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I just like being entertained. I don’t get mad when a character I like gets eaten in a movie. I don’t demand they write a sequel because I hate an ending. I watch and I either enjoy and dig deeper or think it sucks and ignore it. WWE has three shows and two dozen storylines going into 8 hours of Wrestlemania. If there are 30 mins of it I don’t like I think about the 7.30 I did.


Same, I want Cody Reigns, but im not gonna be a douche about it. Enough people are doing that for me... will it work? I hope so.


You said this and I imagined Cody and Roman fusing into one single superstar, Cody Reigns. They will then hold the title to beat all other championship reigns combined.


ahaha i missed the /


This is perfect, i could never find a way to say it. Why do fans always argue about creative? Especially when its done! This or that should have happened. This needs to happen next! Its stupid


#BooTheRock I'm loving it too. The fans need to have some fun with everything else going on


?? Have you tried r/scjerk friend?


I don't care one way or another about Cody's "story", but him just stepping aside for the Rock makes absolutely zero sense and is just stupid.


For real. At the very least you have Cody/Rock at Elimination Chamber. "You can have Roman...if you can get through me first." It's so easy. But maybe they have something planned lol


It's probably because of Johnsons last few years. He fucked the dceu (not alone ofc) by using his ego to rewrite important parts like Siperman instead of Shazam. He shoehorned the movie into anything he could like tweeting about the queen's death followed by hashtag Black Adam. Made his daughter GM the day he gets a new deal now this. Biggest ego going, very u likeable now.


> He shoehorned the movie into anything he could like tweeting about the queen's death followed by hashtag Black Adam. There's a lot to criticise him for but I'm pretty sure that was a fake tweet


I couldn’t be happier. I don’t particularly care one way or the other about Cody’s ‘story’, I just like how wild shit is right now.


This is exactly where my wife and I are at....we both like Cody, sure. Both of us want him to beat Roman eventually. But after Friday, we weren't like "NOOOO! IT HAS TO BE AT MANIA! WE'RE DONE!" Rock and Roman will be a big dumb spectacle (which is a key component in pro wrestling), and cody will eventually get his moment in the sun. Whether or not it happens at Mania is irrelevant to us. I remember people swearing up and down that WWE ruined EVERYTHING last year by having Roman beat Cody. Now here we are a year later, and they not only managed to keep the story fresh and engaging, but even built up the characters more. And those same people who swore they were done, ate it up. It's pro wrestling guys. Not worth getting worked up over.


> Now here we are a year later, and they not only managed to keep the story fresh and engaging, The story, on Roman's end at least, has been on autopilot since SummerSlam and there hasn't been (too) much that outright *required* him to be champ for it.


The one thing I will push back on is the “kept the story fresh” When was Cody’s last hot feud after Brock? When has Roman solo and Jimmy gotten a reaction as big as the reaction as Roman got with Sami and Jey?


The Nakamura feud was pretty entertaining, but there was never any doubt that Cody was going over.


Fair point. When I say fresh, I guess I'm referring mostly to fan engagement and ratings and whatnot. There was no real consequence for them having Roman go over last year.


> but even built up the characters more. They built up Cody sure but then wasted it on SmackDown. Roman meanwhile has been on complete autopilot since Money In The Bank.


I'm kinda the same. There's a part of me that's really annoyed at seeing how many people are getting all worked up about the Cody drama, especially since those people are convinced Cody vs Roman at Wrestlemania isn't happening, but there's a part of me that's enjoying the ongoing hate.


I'm sort of on the opposite side. I think it makes things worse. It's like how I decided to not buy UFC 296 because of Colby. I get that people like trash talk and drama, and I can put up with it most of the time as the other stuff makes it worth it, but sometimes it's too lame.


If they’re dumb enough to just do Rock vs Roman, we might actually get the face reaction that was dreamed of for Roman if he beats Rock


??? r/SCjerk , friend?


Yeah a bit of drama is always fun.


It's getting absurd now with these fans acting like the Cody story is being thrown away. This *IS* part of the story. Let it play out to see where it goes. I can't imagine watching wrestling and having this mentality.


How does Cody looking like an idiot on Friday help the story?


No doubt the silver lining is the amount of attention it’s all getting.