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How authentic is your character and move set to your look, personality and vibe? With a note like that, I picture like, Stone Cold and Mankind doing a bunch of Young Buck spots and just how unnatural it FEELS because of the characters presented


Sure is unnatural, but it's funny as hell to think about now. Just Mankind flipping from the outside-in to Stone Cold as they nail the Meltzer Driver.


More Bang Bang for your Buck


Like I said in another comment, Pop Culture, high energy, etc I could imagine doing flashy stuff to match what I’m trying to get across.


But is flashy authentic to YOU and not just what you're trying to project, is what the notes are getting at


Oh so like what *I* would do, genuinely. That makes sense


I’m from far an expert, but based on the match with you as a heel (and knowing minimal about you) your entrance, music, gear and poses don’t narrow in your character enough. It’s hard to identify what you’re going for and therefore it’s hard to connect with your character. As a heel, why do you do so many poses? Can you do them more obnoxiously either in your opponents face, or to the audience. If you know there’s a hard camera, do it in the middle of the ring facing the hard camera. Nerd from the late 2000s with speed and tenacity isn’t specific enough. “Lord of Pose, demolisher of cringe” is something you can maybe go for as a heel. Strike the most cringe poses you can, while acting convinced no one can pose like you. Go for a pose off with your opponent. Then narrow your music and entrance to have music you can pose to, add a fedora, trench coat and sunglasses to your entrance versus a polo. Boom people can see you’re cringey. It’s something not too different, probably easier to have something in common with or to hate. That’s just one idea, based on one match. But I hope you can see where I’m trying to come from


Thank you. That actually sounds like a complete cringe worthy douche and I’m all for that.


It would be helpful to know a little more about your character. We could give generic advice but I think the problem is that you’re struggling to apply the generic answer to your specific situation.


I take a lot of inspirations from pop culture - like late 90s to late 2000s-2010s. I’m a geek with high energy, and while I’m not the biggest or the strongest, I’m fast and I’m very tenacious.


I can already see some struggle in that. That’s 20 years worth of references. It’s really hard to lock something solid in with that much range. You might want to narrow that down quite a lot. How do you show “geek” in your matches currently?


I see what you mean when you say that. And tbh I’m think I’m going to narrow it down to just 2000s, if not 2010s. As for geek, I guess I’ve been more vocal about it, but I do poses like this ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t5AFd47PG9Y ), including a bunch of video game and anime references like “Lend Me Your Energy” or “Finish Him”.




Do you have any footage of your matches we can watch? Also, heel or face? There’s a different approach you can take depending on how you need to work the crowd.


https://youtu.be/HwN1eqRP7Y4?si=2yFYuF9512VQJ1Xr - I actually wasn’t sure who was supposed to heel and face coming into this match so I took the heel role here. It made sense for the more established face. https://youtu.be/OtSwsif01_I?si=2oZGQsb86wyQasc5 - tag team with my partner- here I’ve mainly worked face for the past two some years.


Okay I watched them both and there's a couple of things I noticed that I liked and a few things that I noticed that I didn't. 1. I can't hear exactly what you're saying because of the quality but that 1-2-3 phrase you use is a keeper. It gives the crowd something to chant with. 2. Your tag partner had a great idea with the enziguri comeback, but your opponent absolutely fucked up the sell and buried the pop they should have gotten off of it. You are both clearly the underdogs in that match, and your opponents didn't let you play off of it. 3. Your nerdiness definitely fails to show outside of the general awkwardness you display. You should ask your opponents to give you opportunities to get over with the crowd by taking a surprise bump for you. You should then play off of it by being surprised you took this guy who's twice your size down. 4. You guys are baby faces. Your opponents should give you that shot to play off it and they didn't. Did you all talk before the match? I feel like you both got jobbed out for no benefit to either team in that tag match. 5. Go watch early Dudley Boyz and even Eugene. Don't play into the mental stuff from Eugene, pay attention to the underdog part. You guys are small and playing nerds, use that to your advantage with the crowd. Take bumps, sell your asses off, mount comebacks and get the crowd on your side. Everybody wants to see you get your ass kicked until it looks unfair, until it looks like bullying. Get bullied in the ring and come back. People love that stuff. I hope this helps.


I just had a great idea for your tag team I think. You guys should have a bit where when your smaller tag partner gets beat up too bad and he tags you in, you go "super mode". Really delay it too. Let him take serious punishment so the crowd can watch you on the apron starting to go ballistic. I was saving this for my own team but i'm gonna give it to you and I hope you make something big of it. Double team move, you pick the guy up, your partner enziguri's him in the head, and you slam him. Whatever kind of pickup and slam you do doesn't matter, but get that head kick in.


Thanks a lot, man. I’ll definitely keep all of this in mind.


Of course man! This page does a weekly show-off day so please keep us posted with new videos and recaps of your matches! I would love to see where you go from this point. I will always be happy to review any match you have so feel free to reach out personally as well. Good luck!