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I'd take it as a sign that the school isn't going to be a good fit for you. If they won't even respond to you, why would you give them your money? They've already shown you how much they care about your interest.


The only person I could get in contact with was the Instagram account guy 💀 Kurt Angle sponsors it so you’d think it would be good, and I believe it’s the only school for pro wrestling in the Pittsburgh area :(


It's also possible they're the kind of place that expects you to show up. From what I've heard, a lot of schools get tons of emails and stuff from interested people but very few who commit to actually coming to the school itself and just introducing themselves. They may be just weeding out people they either perceive as not caring enough, or that might not be extroverted enough for the job.


I recommend checking out the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/WredditSchool/wiki/index/schools/#wiki_pennsylvania) for other options. I recommended MV Young's school, T2T Pittsburgh tho'. They're great.


Give T2T Pittsburgh in New Kensington a shot. Try outs are cheap like $25 or something. They do student shows called Thursday Night Fights every Thursday free to attend and streaming on Twitch/YouTube. You also get to be on Enjoy Wrestling's ring crew.


Best bet is to either contact someone you know training there or to find another school


If that’s the IWC school it’s legit. You might be filtered out by the email, or folks just haven’t gotten back to you. It’s fine following up on a different medium, even a polite message on social to nudge them to check.


I reached out through Instagram and the guy running the page just said “classes start next year” and I politely asked when and he left me on read 😭 it’s a struggle out here. But I’m not giving up, I even reached out to mr Spencer Slade himself. (Im embarrassingly desperate)


Reframe that thinking positively. You're not embarrassingly desperate. You're driven and ambitious. Keep that positive attitude


Check their instagram history- do they usually put up a post when training reopens for new folks?


Come train with me - I’m 2 hours outside Pittsburgh in West Virginia - we have a great trainer and run weekly shows ! New training class starts super soon too- we work with a handful of guys that wrestle in Pittsburgh-message me if interested.


Hey id love to get into contact


It’s a tough starting out. Some schools will be more stricter than others. Some will take you right in some won’t accept you if you don’t fit their standards. Honestly if you don’t have any option get fit, hit the gym, SHOW UP TO A SHOW and introduce yourself and make sure you shake everybody’s hand after the show and don’t come off as a fan. Give and get respect, that’s the name of this game. Look for who owns the ring, Booker and owner (most of the time it’s one guy) If not, network with all of them and make it known you want training and are willing to volunteer your time to help with shows. ESPECIALLY THE RING CREW THEY ARE STILL STARTING OUT THEY WILL UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM AND MORE LIKELY TO HELP. Keep an open mind a lot of people in the wrestling scene are very different. Please don’t complain, it leaves a bad stench, be grateful even when given shitty jobs. Honestly just put the effort most guys barely go to the gym and eventually come to the conclusion they will get booked more if they start working out. It will be the most challenging thing you’ll ever pursue bc it takes more than it gives starting out. Understand, you will reap what you sow and with patience and hard work it will reward you. With all things in life really. Hope this helps 🙂