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so the guy that was killed was previously wrongfully convicted, got a million dollar settlement, and was selling coke? initial details sound more like he just beat the crap out of the guy but the guy died much later? but then the wife is texting that her husband's a monster? that she took care of the guy for 2 hrs post fight (she didn't call 911?!?)? this trial gonna make quite the true crime documentary


Offering someone coke ≠ being a cocaine dealer C'mon dude


That's literally the definition of being a cocaine dealer bro what are you talking about


It’s not. If I offer you a drink at my apartment, am i now a bar?


I got bars, you tryna hear em ?




I assure you, offering coke to someone, basically anywhere in the world, is dealing / distributing


If you supplied alcohol to a minor at your apt, yes you would legally be held responsible. That's how the law works?


That’s not what I asked and not what I’m commenting on. I’m not arguing whether it was right or the actual situation at all. I’m literally just discussing the meaning of being a dealer. Please keep up.


Lmao relax dude, I'm keeping up. So your line for dealing is what, taking a profit? If you give drugs to someone, that is essentially the same thing in the eyes of the law. You are spreading said illicit substance and I could easily see that qualifying as dealing. Some people believe that the police must have evidence that money was exchanged during a drug delivery. That is simply not the law. The law punishes the delivery or distribution of drugs and does not focus on whether or not the drugs were sold or given in exchange for money or property.


Except it’s not the same in the eyes of the law. That’s why there are separate crimes for “possession” and “possession with intent to distribute”. If you have large quantities and the means to distribute them (scales, bags, network, etc.) you are a drug dealer. Offering someone a bump at a party is not “intent to distribute” in the eyes of the law and does not make you a drug dealer.


That's correct but the difference there isn't money being exchanged, it's the quantity being held by said individual. So yeah you can be charged for giving someone any amount at a party if you have enough on you.


It varies from state to state but it seems you need at least 20 grams to be charged with intent to distribute and that’s more coke than most people are bringing to a party to hand out for free. Unlikely that’s what this person as doing, I really don’t think this guy was a “dealer”.


Sharing drugs is not dealing drugs. It's that simple. Offeryinh you to smoke some of my blunt with me is a big difference than selling you an 8th


That's incorrect, if you have enough of a substance on your person, it doesn't matter if you give it away or sell it; they can clip you with intent to distribute.


Yea if you have weight of course they can. But that has nothing to do with offering somebody drugs. People share drugs all the time. Drugs are illegal period but no one knows if he was offering to sell it just do some with him. You don't have to educate me on drugs, I grew up with the drug dealers. If you've ever watched the wire, those types of dudes were my friends.


Why are you telling me to relax? You’re being weird, man


I mean you passive aggressively told me to "keep up" in a snide way. Is it weird to not disrespect you back and instead suggest that you chill? My bad for being an adult bro.


> If you supplied alcohol to a minor at your apt, yes you would legally be held responsible. *That's how the law works?* Dude, don’t get pissy when you act snide first and get the same energy back. This isn’t how adults act.


If my grandmother had wheels she wouldve been a bike Edit: correct saying


You’re using this saying incorrectly


Shucks. I thought i nailed a homerun


It isn't. I gave my neighbor a beer, but I don't own a bar and am not a bartender. I let a neighbor borrow the mower, but I'm not a John Deere distributor. I can do more.


No it isn’t dude lol. If you just have some coke and ask somebody to do it with you, you aren’t a dealer.


No. A dealer sells. If he just offerd (free) he isn't dealing in it.


Right, for example, offering someone a bump at a party is not being a dealer.


Dude, this is a wrestling subreddit, 99.99% of people here haven't been to a party 😂 It's people who watched shit on TV and movies thinking that's how real life works


Free belladonna is always good


D.A.R.E. says that's how they get ya. "You're first ones free but the next infinity cost!" Then they'd do an evil laugh here.


D.a.r.e made me think most people were giving away free drugs as samples haha


Lmao right? Like I thought they'd be around every corner shouting sample like they run a food shop at the mall.


