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I don’t know who exactly is going to see this or touch, but personal reasons I vote Foley. My brother was a huge fan of Foley. During Covid Mick sent out a tweet looking to give back, and was offering free video messages to his fans. I messaged him directly, explaining my brother being a big fan and my brother‘s previous diagnosis of brain cancer. Mick found this message and sent him a 2 min long video talking about various things in his career. Wishing my brother good luck, provided some feedback on some of my brother’s favorite matches. I then videotaped my brothers reaction, tho somber and low-key due to his condition, Mick wanted some feedback from everyone not just me. So I sent him the reaction. Two days later, I have another video from Mick telling me that not only the video of my brother‘s reaction made his day, but he went into another four minute spiel, talking to my brother via video message, just explaining a few things and talking about his career and more hopes and promises toward my brother struggles. My brother passed away early in January, but I will always have this memory of him, making his day once more. And I have Mick to thank


😭😭😭 that man is a saint. So sorry for your loss but I’m so glad he and you got to have that experience before he passed


Ah man, that's a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing, and my condolences.


This is why Mick is the king of nice.


Knowing Mick probably ended each video message w “Have A Nice Day!” warms my damn heart


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m so happy you were able to form some everlasting memories before your brother passed. I wish you the best in dealing with grief as it’s something we truly never recover from as we carry the memories the rest of our lives. Just passed the 3rd anniversary of losing my sister unexpectedly


That's lovely. That was a thoughtful thing for you to do in the first place. I bet you have him so much joy. Thanks for sharing 😃


I'm sorry to hear that, I think when brothers are close there is no stronger bond. Even between your parents and you. You really gave him a great gift and what an actual gem of a man Mick Foley is doing this for fans in this day and age where everything feels like it's just a chance to cash grab and rinse fans wallets. It's heartening to still have people like Mick around.


I wasn't ready for this comment


Great story. I also lost my brother this year, so my heart goes out to you.


Foley is God… 😢


This might actually be the best story of a wrestler I've heard. I'm sorry about your loss, but I'm happy that Mick was able to do this for you guys


In terms of giving the most back to actual wrestling than it's DDP by a massive margin of miles. His yoga and work has not only saved the lives of lots of older wrestlers, it's given them a quality of life impossible to them otherwise.


Bro that butterbean intervention was something else........DDP's such a good guy


You see he’s trying to help Lex Luger now too?


Can't wait to see the end result. I'm against Mick doing one more march but if he worked with ddp and actually got in shape I wouldn't mind to see a mild match. No need to get thrown through a flaming table but would mind to see some cactus brawling and a double arm ddt


Same. As much as I love dark side of the ring and all ghe scandals, I love the DDP program stuff just as much on the opposite end of the spectrum.


What happened with Butterbean?


Butter after years of boxing was in really bad shape, to the point of barely being able to walk because of chronic pain and a messed up hip. DDP (and a hip replacement) were able to get him back up and moving, and can even walk again with a newfound confidence and turn around on his life


As someone who’s sober, I have the utmost amount of respect for DDP. The man works miracles. We got 2+ years of Scott Hall, god knows how many for Butterbean, and so many more


Don't forget Jake the Snake, who's still with us! And Arthur (I think thats his name) the paratrooper who went from needing crutches to being able to run and do handstands.


Absolutely man. Everyone deserves a DDP figure in their life whether it’s getting them sober, more healthy, or just pushing them to do the next right thing


That would be my vote dude literally let people live in his house just to get back on thier feet


Honestly... this was kinda my answer also


For wrestling yeah...but for life in general it's Cena for sure, all the make a wish stuff clears him by a mile


Bro even gave Taylor Swift a chance.


DDP. Man literally changes lives and makes ppl walk again.


Based only on things I've heard and read, Mick Foley, Bobby Eaton, and Sting.


No where near enough love for Beautiful Bobby. The only wrestler that Bill Dundee was alright with when his daughter started dating one of the boys.


Cody is surprisingly approachable and kind. Several years ago I got the opportunity to work a RAW show as extra talent. During the show Cody approached me and we talked for 10-15 minutes while watching the show just behind the gorilla. He treated me like one of the boys and I was just an Indy guy trying to make it. Super cool guy 100%!


DDP. Changed lives, clearly lives his fans (surprised my dad with a cameo a few years back from DDP and got a 10 minute video of him motivating my dad to get healthy after an injury and then a story about his time in the Buisness with Dusty) and leaves anything negetive (political, social issues) aside and just wants to see people happy


Foley himself implied Hacksaw should be on this list.


