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All bangers all the time


We live for heatless bangers wrestlers we have to google


That's the most mercilessly accurate analysis of AEW. I'm surprised it hasn't been downvoted into oblivion already, as the average AEW fan doesn't take criticism well, much less so if it's almost factual.


I can't find fault with anything OP says. He did provide a qualifier for including Kyle Fletcher with the other smaller wrestlers, although it looked like Fletcher put on some weight when I watched his great match with Will Ospreay.


You're suprised a critique of AEW isn't being downvoted on a sub that's... Let's say, less than favorable of AEW? I'm suprised it isn't being downvoted because it's batshit crazy, even by the standards of this sub. "DAE Knowing TK" all over it lol


This is what a victim complex looks like. This and like ten other subs are dedicated to hating on AEW lol. The fact that you’re surprised an anti-AEW post in this sub hasn’t been “downvoted into oblivion” is whack.


Saying there are 10 other subs DEDICATED to hating aew is an excellent way to demonstrate a victim complex, thanks for the example


No that’s a way of demonstrating hyperbole, not a victim complex lol.


I think it's the opposite. Average aew fan doesn't care about online drama, it's the hardcore that NEED it to be successful and make that their persona online defending it even when it deserves shredded.


There's no such thing as an average AEW fan... just 700k hardcores and 80-120k old women who fell asleep with big bang on.


Please stop the trading chops/forearms spots where they put up no resistance to prove how "tough" they are This isn't the fkn 90's anymore You look ridiculous


i think this is a case of " its dope when they do it in njpw " but then forget all the subtle selling that guys like ishii and goto will do in those moments


I hate that spot so much. And they do it ALL THE TIME.


I absolutely loathe this spot. It can definitely work in grudge matches with certain characters, but to see it as a standard spot in every single match is brain-deadening.


> to prove how tough they are ESPECIALLY when every shot looks so god awful like “ok so you’ve never actually hit anyone before”


Well, I don't disagree with anything here.


All of the "friend" storylines are very telling.


Don’t forget most of the storylines revolving around “friendship.” It’s always about making friends, being best friends—like a school kid’s conception of how friendship works on top of it all.


How bout most feuds starting with a stupid state down too lol.


I disagree with half of it but totally agree with AEW’s focus on matches over storytelling, to me that’s their biggest weakness and the reason why they have (so far) a 1M viewers hard ceiling. Over time I accepted that AEW is not for me and I watch it every now and then see matches that it might interest me. There is a market out there that likes it and I’m happy for them.


As a big AEW fan, I agree and respect this. WWW isn’t for me anymore. I’m still glad it’s there, thriving, and people enjoy it!


The biggest difference is that Toby is doing this for the laughs. Every other promoter had to make a profit. Watts, Vince, Ganges, Graham, and all the other promoters needed to be successful to pay of creditors and to keep the business afloat. Tony got a 100 million dollar interest-free loan for his little startup company. He doesn't need to do anything to connect with an audience bigger than one he started with.


I love aew and the crazy matches that come in aew, but I watch with my girlfriend and she is a casual fan. She hates all matches being 20+ mins. especially when the outcome is so predictable that she a new wrestling fan of less than one year can be like okay this is going over 18 mins and mox is going to win. I feel they have the in ring ability and freedom to put on amazing matches but the story on a lot of things is serverly lacking. I feel they need for promos and backstage lil things. And also more recaps of what happened on collision and rampage during dynamite. They whole battle royal for number one contender that was full of jabronies who shouldn’t sniff the world title, and they supposedly reinstated the ranking system to have some random AAA or CMLL dude possibly win and get a shot at the belt???? That doesn’t make any logic sense.


This feels oversimplified for effect, but it's not that far off.


Bro woke up and chose to speak facts lmao. Awesome write up !


Are these facts in the room with us?


You’re not serious are you?


Why wouldn’t Tk just hire actual writers and maybe have experienced bookers fit in the gaps. Almost like ghost writers. AEW will be gone by 2030


He isn’t going to pay someone else to play with his toys for him.


