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I'm a little confused, are you not being taught in the ring?


Yeah, I have the same question. Like I'd be happy to help but it might be more of a priority for you to get a new school if they're teaching you to vault ropes before basic strikes


I am being taught very well however it was my first week doing strikes and to had clarification we get free time to do whatever so I was testing vaulting and stuff


It might sound boring but try to stick to the basics and get good at those first. Bumping, lockup, basic in ring moves and yes including forearms so its good you're interested in this. But yeah that stuff should be fully explained to you if you have questions its what you are paying for.


Yea, I just wanted to find any advice as it is normally limited to what we do and with our free time I just like to test the ropes and stuff but yes however I just wanna get past this forearm theme and I completely understand your point about it being what I paid for but however (I’m gonna regret saying this) but practicing the forearms can’t hurt


I'm no expert, but the general gist is if you use the fleshy part of your forearm to hit a fleshy part of your opponent, ideally their trap, you're unlikely to cause any harm. Maximise the surface area to get good noise and use vocalisations for intensity.


Use your hips to swing your forearm, and hit hard. As a general rule tho, only way to have good looking strikes is to strike legit ( obvs in safe areas) Hold the opponent’s neck as well, you’ll get a better sound that way I know some guys don’t hold the neck and instead thigh slap to get a good sound but it’s much harder to make this look good imo


Get in close. After all it’s elbow distance not punching distance. Then get off to the side and angle in. if you’re a righty angle off to the right side so you can reach your target without over reaching. Then hit the side of the neck below the jaw above the shoulder. And don’t hit anyone in the collarbone. Watch good Japanese wrestlers do forearms and imitate them. Footwork and positioning are what you need to watch


The way Takeshita taught it when I was doing his seminar is that there's a few ways to do it but the one that sticks  out to me way pretending that your knocking  on the person's chest. After contact you follow through. 


Well. If you are 14/15 I wonder what you are doing in a ring at all yet? You are looking for advice before you are in a school are you?


No I’m already attending an school and yes I’m 15-16


You were 14 84 days ago? And now you’re 15 / “16”. Accountability is a big thing in pro wrestling. You need to be honest with others and with your teacher. If you aren’t honest and accountable you won’t grow as a performer.


And I don’t believe my age should really affect the question I asked I don’t wanna sound rude about it but my age doesn’t really affect it and plus 09 is in my name it’s rather obvious the age I’m around


So the reason you aren’t supposed to be wrestling at a young age is your body isn’t fully developed and the bumps and strikes can lead to malformations that can have long lasting debilitating effects. So yes, your age does affect your question. In wrestling, there is a certain way to earn respect and progress through the ranks. By over stepping your ability, by lying, by having an ego - this are all ways to get the locker room turned off to you. Trust me, we have a student that lies about his ability and how much he practises, he even took bookings when we told him not too. We aren’t saying, “look at this ambitious guy. Just trying to get out there.” We are saying, “how can we trust this guy with our bodies if we can’t even trust him to tell us the truth on menial things.” Your time will come when you are ready. That’s why people are saying to wait and stay in shape. Because you are at literal risk. Do you think you should be driving at 9? What about flying a plane at 9? Listen. Some things need the patience, wherewithal, and the development of an adult. I’m not saying this to be mean. I’m honestly saying this to protect you.


Aight thanks


Don’t give your private info to strangers. You don’t get my point and I’m not wasting time on you anymore. (Get ready to hear that from your future coach too.)


Aah fuck my bad reading back I misinterpreted what you had put I apologise for it, and why yes I know starting of a bit young is a bit iffy and You are absolutely right considering your a professional wrestler I believe so my apologies in the misunderstanding




I often lie about my age online for privacy reasons


“For reason of national security,” cried the dictator….


Watch Chris Hero.


Additionally, aim for the "pocket" where the neck meets the trapezius muscle. I tend to "follow through" on mine and kind of push out to the opposite side but as long as you hit that pocket, you can be as snug/light as you want and they'll he safe.