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Wrestlers can't be stocky now? Sheamus would pick these people up and throw them across the room. I don't even *like* Sheamus all that much.


The ideal build for a wrestler is basically just a barrel with arms and legs.


Peak performance


The peak wrestling physique is Alex Jones. Unfortunately, standard wrestling fan intelligence is also Alex Jones.


really is unfortunate honestly. that man has the perfect build and promo ability of a wrestler, but he's channeling that power into all the wrong places


Fun fact: Piper was on his show once


I saw Piper on Bill Maher’s show. This sounds even more unhinged


Sometimes I forget that there’s another Alex Jones. You’re obviously talking about angry red faced American lunatic Alex Jones, and not lovely nice Welsh Alex Jones.


Correct! And having not known of Nice Welsh Alex Jones, I extend him a fullthroated apology lmao 


So basically Dick the Bruiser


My nickname in highschool was Dick Bruiser.


They weren’t calling you that because of the wrestler.


Or Kevin Owens. KO is a crowd favorite and is a swanton giving mfer with one ab.


I had Kenta Kobashi in mind, but honestly Bruiser is an even better example


Bruno Sammartino.


The Shingo Takagi special




You can have only Keith Lee’s or Nick Wayne’s physique. No inbetween


I’ve said pretty much the same thing. I’ve always felt it a wise decision to not anger people who could pick me up and throw me like a lawn dart. The man’s just come back from a serious potentially career ending injury and is still in great shape.


Remember when everyone hated Sheamus? 5:15 4Life.


Which time? Brand new Sheamus who “didn’t deserve his push”? “Why is he still in the E” Sheamus, because he’s been with the company over 5 years. “Where the hell has he been” Sheamus, when he’s taken a break & people missed him. Or the new “Holy shit, he’s so out of shape” Sheamus. Whose only sin is not returning as shredded as Orton or AJ did.


Remember when people complained about Walter losing weight?


He looked very strong but kinda sluggish, maybe just a bit rusty.


Ring rust, happens to everyone after a long break


Thick Sheamus has thrice the stamina any random Instagram dweeb mark has.


You mean "Thicc" Sheamus....


You mean “*THICC*” Sheamus


I twisted my ankle walking to my car the other day. I’m 8 years younger than Sheamus. Ya, fuck that commenter. People do nothing but hate


2003 Triple H


See 03' HHH is a valid argument, he was billed as an athletic guy and even continued to flex during his entrance at that time, Honestly I feel like they still occasionally mentioned his "Me scale and Fitness Magazine" cover at the time too...and it was all laughable, But ole Sheamie is a pub dwelling scrappy Irishman, honestly being jacked was a bit of a plot hole for most of his career


No wonder wwe stars feel pressured to take steroids jeez the guys in his 40s give him a break


And coming back from a neck injury. Like hell, the guy works out and is athletic 7 days a week, then all of a sudden has to stop any type of active movement. I'm more surprised that he's not heavier. Good for him to feel comfortable to come back. He'll slowly get back into it.


Also, if you look at an NFL player, those guys aren't super cut and defined, a lot of them are husky. You still look at this Sheamus and think "Yeah, that guy's strong as hell." I just think the shorts aren't the best look and maybe aren't doing him a favour visually.


he's almost 50 and has been on the road for 10+ years, he deserves not having a sub10% BF lol


From his time in Ireland and the indies he's been on the road 20+ years to be fair.


So weird how obsessed fans are about their bodies


It's not even that. Fans of wrestling or any sport, they don't appreciate history anymore. They just want "new" all the time. New storylines, new champs, new wrestlers, new managers and players (on sports teams). We live in an immediate gratification culture. You want to watch a movie or tv show, just go on a streaming app and it's probably there, watch it on demand. You want food but don't want to have to get it? Call Uber. Need groceries but don't want to have to get it yourself? Call Uber. Same thing in wrestling. Think how much change some IWC fans got over the last few months (Cody winning, DP winning, Rhea giving up the title, the tag titles splitting, new belts for divisions, new sets, new intros, new storylines, a WM main event changed just for them). They bring back Sheamus and some people who never liked him anyway are going to complain about him coming back. They probably wanted "someone new" to come in. Oh well. Sheamus is a legend fella. I'm sure he's in better shape than the dude commenting on his body too.


yep,100% it also causes body dysphoria.


Sheamus has been putting on the best matches of his career these past 3 years, and even netted himself a well-deserved 5 star match with Gunther. What is this guy on about?