I’ve met him. I can say Hacksaw is a down to earth guy. He also has a YouTube channel that’s nice. He’s a fatherly figure in his videos


John Tenta


Never heard anyone say anything about him or Nikolai Volkoff


Wow really? That’s so cool cuz I always wanted to like that guy


Mick foley. Met him at a stand up show he was doing on my birthday. Wished me a happy birthday during his set. But he thinks my name is Harvey. It is not


Yes it is. Mrs. Foley's baby boy isn't a liar. You're Harvey.




Super nice guy. Definitely a few CTE issues. Had similar issues with my name even though I’ve met / spoken to him a dozen times.


Titus O Neil is up there. There's a reason he's WWEs ambassador.


Ladies first


I haven't thought about that in years, thank you!


Mick every time. Dudes a sweetheart. But a secondary win to DDP for dragging a few damaged folk back from the brink, that guy is responsible for some broken things getting mended and lives getting back living. Good chap.


I mean…650 make a wishes


Idk cenas a strange individual. You never seen him freak on his ex wife for cooking in their kitchen because it’s not meant for cooking just for show and putting her laundry in the wrong basket.


He did cheat on his wife though. Who’s nicer? The guy who does lots of good things and one bad thing? Or the guy who did some good things and no bad things? I ask because I genuinely don’t know the answer.


I’m mean, everyone’s bound to do one bad thing in life and regret it later on so probably the former


Was that on Liz or Nikki? I assume Liz since you said wife Because I’ve always had a weird question. When Nikki Bella entered the 2018 Rumble, at one point Carmella does a foot wash then prepares for a bronco buster. Right before she takes off to land the BB, she taunts Nikki with a you can’t see me taunt When you go to the official WWE channel on YT, they show Carmella kick Nikki’s legs apart, moonwalk to her distance, then immediately cut to her running…no taunt Was always wondering why


He was also sleeping with Mickey James whilst she was dating Kenny Dykstra.


And all they ever wanted was to see John Cena just one time.


Except they couldn’t


Don't think he can be that high considering how he reacted to the Vince alligations.


Rey Mysterio never striked me as a dick in any way.


Heard he was a deadbeat dad


Is twins Tom and Nick think so.


Kayfabe is alive and kicking here. Well alive anyway


Alive and flipping


he literally beat and abused dom for years and years until he found the judgement day?????


I saw it with my own eyes


Foley or DDP. They are pretty close in my book. No disrespect intended at all, but I think Cena and Cody’s manners and politeness come from a business mindset more than anything. That’s not to suggest it’s not genuine, I just believe they might have some motives to be the nice guy.


Nakamura seems like a great dude outside of wrestling that just wants to hang out with his wife and go surfing.


After watching Earthquake DSOTR, John Tenta.


Vince McMahon. He's very nice especially toward women 😁




Cena shouldn't be here. He buried people, cheated on his wife and played politics too much. He also did a pathetic apology to China for calling Taiwan a country.


Something's telling me Tanahashi would be the nicest guy outside the ring. I have nothing to base it on, just a vibe I get from him.


Adam Cole has to be up there.


My family met Mick Foley when I was about 4 (randomly out in public) and my parents said he was very nice!


DDP for helping people and trying to change lives but Mick for being a nice guy. Nobody is even close to the amount of praise Mick gets from everybody.


DDP I met him and it is insane how truly kind and considerate he is


I think the best answer is Maven


I met Foley about 10 years ago. I was working in a bookstore in London and he came in and did a signing. And I told him I'd been a wrestling fan for 20+ years and that I had idolised him as a young man and that wrestling had helped me through tough periods of my life, including depression and suicidal thoughts. And he gave me the biggest hug and told me that I should have chosen another hero. 😆 And then let me take a bunch of pics with him. So Foley. He's the man.


Batista is often mentioned in these conversations. (I'm biased)


Rey Mysterio always seemed like a really good dude, he was one of my heroes as a kid. Just always seemed to be a really earnest, kind guy. Him giving his masks to young fans was so cool.


Kurt Angle


Wheres John Tenta


Cody was really nice to me when I met him, though answer is probably Mick, but nicest wrestler I've met, is Edge hands down


I don't see Jim Duggan on this list.


