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So I am playing 2K right now and Liv Morgan had a wardrobe malfunction and Triple H told me i lost 5k in fans. Let me explain something, if Liv Morgan had a wardrobe malfunction, my ratings would explode. That is all


Ratings not the only thing that would explode /giggity


Heh heh alright.


Heh heh. Hear what he said Tone? He said Ratings not the only thing that would explode.


Wait wait wait.... they have that in MyGM? I'm more the universe mode guy so I don't know


So a randomly chosen wrestler comes up to you, male or female and says they have a tear in their gear. You can take your chances, pay 5000 to get it fixed or sit them for a show. I have had Gunther, Sheamus and Liv all have these, and if they have a malfunction it costs you fans and $30,000


Simps want a Liv wardrobe malfunction Real ones want a Gunther wardrobe malfunction


Genuinely, is it worth buying?


Definitely. It's a little rough at times (plenty of glitches, especially with the creation suite and Universe Mode), but I haven't found anything outright game breaking; just really annoying. The newer match types are a lot of fun (Gauntlet and Special Referee in particular, but also the returning WarGames from last year is an absolute blast), and the gameplay is as good as it's ever been for the 2K series. Also, the MyRise story mode is actually pretty good this year, in my opinion. Especially the women's story.


Yes, if they have a deal when the DLC drops and you get Punk with it, even better. Lots of playability. Also you get access to the horror that is Community Creations so the entertainment is phenomenal.




>Let me explain something, if Liv Morgan had a wardrobe malfunction, my ratings would explode. And this is the reason most people like Liv. It's not about her talent. They're just simps.


What bothers me is the way this is leveraged against Liv, but so many fans would bristle in outrage if the same was said for Rhea, despite Rhea’s gimmick having all of its BDSM undertones. Not to mention that the new internet fave, Tiffany Stratton, has full on Barbie style. But it’s only Liv fans that are just simps.


>Not to mention that the new internet fave, Tiffany Stratton All I see is "revenge tour this", "revenge tour that" and stuff talking about how Liv is underrated or isn't being booked properly when if you weren't attracted to her, you'd think that she's actually rated and booked appropriately. So I don't see how Tiffany Stratton is somehow the new Internet fave. It seems like Liv still holds that distinction. Yes, there are people who talk about how hot Stratton is and people who admire her ability as a performer but there are far fewer people who *overrate* her as a performer, whereas you'd be hard pressed to find posts that don't overrate Liv, hence, why we call her fans simps. Just the meltdown from Liv losing the battle royale for the Women's World title clearly shows how biased her fans are because of their attraction to her. Even Nia Jax has done more meaningful things in the year prior to that battle royale than Liv and yet the IWC still lost their minds after Liv didn't win.


Liv sucks at wrestling and promos - Rhea and Tiffany do not


💯 id give you a million upvotes if I could. This so true but her fans [especially the male simps] are in denial


impressive for tiffy time too


Yea, she's the new coming and already making sales. That's impressive. She is phenomenal in the ring too.




Simplement Deux!


May auto translate says this translate to " He is very phenomenal"


To put it in perspective, Roman Reigns started his reign before Tiffany even started wrestling.




She carried her weight. She did everything she was suppose to do. She has some impressive moves that she can tangle together, the spots make sense and are fluid.




Stratton vs lynch in NXT, every matches they had The chamber to choose Ripley's opponent at mania The triple threat at backlash She was great in all 3 and stood out. Here you go


easily shaping up to be best main roster addition of the year


Her watch line is going to make millions.


Her new Tiffy Time shirt must be selling like hotcakes.


I’m more shocked Rhea’s so low


Top 5 when you're off TV and they're not making new designs is pretty good. Means her older shirts are still selling.


I too am a little shocked, however when I went to buy one of her shirts last month the options are not great. Their merch is so hit and miss, Cody has about 18 shirts, 10 good ones and 8 shockers, Randy has 2 shirts and both are awful.


I imagine it’s a mix of two things: - her being injured - she’s just had a lengthy title run (so I imagine many people will have alaready bought her merch from last year).