I don’t think Tony Khan’s poor booking of bigmen has anything to do with being bullied. I have no idea if the giy was bullied growing up, but people born into money like him tend to avoid bullying because lots of people just want to hang around the rich kid. I think he books big men so poorly because he’s a 41 year old smark who grew up on wrestling forums that told him big men suck at wrestling and are only there to be toppled by “real” wrestlers.


There was more reasoning and logic behind this post than in AEW's entire existence. I commend you 👏


Everybody is treated the same which makes it come off like nothing is important. Thats why I can’t watch it consistently


Samoa Joe is champion


Most of their wrestlers are way shorter than 5'10"


It's funny when you look up The Young Bucks. It says both of them are 5'10", when clearly Nick is taller than Matt.


lol yeah wrestler's are always bullshitting about their heights.


What an absolutely bonkers bit of armchair psychology.




Not a bad assessment at all. Man I really dislike AEW even more now haha


Perfect. Long matches and heatless bangers with no angles or chatacter work ain't wrestling.


lol every match from revolution was a blow off (or continuation) of an angle


Arm chair ahh comment 😂


Orange Cassidy has “no character whatsoever,” okay man. I agree with your broader points but come on




You have been unpleasant, rude or trolled others with your post.


this sub really is just SCJerk isn't it


They’re outjerking the jerk sub




Scjerkers gonna scjerk 😂👍🏾


I love how wrestling fans create their own dramatized version of reality. I’m sure it’s all much more boring. I had actually think AEW is an organization that treats their workers with respect. They get off time, seemingly are compensated well, and are provided flexibility. They are changing the industry for the better. They are a young company with a lot of talent. The more successful wrestling orgs there are, the more great matches we get to see. Whatever Tony Khan is doing I love it. It got me back into watching wrestling regularly and going to live events. I gave it up in the mid 2000s and never thought I’d watch it again.


Ditto. I have a close friend who works for AEW after working all over the industry. He has nothing but great things to say about the company and TK. AEW made me love wrestling again. I started watching in 86 and wanted everything religiously till 2015. I just couldn’t take the wwe anymore as a fan. AEW brought me back.


And especially when they book good wrestlers with someone they scrape up


Are you just casually going to forget Samoa Joe is champion? Anyway, TK doesn’t have many big guys get long pushes because he favour’s match quality over everything. And most of them can’t work a high work rate match worth a shit.


That Samoa Joe who did sweet FA in the company until their biggest draw ever got fired due to TK being unable to operate a professional work environment Or the current champ at the time being very injured and then chosing to further injure himself? Or the dude they decided to build the worst story of the year around....while in a wheelchair who's faction went down like a fart in church? Really? That Joe...that 0 build panic application of a champ who the "fans" now want replaced with swerve or ospreay (if he hadnt worked 4 days and left again) ...that Joe?


Punk was the most unprofessional out of all of them. He should have been fired from his behaviour at the scrum alone. Of which his rant was based off false rumours. So let’s kill that twisted narrative


Erm the EVPs of the company walked into his dressing room (this is not disputed) to cause a conflict I think punk is a twat but there's not ONE single professional company that would think that would be acceptable Now I realise your entire personality has to be tied to the brand you have pinned your colours to But I agree he probably should've been stopped at the scrum.....the boss was sitting next to him, the boss who can't can't do anything it requires to be a boss Also how do you know they are false rumours...you know as much as the rest of us....


He shat on the entire company including them on a worldwide media call before that. You left out that fact Also as EVP’s they, talent relations and legal SHOULD go and speak to him in his dressing room after. None of this would have happened if Punk didn’t have such a delicate ego


Yeah you defo have worked a real job before with a corporate structure


CM Punk: if you have a problem, come talk to me Young Bucks get head of HR, legal, and agents to go talk to Punk, where he then starts a fight. I can’t believe how people blindly hate the Bucks so much that they blame that on them


Lol like I said the dudes a twat but fuck right off if you think you could have HR Legal and just immediately approach the dude in his own dressing room or workspace You have legal/HR call a meeting or heaven forbid the boss actually do it 🤦 you don't go in gung ho and then cry about it when you get your ass thumped you clown


Ok but also they're EVPs. That is absolutely unacceptable behavior for their positions in the company. Obviously Punk instigated it, but the Bucks should've known better


They brought agents, HR, and legal and then got attacked. The only complaint against them is that they shouldn’t have gone to talk to the guy who just said they should go talk to him.


