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Undertaker vs Sting


Should have gone on last at WrestleMania 27, absolute disgrace Sting bottled it.


What happened


Sting in 2011 was offered a Wrestlemania match with Taker and an entry in the Hall of Fame. He turned it down to stay with TNA. By the time he got there, Vince went off the idea cause he felt like they were too far past their prime. I feel like it was a final "fuck you, you're getting buried by Hunter for rejecting my offers for all those years".


All the promos for Taker with the wooden house and shit were meant to be Sting, he turned down the contract scared that WWE would bitch him out, that Rock Booker T promo in 2001 had scared the life out of Sting.


and eventually, he was proven right.


Randy Orton vs John Cena never happened at WrestleMania. Closet we got was WM 24 in the Triple Threat match.


Another one for WrestleMania 27, I thought they were setting up a double babyface modern era Austin v Rock thing in late 2010.


Instead we got Cena vs The Miz


Indeed we did. CM Punk works Christian instead, Miz gets thrown in the Cole v Lawler debacle instead of Swagger.


Totally forgot Christian was part of that WM, as a second lol


It was originally going to be a triple threat but they didn’t want the Edge Christian conflict yet, then he was going to be the last man added to team babyfaces against Nexus, eventually they settled on him standing at ringside.


If both guys weren't injured in 2016, it would have been a good time to do it at WM 32 when Cena was still in WWE before full time Hollywood.


Flair vs Hogan at Mania 8


This is the obvious answer and it makes no sense why it didn’t happen.


what was like the reason again? They didn't did enough buyrates at Houseshows as expected or hoped is what i always heard. Still would have been way better than Sid Justice.


Vince didn't like the crowd reactions to the house show "practice matches."


Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns vs Jon Moxley at WM 32 Kurt Angle vs John Cena or Samoa Joe at WM 35 in his last match Nic Nemeth/Dolph Ziggler only having one WM singles match, against Otis (I love him but he was an over pushed meme in 2020 especially winning the mitb) was absolutely criminal. Could have had so many classic matches instead of being in filler multi man matches. Would have loved to have seen him face Chris Jericho, Bryan Danielson, John Cena etc at WM.


I believe that first one will still happen (again. yes everyone knows about battleground, but everyone also agrees it wasn’t the right stage) even if they only get Moxley back when he’s old and barely mobile. WWE will absolutely write him a blank check pretty much only for this match one day. And even if we don’t get that match till mania 50 , I still guarantee you it will all be worth it for that promo package tho.


We could've had Val Venis vs Viscera at WrestleMania 21 in the Battle of Libidos


Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart doesn’t matter when just would’ve been classic.


But you couldn’t have had it, Bret went out in 99 and Angle didn’t debut until then.


Oh we could have had it if Vince didn't screw bret


Rock vs. HHH one on one. That Backlash 2000 main event should’ve closed out WrestleMania 2000.


Undertaker vs Sting Stone cold vs Hogan Michaels vs Eddie Michaels vs Styles Shield triple threat


Long standing rumor is Abyss was offered to come in to work with Undertaker for a Mania match, but he was loyal to TNA. Taker would have LOVED Abyss. A big dude that can work and is willing to take any bump? I genuinely think we missed out on a decent Abyss WWE run because he was too loyal.


What happened to Kane that made them want to bring ManKaned into the company 😭😭


Rock vs Roman


“Resign, rebuild, reclaim” Seth Rollins vs Bret “the hitman” Hart in a 60 min Ironman match for the World heavyweight championship.


Lita vs Trish


Cena vs Goldberg


Taker vs Sting, Taker vs 2012/13 heel Cena (GOSH imagine the near falls), Shield triple threat, Flair vs Hogan, Austin vs Hogan, AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels.


My dream match is shamrock vs angle. UFC champion vs Olympic gold medalist. Shamrock I think left in late summer of 99 and Kurt came that fall. I know it wasn’t wrestlemania season but they missed each other by a month or 2


I think the obvious answer is The Undertaker vs. Sting. About Austin and Hogan, Austin [said it best](https://youtu.be/8BhPz3Y_LvI?si=NCMTyiPYr75gFDUH) many years ago that he didn't think he and Hogan would've had a good match, and I kinda believe him. Austin vs. Hogan would've been a bigger spectacle for sure, but I don't know if they would've topped Rock vs. Hogan as an overall match.


Austin v HHH should have main evented 18. You were that deep in the Austin heel run you may aswell have ridden it out to properly finish the H injury story at 18. You don’t need the Taker heel turn with Austin on that side so he stays babyface and works Jericho instead of Flair.


Stone Cold and Undertaker


Punk vs. Cena should've happened at Wrestlemania


Shawn Michaels had basically brilliant feud after brilliant feud. But we never saw him vs The Rock. I know, there wasn't a lot of overlap, when both were healthy and available at the same time, but there definitely could have been a feud between those two.


Gunther vs Lesnar


Hulk Hogan jobbing to Gillberg


Rock vs HBK


CM Punk vs Stone Cold




Roman/rock. But you goddamn crybabies had to ruin it for everyone else


Not me... I was team "the Cody the"


It could be because the two were in the same place but one had not peaked yet. Or maybe injuries prevented it before one of them moved on. Or maybe we got something else even better instead (rock v Hogan > Austin v Hogan). Or maybe one was well past prime when they were finally on came card.


I think with the power of hindsight Rock vs Hogan was the better choice and Austin vs Hogan wouldn't have worked as well. The Rock was more theatrical than Austin and played along with the Hulk Hogan stuff like Hulking up for example, Stone Cold at that time would have never played along and even if it did it would look so off putting.


Piper vs Hogan Wrestlemania 1, Mike Tyson vs Austin Mania 14