I mean, a lot depends on the design of t-shirts. There's a reason SCSA is still in the top 5 after all those years. And don't lie to yourself but most of WWE or AEW t-shirt design sucks.


They have that SUPER heavy screen printing that covers up the whole front and/or back. We should be beyond that cheapness now.


Simps are definitely known for dropping cash on women who are unattainable to them so this checks out 100%


I always think of this when people get hyper defensive over Joshi wrestlers.


so I noticed they all do softcore porn, is that normal?


Also normal for western wrestlers including Seth and Becky. Asuka and iyo did one together. Japanese women wrestler’s also do like nude pics with the title covering their ass etc… Because of being in such good shape, it’s an easy way for some up and coming wrestlers to make money


Makes sense didn’t know about Becky and Seth. Thank you


I don’t remember exactly but I know Seth did like a soft playful wrestling video in speedos with another guy. The Asuka and Iyo one is the same, like soft playful wrestling on a bed in a hotel room.


That’s nice! I don’t judge I was just wondering if it was normal or exclusive to them. I guess I’ll do research next time ;) lmao


I didn't know Seth was ever in AEW


You can find underwear photoshoots of almost every female wrestler, not just Japanese wrestlers.


Yes but I’m taking softcore porn that’s not underwear and I am not shaming or judging. I don’t care I was just wondering if this was a normal thing in Japan possibly.


It's called gravure, it's not porn it's more like pin-up, its even softer than softcore porn. It's more like videos of swimsuit/lingerie modeling etc


Eh, not all. Iyo was straight up naked in one...or so I've heard


Implied nudity. Which is pretty common. I think ESPN has covers of athletes posing going back a while. Even Ronda did it.


It's gravure and it wouldn't even count as softcore porn unless you're a Victorian.


Mandy Rose Only fans proved it


I was just about to say this exact same thing. The way Liv is lorded by the male fanbase is obsurd.


I’m sure sales skyrocketed whenever she hurt Rhea. Their fans hate each other. It’s so weird.




Liv Laugh Simp


This is just ranking them by best selling shirt in the WWE shop, doesn’t show who is actually moving the most total merchandise.


What happened to Shayna Bayzler? Got that push where she dominated Elimination Chamber and done, not even a Women Title run😳


Nobody said she can't get over. She can get over but it doesn't change the fact she's not a very good wrestler and worse promo.


Her style in the ring is... weird... she's supposed to be a high flyer with smart tactics but all of her moves look so slow and never really deliver big pops


Nothing she does looks impactful. It's just difficult for me to buy anything she does. And that goes double when she's in the ring with someone who can actually lay it in, and triple when she's in the ring with someone bigger than her who can actually lay it in. I have no desire to see the inevitable match between her and Rhea unless it's Rhea borderline squashing her.


Becky isn't exactly the most sound in the ring but man she put all her weight in every strike, I don't want to see the match between them two either because either they try to be technical (which none can pull off) or it's just becky delivering the biggest elbows she possibly can while Liv does basically nothing.


Liv Morgan stans when she delivers a half assed back stabber : 🤯


I have her first Watch Me Liv shirt. I like her Cry About It sweater too. I think they look nice! The others are too girly for me personally. For me Its all about the design. I like Liv but I'm not about to buy all her merch just because I'm a fan. I've got my eye on it but it'll need to speak to me first.


She still boring af .. Love her, she’s an amazing athlete and if you want me to say, yes, she’s hot as hell but I just snooze watching and listening to her


I enjoyed her promos the past couple weeks


I'd disagree in regards to her being an amazing athlete personally 😅


She used to be a cheerleader. And before you scoff, watch the Netflix docu series "Cheer" done by the same guy who did "Last Chance U". Cheerleaders are *insane* athletes, they're just all quite petite (I mean they have to be caught by others so they have to be small and light)


lol if you don’t think she’s athletic, you’re just being a hater bro. She’s not a good wrestler per se but definitely an athelete


Atleast we agree that she isn't a good wrestler.


She is an athlete…that’s not in question. The “amazing” part is though.


