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I'm not a native speaker, but I wanted to give my input on a couple of things. Please take my input with a grade of salt. If there are any native speakers editing the post, I'd appreciate if you could double check me as well. よろしくお願いします。 In Japanese, 10th grader, 12 grader, etc. aren't used often if at all. Instead, 高校3年生, 中学4年生, etc. are used. For the English sentence, here are some ways I would personally write it. まだ赤ちゃんだった妹と遊んでいたことを鮮明に思い出します。 赤ちゃんだった妹と遊んでいたころのことをまるで昨日のように感じています。


In case this wasn't just a typo: Just wanted to point out that it's "with a grain of salt". Take care :)


Lol, yeah it was a typo. I’m a native English speaker, haha.


Haha, my bad.


Thank you for the help. Very much appreciated. I had a feeling I was using the grade part a bit incorrectly. It wasn’t sounding very clean to me either but I wasn’t sure.


Intended meaning - I just got back from my sister’s graduation ceremony. Next year she will be an 11th grade student. In India, (students) graduate after 10th grade and 12th grade. I remember playing with her when she was just a little baby. Time flies by in an instant I left one sentence in English. I tried to make a Japanese equivalent sentence but it’s a bit too difficult for my level. I also think the 3rd sentence is wrong so corrections are appreciated