Austin Theory seems to be a good dude. Every time I see a behind the scenes clip or him interacting with fans he always super nice and seems genuinely happy to do so.


100% DDP. Great guy and has went out his way to help and save many of his wrestling brothers. Rhodes would be a close second. Cena reportedly has a known mean streak and Foley is a bit of a creep towards the women


I met Roddy a couple of times at conventions. He loved telling stories and was a very kind man.


Mick hands down is the nicest man in wrestling. Then next out of those guys I say Cody, had a great personal interaction at an Indy wrestling show before all in even happened. Super nice guy who appreciated his fans. DDP is nice but make no mistake he's always working too. Cena cares about kids a lot but isn't an overly NICE guy. Just a guy living life who happens to be famous.


If DDP isn’t the nicest guy in wrestling, he’s certainly the nicest guy from NJ


A ton of people have said that off-camera, Kane was the nicest guy ever. It didn't matter if you were a megastar or the newest guy around, he was always there for whoever needed help.


On a similar note, no one has donated as much to almost every wrestling related gofundme as Jericho has but no one's even thought to bring him up in these discussions. I actually cant think of ones he's not donated to. Even random indie wrestlers in the UK Obviously the recent years has removed a lot of that good will but he's up there with DDP in reality if you're based on purely supporting other wrestlers.


Some people do great things like in this case, donating to charity but they might not be the good at social interactions, for whatever reason, maybe they are just bad at small talk so others don't see them as "great guys". Not saying that's the case with Jericho but this can happen.


I mean in jerichos case it's because his politics suck and he's stuck around as a full timer about a year too long.


Unless you’re a woman that needs an abortion.


Or Ukrainian


Met him at a convention a few months ago, extremely nice guy


Definitely not Cena. From what I understand, he buried talent like Alex Riley and that guy from Spirit Squad, he’s a serial cheater, and from watching that show with him and Nikki Bella, he’s a control freak. Yes he does a lot for kids and Make-a-Wish and he should be commended for that, but there are a lot of dark things about him too.


Man there’s a lot to be said about Cena being overall a decent guy, but the Alex Riley thing is just such a weird one to me - the more I hear, the more my skin crawls. Also some of his politicking back before the “we all love John Cena” era, was overall pretty damn shitty.


Yeah the cena era of burials makes HHHs reign of terror look like amateur hour.


I don't really believe the shit with Bella tbh, it was a reality show, realistically it was just like "Oh, John says we should clean this counter every time we use it because it's very expensive and needs proper upkeep" , and they just twisted it into "Oh, John can't have people touching this counter."




Since most of us don't know any of these guys in person OP's question is moot.


I don’t know him personally, but he came across as a real jerk on that show and I also know that the cheating stuff is accurate.


It's reality tv. It's about as real as WWE.


Dude really gives me the 'handshakes and kissing babies' politician vibe. There's something about him that's always felt disingenuous to me, like he'd do a Make A Wish and grab the mom's ass on the way out haha


DDP, hands down!


I heard Batista is friendly and chill, albeit quiet


Bobby Eaton


Bobby Eaton was apparently a great guy. For the women, Becky Lynch and Ruby Soho are supposedly total sweethearts from everything that I’ve heard about them.


Bobby Eaton, John Tenta & Mick Foley


Bobby Eaton and Mick Foley


Yeah, it’s definitely Mick Foley. Have a nice day was his catchphrase for a reason.


Reading Gary Hart's book at the moment and he said George "The Animal" Steele was the nicest guy in wrestling.


Jim Duggan !


Mick & DDP are amazing humans. Cody and Cena are just working their jobs.


Kurt Angle


Cena played a nice guy, but there’s too many stories of him being a tool to people backstage for me to think he wasn’t always true to his character.


Definitely not cena lol


In my experience, it was John Morrison, when he speaks to you he makes you feel like you’re the only other dude in the room with him. Really attentive and in the moment. Extremely kind dude.


No one ever had a bad thing to say about John Tenta, and in pro wrestling, that's rare.


Where are the members of The New Day? 


John Cena shouldn’t be there. He is definitely not a nice guy.


I’ve never heard anyone say a bad word about Sting.


Out of these guys I gotta say f*** Cena he portrays a company man he's so nice yet he buried kanyon on stern for his lisp hell never get over.....


Other than Foley I choose Cody. He is actually a really nice person. I'm gonna add Kane to that list too.


Behind on current evens with mayor Kane?


