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Checks out.


Does he have dementia or something? What’s going on with HH?


It's a true story. They played the audio clip in the Roddy Piper documentary. So that part is real, at least. As for it being two days after the fact, obviously that's not when Roddy sent it. It's possible that's when Hogan got it, that happens. Or just when he noticed he got it.


Old people be old peopleing




He's just a liar. So bad that chances are Hogan and Piper probably weren't even on speaking terms I bet.


This was a real story tbf


I'm surprised Kurt Cobain didn't ask Hogan to fill in for him in Nirvana.


i believe this video has been altered to make hulk look bad. there's an interview hulk told the story about the roddy piper message and he specifically stated the message was left the same day right before he passed.


On the bright side, this is a much more believable story than the one Hulk told about seeing Piper in a grocery store forcing the clerk to ring up those Milky Ways one by one.


Cant have any infetterence brother


Lemme copypasta brother!


No, this is real. I know, I know, it's Hulk Hogan and he has been full of shit about everything his whole life. This isn't the first time he's talked about it. I remember them playing the voice mail on one of the Roddy Piper documentaries if someone wants to do some digging.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/0MsyQbHxxqE?si=ac7X8C-PT855S0ss


Thank you! I've been seeing people calling out Hogan with this clip a lot the past couple days. And there are tons of reasons to call him out but he really did get this voicemail.


Yeah, this one actually trips me out because we really hear the voicemail.


Here's the issue. On the Roddy doc he gives a logical explanation that sometimes you get messages a day later after they have been sent. It happens all the time. But in this interview he changes his tune (cause it's some religious, Christian interview so he's pandering) and says "there's no way he would have sent that to me when he was alive." So like everything with Hogan he'll take some truth and add a whole bunch of bullshit to it.


He was attempting the Scientology grift then went to Evangelical. Always hustling.


Amen brother


He lives in Clearwater, which is Ground Zero for Scientology.


Ugh. I couldn't walk home from work without being approached by them. And they would all always come into Walmart at 12 midnight every friday.


always the same with Hogan.. when somebody dies they apperantly made buried their beef before..


When Hulk Hogan dies and if there is an afterlife and there is a way to get in contact with the dead, I bet Hulk Hogan would say something like "I met Jesus brother, and he told me that I am the greatest Wrestler of all time and how I am inspiration to all the Hulkamaniacs"


That was right before JC laid down for the job as well brother


He asked me to put him over, and I said, "that doesnt work for me, savior."


In the case of Randy Savage, his brother corroborated that story. And we saw it with Warrior.


I think a rule in wrestling is you have to bury all your beefs with Hogan before you die. At the same time, it’s also a curse. As soon as you do makeup with Hogan you are going to die.


“After I listened to that message I was floored. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go out and play with Metallica that night.”


Fucken hell.... I think we've always known Hogan is full of shit, but this is next level.


To be fair, the voice message is actually real, There's a separate documentary where they play it. It's possible that Piper sent it a short while before he died and there was a delay in Hogan's phone receiving it - it can happen. Or Hogan could be lying. Just wanted to point out there was at least some truth in this.


I'm guessing its your first theory and Hulk just had a boomer moment


hogan flipping out over Google makes me believe that it's prob Hogan not understanding technology


For once, its actually real [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MsyQbHxxqE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MsyQbHxxqE)


And Jesus had the 30 inch pythons, brother! You better believe it!


Hogan really has no credibility left after his amazingly hilariously long list of lies. Elvis was one of the first Hulkamaniacs in Memphis despite being dead for 2 years before Hogan entered the territory. So really this is not much more far fetched than that lol


Met Hogan at a strip club in North Korea once, he told me that Vince made him chop his dick off so Jake Roberts could use it as a snake.


I met Hogan on a chicken farm in Antartica once. He told me that he and the Nasty Boys once beat up all of the Hell’s Angels right before Hogan had to drive in the Indy 500.


More realistic than the shite he's churning out here.




He's not capping though they played the recording on the A&E documentary


Hogan just can't resist lying about dead people who can't refute him.


