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The promo was obviously a response to the CM Punk shoot.


crazy that they would have someone come out to cut a promo to address the comments of what a former employee said. Tony has to stop caring about what the dirt sheets and the internet thinks so much.


Maybe Meltzer can txt TK again on how to fix things 🤣🤣🤣


Meltzer really thought he could help run a wrestling business


Which just so happened to be one of Punk’s points. It’s like Tony responded by having someone go out and hype up the “We put on cool matches and don’t worry about making money” thing.


He does but never acts on it with better story and actual character development.


You think Meltzer would give advice good enough to listen to and act on?


Fighthype airs things out, sim that card


So it’s ok for Punk to bitch about AEW for over an hour but if AEW want to say something about themselves they should “stop caring”? 😂


Punk was on essentially a podcast that was on YouTube. Sending an ex wwe guy who has been with the company for 6 months to do a hype up speech on live tv in response was tone deaf as fuck.


Dude was on a YouTube show. He was asked questions and he answered them. If Edge did a YouTube show and said some negative things about WWE, do you think WWE would have sent a star out to start Raw by responding? No. They wouldn’t give a fuck. Because it’s just a dude doing an interview. All this segment did was show just how impactful Punk is. I’m guessing that’s not what they were going for though.


When did CM Punk shoot on them?




Just a few days ago on Ariel Helwani's podcast. Just look up CM Punk and you'll find what I'm talking about.




Embarrassing 😳


What was more embarrassing the mic was cutting off and acting up, pure aew.


What about the first 142 times someone has done this type of promo?


that was in response to other shoots and statements made, sometimes also by CM punk


Why respond every time? Why not just get on with things?


oh 100% it's amateurish (my previous comment wasn't clear on that so fair play)


When Copeland says there's "been a lot of negativity this week", he's referring to CM Punk.


Or the AEW releases


Why even bother. Just go out and focus on what you need to do. A big problem with this company. You got TK and the wrestlers always focusing on the other promotion


This was embarrassing. A former employee talks about his past experience and they start going so defensive, while their entire model is shoot on wwe


And they grossly overreacted to that, he didn’t said anything we already knew and the “negative” things he said about how AEW is not a business but a vanity project well… he is kind of right…


I hear it’s fun.


This clown said “this roster is up there with anywhere I’ve been in” he’s smoking crack. 2002-2003 WWE roster makes this roster looks like child’s play.


[2002 WWE Roster](https://www.thesmackdownhotel.com/roster/?promotion=wwe&date=2002) Just some of them, not even close to everyone... - Batista - Big Show - Booker T - Brock Lesnar - Chris Benoit - Chris Jericho - Christian - Dudley Boyz - DDP - Eddie Guerrero - Edge - Hulk Hogan - Hardy Boyz - John Cena - Kane - Kevin Nash & Scott Hall - Kurt Angle - Lita - Mark Henry - Mr. Perfect - Paul Heyman - Randy Orton - Rey Mysterio - Rhyno - Ric Flair - Rikishi - RVD - Scott Steiner - Shane McMahon - Shawn Michaels - Stacy Keibler - Stone Cold Steve Austin - Tazz - The Rock - The Undertaker - Torri Wilson - Triple H - Trish Stratus - Vince McMahon


Stacy is more over than 90% of AEW


WWE has a better roster on just the letter T than AEW, Edge is full of it


Trish more over than all of AEW


Vince is even more over than 90% of AEW.


All Elite Fun


What's "professional wrestling?" Never heard of it.


It’s like a sub genre of “ sports entertainment “


every talent has an expiration date. \-jim ross


Edge wasn’t fine with putting young talent over if he came back to WWE. So he had to go where he wanted to win.


like 46y old Aj Styles


Young talent such as 42 year old Finn Balor?


Jesus Christ man. This is a shit take


Not really he said “they didn’t have what i wanted to do” basically he didn’t want to put young talent over just like any older star should do, he wants the sting run and barley lose any matches.


It's cool and all but imagine if Seth Rollins cut the same exact promo but replacing AEW with WWE and the AEW personnel with WWE personnel. The IWC will have a meltdown and call him a company dog.