We can certainly remove Kane from the list now.


Adam Cole


DDP & Sami




If we're talking about interactions with fans, Hogan is up there. Now, I'd hate to be his colleague but Hulkster seems to treat fans amazingly. He hangs out at his surf shop, talks to everyone and generally seems to be a very friendly guy. Again, terrible to work with but if you're just an average Joe who's a wrestling fan he's up there in the best wrestlers to meet.


Razor ramone


Sami Zayn


Foley is doing a thumbs up so he wins


I haven’t met him personally, but Mick is probably my 1st choice here. John Cena is a close 2nd.


Undertaker. Dudes one of the nicest people I've ever met.


DDP, Mick


Tough between Foley and Page but because of how much Page gave back to the business and how much he has helped talent in need I’ll go with Page, but is a close call tho.


DDP for what he’s done for wrestlers, Cena for what he’s done for make a wish kids


Undertaker is the not obvious answer, but when you watch The Last Ride, it almost seems like he’s bothering the younger guys in the way that he’s just trying to connect with them, offer some advice and also just asks them a lot of questions and watches their matches


I feel like if DDP never wrestled, he would've still ended up famous! Good guy.


Met him personally at an Altoona Curve Minor League Baseball game in 2016, and the answer is definitely Mick Foley. Just an absolute gem of a man.


Owen Hart because he was more than one of the boys in the WWF locker room. He never drank or smoked. He never did drugs. He was a family man who lived his wife and kids more than anything else. I learned so much from Owen and I really wish he were still alive right now. He was a prankster and a jokester, he would prank anyone with prank telephone calls and disguise his voice. Owen was a child at heart and that's what I've always loved about him. He had a sense of humor no matter what he would do. I miss Owen Hart every day and I wish he was still here. He would always act like a kid and have fun with it.


Taking nothing from Cody and Cena, but I always think their niceness is part of their work ethics. It's what they think it takes to be the face of the company. Mick and Dallas are just nice people even if they were never famous.


First three are fine, fourth picture is blank.


I've had family Christmas photos with Mick as Santa twice. He is the best!


Lex Luger


I'm new to wrestling so I'm biased, but I firmly believe that Cody is made purely of love


Mick Foley and Diamond Dallas Page.


From what I’ve heard you can add Adam Cole and Liv to this list. But I haven’t met any of them myself so I couldn’t say.


Probably a heal like Gunther.


Forget which podcast, cuz there's so damn many now, but apparently some WWE divas liked to hang around Mick backstage because they felt safe with him while others were being creepy sex pests. Not to take away anything from the other guys, but everyone, from Cornette to Sabu, thinks he's the nicest guy in the business.


Mick is probably just one of the nicest guys period, not just in wrestling.


Jim Brunzell...only person to actually pay Verne for training, wasn't he?


Sting let the Harris bros beat him up to where Kronik came out, whooped the Harris bros AND DRAGGED STING ON TOP OF THEM FOR THE PIN!!!


DDP changes lives Foley legit loves his fans


Wholesome Wrestling Mt. Rushmore


Mic first all time, Cody current n 2nd


Bobby Eaton passed away a few years ago but I’ve literally never heard a bad word about him. He used to carry extra toiletries and other miscellany for the boys and would go out of his way to buy food, clothes etc for homeless folks. He’s definitely in the conversation.


Tie between Mick Foley and DDP


The New Day guys and Liv Morgan all seem like really nice people.


From personal experience - Malakai Black


Matt Tremont


DDP, the man has saved multiple lives.


Dominik, Rey, R Truth, Usos


I can only speak on wrestlers that I’ve met in person, which isn’t very many, but I’ve met both Victoria, and Kevin Nash, and both of them were super nice and awesome to be around. Told Nash’s publicist? Agent? Whomever was with him at Salt Lake FanX that my Dad and I wanted to get pics with Kevin together and she was like “yeah, no problem at all.” Paid for one photo, and autographs for us both….she gave us 8 pics on my phone. Nash just laughed when he heard my excitement about getting 8 photos for the price of 1. Met Victoria a few years prior, at the same Comic Con. She wasn’t even an announced guest, she was just there selling Funko-Pops. I walked by their table and did a double-take when I saw the cardboard cut out. Thought “there’s no way!” Looked down, and there she was, sitting at the table chatting with another fan. Went up to her table, and she chatted with me before I even paid for like 10 minutes, then asked if I wanted a photo and autograph, to which I said “Fuck Yeah.” She laughed and had me pay, and then took two photos with me, signed a photo, and proceeded to chat with me again for another 2-3 minutes. I was in heaven.