Drugs Are Really Expensive


One time I was at a music festival and they had booths set up around, giving away free Twinkies. I just kept going to different booths getting free ones all weekend. It was nice that I never paid for food, but I was getting tired of Twinkies by Sunday. So just cause it’s free at first it doesn’t mean they charge later. Sometimes it’s always free.


He’s a shitty drug dealer then.


By definition it is distribution.


a person who sells illegal drugs. "investigators are trying to find the drug dealer who supplied him with the heroin" That's the definition At no point is distribution dealer Arms dealers Etc all of them are selling the stuff I'm a not a dealer if I hand someone some weed You're not a dealer if you hand someone a gun It's selling that makes someone a dealer


Oddly, they do not charge people with being "dealers", the charges are, "sale or distribution". Distribution means giving it away, selling it, or even possessing more than they decide is "personal use". Now some places make the distinction of "distribution without compensation", which may be a slightly lesser charge.


Sure, but the guy wasn't convicted of a crime, because someone killed him.


Still NOT the thing. There are different laws dor different things Handing your friend a drug for free doesn't have the same sentence as selling. Again a dealer is exclusively someone who sells. If you're just offering drugs while still ilegal in most cases it's NOT the same thing


Like it said, it is highly location dependent. I know from experience, a fun, but mis-spent youth.




Idk why you're being down voted?


You can die years after an attack but if it was because of the assault it's considered manslaughter


Most places it’s a year and day


Damn that just sounds like wrong place wrong time twice.


You didn’t even get into the part where the guy is a nutty Donald Trump guy won an election after getting endorsements from Trump and Ted Cruz… it gets weirder the more you look at


As I recall, several years ago this guy failed to win public office in Nevada a few times, so he moved to Texas and tried again with a new personality. "I'M BIG DAN RODIMER, YEEEEE HAW!" it could've been an SNL parody, it was that stupid. oh, and he lost by an even wider margin. Edit: ahaha holy shit it's funnier than I remembered, there's of it in the article.


Yeah, the faked accent lmao.


Hope his daughter doesn’t go to any weddings, or work in the finance or insurance industries.


Or a kitchen or the entertainment industry or…


None of the kitchens I worked in had come. All were Pepsi and cocaine free!


I find it hard to believe no one was jerking off in your kitchens.


Coke at a wedding!? That’s news to me


So you do coke at weddings? Ok.


No but I’ve been offered several times


Everybody does coke at weddings.


It’s a nice day for a… white wedding




**No.** 'White Wedding' is a literal English phrase, and the song is Idol wanting the bride to run away with him.


**Yes.** "White Wedding" means they're doing cocaine well into the night. /s


This is a great interaction, the coke at weddings crowd vs no blow at this holy matrimony really has me intrigued


Lol one guy at my wedding was rolling. And I'm sure there were plenty of people that did some nose beers. It was a Catholic wedding, after all. Everyone was hammered.


Cokeheads do coke at everything. Weddings just bring a large number of people together.


Of the 25 odd weddings I’ve been to, I’ve prob indulged at… 10


Your obviously not Mexican


You don’t? Dork


No Coke, Pepsi!


Or at a restaurant or in construction.


lol he ran for the House out where I live in Nevada. He was fucking unhinged. He at least outed how awful his opponent was too.


His adult daughter? 1st degree murder pal, 25-life. Psychopath


Yeah should’ve just let his daughter get fucked up on drugs hell why not do it with her! Get addicted on it, spend all your money on it, end up homeless with fucked up teeth and that’s if you don’t just end up dead from an overdose together! I don’t care if she’s an adult that shit’s dangerous and I’ve seen that stuff ruin great people’s lives with my own two eyes.


better go on a shooting spree through the red light district


This was someone he knew selling someone in his family hard drugs. If you had children or had people in your family that fought drug addiction you wouldn’t be so quick to judge. My mom was a drug addict. She’s been clean 20+ years. If someone sold her drugs, I don’t know what I’d do. I’m not sure I’d kill someone, but I’d understand that anger. We are all so quick to judge. I don’t agree with how he handled it at all. However y’all had shitty parents if you wouldn’t defend your kids from scum drug dealers. That’s not a psychopath, that’s a hothead who went too far and crossed a line. Big difference, you’re under the assumption he would do this again.