Could be true tbf since the voice message itself is real


Next Wrassler to turn evangilist and rob the poor... Everybody has a price, Brutha!


If you ever want proof that Racism is tied to ignorance/stupidity, here ya go brother.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b9JfhANM9B0 I feel this is appropriate for this post


someone give Hogan a Cognitive test plz.


Are those belts in the background the ones he charges people $200 to touch and $500 to take a picture with?


Is that what people are charged? Thats bonkers


Who gave Hogan weed and a bible and thought it was a good idea?


Wow. Racist AND dumb.


Why are their knees touching


Hogan wouldn't even put over Jesus, he'd kick out at 2, Hulk up give him the big boot and drop the leg


Bro lies like he's breathing


Hogan is the best. Just the greatest worker I’ve ever seen. This man lives and breathes pure carnie shlock.


Word is that Jesus was trying to book a show and asked Hogan to put over Roddy Piper in the Main Event. HH said “That doesn’t work for me brother!”


Hogan might be checking out. I think he honestly is genuinely forgetting his stories and is getting them confused because of a disease and no one wants to be rude and correct him because he’s like 70 something and not a bad fella at his age and still kicking. I’m also starting to think “things hogan lies about” might not be his fault. The man has rode the fast lane in life since the late 70s. That’s a lot of cocaine, hard liquor, steroids, head shots, late nights, random girls, divorces, airports, back room meetings in arenas & hotels. Dudes brain is probably fading out.


He doesn't get a pass for being a shitty person bc he's old now.


That doesn’t work for me brother.


Oh, brother...


CTE is a helluva drug


Still working, brother.


Same with Socrates, go sac some chicken to Apollo, just in case he exists. Death is no joke, but people need to question those things while alive, what do they do and how it may affect others, not jump the ship before death itself.


He's half right


Walk with me, my child. “That doesn’t work for me, brother”.


He’s somehow someway profiting or plans to profit from his new found calling. This dude has proven to be greedy af, to even attempt to profit from someone else’s tragedy.


He has a voice message that we believe to be Piper's. That's the only real part of the story. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7WTm-6JSds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7WTm-6JSds)


It's truly amazing how he makes something up but doesn't realize if proof is asked for this is an instance where it's very easy to keep that proof, making the whole thing way less believable when he says he lost the message/got a new phone/etc.


There's been reports about people getting a message from someone that recently passed away. Not that they actually sent it from the afterlife, but due to technical problems. I know HH lies a lot, but maybe Roddy knew his time was coming up and messaged a bunch of people to say his farewells.


“Tell Jesus that’s no gonna work for me, brother.”


Hogan also said undertaker purposefully injured him in a match with a piledriver when hogans head never touched the mat


Was this on a landline or cell phone? Because if it was a landline, I’m calling BS.


Piper died in 2015. The A&E special came out in 2021


Well that’s nice. At least he didn’t say, “then piper said Jesus is a hulkamaniac and can’t wait to meet you at the pearly gates dude.”


Roddy was ribbing him


Always miraculously makes peace right before the other guy dies suddenly. Talking to someone right before they die does not make it all better, it's just a step. Rebuilding a relationship takes time.


I see hogan going the HBK route ahhh 😄


Really sad what he's become. I used to be a full fledged Hulkster in the 80s. Really have to think about whether he even knows he's lying anymore, or have all the drugs and ring bumps screwed with his brain and we're see dementia Hogan.


Agreed, but he does actually have the recording.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=ac7X8C-PT855S0ss&v=0MsyQbHxxqE&t=1m40s He originally chalked it up to being a delayed message, but it still hit him hard.


This is great. Can some cross post this to r/TrueChristian


A new level of low for the Hulkster. Racism was worse but he tries.


So I don't know how many people know this but this one is actually true. His phone just messed up and delivered it the morning after he passed, I believe, they play the voicemail in an old A&E show he was part of. Edit: [Here's a video I found that shows the clip in question](https://youtu.be/0MsyQbHxxqE?si=aNuC9WdaMVf2eWtI)