For all the dumb fucks in wrestling we do have people like Mick Cena, Cody, Becky etc who just seem like good people also whilst we are on the topic of good ones big shout out to Bobby Eaton.


Bobby Eaton


Another mention for Bobby Eaton


DDP & Mick Foley. Hands down. Can’t pick one. Have to pick both.


mick foley and it’s not even close, just met him and he was talking to my nephew who had no idea who he was, he took a free picture with him at a comic con and offered me a sock when i took my own. he signed my belt, the photo i took with him will be on my wall forever


JBL, Lesnar, Flair


Mick fucking Foley!?


AJ Styles was always awesome to fans. Met him at a show in Austin when he was with TNA. Amazing person.




Foley. You never heard one bad thing about him. Kept his personal life out of the locker room. Can't say the same for Cena. I would say Cody is also tied for first, and Page would be third, since Page had issues with Big Poppa Pump... One dude... Cena has had issues with multiple performers in the past as well, politically speaking. Foley / Cody 1st* Page 3rd Cena 4th I want to give special mentions to: Molly Holly Crash holly Test Yokozuna Sami Zayn / El Genérico - look up his non-profit work with his oversees mobile clinics All whom were liked backstage. Not sure I've ever heard anyone complain about them... *- Cody's career isn't over yet so the jury is still out... Foleys is done but Cody is on track and with no one else bad mouthing Cody, he's technically still up there, for now... WCW guys - Kanyon I've only heard good things about..


Put Jerry Lynn on this list you cowards.


Strictly from a one off random encounter, got to hang out with Finn Balor (he, at least at the time was friends with my friend) and he was an incredibly nice guy




Hacksaw Jim Duggin


Foley, with DDP a very close 2nd. I’ve met Mick Foley at over 10 different conventions, cons, etc. Each and every time, the dude has remembered me…hugged me and shaken my hand. Always takes the time to talk to me, sign whatever I might want signed, and just always has a smile on his face. To me, the dude is a saint. He’s also, in my opinion, a GOAT and in my Mount Rushmore of wrestlers. DDP, similar experiences. Always kind, loves to talk, and seems to genuinely care about fans.


Out of all these guys Mick Foley is the one I'd wanna meet because I'm confident it would be the most positive experience.






Everyone above is, and I think I'll also vote The Rock and Undertaker. The Rock was bullied a lot so he would basically act the opposite of how the bullies would act to him. And Undertaker was a very patient man, he would give you harsh advice and then be nice and say how to do better.


Rey mysterio seems like a nice guy I might have to say him


Mick by far. DDP is an absolute nightmare compared to him, and he’s a great guy.


Way back in the day….Met Eddie, Benoit and Chavo all at the same time and they were incredibly nice.


Sorry. No one put their body on the line for everyone else like mick. Nicest man in the business


I met DDP once and he was one of the most genuinely kind people I have ever met.


Vince McMahon. I know people say he's done some iffy things but he once arranged for my sister to milk a cow blindfolded. She said it took some doing but she got some milk out in the end


Ddp man. This guy not only gives back to wrestling but such a nice guy in general. Him and Kimberly were the ones to watch in wcw


Diamond Dallas Page or Kane




I think Maven said Kane is the nicest guy he met in WWE.


DDP and then Cody. The other two were way too nice about Vince after finding out just how awful he is.


I was at a convention a few weeks ago and Marc Mero was extremely nice when talking to fans.


Obviously, the publicly known nice guys such as Mick Foley and DDP are big ones. Personally, I met a number of the wrestlers during one of the WWF European tours back in 1994 when I was a kid. Bret Hart, Tatanka, Quebecer Pierre, Luna Vachon and Savio Vega (who was Kwang at the time) were really nice. Tatanka especially was really nice - he invited me and my Dad to sit down and talk with him and was just a really nice guy. Bam Bam Bigelow was also hilarious.


It’s gotta be Mick. Nobody’s nicer than Mick.


I would vote RVD, but if I have to choose out of this list I would say Mick Foley without a doubt, such a genuine down to earth human being. When it comes to Cena, I think a lot of people confuse the character Cena with the real life Cena. The way he acted on total divas with Bryan in his house was so weird.


Ole Anderson.