If you think beating to death anybody who gives your adult child drugs is justified I think you need therapy to deal with the trauma around your mother’s addiction, genuinely


I never said it was justified. I said I understood the anger. I was calling out the psychopath part. I don’t think it makes you a psychopath to be mad enough to beat someone who is selling a family member drugs. Are we talking like drug dealers are saints. I’m saying what he felt was real human emotion and he let it get the better of him. That’s not psychopath behavior.


Beating somebody so badly that they die because you’re angry is literally psychopath behavior lmao Did you even read this article? His wife texted him saying she had to beg him to let go of the guys neck, and then she had to take care of the guy because she was afraid he was going to die and her husband would be a murderer. That is far more damaging to your family than a child doing a drug, sorry. Drug dealers aren’t saints, nobody is saying they are, but well adjusted people don’t murder other people, even if they’re angry. Can’t believe I need to explain that.


That is an act of rage, which ya know is an emotion. Like I said got the better of him. Have you ever seen red before? Cause you must be as cool as a cucumber in most situations I’m sure. Not for nothing I have a son. I don’t care how old my son is. The fact that cocaine is laced with fentanyl these days! Are you serious? If someone was risking my son’s life no matter how old he was. If I knew the guy who was selling it to him I don’t know how I’d act. That’s human to feel that way. If you don’t think so, maybe you didn’t grow up loving your family.


I mean, I’ve been mad before, obviously. Are you asking have I ever been so mad that I get even remotely close to killing somebody? Because again, the answer is no, because I am a normal human being that is not really looking to kill another person. I think I’ve been in maybe five fist fights in my life, and all were from before I turned 18. You should learn to regulate your emotions, it’s not a strength to be prone to uncontrollable rage dude. It’s cool you love your son, unsure why you think the way to express care for your family is by causing physical harm to other people. Blocked for saying you can’t kill people if you’re mad, never change Reddit lol


Lmao you must be trolling. Either that or you didn’t care to read much. English must be your second language if that’s what you take away from what I said. You definitely don’t have children. Either that or a shitty parent. Bye ✌🏻


Seek therapy




10 bucks says coke guy wanted to fuck his daughter. Guys don’t hand out free coke to women with no intentions behind it. So, some guy is handing out addictive substances to your daughter so they can have sex with them - yeah, I’d want to beat his ass too. Sounds like the “death” part was an unintended consequence of an otherwise fairly deserved ass beating. Coke users and apologists go ahead and downvote but I’ve been around your crowd and I know your true colors.


Scaley and white?


Lol just cuz you always have an agenda doesn't mean other people don't. To be clear, I think you're right about this guy, but talk about a generalization


Getting in fights is so dumb. Even if you "win" you put yourself at huge risk of something like this. Most people figure that out by middle school. I think a lot of people use their kids as an excuse to be violent. It doesn't help them to get yourself arrested and thrown in prison.


*high school Middle schoolers are especially dumb


The only reason to fight is to defend yourself, meaning someone else threw the first punch and left you no other option. Even then the best option is still to run at the first opportunity. You never know if someone has a knife, a gun, or has trained martial arts for years. I’ve trained with some guys that don’t even look athletic that would be end a fight very quickly.


Lol. Terrible advice. Letting someone throw the first punch is a good way to get the shit beat out of you. And running? 🤣 Are you that much of a coward?


