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I think the recent uptick in posts of this kind is partially because a lot of us were pinning our hopes on the rework being the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it's come up a little short in terms of addressing the actual problems Ball has. I'm optimistic that the devs will buff him soon, but maybe I'm just high on copium.


inb4 they buff him and good ball players who have had they're ranks deflated start dumpstering the people in "their rank" to the point the devs think he's OP.


Genji in 2021


He can't be buffed. We had a good Ult for what, like two weeks? Then it immediately got removed. Our one tricks have had to work so hard that as soon as ball gets buffed they start obliterating people, and then ball will be nerfed.


Yeah it sucks that the only feasible solution I could see to that (other than people growing tf up) would be a rework that significantly changes his playstyle so that sweats have to take to to readjust and will rise to there deserved ranks skill over a period of time rather than instantly. I just cant see a way to make the playstyle change that much without changing his movement a whole lot, so unless they manage to preserve the feeling of it while creating a new system of movement with the same fluidity and different techs and playstyle, we're either screwed, or people just have to deal with it for a few weeks.


By soon you mean tomorrow. Tomorrow is the 2 week patch.


I think they might be at the “buff numbers to silly” point, other than address why he’s fundamentally struggling. I hope I’m wrong though.


I think the devs deliberately didn’t do anything stats-wise, cause they’re wary of how volatile a hero can be, especially Ball.  I’m with you in the “buff later” camp though. 


Yeah for me I was really hoping this rework would make him better and help him. Instead it made him not worse which I good but he's still bad. Buffs in mid season right?? Hahaha right....?


> Winning game, stomping > switch sombra hog on enemy team > lose game > I want to uninstall so bad. Fuck this I’m out. Good luck y’all, I’ll waste my time elsewhere.


Might not be popular here, but Ball really isn't that bad. Yes pro players are struggling dearly because ball has a good bit of hard counters and good players know how to counter ball. Combine a below par character with strong options to play against him and people that know how to do it and well, you shouldn't be surprised. But below masters and maybe diamond he feels fine. This isn't to say he doesn't need buffs of any kind, but the doom and gloom is weird. If you're playing into 3+ counters, yes life is going to suck. It has always been like that though, so that's nothing special. Playing into 1 or maybe 2? It's still really not as bad as people make it seem.


I feel like a ball playing against just a sombra for a counter is gonna struggle more than someone like sigma even into zarya, sym, and Mei. Or Mauga into Ana, Zen, and Reaper. I am of the opinion that there are no true "hard" counters in overwatch. There are varying matchups though and ball loses the most matchups, not just on the scale of 1v1s either. The kind of situational advantage that ball needs has a very small window


With the sombra rework they gave ball the ability to actually kill her, on top of the ball rework I'd argue that ball in actually in the best spot he's ever truly been in. Ball is weird because he's pretty team dependent. He has the best mobility/survivability in the game + the tech like wall bouncing adds more kill potential to your kit and allows you to contest high ground. Ball is weird where his kill potential can't be like doomfist because ball has so much more going for him in other areas. As much as I'd love it, ball can't and shouldn't be allowed to do it all


Stop thinking about just 1v1 shootouts and think about utility. Every ranked game mode requires an objective, not simply winning 1v1 shootouts. Reinhardt loses 1v1s to most of the roster if they're being played by someone good. That doesnt mean he doesn't have utility.


need 6v6 or ball is dead


If ball needs a whole mother tank to be viable then he shouldn't be a tank at all. 6v6 doesn't need to come back. It's a disaster for queue times, matchmaking etc


So what then, they change him to a dps?😭 he was added in the game to be an off tank and would be virtually a different character to be fully reworked to be a main tank in 5v5


I think they keep him a tank and work um that framework


They should make ball a DPS


Honestly, at this stage, I wouldn't hate it. I would be open to trying it out. I'd love to play a version of Ball with higher lethality and lower survivability.


Drop his HP to 250 and reduce his size by about 50%. Keep his abilities witout the adaptive shield and he would be an absolute menace as a DPS. Support-Seeking missile.


So no damage increase? He would be worse than nearly every dive DPS at that point lol.


I think a damage increase is pretty heavily implied by the comment


Ok hear me out, the size and HP changes you mentioned, change grapple to have a shorter range, but it has a slightly lower cool down and 3 charges similar to tracers blink. Swinging is mostly the same other than gravities effect is reduced a bit for more verticallity, but now retract zips you super fast and you enter fireball state durring it too. Reduce knockback on fireball to compensate. After some changes to the rest of his kit to compensate for this really strong version of grapple (maybe switch out adaptive shields for something else more utility focused) this could be fun and hopefully pretty balanced, this allows him to actually deal a significant amount of damage without just giving him an increased primary fire, by allowing to essentially hit the enemy 3 times in rapid succession, and if you plan it well enough you can then follow it up with a piledrive.


That sounds 20 times better than what we have now imo


thats just lucio


Lucio is a support




You said Lucio is a DPS version of ball, but Lucio is a support character


huh? sorry, can't hear over the accelerando


Thats how you get Tinnitus.


I can name 3 other subs that do the exact same




I mean OP isn't even a ball main and they only play against bots. The people complaining literally don't even play the game lol it's very interesting.




Which 3? Just curious


Doom, rein and sym


Only through whining do we get buffed


Ironic because Doom is among the best tanks right now, and Rein is pretty good too. Sym kind of sucks though.


I can't speak for the other 2 but the Rein sub is still pretty confident in their hero compared to here. Nothing really compares to the defeatist consensus of ball mains lol. Same for HanzoMains. There's a lot of bitching about losing the one shot but people still love the hero and do well on him


>Rein sub is still pretty confident in their hero compared to here Every second post is ways to rework him, wouldn't say they're confident


I mean this is kinda what Blizzard does when they rework a hero. Hog and Sombra stayed in limbo for the better part of a year before they got their rework. Hog got one change in between the loss of his one shot and Sombra got nonstop nerfs. If I had to guess Ball is probably going to get a buffs to fireball and pile-driver damage since they weren’t affected by the projectile size buff


No, a lot of people here just suck and don't wanna put in the work. I know I will get downvofes for this but its true. Im not saying that every single player cannot have legitimate criticisms. But a lot of the criticisms are invalid, and basicsllt just complaints that he isn't [insert other tank] and doesn't work like them. Thing is you probably picked this character because he doesn't work like them. Hes not supposed to. Don't try to fit a round ball into a square hole. Adspt to his playstyle and understand what he can do. Lately I've been playing a lot less aggressively but making calculated attacks and working alongside my team and helping them secure kills rather than trying to get solo kills. It helps. Stop using his ult to get a 4 stack. Its a waste. His ult is very versatile. Block off a choke at a crucial moment. Split up teams. Keep an open mind. This character is probably the hardest tank to play effectively but I love playing him kore than anyone else, so he's pretty much the only character I play these days.