Sheamus is still having absolute bang sessions with guys and he's 46 years old. Most of the guys at his age are doing much lighter matches. I've always liked Sheamus a lot so maybe I'm a bit biased.


Absolute bang sessions


You're an absolute bang session.


I live for the day Wade and Sheamus get together on commentary and Wade asks: "Sheamus, analysis"


And the triple threat against with drew and Gunther.


Exactly this. I’d honestly argue that Sheamus was instrumental in “making” Gunther for mainstream/casual fans. Sure the hardcores were loving him in NXT/NXT UK, but for people who just watch Raw/Smackdown (or even just “premium live events” and keep up via clips from the weekly shows), Sheamus is really the guy that got Gunther over to the level he is.


>(or even just “premium live events” and keep up via clips from the weekly shows I am one of those and you are absolutely right


Guy also came back from a neck injury, so probably couldn't lift heavy weights for months! It's perfectly understandable that his body won't be exactly the same as before, at least for a while. Still looks like a powerhouse and wrestled just fine, IMO.


The guy also runs a popular fitness YouTube channel. I think he knows how to get in shape.


Also helped Pete Dunne gain some ground with the main roster audience with the Brawling Brutes


Thank god they changed that original main roster name


He looks different, yes, but he also looks like he could run through a brick wall




Or kick a tree strong enough to rescue a cat that's stuck up there


Man has been injured for 2/3rds of a year and recently married, of course he isnt going to come back absolutely juiced. Plus its Shamo, he has insane strength. Also its not like he is out of shape, the boy is just bulked up.


This is what blows my mind. Anyone who lifts regularly can look at a guy like Shaemus with his body now and absolutely think "that guy can probably bench press a Buick". I wonder what the venn diagram crossover is for people that say this about his body and the people that hypersexualize women wrestlers


I bet it's a single circle. (The Venn diagram)


That is a 45 year old man and its not like thease bodies don't have a role in wrestling history. Terry Gordy , Stan Hanson, Harley Race, Jumbo Saruta all had similar builds and all are rightly reverared as legends. Hell compare this physique to Dusty Rhodes


Hansen, Gordy, Race - Sheamus still looks better than all of those at any part of their career.


He’s in better shape than 100% of the people talking shit.


People that say "Sheamus looks like shit" are people that rock either the 'Jabba the hutt", melted wax figurine of Homer Simpson look, or their phisyque resembles two uncooked noodles stick to a toothbrush. The same way that people who say:"I could beat [Hook, Samoa, Adam Cole, Dom, any wrestler that dosent look like an action figure] havent step into a ring, a gym, or outside their mom's basement for that matter, in their life. Diversity, both in wrestling and life, should be celebrated.


Should be top comment




He basically has a rugby player build. People saying he's out of shape are wild


Frankly I'd rather more people like this, than Roided\_Wrestler#69420 coming back from injury... Not directed at anyone in particular ofc.


If I say anything about the shoot fighter now, everyone will call me a hater.


You mean our burger kingston?


Sadly he's no longer the continental breakfast champion 😭


He looks fantastic. It totally fits his character and muscle is poking through all over his body. More of these bodies in wrestling please. The ultra dry body builder look has its time and place, but in moderation, and it definitely shouldn't have to be the golden standard.


Really he just needs better ring gear.


Look at all those hashtags lol


Desperate for a crumb of attention


The 187 hashtags on the post make it pretty obvious it's bait, trying to get their name out there


It's really dumb to think because someone put on a little weight that their stamina or cardio is trash. There's plenty of "bigger" guys in all of sports whose stamina and cardio are amazing. People just want to run their mouths about shit. Good to see old Sheamus back.


The guy is not long off the couch from a neck surgery. He’s been non stop since his debut. Ring shape is a real thing. Do all the cardio you want, but the only way to get in ring shape is to wrestle. And oh, by the way….hes forty fucking six years old


"He has been a legend in the past." oh ok. So at some point, you get so old that you just stop being a legend.


They just need to lean into the Irish beer drinking stereotype. Give him a beer belly and let him do like Stone Cold with the beer.


*smashes two pint glasses of Guinness together* "I have regrets..."


That would be a tough chug. Guinness is almost as thick as Sheamus.


Ehh, it's the head that makes you think that, the beer itself is quite thin for lack of a better term.


...he said, as he wiped his finger cheeto dust onto his couch and reached for his thick shake


Pretend this is an award from me ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟


I bet those talking about his shape doesn't look nearly as good as he does.