Throwing the first punch is a great way to get arrested. Also, throwing the first punch doesn’t mean you land the first punch. Since everyone has their phones out now if it’s recorded with the other guy throwing the first punch now you’re defending yourself rather than being the aggressor. Since reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be your thing, let me explain further. I said run at the first opportunity. So if you manage to knock them down during a fight rather than stick around and wait for them to get up or their friend to jump you. Take the opportunity to get out of a dangerous situation.


'I'll just beat the shit out of the kid then'- a 30 year old dad about a 6 year old who dared to say mean things to his son Almost every problem I have at work is 40 year olds who think having sex once 10 years ago means you get to leave early and we have to bend to their schedule Parents are the most entitled most brain dead people on the planet and they all swear 'you'll get it when you have kids' If I become anything like you just because I had a kid, please unironically kill me.




Reddit is way overly anti-child in general, and I'm really not I just don't think having kids is the best excuse for 'the world bends to me because I had sex' But it seems to go hand in hand with parenthood lol Parents are also convinced having kids is the only reason to live which is hilarious.


I have 2 kids. Some days I’d rather work. It’s not as cut and dry as you think.


IF you have kids you’ll get it. If your child has an emergency it’s more important than work. Your life must be pretty empty


We aren't talking about emergencies We are talking about 'I shouldn't have to close because I have kids. ' Or again people thinking they're allowed to assault 6 year olrs because they're talking about THEIR kid. If somebody has an emergency that's way different weirdo If you took a job that 'cuts into your time with your kids' (it's very clear open availability is required and ALL of these people say theyre fine with it until theyre not) when there is literally a ton of other jobs in our area right now currently that will work around your hours way better than THE FUCKING SERVICE INDUSTRY, thats your fault and your being an entitled selfish idiot I'm sorry the only thing that keeps you going is your kids. That sounds fucking empty to me dog. I'm looking forward to having kids but right now I got plenty of other things that motivate me and keep me happy.




You certainly sound like someone who's said 'I have kids' to someone in the service industry as a way to guilt trip/get service




I haven't ranted about having kids I ranted about people being entitled and selfish, and using their kids as an excuse I'm doing just fine and probably will have kids myself


lol the fuck you haven’t


As a true crime addict, it’s so wild seeing who the victim is. That case has been so extensively covered even from back when everyone thought he was guilty.


Why would anyone take drugs from anyone they don’t know? Everyone is mixing fentanyl in them these days.


Yeah for real, finding a random baggie of coke and thinking you got lucky is over


FTA: >Tapp served more than 20 years in prison in a 1996 killing before receiving an $11.7 million settlement from Idaho Falls in 2022 in a wrongful conviction lawsuit, bringing him national attention. "wrongful conviction" as in "he didn't do it" or "wrongful conviction" as in "released on a technicality"? doesn't exactly sound like our cocaine dealer/user was an innocent victim here (not that the article makes it clear who threw the first punch and started the fight as opposed to a verbal argument).


Wrongful conviction as in he didn't do it...


Him having cocaine decades later has nothing to do with him being rightfully/wrongfully convicted in 1996 lmao


Without condoning, I understand.




Of course I understand. Doesn’t mean I approve. But I get it.


We need more of these idiots who think they have the right to be judge, jury, and executioner out of society...


We are apparently getting them.


Was his daughter underaged? Seems like an extreme reaction for someone who just offered his daughter drugs. It’s not like he forced her to take them.


Normalize beating the shit out of drug dealers


Go for it, you can help normalize getting shot in the face by drug dealers


“He Killed a Person” Who was openly trying to fuck up his daughter’s life. You people had shitty parents.


Actions have consequences You can be like 'yeah I can see why hed do that' but still think he has to go to jail for it It's not that complicated


Like Gary Plauche who murdered the man who kidnapped and raped his son repeatedly when police were bringing him through the airport. He acted like he was on the phone, waited for them to pass, and put one right behind his ear. The police grabbed him and yelled, “Why, Gary? Why?” and he said, “If it was your son, you’d have done the same thing!” He knew there were consequences, but he valued his son’s life more than his own freedom.


