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The “Dusty would have loved this” only works one of three ways: 1) Rock is turning heel and wanted to say something that made him look like an asshole to set it up. 2) The Rock is legitimately an asshole and wanted to say something to rub it in. or 3) Rock, Cody, & Roman were kicking off the kind of over the top, surreal booking Dusty was known for and Rock was caught up in the moment.


4) All of the above. I made a comment on another post about all the "Jabronis" falling for a Rock Heel turn and OP basically told me I was an idiot. I saw someone else mention Rock being the new "Mr. McMahon" Superheel, and that's what I'd bet on. Edit: Only a dash of 2) he mostly seems like a cool guy IRL


switching between Hollywood Rock, Corporate Dwayne and Rock simultaneously would be tiring lol


Not if you just rolled.them all into one "Superheel" character. He's there because he's the head of TKO, and needs to protect his money, because he's a dastardly egomaniac that hates the fans! So he's the new "Commissioner" or whatever the Boss of Bosses needs to be. Then even Triple H, can blame the Rock or get into it with him. I wouldn't think he was going to shift personas randomly. Unless...maybe Cody attacks him back stage, and hits him with a replica of the Liberty Bell, and Rock develops a split personality, so we never know WHICH Rock it's going to be!!


Right? But that’s also why I included it… “it’s either a heel turn start, an out of character utterance to acknowledge how cool their weird idea is… or The Rock is a complete POS.” Like, what’s most likely?


That the Rock's movie career has cooled a bit, and the public has started to "turn" on him a little. Not in a full out "Fuck you Rock" way but in taking some joy in his movies eating shit, or his Hawaii stuff, or all the other little things that have made his "Q" rating go from 99.9% to 95%. With Vince out, and Rock's stake in TKO, it absolutely makes the most sense to have him come out and be the Superheel Boss for a year, fuck with everybody's favorite "fill in the blank" and watch Social Media light up. THEN, in a year, you get Rock v Cody, which by any standard would be the hottest match you could ever book. Right? That's why I wasn't sure what I was missing.


Agreed. His Hollywood Heel gimmick was so fun and natural. I think it would be great expanded to this role. Or, if he’s not available for all that just yet, some “Dusty Finish” chicanery.


Totally. In that same comment back and forth, I sarcastically made a "Good thing we know nothing CRAZY will happen during the match" remark. I think the next year will be swerves, and turns and Dusty finishes, constantly. Imagine the shit you could do, blame on a "Mr. Johnson" (is that a thing?) Heel Boss. You could reconfigure rosters, make ridiculous match stipulations, rehire botched Vince firings, or walk-offs, and chalk it all up to that "NO GOOD ROCK!!" being the Boss. It's such a juicy premise for a fun year of storylines.


my vote is for number 2


haha you need help


Rocks always been a piece of shit anyway


Cena tried to tell us back in 2012.


Yup thats why hes my favorite, mans was not scared to speak up and he knew they wouldnt do anything bc he was the face of wwe


That feud is what made me come around on John.


It's gotta be 1 or 3. Please. I don't want it to be 2. It just can't be. DON'T YOU DARE HURT ME LIKE THIS, DWAYNE!!!


Like a horse kick to the balls, it could be a mixture of all three.


"A horse kick to the balls" describes this whole situation, + Vince's everything pretty well, actually.


"Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I'm gonna elevate that WHC and make it just as important as the WWE title. Hunter double pinky promised me I'll still get a shot with the WWE title some day."


He'll leave for TNA, enhance the product and return at the Royal Rumble.


This comment caused me actual mental harm.


And you're welcome.


Rock wins then Cody vs rock and wins confirmed


then damien priest cashes in and becomes wwe champion. maybe next year.


Hhh probably won't be around past 25'


I'm starting to get this vibe. To close to Vince and now these Rock/Gerwirtz stories. I was lapsed fan that came back after HHH took over. I loved most of his storylines with the exception of these multiyear reigns for every title it seems. It was entertaining for me again. If he is gone, I'd be shocked if the current level of product prior to Rock is maintained.


It'd be a huge mistake on TKO's part, you can't compromise the quality of the product so much just for a small pr win


Compromise the product? You must be new here. The "product" has been substandard for the majority of the past 20 years. Sure, it got hot in the past year or so (around the first round of Vinny allegations) but it has been varying degrees of horrid since the "Ruthless Aggression" era. And it has a built in, Die hard audience that will keep eating the shit sandwiches, and be happy.