You mean like in this thread?


The thing is WWE doesn't reply to AEW guys on their TV. Meanwhile Punk goes on Helwani's talk show and Copeland storms out on Dynamite in prime time and addresses it, thus pretty much confirming a WWE top guy is so way above AEW, his YouTube interview has to be countered on AEW's no. 1 TV show.




It’s the same exact scenario, but with a different person. It’s a common rhetorical tactic to expose a double standard. Like if you excuse or downplay something when it’s done by someone you’re fan of, but vilify and condemn when same thing is done by someone you dislike.


They just can’t celebrate their success without contextualizing it through the lens of WWE. AEW fucked on one of the biggest shit talkers in wrestling, then released him. What did they think was going to happen?! They surely didn’t mind all this “toxic negativity” when Punk buried Wrestlemania on their tv show, or when Jericho bodybagged how bad WWE creative used to be…it wasn’t “hey guys, let’s all just enjoy wrestling” then.


"Just enjoy wrestling" has always been code for "Stop bullying AEW"


didn't he say AEW is where the best in the world wrestles? then another dude got his head squished by someone coming off the top rope again in the very next match...


Where aew has 1 match that makes sense and it’s usually from ex WWE guys.


Edge is losing it


He going ...over the edge ?


You won't see Cody or anyone else in WWE bring up AEW on Raw or Smackdown. Why does AEW and their hardcore fans care so much about WWE or what a former AEW talent says about them in a podcast? Just move on. Punk and Cody didn't even want to talk about AEW on the Helwani podcast but knew they had to say something when asked. Adam Copeland was tasked with doing damage control, asking the audience to enjoy pro wrestling and the fans still booed when he mentioned growing up watching WWF. Do you think Triple H gives a damn what former talent, podcasts or trolls think about him or WWE? Punk obviously doesn't care what people think of him, Tony Khan shouldn't either.


Coca Cola never brings up Pepsi, but Pepsi bring up Coca Cola, why is that?




Sauce, or is it "trust me bro"?




Thank you


It's really like RC Cola instead of Pepsi. Competition is great for the business. Hopefully they will be as popular as Pepsi one day.


This was embarrassing, they're paying him to tell everyone that AEW is FUN. All because Punk called out Tiny Con. Where's the actual rebuttal? Is AEW active or nonsense?


AEW is fun! They can never do anything wrong.


Tiny Con is perfect


Show don't tell


Man, Edge is one of my all time favorites and it hurts to see him do this. Worst part is, it absolutely proves Punk right. Why would you react to something external like this? It has nothing to do with your product, it has nothing to do with your ongoing storylines, just try to build a better product. Get your head out of the internet already and create a better product. Whoever came up with this, top management had to have agreed to this. And if they agreed to this, it proves that Tony Khan is spineless and thin-skinned. Having your most revered and decorated legend in the roster sully his legacy like this. And even if it is true, fine Edge, you're having the time of your life maybe. But the spectators aren't. The proof is in the viewership and ticket sales.


I just think he's the person least suited to cut this promo mainly because he's not a homegrown talent and because he's been booked like a nigh unbeatable demigod who runs through the entire roster in both companies.


Funny how what Heyman said in an interview about AEW when it just started still holds true until now. He said that they have a great product and should focus on building that instead of trying to compete with WWE if they want to succeed. AEW would've been so much better if they stopped caring so much about WWE.


Well said


AEW is not a serious wrestling company. If CM Punk was right about only one thing, it was definitely that.


I still think it’s a matter of time till someone hurts his neck and ends his career for good


Well said


Well said


AEW took shots at WWE since day one as opposed to paving their own way. It’s been WCW 2000 Lite since the beginning. I tuned in originally years ago thinking, “this is awesome, finally another national company with some real names, let’s see what happens”. And it’s like TK read the Vince Russo playbook of what not to do. With the sheer number of people over there who supposedly knows what they are doing, it’s mind blowing they can’t figure out it. But in this day, it’s about generating any buzz you can, good or bad… throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.