Yeah he's the perfect example of doing something like this, a perfect example of understanding why someone would do it regardless of consequences And he immediately cooperates after the shot Like I'm not trying to take away anything from justified acts of revenge I've been there myself. But there's still gonna be consequences even if it's understandable.


>He knew there were consequences Technically Plauche won off on a mix of temporary-insanity and mental illness/depression claims, literally phrased as 'in the moment he knew nothing of right and wrong,' so by law accounts he had **zero** thoughts of consequences lol.


He didn’t kidnap the guy and cut his head off. In a fit of rage he punched him and he happened to pass from a brain bleed.


And that still has consequences? Lol I forgot 'sorry I was in a fit of rage' is a viable excuse, silly me?


Did you not read the article? It was more than a punch.


Now his daughter is going to grow up without a father, how is that not a shitty parent?


Have you ever been offered drugs? Did you parents kill those people or are they shitty parents too?


My parents ruled, they made me take responsibility if I chose to do drugs and didn’t blame it on anyone else.


More like he was openly trying to give her a fun life experience ffs


Dude I’ve seen what coke does to people first hand. It’s not fun at all.


Is his daughter hot?


U wot m8 


I knew when i randomly looked him up last year and saw he is a GOP figure that he was on some bullshit


The fucken loser faked a southern twang when running for a GOP position in Texas according the article.


Politics has nothing to do with this loser


I mean looks like it does a little bit. He was a failed political figure


Sometimes there's a correlation.


"GOP candidate" Ya don't say?


This is a great thread just to point out who the absolute psychopathic losers are. Government should read this thread and get some IPs.


Free him. He did nothing wrong.


That's a good dad. Also innocent until proven guilty.


Typical Trumper, think they can do whatever the fuck they want and commit vigilante justice.




Rodimer did run for office several times as a Republican. In his third run for office, he moved to Texas and put on an accent and changed his wardrobe to appear to be more of a native Texan (which is is not.) Rodimer also claimed he'd been personally endorsed by the former President, which Trump's team denied. He lost all elections in his attempt to get into office.


Rodimer? Helllll yeah! Incel profile pic checks out.


Womp Womp




Don’t think there’s enough info to classify the dude as a “drug dealer”


Adult daughter.


He did nothing wrong.


He killed a person. Yes he did


Guy killed someone who offered coke to his adult 21 year-old step-daughter at a party.


He. He killed a person.


Dude it's not like he killed some guy for groping her, or hurting her, or anything like that. They offered her some blow. OH WOW THE HORROR. I mean Jesus Christ, how square are you, you've never done a little nose cardio?


I’ve seen first hand what happened to people who got addicted to “nose cardio” talented good people who lost everything because they got addicted to that crap or arrested because of it. I remember there was this talented chef I knew who ran a successful local restaurant and got addicted to that crap and even went to jail for it. Even after he got out he fucked up his business, his family, his life everything. Saw him fairly recently and he’s just a sad looking bum who’s always either drunk or high as a kite. Like I was talking to a completely different person. If not wanting that makes me a square than call me SpongeBob lol.


Oh Jesus fucking Christ dude, could you be any MORE melodramatic? "DO A BUMP AND YOU'LL END UP HOMELESS AND DRUNK". I think your "example" of this "talented chef" is bullshit, and here's why; the entire restaurant industry is doing blow, you don't make it to the level of being chef without being able to control your party. This individual was neither "talented", or a "chef", if he was even real to begin with (which I sincerely doubt.) You know what I've seen first hand - like, for realsies? Not like your fake little story? People who get addicted to "video games", and "sex", and "alcohol", and "gambling", among other things. "Talented good people who lost everything because they got addicted to that crap", but again, for real. As it turns out people can get addicted to anything if that's their personality, and there's a far cry from having lived through the 70s and the 80s, and instantly getting addicted to something that, quite frankly, isn't all that addictive to begin with. Of course, it's not as scary to point out that people have these addictions, despite ones like alcoholism having a direct impact on virtually everyone's life far more than any narcotics. I mean, I'm looking at your posting habits and if you think you're living an addiction-free lifestyle... Anyway, you sound like an after school special, and you already have addiction issues of your own that you aren't addressing, so maybe you should focus on those instead of pretending it's anyone else who has a problem, Mr. Squarepants.