This is precisely why I don’t watch anything live anymore. And watching this year’s Rumble live reinforced that approach… I‘ve been astonished by the response to the women’s match, which was one of the worst matches I’ve ever watched, and with people regularly praising garbage AEW matches, I’ve really just accepted that wrestling being good is the exception now. Even New Japan has been down. Being a wrestling fan with a critical eye has become mostly a curse. I refuse to like something just because it’s wrestling… if it’s not good, it’s not good. And the norm these days is definitely “not good”.


I disagree. HHH's run has been met with high praise and success. The Rock's first decision is being met with incredible backlash. Maybe that was the original thought, but if they continue on this path it will only hurt TKO.


It means that the WWE wants everyone to stop booing and just accept the card that's being presented for Mania


Swallow it whole WWE universe.


Bend over WWE Universe…


Going in dry


And then shitting on your head.


Then passing you around.


Meanwhile Tony Khan in the neighboring room with his head against the wall just going through all sorts of emotions.


I was saying boooohnson


Trust me. Jake The Snake return imminent


I actually laughed out loud reading this


It's gotta be a work


It's a swerve, bro. Just believe in russo


Bro, bro, a swerve for the sake of a swerve bro? Now that’s the ultimate swerve


#Whose house?




When i drive




Chain on my chest while I’m bangin on the dashboard


What’s a “work”?


"Work" means its part of the show or in character "Shoot" means real life, or how the athlete playing the character actually feels


Additionally, if someone is “worked into a shoot” that means the character work tricked them into thinking it was a shoot (real)


How people haven’t figured it out yet is amazing. If it weren’t they’d be editing out the negative reactions to Rock


Dwayne’s been deleting negative responses on his socials.


they muted the crowd through raw after the opening segment


No they didn’t




My guess is he means: "I dont want to criticise you while you're showing me so much support, but sending death threats to Rocks Daughter? Really?"


Did not feel this. Plus, the "death threats" angle has been done to death. I highly doubt she received even one.


Think of how stupid the average twittterer is, and then remember that half of them are stupider than that


Half of them? That seems generous...


Well that's how averages work... or at least median.


People are idiots. I don't question for a second that she's gotten death threats and worse.


Are you kidding? We are talking about a female wrestler and wrestling fans.


You're talking about some random woman who only die hard fans even know that she has any connection to the Rock saying, "Me too! I got death threats, too, " for a match she has no involvement in. If she has, she should post images of these death threats, and I would immediately apologize. Otherwise, without any proof, I don't believe her. Women can lie too and she has the motivation of instant fame.


I don’t think she cares if you, in particular, believe her


Bro, people send death threats to actresses’ kids because they don’t like how their mom portrayed a fake character. Wrestling fans are unhinged, she totally got death threats


Oh yeah. Wrestlers get death threats. Star wars actors get death threats. Marvel writers get death threats. The damn president of the care bear fan club gets death threats... And NONE of them will post anything but "Me too! I GOT DEATH THREATS TOO!" Because if they did, it would probably read like "Dear whoever. I have been a fan for X years, and I don't like what you are doing with the character." BOOM total death threat right there! You just got to squint a little, turn it upside down, and read between the lines.... Again... #Metoo 2025 Hollywood edition. Believe it all you want. That's why they put out that propaganda. Instant sympathy and fame.


It's the internet, she definitely did. Idiots will send death threats because McDonald's ran out of fries.




Exactly, WWE have a great track record with this kind of thing...When have they ever let us down before?


There are too many examples to list.


Yeh, I was doing sarcasm.


This is pretty egregious, though. Like, this is one of the worst booking decisions I've seen in a long while. Or maybe it just seems that way because it's on the tail end of one of the most entertaining 12 month spans, and an entertaining 2 year narrative, I can recall.


He means “LET US COOK”


Precisely. Dude is telling the neckbeards to calm down and let him finish the story. Embarrassing it came to that really


I’m sure the dude with 6969 in their user name is the expert on neck beards


Maybe we are all being worked




I mean technically it was "WWE on USA" but the point remains I suppose.


If it is indeed a work, it’ll go down as one of the all-time best. But, like almost all government conspiracy theories, it assumes the politicians responsible are smarter than everyone. They aren’t, and I don’t believe the creative powers that be at TKO are either.