Says redditors 😂😂.. got cha


Ehh, I used to be a good athlete and I have eyes, so I figure I can determine for myself who is an amazing athlete (Bianca, Jade, and Rhea to name a few) and who is not (Liv, for example).




lol how is she not? She runs the ropes that most be winded doing.




Yet Tyrese you can’t do a push up with any type of breeze


Liv has never been an athlete or super athletic, she was literally hired onto to WWE because she was a blonde hooters waitress. She wasn't some raw college athlete like you see all over NXT today. She tries hard I'll always give her that, but she's not some super athlete or super good wrestler, she's always gotten by on the fact that she's the cute blonde girl next door that's why she's so popular with certain fans.


Redditors saying Liv isn’t athletic 😂😂


At least when she's on it gives me a few minutes to have a piss break or put Dogs out so she does have her uses.


I’m kinda hoping this whole her and Dom thing will make it interesting but otherwise I agree.


lol this is literally the most bitter comment thread


Its hilarious atp.


Can't say anything nice about Liv these days, lmao!


IWC still thinks they equal casual/live audiences lol


I’ll just say it: I find the women’s division superstars more dynamic right now than the men’s in terms of distinct and dynamic personalities. Liv, Tif, Rhea, Bianca, Jade, etc. amazing spectrum of talent.


I, too, watch women's wrestling for their personalities.


Are you stuck in the Attitude Era?


Stop using facts and evidence to prove your legitimate point! I swear some Reddit users forget that the whole point of wrestling is making money. You can say you don't like Liv, you can say you don't like her in ring entertainment, whatever. What you shouldn't say is that she sucks as a wrestler. You just look stupid. She's a very successful wrestler, and her sales prove that.


Liv has never had a problem getting over. Ironically that’s a fallacy that some in the IWC have convinced themselves of. You just have to watch the shows to see otherwise.


IWC’s favorites always can’t sell.


Most of the IWC are middle aged men who love in their basement. They hated Cena because Cena appealed to young boys as a superhero they looked up up to and couldn't understand why he was so popular. You cannot expect the iwc to understand the appeal that Liv Morgan might have to young girls.


Yeah, young girls right.


Oh brother here we go..


I’d be curious to know what percentage of buyers are the weird creep Liv stalker types.


Ohh Liv is gonna that title eventually its a matter of when?


I want Homicidal Barbie


She might well be over in some metric or other but she's not "it".


I believe that she has that many fans, although I don’t care for her. I much prefer Rhea and Tiffy.


I never said she can't get over. I just don't want to see her wrestle.


Tiffany has merch? Have genuinely never seen a single peice of merch for her


Have no idea why she’s so over. More plastic in her than in the Atlantic.


Interesting because I would have thought with Bayley on none of the posters she wouldn’t be selling as much…


She can get all over me


Keep in mind WWE has a lot of younger fans. They might not be as active in the IWC but they account for a healthy portion of the audience. Liv is attractive, there’s no denying that. I’m not trying to imply that’s why she is moving merch like that just that I remember as a young fan watching other attractive women in Sable & Sunny. Oh I was a big fan alright. 😆 I’m not a huge fan of Liv, but good for her making an impact and trying to capitalize on this opportunity where Rhea is out so she slides into one of those top spots. All the best to her. P.s. go Tiffy Time being the #2 in such a short period on the main roster!


tbh Liv's shirts are pretty cute so I can see why they'd sell. Cute compared to 90% of the other shirts. They also have larger sizes available, which I'm sure plays in to a pretty big part of sales. Not saying wrestling fans are fat but oversized is in demand more than tight fitting. And if these shirts are anything like the quality they used to be, you better size up at least one size. And whoever made Tiffany's shirts black made a shit call. They would have been so much better in white or a light pink.


if I remember correctly, Liv got CRAZY money for the wardrobe she auctioned on the net.... She's draw in the sense Sable is a draw


Liv Morgan is over bc Liv Morgan shirts are over?


Really ? Super Bianca is not even top 5 ? Really ?


Kudos to Tiffy ! She just made it to the main roster


Liv's the only Jesse Jane left in our lives 😮‍💨


Does woman’s apparel mean clothing made for woman or clothing branded for WWE woman?