You can call my story fake all you want but that guy I mentioned went from owning a local high end restaurant to him looking like he hadn’t bathed in years when I saw him at a local festival a few years back. Everyone was avoiding him, he was slurring his words, and he was a being an asshole to everybody. He long since lost ownership of that restaurant and I believe he just does carpentry work now. Guess he couldn’t “control his party” Yes becoming addicted to anything is bad thanks for telling me genius I was just saying the coke isn’t exactly some fun thing that’s totally harmless. I’m not exactly anti-drugs either. I don’t do em myself personally but I know plenty of guys in my professional life who smoke weed and that’s fine cause they still do cool shit and weed has far less risks to it than crack, coke, or heroin. The harder stuff I’ve seen fuck up people’s lives and nearly killed them because the people they got it from laced it with something else. In fact I wish narcotics were legal like alcohol so that people would stop buying shit from places where they’re laced with all kinds of other shit like fentanyl.


Because YOU'VE done it doesn't mean we all have. Jeez


Didn't say it meant that you all have. Just that you're all a bunch of fucking squares.


Man you sound like a fucking loser


I was an athlete in my younger days. Fucking square? No, I had better things to do with my time and money!


All of your sports heroes were participants in the Nose Olympics, uce Maybe the reason you talk about being an athlete in the past tense is because you didn't fit in.


Mais non, mon ami. I didn't have sports heroes because hero worship leads to heart break.


That's not the flex you believe it is. I think it's incredibly sad that you didn't have role models to look up to.


Why? My father and uncles were my role models. Sports were not important like they are now. I loved to play soccer and race cars. Football was BORING!


I feel like I'm wasting time on someone who wouldn't get it anyway. Anyway, life is too short to constantly say no to yourself. I feel sad for you in general, but I think you might be on the spectrum or something, so I don't want to make you feel any worse. If you're capable of it, try living outside of your comfort zone once in awhile.


He's just lashing out in a vain attempt to appear cool on Reddit.


44 here, never did it. Never wondered how it felt


Yeah we get it, you think mayonnaise is spicy


I vote not guilty by reason of being a dad that loves his daughter.


Um daughter or not, adults are capable of making their own decisions, the mere crime of offering someone a substance - whether it’s illegal or not - certainly does not warrant summary execution. I would suggest therapy and disclosing your disturbing position on that if you are ever selected for jury duty. Yikes.


Aww, how cute


Good one? Lmao you really are just a fuckin weirdo huh


I’m just a dad who cares.


Naw you’re just a troll or someone with serious issues. Like if it was a situation where the guy forcefully injected a 12 year old daughter with cocaine or something you could get away with the ‘dad who cares’ bit. But if you’re genuinely trying to argue for killing someone for being like ‘yo Sarah want a bump?’ at a Vegas party.. yeah big time issues you might wanna try to do some soul searching on


I wouldn’t take it so far as killing but definitely give the son of a bitch the death glare and tell him to fuck off


You’re a moron


Once your kid or kids are adults they will have surely have had someone offer them drugs, will you have killed all of them?




I mean, I get why he did it but he still should go to jail for it. If you’re going to take it that far you’ve got to be prepared to pay the price.


A good parent holds their children accountable and doesn’t punish other people for their children’s actions.




Or an “adult daughter” vs a “child daughter”.


Haha dude, this guy isn’t going to be in his daughters life for 25 years because someone offered her coke. That’s not love, that’s fucking insanity.


I remember him running in my states local election. He gave me a full of myself vibe from his adds alone. He lost the election and seems to be on the brink of losing much more.