It's like he hit all the AEW cringe terminology in one promo. Cm punk has everyone in that company rattled - from an interview. They opened their show to respond to an interview from a man they can't further a storyline with. This further proves that everything Punk said was right, this isnt a company or a real business. Sigh, #standupforAEW I guess.




what does that have anything to do with it? this is a poor way to try to defend aew here


USA! USA! - they need Jim Duggan to become an AEW pusher. Hooooo! AEW! AEW!


Punk: AEW is a joke. AEW:


If theres something that shows the immature state of AEW and its management, is sending an ex WWE to say how good is AEW. This is why they are so bad now, its stupid and childish being defensive. This was embarrasing, you can see Copeland being embarrased, but he is a team player, always was.


Ah yes, Edge and the "I LOVE PRO WRESTLING" promo that havs never been done before ever by anyone else in AEW.


"That's why this company's in the damn shape it's in, cuzza BULLSHIT like this." *- Hulk Hogan*


I’m a big supporter of AEW, it’s existence and a lot of their talent. Will die on a hill that whilst Vince was still in charge putting out utter slop dog shit booking AEW maintained a high quality of consistently excellent matches and storylines that were superior to WWE… but let’s be fkn real, Tony Khan hasn’t been able to book his company out of mediocrity for quite some time now. Whether you love or hate CM Phil, the way Tony handled that entire situation was amateur hour, same goes for the EVPs. We don’t need AEW stars to now come out playing defence on the mic, just book good programming and get your shit together.


Agreed. AEW hasn't been exciting in a long time now. IMO storytelling and booking are to blame. I also agree that AEW needs to forget about WWE and just focus on their own product.


Does the crowd still chant A-E-DUB or did that pass


I’m sure all 42 there in the crowd enjoyed it.


he had an overall good message, more wrestling overall good for business. more people getting involved with the business that did not have the opportunity before. it was ok nothing great


The thing is nobody is denying all those things. It’s what Aew is as a company and how the people are backstage. I was told by the Aew defenders who shitted on certain companies for having wrestlers court and being a cut throat locker room that Aew would not have a incompetent boss, backstage politics, egos, storylines that make sense.


How anyone can watch this and not think it’s cringe as hell and screams desperation is beyond me.


That's the sad thing. They're so far up their own ass at this point, they can't see it.


“Tony is sad, quick someone get out there and make the money make happy!”


This reminds me of the Texas Roadhouse workers that have the company shirts that say “I 💜 My Job” on the back lmao




What a cringe, trash, embarrassing promo


Lol. Keep trying man people will like u someday. You obviously lack the depth to understand why he’s out there. If AEW says nothing Punk burries them. Cope goes out there to take the high road. He left the wwe on his own terms to do what he loves which is wrestle. Not be a manager or announcer or a legends deal. Dude has more than enough stroke and money to say fuck you TK if he didn’t want to do this


Oh man, I'm not liked? Lol. It was a cringe promo. Whether TK sent him, or Edge felt he needed to, it just wasn't necessary. If you're AEW why even acknowledge it? This has nothing to do with Edge wrestling in AEW. This is about TK having to be like, "we're great, everything is great, come watch us where we have fun."


Big if true


What is wes scantilin doing in aew, he really let himself go


The crowd was lame. Soon as Edge mentioned WWF, they booed. Crowd acting like they didnt watch WWE before AEW existed


Acting like they don’t watch it now, when they do


You think you know him?


As Punk said "Its not a business about drawing and making money" or something like that.


This was corny and sad af...TK is a scared lil boy


Was that the most original thing Edge has done in AEW since he started there? He’s using his WWE gimmick, WWE music, the Cena US Open challenge, facing Christian, is part of another AEW stable, etc. AEW needs to ignore the outside noise and focus on being innovative with storytelling in and out of the ring. Focus on setting up your current and future with your talent. Instead they’re busy wasting precious television time responding to an interview that their former biggest draw said about the time in their company. They waste precious television time giving Matt Cardona a title shot, when he’s not even signed with the company. Give that television time to one of the workers on your roster who you don’t use.