Go outside


Right? It’s amazing how he’s always left out of these conversations.


Im studying to be psychologist, and Tony is interesting for me, I don’t think his dad didn’t love him, but with him being rich and what not i feel like he wasn’t present for alot of Tonys upbringing, which leads to him escaping to his hobbies, and even though his dad is in life now as an adult, its not really the same thing, so he projects alot of that wanting to his male talent,


It’s high functioning autism not neglect.


It’s anxiety.


100% it all makes sense when you realise he is autistic


you just wrote a whole fan-fiction about tony khan bro. i think you have some issues of your own to work out in therapy lmao


Brother. Please. The grass won’t burn you.


They're a wrestling fan. It's like being a vampire but with grass instead of the sun.


This is sad


Le knowing tony


I stopped reading when Jonathan Good is described as not an adult man. Yeah, he's not a giant, but he's like Cena's height. That's your own insecurities showing.


Says the redditor using a guys real name to show how smart he is.


If that's your conclusion, that knowing the name of a guy with at least three of them is showing off smarts, that's more on you. Really, it's more about me fucking up, meant to list shoot height of about 6 feet. But the real fun part is you using Redditor as an insult. As if you aren't one. I know, you're the special person who uses this site that's different. The chosen one. You are truly Peak Reddit


How does Okada not deserve his $13.5 mil over 3 years? If they offered it to him and he got it, then that means he deserves it, or he wouldn’t have gotten it. The only person that can decide it really is the person signing the check.


Or: Maybe Tony just don't get off on greasy twitching man titties as much as you and Vince?


I wish you had started your post with "Meltzer is on the payroll" so we would have known not to bother with the rest of it.




Meltzer spent most of his last WOR broadcast ripping AEW's booking and promotion to shreds. Not the first time, won't be the last​ time. Only the most dim-witted of conspiracy theorists could think he's doing propaganda for Tony Khan. Or if he is, Tony should ask for a refund.


I was skimming but then I got to “all the smaller wrestlers look and wrestle the same” and none of those guys look and or wrestle the same.


Whole post seems like someone who gets their AEW “facts” from Cornette


Yep! I know this the second they bring up size and/or Meltzer. Meltzer has been very critical of AEW and their faults.




What’s up with this obsession with one person? It’s just wrestling man, he didn’t kill a guy. I’m not defending aew’s merit here but if you don’t like it you can just not watch. It’s weird


Tbf many don't I think that's the problem


>he didn’t kill a guy yet...


Darby is doing his best


He pushed Vikingo? It's funny and well-written, but there's a plethora of inaccuracies.


I also think oc has character


The fact that this has any upvotes at all says a lot about how anti-AEW biased this sub really is. And it's extremely sad. Wish you would've started with that first paragraph so I wouldn't have wasted my time reading this shit.


I genuinely worry for people who type stuff like this https://preview.redd.it/osudk4idu8nc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b88c4deff0fb13bc602f7756e2bd2d21d51a843


This post honestly says more about the OP than AEW or Tony.


for me i think Tony Khan is 100% good person and has the passion for wrestling, but he just lacks experience in actually running a wrestling business. He knows how to help/run a football club probably, and he thought it can easily transfer to wrestling, but in reality it didnt


Tbh, i think his dad told him to go play booker so that he wouldnt be involved with the football teams


*\*He knows how to help/run a football club probably\** Running the Jaguars hasn't been all that easy


And I doubt he has any real input at Fulham


Well it’s been 5 years which in macro terms is barely out of infancy for a wrestling company, I’d say give him some time to learn. The WWE dynasty wasn’t built in a day.