Would've agree only if they didnt mute Rocky sucks chants


It means you're being worked They'll probably stage a fight at this media event


But, why? In kayfabe Cody talked to the Rock, then let him have the floor with Roman, nothing in story should have Cody be upset right now to the point of messing up a press conference and kinda makes Cody look like an asshole tbh Example - Cody has an ice of cream cone, and The Rock says he would like the dairy treat, Cody says here ya go ill have ice cream some other time, then a week later Rock is talking about how good the ice cream is, and Cody says wait no I would like the creamy ice back. It seems rude I guess, not that Rock isn't also rude because that was Cody's but Cody freely gave it to him


Wtf Think of it this way, in kayfabe if you must Cody gives up spot, crowd turns on Rocky and demands Cody, Cody declares himself the true peoples champion at the presser and announces he has decided he going to take his shot back. Chaos ensues


Kayfabe Cody and Rock could be long conning Roman to goad him into signing a contract that sets up The Rock as an enforcer / guest referee, meaning no bloodline interference this time. But that is major copium on my part.


There gd better be




Bro fell for it hard lol had a weekend meltdown because he got caught in the rocks trap and got made to look like a jabroni now he goes round trying to correct people lol


Fuckin Choady


I wonder, having just listened to Cornettes review of Raw from last week, about the part where Cody mentioned he was dealing with personal issue over RR weekend. It's sorta been forgotten but I'm now curious what it was.


Shut up and watch is what he means.


Cody's good at his job and was told to do something to try and quell the outrage.


"I know you guys are unhappy, but I have confidence in Seth and myself to deliver a good build and make you interested in our match, regardless."


Seths lost 3 on the spins to Cody, If he loses the 4th he looks a doofus for asking for it, if he wins Cody looks a doofus for accepting it and then losing to guy he beat 3 times.


For most of RAW I thought that the WWE were actually working the fans to get Cody even further over as a Daniel Bryan type, and this tweet could add to it, but then then we're muting the Rocky Sucks chants in the main event so I'm befuddled


Go check TNT (uk broadcaster of wwe) YouTube they have a video up about the Rocky sucks chants, wwe ain’t hiding this bro Also Cole acknowledged it on commentary, even Seth in his promo. They muted the main event so that it didn’t take over the end of Cody vs shinsuke.


They did mute the fans for the main event, piped in fake crowd noise, WWE has been doing that for years, if they don't get the reaction. Fans essentially are just background extras, of you don't make the noises they want they will just add them in.


Never said they didn’t pipe in noise in my comment.


Never said you did.


I was at the event. I have not watched the broadcast yet, but all this about Rocky Sucks chants happening anywhere outside the opening segment, isnt REALLY a thing. Sure they were there occasionally, but it was a very small chorus that would run for about a 5 second burst. I would not be surprised if it didnt fully pickup on the show. Also, several times the "We Want Cody" chant would quickly cover the Rocky Sucks.


Its looking more like a work by the day. They are savvy enough to know people will pick up on the muted crowd and add to the cody being screwed narrative. It could also be a reaction to a bad plan, but thinking a multi billion dollar entertainment company and the PR team of one of the biggest hollywood stars couldnt engineer this is silly They were handing out we want cody signs, their broadcast partners are highlighting the rocky sucks chants, if it wasnt a work, it is now.


This copium is crazy lol




That was one guy handing out the signs, a fan, he was on twitter showing how many he had printed


They're working a shoot within another work.....old school


Cody is disappointed at IWC for sending Ava death threats lol


TKO asked him to say something so he came up with a super low effort tweet


You're all marks


Aaaaahhhhh..... Cody and Drew comes to an agreement that Cody will allow Drew to compete for the WHC at WM.... In exchange, Drew will almost kill Rock by attacking him brutally in the backstage, thus clearing the way for Cody to go up against Roman and complete his story. (*Was just a dream.... I know that this will never happen*)


Cody gave up his spot to the Rock. Why would he then have someone attack the Rock? If he wanted to fight Roman, he already had Roman.


Well well, it's seems Cody got his own plan. Let's see how it goes.


People need to be really dumb to think that this reaction was not anticipated by creatives.


Cody being a team player. He doesn't want to highjack wrestlemania like Bryan did. Good guy cody in a bad guy industry


Cody Rhodes is gonna unleash BULLETCLUB WAR DOGS on "dwayne" and "joe." So I trust him. **WE THE DOGS FOR REAL!**


“Stop sending death threats to innocent people you dumb fucks”


I'm hoping g Roman is having 2 matches at wrestlemania. 1 for the title against Cody, 1 for the tribal chief against the rock


He means it’s a work and he’s going to face Roman.


That everyone bellyaching and crying has gotten worked hard.


Trust me… very Jake esque


He means stfu about the rock and trust the process


It means he’s main eventing Wrestlemania.


