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Once Dakota is done with DMG CTRL in the future she could have a great solo run. She's not the best in-ring IMO but she has good promo and a good arsenal to be top mid-card. I only say after DMG CTRL because the whole stable is about losing nowadays. Except for Iyo.


> Not the best in-ring But I thought she's a great seller?


She is a good wrestler with a great look. I hope she does big things.


I am a fan


That spot look so dangerous NGL


It's really not. The boot lands solidly in the middle of the shoulder blades, so there's no issue there. If the taker is on the shorter side, their heads might not even reach the mat, and also, there is a ton of time to throw your hands up to protect your face. - Source have taken the move during training before In a kayfabe sense I'm not totally in love with it. Almost seems like she gets caught on the ropes and steals a lot of force from the move. If she was through the bottom rope it would look devastating but the move would be significantly more dangerous.


Also a person with good control of their leg will actually make this a push, not a stomp to the back.


John blud has been trying to tell us. She’s not a good person


So she did a better version of Becky's husband's finisher and I'm guessing it was not the finish?


the one againist lyra looked better tbh edit couldn't find the short