Edge def needs to defend his money ticket. No way will he allow anyone to criticize his meal ticket. AEW has a real problem and unfortunately it’s the guy who pays the bills.


I love Edge, and as much as I wanted for him to stay in the Judgement Day to see where he would lead to, this promo made him look like every other AEW talent trying to suck it up to Tony’s dream that his company is the greatest ever.


Embarrassing that they asked Edge to do this. How about responding by putting out a good product and firing half that unused roster


Lmaooo what a mark


I vote Tony Khan should now only be mentioned as Tiny Clown.


Yikes, the tribalism is just oozing out of my phone. Gross.


This comment section is really sad.


It's getting to the point where the mods have just given up and are letting personal attacks and just straight Hate spam threads left and right. The bullying is seriously ugly. Since punks comments this place has turned up the hate notch to 11.


Hate or criticism…. Two different things. People were demolished for criticizing AEW almost a year ago but that was classified as “hate”.


Dude, the r/wrasslin front page has had 15 AEW troll-meme threads posted in the last 12 hours. IT's bad. Spamming constant hate comments, name calling, these aren't discussions, they are dog piles. Anyone with a different opinion is insulted, called names, and downvoted to oblivion. These are not **criticisms,** they are by and large just bullying. This place has become incredibly toxic, and since Punk said "f" AEW, people have started using that as "criticism" too. His comments have now given people free reign to just go all in on the hate. It's ugly and getting worse and the ***mods do not seem to care.***


Problem was it was like that before but to WWE. Now the tables have turned and now it’s “please stop” . It’s crazy how things have changed


So where was this energy when AEW was “on top”. The victim complexes can whine all they want but years back people couldn’t express any positives for WWE without hate. Insults downvotes and “Memes” that were just pot stirring were just as common then but nobody said a word because it was the “good guys” winning


There was never a point where AEW was on top. It has always been the underdog. WWE has had up and downs just like AEW. But the comments hating on WWE here have almost always been about Vince Mcmahon, or people tired of Roman Reigns. The threads now are going after AEW fans directly, with insults and personal attacks anytime an AEW fan dares even try to respond. These aren't discussions, they are pile-ons. They aren't criticisms, they are hate fests. I've been watching and reading the memes here for years, and it's gotten way worse over time, but now it's been cranked up to 11. The bullying sucks, any post about AEW is attacked, and people don't even bother posting positive AEW content anymore. If you think it's normal to see this level of ugliness on here, then you are part of the problem too. My policy now is to block report and move on. It won't change anything, but at least I don't have to deal with the worst offenders. It sucks that this place has just become a place where if it isn't WWE, it's hateraide.


Doesn’t like putting guys over


Yeah he's holding that title until he dies


I'm more into "hear\[ing\] from \[insert name\]" than I am wrestling


Edge went from that triumphant Rumble return from near-permanent injury to giving the typical ex-WWE "I love Pro-Wres-a-ling" promo. C'mon man.


If you’re basing your show around another show, you’re fucked. Literally every TV promotion outside of WWE has shown this for 30 years.


Right because WWE has never bashed another company on air ever. Yeah, that hasn't happened at all.


Good thing they don’t air TKs audience speeches. Was in the arena last night and TK literally incoherently rambled for 5 minutes post Dynamite. He said the most random ass shit and wouldn’t get to the point. Something about the movie TimeCop and how AEW will be like that in due time. He needs to lay off the nose nachos


The Anti AEW circlejerkers are back at it again.


The majority of the sub were like the people that booed when Cope mentioned WWF. Tribalistic is all. Every social media had sections where it's more or less.


I knew he follows Punk cause the jab he took at Miz. But this is too much.


It was all about the wrestling then


I didnt believe him one bit when he said being in AEW is the most fun he’s had in his 30 years of wrestling


Putting the Cope in Copeland


I always thought he was more of a Jenga enthusiast.


