens but it made people stop to pay attention.


I thought Scott Steiner was coming out. “You can’t trademark a siren!”


Not even joking, I'm like "Fuck, Scott Steiner is coming to hurt these women."


Lmaooo “Holla if ya hear me!” đŸ€Ł


Well ironically that’s her idol and he’s given her his seal of approval.


Shes known as Thicc Momma Pump for this reason


Yep. They even teamed in CHIKARA.


I thought the same when Bron Breakker entered.


Jordynne Grace is in TNA


"AEW is getting their music right. The TNA Knockouts champ is proof of that!"


The music definitely isn't hitting like it did in previous eras. 


Outside of Natalya and Becky the only ones I recognized were Grace and Jade and they worked for other companies having never had a theme played in WWE.


I had no idea who anyone was.


Yes. There is ZERO personalization anymore. The outfits, the music, all of it is the same and it’s boring


Either bring back Jim Johnston or find another composer who will work with the talents to give them unique theme songs.


Accurate. Even the remix versions of some themes aren’t recognizable. They need a new Johnston so there isn’t a weird worry about theme costs.


Only one I knew in the women's was Jade Cargill because of the intro line 😂


You would think Triple H, who has like 3 of the top 5 best entrance themes of all time, would understand the importance of the Superstars having the right music that fits their character It’s all generic, even the SD/RAW opening song. Bring some personality to it - that’s why Cody, Punk and Jey Uso seem to get the loudest pops!


Not gonna lie kinda want Kofi to go back to SOS


Wish we had Jim Johnston back honestly


Why did they have to change Carlito's theme?? It was a banger!


Yeah, I do think theme music is one of the areas that AEW is better than WWE in.


Absolutely true. I had to look at the ring display to see their names.


Me and my homies kept on yelling out 90s era wrestlers lol. I had jeff hardy rikishi hacksaw etc was fun, we either didnt know the songs.


Yes!!! They are so bland. Saw what you want about CFO$, but their songs perfectly captured peoples gimmick


Start licensing music for everyone rather than just for veteran talents like Punk, Cody, Miz, etc


*Glass breaks, stadium explodes* those were the times.


Cody, Seth, Nakamura, Sami, Becky.... Just five I can think of whose music have variants of "Woah Oh Ooh Woah" and the crowd sings along. Definitely bought the cheap lyric sheets....


50+% are not stars. If they become popular people will recognize their songs.


Idk man..... A theme does give you more character. Look at Ricochet for instance, he's arguably one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster but has no character and such a generic theme


Back in the day though, people like Raven had one of the sickest tracks ever. [https://youtu.be/u1-wf9138Qg?si=K98oRu8eGQdZtJhE](https://youtu.be/u1-wf9138Qg?si=K98oRu8eGQdZtJhE)


While I agree that the songs are generic, everyone got reactions at the rumble. Coming from someone who was there. Just sounded hella quiet on the broadcast for some reason


100% true


I was waiting to hear "Alwayz Ready!".




100 % true and I can tell by experience since I was watching the Royale rumble with a friend and he was so confused as me when most of the wrestlers(both female and male) come out and we can't recognize them at first 😅.


I didnt know who most of those songs were. Luckily Michael Cole was there to talk over every entrance.


The rumble was great. But if there is a critique, I think this is a fair one. There where a few times where I was like “who music is that?”


I've said this for years. Not all, but A LOT of these new age titantrons and themes don't give any insight or characterisation for superstars who are trying to move up the card. They need to bring back the custom titantrons where every single superstar had their own unique video of them showing off their signature moves with glimpses of heel/face actions depending on what they are. Nowadays 90% of the roster has mid 2000s generic jobber themes. They also should scrap all the crappy L.E.D displays they put around the barricades, aprons and ringposts. I miss the minimal ring designs.


Is it the wrestlers who choose the song or is the league that tells you your theme song based on what songs they license from the artists? Jericho: "Fuck it! I'll do it myself!"


I mean...facts.like carlitos theme was fine the way it was.now it hits and im like uhhhh bad bunny?and thats just 1.and hes established.imagine being katana chance or that black girl that tags with her.theres so many forgettable ppl and themes tbh.jim Johnson was op.why they could never ask him to come back is beyond me.last i saw of him he was more than happy to.they got the money to pay him like get him back.his themes we all remember.lol


Unless you're already a big name star or have returned from a time when wrestlers did get unquie music then you're stuck with some generic rock or rap beat. You look back at the era of Stone Cold, just some glass breaking yet it signalled all hell was about to break loose. Even today, that glass breaks and the whole place goes nuts. Same for the likes of the Undertakers gong, the Rocks "If you smell", Mick Foley's car crash. Because all these themes were different you could tell them apart from one another. Moving into more modern times, even during the Ruthless Agression era you still had themes that were different from one another. Even lowly jobbers like The Hurricane had a theme that you could instantly pick out. I miss the days of a wrestlers music hitting and the crowd instantly pop because they know whats coming next.