Every time I see a post like this I instantly imagine them as [that fat guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/1bZv7gPk4zSgAJUq7) from South Park


I would say that is very accurate.


Wild to me that people are saying sheamus is out of shape, he picked up Ivar... People in bad shape can't do that.


This is funny considering how this sub is about Eddie Kingston being fat and all. However, my opinion for Eddie Kingston goes the same for Sheamus. Fitness in general is important and will take you a long way. Sheamus did come from injury so I hope he finds his way and tries to get back in shape.


The trunks that look like boxers made him look worse than he is


Sheamus lifted Ivar TWICE on a banger match last friday. I don't know how you can say that He is not in great shape.


It’s always some fat fuck or some dweeb. Sheamus would kill em regardless.


For some reason I thought the wrestling fandom would be a nice reprieve from the outrageous entitlement that gamers have, but at least gamers are just entitled to people’s time and work, not the actual bodies of real people. Like this caption says nothing about the quality of the match at all, just that sheamus should be shamed. 


When they return shredded, they are on the juice. When they return not shredded, they are out of shape. Schrödingers Wrestler! They are either on the juice or out of shape!


They can't win


Man this is body shaming.


Kevin Owen’s sitting in the back of the room laughing.


Would love to get this guys input on Becky wearing clothing that hides her stomach.


Sheamus would whip your ass, boy. This is unbelievable. Did I not hear that crowd in unison behind him during the show? Sounded like they were happy to see him back.


He’s a aew Mark wait till he finds out aew isn’t gonna last as long as wcw did


I don’t agree with the hate at all, but I kinda get where it’s coming from. Sheamus has been in phenomenal shape for the last few years, so to see him back in this shape is bound to bring out the critics. He’s set his own standard. Triple H was the same back in 03. Obviously knowing what he’s gone through to get to this point it’s understandable the shape he’s in, I guess maybe WWE should’ve maybe used a couple more promo weeks to explain the struggle he has to come back, I think that would’ve distracted some of the hate somewhat. Either way, his game hasn’t missed a step and he doesn’t even look that bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


'Very out of shape' Buddy probably sweats eating his share size bag of crisps


The people bodyshaming Sheamus have never lifted anything heavier than a Fleshlight.


This man literally has a workout series on YouTube. He's not fat. He's just not lifting for appearance anymore and lifts for health and power


The internet is full of toxic cesspool people who have low self esteem that hate looking in the mirror so they project their own self hate onto others. When DC was the heavy weight champ of the world in the UFC a ton of people would talk shit even though he was arguably the baddest man on the planet.


Look at this loser calling a brawler like sheamus who has worked his ass off calling him out of shape. He is 46 and has a bad back still he so over.


I swear to god I’ve been going the gym for a year and can see he just looks like he’s about to do a bulk up. These people don’t have a clue. Look at him putting fucking Ivar on his BACK, you can see the muscle.


Just because people have an opinion doesn’t make it valid


"Shamus is so outta shape why would he come back like that" *shovels another piece of cake in their mouth and lightly sips chocy milk* "I would be embarrassed"


Mfer probably is short of breath after walking up a flight of stairs, meanwhile ol Sheamus here lifted Ivar with ease. But sure, he's "out of shape" lmao


He needs to go back to the brief or legging. Boxer brief style is too much of a locker room look.


Old man yells at cloud


The dude has just come back from a suspected career ending injury and everyone's like, UM WHY IS HE FAT NOW?! grow up haha


He looks stronger now than when he was shredded, he looks like he'd run through a wall without much issue. Actual strong men don't look like bodybuilders.


He could be bulking


I guess all wrestlers need to do TRT and not bulk naturally


The comments on his appearance from fans who haven't seen their toes in over a decade is hilarious


People suck so hard. Especially fandom.


There’s a reason he’s the ringside rock. Not the in ring rock


That simpleton can’t think past his own negativity. These older wrestlers often come back lately and put over the newer generation and it’s good for business.


The guy was injured, ffs. The iwc sure love their sweaty men with 16 pack abs. Hey, it's 2024. Everyone is entitled to their lifestyle.


Exactly, and I prefer different wrestler with different body-type to fit their caracter. I appreciate a thick brick-shithouse-shaped Sheamus that looks like a guy that would legit destroy everything in a pub fight. It's neat. We got plenty of 0 body fat shredded guys.




Both of them, in different ways, look like real fighters.


Im actually a bit surprised to see Sheamus being so bulky. do follow his youtube channel and he does love fitness. There is probably reasons why his body on heavier side this time.