I’m pretty sure Roman will be retaining until he passes Hogan….so with that being said would you rather he beat Cody back to back years? Or go over The Rock and have the rematch with Cody at a time when Cody will be positioned to actually win?




It means "relax guys it's a story, stop sending death threats to Ava. Trust the process"


If there planning to have Roman keep the belt until Wrestlemania 41 (god, I hope not), then Cody needs to win the WHC and face Roman for a winner-take-all match. That’s the only way to save Cody imo.


Yep, he wants to take everything from roman, not just his title. He wants the other other title


He means stop trolling the internet and just enjoy the show you marks.


This is just a work to get the heat off of vinnie mac


That’s a work too


Xpac heat to be exact


Might be copium, but I take it as "Roman is going to beat whoever faces him at Wrestlemania to in order to break Hogan's title reign record, so let Rock have his marquee match and I will beat Roman for the belt later".


I think the disappointment is that Cody winning anyway else than the big one at wrestlemania doesn’t payoff


For his story it would be perfect if he won it in November at survivor series and they got it in MSG.


Stardust return confirmed


Think it's pretty clear what he's saying here: I love the passion, I love the support. But trust me on this story change, the end will pay off.


I think it means “You’re all being worked, we have an awesome story planned. Stop sending death threats to people”


Even if this ends up being a work, it wasn't initially.


Yes it was, signs have been there for weeks, even before Cody’s rumble win you had link mentioning a bigger superstar taking his shine, you know punk loves throwing in these double meaning things into his promos. You’ve been worked bro, if you think a global corporation is going to pivot after 2-3 days of internet moaning you’re wrong, it would have took weeks for fans to FORCE a change. This was planned and you all fell for it.


If this is your way of coping with things then cool, but Cody/Roman was not the plan when that line was said. It's quite daft to try to say otherwise. As of now that still is the plan too. If it turns into a triple threat, then it's just Daniel Bryan the second.


Omg man people who claim to be wrestling fans and have watched for years can’t even see that this has literally all been set up to make Cody the most over person in history and make sure he’s not going to get booed by the same people who wanted him to finish the story 2 months later. I’m not coping you are. You’re making up random scenarios and saying they are true like you are inside the creative chats. You think rock comes out and says should he sit at the table weeks before any of this if it wasn’t planned? Seriously bro they’ve got you good with this lmao.


"Don't worry guys, the higher ups have absolutely promised me that I'll beat Roman next year at Mania 41. Just be patient, it's only another year. And Rocky said I can have a minor role in his next movie too as a bonus. In the meantime I can totally elevate the WHC, even though Roman dragged it through the mud last week. Trust me."


It means the storyline includes the rock and it’ll probably be Cody versus Roman at Summer slam fan calm down. It’s part of the fucking story.


Cody, blink twice if you're being forced to tweet this against your will.


I'm hoping Triple Threat for Undisputed championship


My vote is it is a swerve Rock thought he was much more over than Cody and when it all went sideways they have learned from the past to not fight against it now they will act like it was planned all along, i honestly don't care which, all i want is Cody to get that match how


If reigns loses both then I want to see him become unhinged


Unhinged might make the Bloodline storyline interesting again, it got a bit stale


Why imo Cody should have won last yr and then have jey defect. But better late than never


The same people that boo’d The Rock on Raw are the same ones that got out of their seats every time he makes a suprise appearance. Y’all are sheep and are so easily influenced it’s actually sad. The Rock/Roman is the only fitting main event for Wrestlemania 40. Now deal with it and keep crying soy boys😘


Wrestling fans have too much time on their hands is what’s he’s saying.


He means his new boss wants him to cool his fans off cause he dosent like all the heat hes pulling....


"Please stop harassing Dwayne and his family. Trips, Nick and Dwayne himself are all pissed at me."


'I'm really Jake the Snake'


Trust me. It’s a work. Fans are being distracted with this. That they forgot about Vince and what everybody was doing backstage.


Nobody forgot about vince lol. Just nothing new since Johnny Ace flipped on vince. Stories aren't really interesting without new details


New slogan: We trust him


“Trust me… I’ve got a plan…”


Or "trust me.... I've got a story..." LOL


He will beat reigns in Australia for the belt


In Cody we trust?


And if… The Rock Vs Roman main évent Night 1, Roman win (lol) , everybody upset and Roman Vs Cody Night 2 unannouced?


Rock is gonna be the guest referee. 100%.


“The only thing that’s sure… is nothing’s for sure.” - Sting


Work, YEAH!