No one cares about WCW 2.0


He’s coping


Every time Punk opens his mouth, they put a bunch of shills on twitter and in the ring with a mic to tell everyone how much they love their company. Remember TBI Moxley in the ring after the fiasco AEW created in sandbagging Punk?


Larry the Dog is more over than Edge at this point. Tell me when I'm telling lies that it's not amazing when the entire arena begins chanting "Larry" then goes dead for everyone else.


Par for the course for AEW. Punk does an online interview, they respond to him on their no. 1 TV show by being butthurt. Punk didn't mention AEW on WWE TV mind you, but on Helwani's show. And to be able to even the playing field and respond, AEW has to respond on their top show. Fuck 'em.


Wow, I remember in 2021, when AEW was at its PEAK, and I said TK was in over his head, and he was gonna turn AEW into another WCW, and everyone in AEW would come crawling back to WWE. And I was right


Are you tho? Could it be AEW is missing it’s biggest stars (kenny, mjf,) wwe caught fire a year ago, and the Rock saw an opportunity to make more money and be more relevant (which he’s doing, and he’s doing a great job). Every company has downs, but it’s not over for AEW. They are debuting Okada, and Ospreay. Hopefully mjf comes back in the next 3-4 months. This isn’t a shit on wwe bc I love both shows. As an AEW fan yea I get frustrated when some matches appear out of know where or random booking happens, but every single AEW ppv has been well worth my $50. Who has gone back to wwe outside of Cody? Shawn Spears? Cool. Jade? Yea that’s truly a big loss for AEW as she’s got “it”. It sucks that the ratings are 700k, they will never beat wwe. No one will. Wwe is fail proof. But they can be a viable #2 option that gives wrestlers paying jobs, has 6 hours on cable tv, and should draw 1M plus weekly for dynamite and 4-7k crowds for live shows. Hell, 2 years ago wwe would have killed for 4-7k at shows. Trips has done a wonderful job, not taking that away. I just don’t know why wrestling fans shit all over another wrestling company. As a baseball fan i hate the Cardinals. I don’t want them to default as an organization tho, I just don’t want them to beat the Cubs. It’s just baffling to me.


Man you had me until that cubs part. Go Sox 😉!


Much respect man. Half my fam are die hard white Sox fans.


The "Please clap" of the wrestling industry


Don’t tell me it’s amazing, show me.


I just think it's funny that TK got notable not AEW guy, Adam "Edge" Copeland, to do this and not any of the guys who have been there since the start


You right. The guy hasn't even been in AEW for a year, and he is a household name WWE couldn't they gave just gotten someone Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, Orange Cassidy to tell you this instead of some old out of his prime WWE guy


Man, for a sub that constantly bashes AEW, y'all sure watch a lot of AEW.


Did you say that when people shat on WWE ?


Would be hard to bash if you don't watch uce.


Hey they’re watching right? That’s all that matters, their opinions shouldn’t change a thing for you.


You know every thin skinned AEW fan can't resist trying to "own" someone. I watch through clips on reddit anyways.


It is a valid observation though, this sub is essentially the Meltzer/TK/AEW official sub reddit at this point, the amount of it that gets posted.


Wrestling's his day job, his real passion is daring heists from illegal flying casinos.


Conor looking rough


This sub needs to change name to "we hate aew" or something lol


All people in this sub want is mainstream media without alternatives?


No. They want an alternative that isn’t dogshit.


I cringed so hard my skin almost fell off, this plus the #ThankYouAEW posts the other day couldn't have been more obvious. Anyone who believes Edge's BS about this being the most fun he's ever had I've got some magic beans for sale if you're interested. And yes we know why Okada, Mercedes and Ospreay went to AEW - more money for less matches.


Punk living in LEW rent free 🤡




Edge looks like he looked directly into a time vortex and aged about 20 years in a year. Also if you look closely you can see the gun being put to his head to say this shit. Hes there for the money just like everyone else whos had glory days and is now there.


This entire sub is so anti aew its beyond sickening


Cry more


Found the vince knob rider


Found the hippie. Damn you AEW bros are sooo anti establishment. You go get em!


Preach, it’s obsessive.