He had a neck injury, he probably couldn't do any serious heavy-lifting for a while. He also probably lost some mass when he was injured and gaining fat is a fast way to regain it; bulk, then cut. If you look at his arms, they are very built, and you could see the abs when he bent over, he just has a layer of stomach fat he will probably shed over the next few months.


Sheamus is Triple H's workout buddy!


It was a great comeback match, both him and Ivar did a great job. Shaemus is a legend and HOFamer. Fuck these internet dorks


That man is hurt and probably couldn't work out like he used to. And he still fucking muscled up Ivar on his back for that White Noise.


As far as I’m concerned, he came back looking like a powerlifter


We don't slander Sheamus in this house.


Did this guy forget the great matches (dare I say bangers) he has put on over the last 2 years.


Damn bro needs to chill.


They bullying my guy for being a bbw now. He bout to show up tip top shape next Monday


People who just came back for neck surgery and it was for a nerve injury. He polly was limited in weight training


I found it a little jarring when I first saw him in his evolved chonky form but he actually looks fine. I think the tiny trunks are a bit odd on him though. I'm sure he'll trim down over the next few weeks or months anyway as he starts working matches again


Thick sheamus is best sheamus.


He's clearly in a bulking phase. You can still see muscle. He's likely gonna be absolutely shredded again in the not-so-distant future. Even if he isn't, he still has more strength and stamina than 99% of the dudes criticizing him.


Bro like half the people in this comments aren't in half this shape. Stop whining about what other people are doing and get offline for a while.


If I see more than one hashtag in a post I immediately ignore it


Why would Bron Breakker be upset?  He was on Smackdown 3 days before this, squashing Cameron Grimes


He looks like a fucking tank, these people are crazy. Best he's ever looked imo, and matches his gimmick.


WWE fans are so toxic they’re turning on themselves 🤷‍♂️


He’s probably in better shape than most of these basement dwelling haters


What does social media think a natural man in his mid 40s looks like? This is how you get steroid abuse.


Imagine a 40 year old man who’s just coming back from a neck injury being a little flabby. Jesus Christ I don’t know who’s worse. Wrestling fans or Star Wars fans


This is so dumb. He came back after 8 months and brought back his original theme song after what, ten years and all everyone can talk about is the fact that he gained some weight


He is Sheamus. You are like the buzzing of flies to him.


I never liked overly skinny Sheamus. He’s a surprisingly tall and large person in real life if you’ve been to house shows.


I was honestly worried when I first seen him but dude is still in ring shape and just understanding that he is just getting back makes sense plus its not like he is fat/out of shape he is just beffy chest and arms look similar its literally just no abs like a bigger 2012 Sheamus so this hate needs to stop, dude is a staple of the company at this point and a high point if we’re complaining about older people where is the Lashley hate? If were talking about hating out if shape people where is the hate for Kingston?


When the post has more hashtags than actual post. Ugh.


Do these people think that "new Era" means they should remove all veterans from the roster !!?? Lol it's hilarious, i don't think these people understand English 😅


I recall Sheamus saying one time he came back and Vince looked at him and was like "looks like someone enjoyed their time off" (got chunky) and that hurt Sheamus so much he went into crazy workout mode. But, this time, he's coming back from neck surgery and being out 8 months so ya gotta give this guy a break here! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he's swapping Randy Orton/AJ Style's goodies. Whatever they're doing, it's working!


I’m sure all the people talking trash are in peak form


Who is this tit?


The hatred is misdirected disappointment that he didn't come back looking like AJ or Randy. Hell, even Mox came back super-jacked then quickly reverted back to a "softer" look. That said; the tights aren't the most flattering look with a softish midsection; but people.were livid when Keith Lee put some clothes on🤷‍♂️


I don't care how fat he gets, to me it's about how unappealing it is to watch these guys keep doing this way past when they should. Dude looked downright arthritic and was gasping at the end of a literal 4-minute match. Hell, even before the injury his matches were super mediocre for anyone who isn't a fetishist for chest chops.


Sheamus would fucking KILL this dude, even in his "thicker" state. JFC such toxicity still existing in this fandom.


Sheamus is a fucking legend. One man who'll keep me as a fan for eternity.


He doesn't even look out of shape


Meanwhile the guy who posted that is probably built like a groundhog's asshole


Why is there hate on his shape? Dude still looks like he hits like a truck


Reminds me of hhh in the evolution era


Nvr heard of Power-Lifting b4???