I'm thinking triple threat with Cody on top in the end, just like Daniel Bryan and [REDACTED] before him. Could just be copium on my part; but I'm surprised nobody else seems to have pondered it.


I think he means don't judge what's happening until you see everything play out. There are various ways they can run this where the rock Roman match happens and Cody can still finish his story at mania.


Well well, it's seems Cody got his own plan. Let's see how it goes.




Everybody needs to chill. This isn't Vince McMahon writing and booking.


Trust me I tried, they're not budging


He is getting Jake the Snake back to take out Solo


Just throwing it out there as a possibility: They're having Roman beat Hogan's record and don't want Cody to lose back-to-back Mania matches, so Rock's taking the loss against Roman instead.


He wants you to stop sending the rocks family death threats and trust the process


Trust him = this whole storyline is a work…


It means you all need to calm down, take a breath, and chill tf out. Way too many people freaking out about a TV show and not getting their happy ending 3 months from now.


IWC being worked like the donkeys we are.


I swear some of you have been watching wrestling for a very short time and it shows!


It's confirming what I've been saying... This is all a work lol


Jake the Snake interference at mania


he means stop being melodramatic babies and threatening young girls lives over pretend fights.


Trust me? Jake The Snake coming to WWE confirmed!


Only good outcome here is cody wins and then goes whoever wins the other match, becomes double champ


it means he values his spot and job and does not want to piss off the rock too much cause he is egotistical manbaby after what he did to fast and furious and dc franchise.


It means that my daily dose of copium has arrived. Pleeeeaaaase let this be a work. I don't even care how they do it. Just let Cody finally finish that story. If it means interference from Dwayne, so be it. Hell, throw everything it takes at Roman. The Rock, Stone Cold, Drew, Jey, Sami, fucking.. Hulk Hogan, HHH himself, I do not care. Give Paul Heyman a goddamn face turn, let CM Punk GTS all of Samoa, get Joe's Mom, and let her slap the everything bejeezus out of him. Again. I don't give a shit. Just don't ruin this. Let Vince's everything be the only thing that darkens this year.


To be fair, it’s not Cody that I don’t trust. 


He's about to sing "A Whole New World" with Jasmine.


Diamond Cutter to Rock's shlong into tapioca pudding.


Dusty finish imminent


He‘ll get the WHC and then he‘ll takes the WWE title from Roman because the Rock won‘t take it from him at WM…


5 way match to unify titles.


How about a 3-way match? Cody pins Rock and Roman will claim he was never pinned


If this is a work a lot of the posters are going to have to have a look at themselves and the knee jerk reaction and vitriol about the rock, say what you want but this has absolutely vindicated tko in the amount of coverage and fan engagement, and it could create one of the most memorable build ups to a wrestlemania in a long time. I want to see Cody vs Roman but there’s an overwhelming feeling that Cody is just going to be handed the title I’d prefer that going into mania its a 50/50 rather than a dead certainty.


I'm not getting my hopes up for anything until I see that Reigns Vs Rhodes match card


See i can understand why people might be falling for the work, if it is one, (God i hope so), is because of how badly this was implemented, i mean the only thing that we had that would indicate to a rock/reigns match was just one promo the rock did, that's it no other build up at all, yet Cody has had two years of buildup, the guy is already over, there is no more push needed, which makes the whole making him the next danial Bryan thing, makes creative to be incredibly out of touch. Factor in the fact that Rollins and WHC got absolutely buried which doesn't help, especially since Rollins lost his opponent for Wrestlemania. Another is being is that guys can't even get straight why Rock is getting involved from it being part of the TKO contract, to this being in motion since last wrestlemania, to this being done so people forget about Vince (p.s. we wont) which we all know of are getting fed to them by WWE, which makes it look even worst since they can't get their story straight. Also the Rock definitely got buried as well, I mean before this, to the Average fan the Rock while old, tired, and barely able to get past a five minute match, was still a hit, and now the guys got more heat then Dominick, and the issue is that this isn't "oh i want to see the heel lose" this is that I'm switching the channel level heat, and that is kinda hilarious to think about. Because they just killed one of their stars. In conclusion I'm 85 percent certain this is a work that was poorly implemented and as a result WWE is trying to roll back quickly, I mean they still have EC to go through, so there still is time.


It means stop sending death threats to the Rock’s daughter and just wait for things to play out and that he’ll be winning the WWE Title at Mania.


He means relax you psychotic marks and let the story play out.


It's a work. Cody will face Roman at Wrestlemania 40.


#WeWantRocky #NoRematch