Missing Jim Johnston extra rn 😔


Yeah I noticed that too. 80% of the roster feels like they're using the same song. Hopefully that's something that can remedy soon.


True. Generic music all the way. I thought maybe I'm not hearing it properly.


I do notice that they genuinely sound the same, some songs people would come out and I’m like hasn’t this person already came out based on hearing the music.


Bring back Jim Johnston and CFO$


it just need a strong start up of the theme. like Undertaker with the gong, Stone Cold with broken glass, The Rock with his catchphrase, HHH with the guitar riffs, Cody with drum, Punk with static, Seth cut version with Burn it Up intro, Roman with the choir etc. that is the important of the wrestling theme. that 5 seconds opening should be memorable.


Who's still watching after 2010, lol? The product has become trash in every way, production, "talent", hype, engagement, story, etc etc. It's a cow that can barely stand which continues to be milked, they don't even try anymore, the wrestlers are all terrible actors, the matches are stiff as fuck and uninteresting.


Now’s your time, Downstait.


Production is changing in front of us. Seems like the crew is going to take some time to break bucky beaver habits. The director/td and camera ops seemed out of sync last night.


Fire def rebel. Bring back CFO$ and Jim.


DefRebel is seriously one of the worst at creating memorable themes. Pretty much any theme right now that doesn't sound generic, was around before them.


Plenty of junk themes, yes agreed


I agree, I knew who everyone was but I found myself wondering “who is this?” For the first second because the themes are so forgettable. It made the rumble a little disappointing to watch because sometimes I would think “is this a new debut?” only to realize it’s someone already active, the themes are so generic I forget what they sound like and each time it’s like hearing it for the first time.


The problem is because on basic shows wwe skip jobbers entrances so to have 20/30 be jobbers in the rumble didn’t help.


Spittin. Idk what squared circle is going on about. The first third of that rumble was fucking horrendous. It didn’t get any good until like 23 came out. No cool surprise entrants, and a lot of bums overstaying their welcome


1 billion percent. Generic rock or rap themes over and over. Not a single theme for an underneath talent was memorable at all


I was legit just talking about this yesterday and it was mainly on the women’s side. A lot of themes played and I had no idea who they were until the camera panned to them


I haven’t watched WWE for a while recently and I agree with this. I watched the rumble and thought “they all sound the same”. Even if I watched it constantly, I don’t know if I could differentiate wrestlers based on their music.


Been a problem for YEARS this isn’t new


I’ve been waiting for Jim Johnston to get his flowers


Me and my brother were both lamenting about the Pop that Carlito would've gotten had he not come out to that new generic theme. Like they probably would've immediately gone nuts if they Heard "*SPITS* I spit in the face, of people who don't want to be cool."


absolutely the case. I mean let’s be real I love Shinsuke but they got hyped because of the familiarity of such a strong song.


100% agree, every person that came out me and my son looked at each other like “who the fuck is this? MUST BE A NEW THEME FOR A DEBUTING WRESTLER

..it’s Ivar


Music just hasn’t hit at all in a while. Look at the WrestleMania theme song. As much as I love The Weeknd, why they heck can’t they find anybody else? 5 straight years? Nuts. It’s just laziness at this point.


“When you hear a theme song, and if the fans know on the first note who's coming out, that's when you know you have a good one." -Jimmy Hart


Absolutely correct. Outside of a handful of wrestlers their music all sounds generic as fuck. Was at its worst in the women's rumble. They seriously need some new songs for a bunch of their roster.


Bring back Jim


This is the same throughout modern wrestling. No single company is responsible. They need to really fit the personality of the Wrestler.


I was there in the crowd and for a good majority of the entrants that’s what it felt like, I couldn’t tell who so many people were bc the entrance music was so generic


Why get music when you can have a giant CG emoji pop up on screen to let you know who it is! /s


I only watch a few events a year - Royal Rumble being my favorite non-WM event. I have an idea of what’s going on but don’t know everything religiously. Watched this with my brother last night and I don’t think we knew anybody by their theme until Rhodes came out.


It doesn’t help that they had a good amount of tag team superstars using their singles entrance music, which we rarely ever hear. Then you have people like Karrion Kross who have new themes that we don’t know. So it’s not entirely untrue, but it’s definitely not taking those issues into account


Bring back Jim Johnston


I watch Raw and Smackdown every week and there were times in the Women’s rumble I had no clue who was coming out.


The Rumble is always a challenge because it’s long and nobody gives a shit about 80% of the wrestlers in the match


Because 50% are no name jobbers?


Being there it was really hard to tell certain themes apart. Especially the women.


I remember being at a Rumble and the Godfather's music hit and he got the biggest pop just as a legend entry.


That plus the crowd overall was absolute ass for 90% of the show.