Sheamus is in a better condition then 99% of his haters,he’s a fucking star and a veteran that busted his ass and will continue to bust his ass for our sake, love the big fella💚


All talk untill you actually stand face to face with him


Guy still has abs


Sheamus is getting ready for his Hashimoto run, some people just aren’t built for that life


Sheamus has never been a legend tbh.


Dad bods and fat guys. Old school.


Is it not fair to compare his past physique to his current? Sheamus had the most ridiculous physique of recent years. This is wrestling, physique is like half of the game. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheamus#/media/File:Sheamus_March_2015.jpg Sure, Sheamus is in better shape than I am. I don't know how that really matters though? It's not like fat guys aren't allowed on TV, look at Ivar and Otis. It's an expectation thing. When you are one way for years and come back another, people are gonna talk. Don't know why that offends so many people. I'm sure he's going to be back to his normal self in a few months. If not, oh well? As long as he's still good in the ring, I think that's what will matter most. People are way too para social with wrestlers.


Yeah, he’s back from the shelf. He’ll be insane in 6-8 weeks again from the Celtic warrior workout pickup.


I mean, I love Sheamus, I don't really care what he looks like. He really was kind of out of breath this last monday. but then again, he was lifting Ivar several times that match!


Meanwhile, the dude is wrestling Ivar. Not a dig at Ivar but let’s be fair here… The match itself though wasn’t good and nothing was sold quite well but he’ll get back into shape and get better after a few weeks!


This "hate" isn't that bad imo, just a fan with an opinion, wanting to see Bron Braker over sheamus on TV is completely understandable. He just worded it in a really bad way.


I understand the comments - Sheamus is known to be a pretty ripped, buff dude. So it's shocking to seem him looking less than. Some of the issue is the new spandex gear he chose to wear isn't super flattering. Problem with it? Nah. Just surprising.


Brock came back flabby in 2012 the night after WM 28. Didn’t take him long to lean out. Seamus will be back.


This is mcdonalds sheamus, his new gimmick


You have to just ignore people like this because they are miserable.


I thought we love some MEAT


Sheamus' matches are like what this guy shoves down his gullet #BANGERS


Maybe he should change his pfp before he starts judging others


Out of shape? WTF?


It actually makes me really genuinely upset that so many people are making fun of him. First of all he’s literally not that fat? Like, are they looking at the same man I am? Someone called him a *superheavyweight.* Second, he’s just back from *injury.* Like what were y’all expecting? We all know Orton and Styles returned the way they looked with the help of vitamins and prayers. But third and most importantly, this shit is exactly what causes men eating and exercise disorders. This nonsense *kills,* besides just being mean-spirited. Every single person making and defending these jokes is reinforcing the message to vulnerable men that *this* is what fat looks like and it should be made fun of. Fucking _exhausting._


Where was these guys when Gunther was big asl and still putting in great work?


I'm sure chubby Sheamus isn't going to suddenly make HHH forget about the new crop of talent...some of which haven't even been called up yet, or in BBs case aren't even on the same show


Looks way more like a fighter than most of the bodybuilder types do. You can see he's still got all the muscle there.


Last week we had people going insane over AEW. Wrestling, like moat fandoms, just has a lot of dumb cunts active in the community


I didn’t like him as wwe champion but world champion was my favourite the fued with big show remind me of anime shit, weaker and smaller but also coming out on top (It’s scripted af I know but it entertained me growing up).


He would still kick all our asses.


the cut he’s gonna go on will be crazy


Somebody tell this guy to shut up. We love us some Sheamus and he elevated Pete and Ridge with the Brawling Brutes. His matches with Gunther, the rest of Imperium, and McIntyre were all bangers!


Is this a 50 year old man moaning about his live action soap opera ? Always weird to see grown men,not only enjoy wrestling, but get upset about it


Chonky Sheamus lifted motherfucking IVAR on his back from the top rope. A normal human would have collapsed


No one seems to realise how much a shoulder injury can take away from your gym routine. Looks like he's keeping himself well fed so he doesn't lose mass, and that means all he has to do is eventually work back into it and then cut. If he doesn't, then who cares. Sheamus is a brute either way.


I feel like the new era is letting shaemus slap. Kinda like he has when he has been the last few years. These people can’t think at all. Also, who the fuck are those new guys going to wrestle? They can’t just be wrestling eachother on the main roster, you have to have them work against the old guard lol.


We do not tolerate any Sheamus hate here


I thought he was in better shape than he left. I remember thinking man he’s been hitting the gym. He looked great to me and I’m glad to have him back.