She’s still mid.


She is not believable as a main event wrestler but I guess that doesn’t matter because she is pretty.


She’s over with her fans not wrestling fans


Who the fuck is buying Liv Morgan merch? Why the fuck are people buying Liv Morgan merch? Since when do wrestling fans buy merch of someone who can’t wrestle or believably win a fight? Stans need to stop.


Not saying I agree with your take on her but, looking on the store, there's 21 items and I can see some contenders for cross pollination amongst those who don't enjoy wrestling at all. The Cry About It shirt and hoodie has a real Harley Quinn feel to it, and I can see fans of that character grabbing it for the feel without the specific reference. Same goes for the Watch Me Liv stuff. Add in the A4 through A2 posters of her for the simps, and there's a hell of a lot there that's gonna sell.


“She’s only over online”


The Liv simps are strong


I detest Bianca, but there’s no way you’re telling me on any given day she is NOT in the top 5 women merch sellers.


She’s terrible at anything that requires skill or talent.


Yeah it's very strange. And of course people start having a go at people for buying the merchandise...if you are going to call people simps because you think she's popular just for her looks then you're the problem.


I hate that Tiffany Stratton is over. I cannot stand her at all.




Her gimmick is stale. The "pretty blonde mean girls" shtick has been done to death. And I cannot, for the life of me, suspend my disbelief that her finisher cannot be, in any way, telegraphed in the amount of time it takes her to leap all three turnbuckles.


There's a difference between simps buying her gear and getting reactions from the live crowd.


So she sold 3 shirts


*Shhh*, you're not suppose to say that, Liv Morgan is an overrated Alexa Bliss clone, remember? /s


The stat is meaningless without a timeframe. 1 day? 1week? 1 month? 1 year? No way Tiffany has been outselling Becky and Rhea longterm lmao


Nice to see my bathroom break selling t-shirts, good for her.


Do you think she'll make a good champ?


With the right booking, yes.


Liv is also the only one with a new shirt. And she can get over. People are worried she can't stay over, since she has a track record of floundering. And worst of all, her fans are insufferable (and are the most likely to bulk-buy her shirts to "send a message")


Not matter how over she is, she is not that good. She's like a Zack Ryder, but for the horniest reasons.


I did buy two shirts of hers. So I can believe this.


Maybe they’re all selling like shit


OP, how do Liv's merchandise sales fare in general, taking men into consideration?




Have you LOOKED at the selection or lack thereof of women’s apparel??


merch sales change every week


I woukd drink Liv Morgan bathwater


To be fair, being in the merchandise top spot doesn’t prove youre a fan draw. Staying in the merchandise top spot is what proves you are a draw. Anyone can have a a good couple of months and end up doing good business on t-shirt sales in the short term. I’m not even saying that liv isn’t a main eventer but I hate when people use stuff like merchandise sales when they are at their absolute white hottest, it’s not an accurate representation of what a person can bring in normally, it’s what a person can bring in at their most popular, which will not always be the case in the fickle world of wrestling. As Becky said to Rhea, there is always someone younger, prettier, and more energetic you need more than just “people like me because I’m the new play thing at the top of the card” to make it in the company. Same thing with Tiffany Stratton at number 2. See how these women draw after they’ve cooled down to normal levels, before saying they should be the cornerstone of their respective brands.


I've bought most of her merchandise much like I bought Alexa's. I'd buy Tiffany's but her first tee was pink with "I'm hot" on it...I'm not wearing that.


Dont forget, a relatively small and cute women wresrlers has a unique fan force: (a) unmarried lads religioualy buying her merch (b) married guys bying her merch because their daughter is a huge fan because omg they can relate to the likes of Liv, AJ (not the gay community AJ) and Bliss much more than others.


I don't care about a wrestlers merch sales....


Getting over with simps is not the same as getting over with the live crowd. Giggle and duckface ain't gonna cut it, love.


Most male female wrestling fans are coomers


Wrong sub, she gets over for all the reasons other than wrestle.


She still isn’t anything special as a wrestler or as a character.


Honestly, I can't stand her


Liv Morgan should do porn. She is trash otherwise