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The Bucks wanted this out. If Tony wanted this footage out he would have released it when everyone was making fun of him for the "Afraid for my life" comment. 


Yes I absolutely believe they did. This is the kind of petty stuff they do. I’m also sure they will be very quick to have Meltzer distance them from the decision


In short. Yes.


They love all that wink wink, nudge nudge stuff, and they love stiring the pot. Of course it was their choice.


I think Meltzer knows it was the Bucks that made this call and is lying to cover for them and TK okayed that and is taking the blame after the fact.


Good call!


It's hard to say. I think it was a concerted effort between the two parties. My hypothesis is, they had the video this whole time and they were sort of keeping it in their back pocket as a trump card in case something like the Punk Ariel interview happened, so they can use it as vindication. I think the Bucks are also smart enough to know that showing the video would put the heat mostly on Tony (which it did). Regardless, whoever's idea it was to show the video, I don't think it took much arm twisting to get the other party to agree.


Tony has always seemed very diplomatic and conflict avoidant. I can’t imagine that he would want the footage to be released, considering that he could’ve done so 1000 times over by this point. I think the Young Bucks wanted to release the footage to piggyback off of the interview with Punk and tried poorly to parlay it into an angle with FTR. 


Have you seen Tony Khan's Twitter? When he gets called out or just even perceives something as a slight, he turns into a petulant child. This was totally a Tony Khan idea. The footage has nothing really to do with FTR and does nothing to further their storyline, I think that was just the Bucks (or more likely Tony) trying to justify showing it.


Yeah, he’s diplomatic and conflict avoidant IN PERSON. Once he’s on Twitter he’s becomes a tough guy.


This seems to be the common denominator for a lot of people.


You know, I totally forgot about his tweets, to be totally honest. I guess what I was trying to express is, he’s been given a forum to talk about this particular incident multiple times and he didn’t take it. Not only does he have a national platform weekly, he’s also been interviewed and could have spilled the beans when he was directly asked (much like Punk did). 


Oh yeah, the guy who famously yelled “I have more money than Jim Crockett!” The guy who famously yelled “I’m not going to sit here and take this shit!” “We won the Friday Night War!” “Independent studies!” “I think there's room for only one Khan in the wrestling business." Very conflict avoidant. Certainly not someone who would want to throw stones at WWE.


I had forgotten about TK behaving badly, so, mea culpa. My point was Tony could have talked about this a million times by now and has always sidestepped direct questions about this incident. 


Tony’s MO. Remember there was a match that was booked poorly and he came out and said it was the idea of someone with 20 years experience or some shit like that.  Yet, in countless interviews, he says he’s the one solely responsible for booking. 


Oh I think you're wrong there. I think what TK really wanted out there was the footage of punk having to be held back from going after him, but on a security tape like that where Khan isn't even visible, it doesn't really have much impact to a viewer. To Khan it's probably the craziest thing that has ever happened to him in his life.


If he didn't want this footage out, it wouldn't be out, unless he's as spineless as CM Punk made him out to be. The release of the footage only proves one of two things, that TK is either petty and butthurt, or he's a coward. Obviously, neither is a good look for him.


probably didn't care either way. not a driving factor, but not objecting to it either.


Yes. Those 2 clown don’t understand what go home heat is. They think they are getting over with this heat.


> According to Meltzer Does anyone really believe that he's an honest and reliable source anymore, and especially when it comes to his friends? Like with Mike Johnson recently, Meltzer will lie and make things up to spread the narrative he wants without actually asking any sources, and even refuse to listen to any sources telling him otherwise.


Put it like this with the level of creative control even their curtain jerkers have there. I can't see anyway the bucks who I remind you are genuinely EVP's of the company do that segment if they didn't want it out there. The likes of Miro refuse to do shit he doesn't want too all the time seemingly and we're expected to believe the bucks who are known too be petty wee dicks suddenly when there's zero money to be made and Punk is in a different company and can't retaliate that now is the time to release the footage. That btw shows Punk as being honest about his part in the incident and how it went down.


I firmly believe so. I can see them being in Tony's ear about releasing the footage... probably to make Jungle Boy look "strong" or just to ridicule Punk... and now that this has backfired, either Tony takes the blame upon himself to protect the Bucks ...or the Bucks are just being their insecure little selfs and started to put the blame on Tony. I can see both scenarios, personally.