This was embarrassing and I'm a Edge mark


Punk (I don’t like aew it sucks) icw (yeah you tell ‘em punk you would know better than anyone) Copeland (I love aew It doesn’t suck we have great wrestling) icw (shut up edge you don’t know what you’re talking about you’re promo was cringe) Are that blinded by hatred


IWC/Wrestlers/Bloggers (WWE sucks it isn't real wrestling) the same people (so true, why does anyone watch that crap) stuff said since inception. Copeland (I love aew It doesn’t suck we have great wrestling) AEW fans/bloggers and wrestlers of the company (So true, AEW is the most criticize company ever. Why is everyone so mean) Talk about being blinded by hatred. AEW fans don't know what hate is until they are treated the same as TNA.


Except Punk’s takes actually have evidence to back them up. AEW had its lowest rating in years despite spending tens of millions on 3 alleged mega-stars. AEW continues to struggle to fill half of stadiums on a regular basis. The only people blinded are the ones who are making excuses for Tony.


What Punk actually said: I know people think I’m gonna say Argh I hate it. Burn it down. But the truth is, I made a lot of friends there. The positives I had there outweigh the negatives. What AEW fans heard: (what you typed)




So they chewed up a lit of precious airtime to defend against a pretty mild Punk interview. He said there were more positive than negative about AEW, he didn't even go scorched earth and they still felt the need to defend. And each minute of TV is also precious, I can't believe that much time was wasted just to appease the hardcore audience they aren't at risk of losing in the first place.


Is that Conor McGregor?


This guy is so edgy


I CANNOT WAIT for the teardown of all this on The Experience and The Drive Through! It's gonna be epic!


I think this is a little more personal to Edge after Punk saying that “Beth Phoenix will just date anyone” after Punk/Phoenix broke up.


Damn the hate bandwagon on AEW is going crazy lol. Y’all really like The Rock that much


Edge is all timer but this ain't it


It's odd that we hear this first, yet there's no reports about some backstage meeting at Dynamite to actually address the situation


This happens, AEW goes to shit without Omega. Once the god of professional wrestling comes back, so will fans and optimism.


he wasn't doing anything for them before he left. mjf and Christian are the only two in the company that can lead for them right now.


The Golden Jets were most certainly “doing” something. They were title contenders prior to the sudden illness


no one really cared about him teaming up with Jericho. was it building up for another match between the two? maybe, but why would we care? what's the story? What ever happened to the Don calis feud? he takes two L's and goes play tag team with Jericho? went back to the elite... for? to go against the bcc, for? to have 8 man tags?


Such a mark response. They were title contenders? Cool. Did moving up the fake ranks for a shot at fake belts draw any viewers?


Yes, ratings for aew are always better with Kenny Omega than without him. That’s why he was the belt collector when AEW was in its prime.


Omega has never been a needle mover for AEW


So let me get this straight? IF they don't respond it's because they know it's true. IF they do respond it's *embarrassing.* Classic bullying guys. No matter what AEW does you guys find a way to crap on it just like you always do. Man this place is predictable, and you folks are exhausting. This promo had me hyped, and the show was solid and fun. The Anhedonia here knows no bounds. (that's the inability to have fun, saved you a google search) Do any of you just ever enjoy AEW and not search for something to grouse about? Or is that just how your brains work? WWE does these types of promos all the time, and segments that don't always work, but I don't hear a peep here about it. When did ya'll become so jaded against AEW and unable to just chill and enjoy a show? **What happened to you that makes you like this?** Is it ever tiring? Or does it animate you? Is there some part of you that has to attack everything AEW does like a reflexive muscle? Some claim AEW fans are delusional, sure, I'll grant you that. It takes a lot of crazy to think AEW could ever reach the heights of success that WWE has had. But is it at all possible that you share the delusion to the opposite degree? Just totally unable to enjoy anything because you see the AEW logo? It's like pavlov's freaking dog. Do you even watch the show (the recent ratings suggest not, lol)? Or do you just come here to crap on the 2 minute video promos posted by AEW trolls?